By Hill                                                H.R. No. 462

         75R9923 BNL-F                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, On March 25, 1997, proud residents of the Richardson

 1-2     area will gather at the State Capitol for Richardson Telecom

 1-3     Corridor Legislative Day, and this noteworthy event furnishes an

 1-4     ideal opportunity to extol the virtues of this vital region of the

 1-5     state; and

 1-6           WHEREAS, Located along the North Central Expressway and the

 1-7     George Bush Tollway, the Richardson Telecom Corridor is a

 1-8     commercial and industrial area that is home to more than 500 high

 1-9     technology and telecommunications firms, and the remarkable success

1-10     of these thriving businesses offers a glimpse into the future of

1-11     the Lone Star State's economy; and

1-12           WHEREAS, The fruitful collaboration between business and

1-13     government that characterizes the region is due in large part to

1-14     the committed efforts of the Richardson Chamber of Commerce and its

1-15     associated organization, the Telecom Corridor Technology Business

1-16     Council (TBC); the first such group in Texas, the TBC is one of a

1-17     growing number of similar councils across the nation; and

1-18           WHEREAS, Richardson's high quality of life makes it an ideal

1-19     home to modern business; in addition to some of the state's best

1-20     schools and colleges, the city also boasts more than 1,000 acres of

1-21     park space, and the nationally known Wildflower Arts and Music

1-22     Festival and Cottonwood Arts Festival are apt reflections of the

1-23     area's rich cultural heritage; and

1-24           WHEREAS, The Richardson Chamber of Commerce and the area's

 2-1     technology firms have made the Richardson Telecom Corridor one of

 2-2     the showpieces of modern Texas, and they can take pride and

 2-3     satisfaction in their many accomplishments even as they look

 2-4     forward to the challenges and opportunities of years to come; now,

 2-5     therefore, be it

 2-6           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

 2-7     Legislature hereby recognize March 25, 1997, as Richardson Telecom

 2-8     Corridor Legislative Day and extend a warm welcome to the area's

 2-9     business and civic leaders visiting the State Capitol.