By Woolley                                       H.R. No. 411

      75R9606 WMS-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, Eric Urban has been awarded the title of Empowering

 1-2     Teen Leader from the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, and on

 1-3     March 20, 1997, he will join other teens from across the state who

 1-4     are members of this worthy organization at the State Capitol; and

 1-5           WHEREAS, The Empowering Teen Leaders Program is a leadership,

 1-6     communication, and coalition building development course that is

 1-7     designed to help prepare today's young Texans for the challenges

 1-8     awaiting them in the 21st century; and

 1-9           WHEREAS, A student at Northbrook High School in Houston,

1-10     Mr. Urban has served as president of his class, as chairman of the

1-11     energy project, and as an officer with the student council; he is

1-12     also an outstanding athlete in basketball and track and field; and

1-13           WHEREAS, In recognition of his exceptional contributions, he

1-14     has received many well-deserved accolades, such as the Daughters of

1-15     the American Revolution Award and his school's Citizenship Award,

1-16     and he has earned a Boys State nomination and inclusion in Who's

1-17     Who in High School; and

1-18           WHEREAS, The future of Texas truly lies in the hands of our

1-19     youth, and by participating in the Empowering Teen Leaders Program,

1-20     Eric Urban has made a commitment to creating a brighter future for

1-21     our state that is worthy of special legislative recognition; now,

1-22     therefore, be it

1-23           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

1-24     Legislature hereby congratulate Eric Urban on being named as an

 2-1     Empowering Teen Leader and extend to him sincere wishes for success

 2-2     with that program and in all other endeavors; and, be it further

 2-3           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

 2-4     prepared for Mr. Urban as an expression of high regard by the Texas

 2-5     House of Representatives.