By McClendon                                     H.R. No. 415

      75R8120 JTR-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, Dr. Robert L. M. Hilliard has devoted a lifetime of

 1-2     service to his community, and his many contributions to his fellow

 1-3     citizens are indeed worthy of special praise and recognition at

 1-4     this time; and

 1-5           WHEREAS, A graduate of Howard University, Dr. Hilliard

 1-6     received his medical degree from The University of Texas Medical

 1-7     Branch at Galveston, and the following year he began his medical

 1-8     career as a flight surgeon in the United States Air Force, later

 1-9     serving as commander of the 68th Tactical Hospital at Kelly Air

1-10     Force Base; and

1-11           WHEREAS, On leaving the Air Force, Dr. Hilliard inaugurated

1-12     his private practice in San Antonio, and his reputation as a

1-13     skilled physician is evident from the positions he has held since

1-14     that time; currently the chief of obstetrics and gynecology at

1-15     Baptist Memorial Center, he has also chaired that department in the

1-16     Baptist Memorial Hospital System and at Lutheran General Hospital;

1-17     and

1-18           WHEREAS, Dr. Hilliard's contributions to the common good

1-19     extend far beyond his professional life, and he has given freely of

1-20     his time and talent to the Texas Folklife Festival, the San Antonio

1-21     City Water Board, and the Mayor's Housing Advisory Committee; he

1-22     has also served his fellow citizens as a San Antonio city

1-23     councilman; and

1-24           WHEREAS, Throughout the years Dr. Hilliard has drawn strength

 2-1     and inspiration from his large and loving family, and he and his

 2-2     wife Marilu derive great joy and satisfaction from their eight

 2-3     children:  Ronald Hilliard, Bennie K. Hilliard-Brown, Portia D.

 2-4     Hilliard-Byas, Barbara Ann Felix, Robert Hilliard, Jr., Rudyard

 2-5     Hilliard, Robbie Lesley Hilliard, and Ruby Lucinda Hilliard; and

 2-6           WHEREAS, Robert Hilliard has distinguished himself as a

 2-7     physician of note, a vital and valued member of his community, and

 2-8     a devoted husband and father, and it is indeed fitting that he be

 2-9     recognized for his many accomplishments; now, therefore, be it

2-10           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-11     Legislature hereby honor Dr. Robert L. M. Hilliard for his lifetime

2-12     of service to his community and to the State of Texas and extend to

2-13     him sincere best wishes for continued success and happiness in the

2-14     future; and, be it further

2-15           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-16     prepared for Dr. Hilliard as an expression of high regard by the

2-17     Texas House of Representatives.