By Talton                                              H.R. No. 555

         75R11128 JHS-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS,  The Texas House of Representatives is proud to

 1-2     welcome the members of Shell Explorer Post No. 9999 to the State

 1-3     Capitol today; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, This commendable group of young men and women will

 1-5     have the opportunity to tour the Capitol Complex and get a glimpse

 1-6     of Texas' unique heritage; the outstanding collection of art and

 1-7     documentation that is housed on the Capitol grounds provides an

 1-8     exceptional source of information for those individuals interested

 1-9     in the role of our state government and the chronicles of our great

1-10     state; and

1-11           WHEREAS, Sponsored by Shell Deer Park, the Shell Explorer

1-12     Post is part of the East Central Exploring District of the Sam

1-13     Houston Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America; these exemplary

1-14     young people have made a firm commitment to involving themselves in

1-15     the activities of their community while also exploring a variety of

1-16     career opportunities in an effort to broaden their horizons; and

1-17           WHEREAS, With the 75th Legislative Session well under way,

1-18     the Capitol is abuzz with activity and offers these noteworthy

1-19     individuals a chance to see their state government functioning at

1-20     its dynamic best; and

1-21           WHEREAS, The magnificent Capitol, with its impressive rotunda

1-22     and distinctive pink granite facade, is an ideal setting for young

1-23     and old alike to discover the rich heritage that is Texas and to

1-24     gain insight into the workings of our state legislature, and the

 2-1     members of this chamber are pleased to commemorate this worthwhile

 2-2     visit; now, therefore, be it

 2-3           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

 2-4     Legislature hereby welcome the members of Shell Explorer Post No.

 2-5     9999 to the Capitol and extend to them sincere best wishes for

 2-6     continued success and happiness in the years to come; and, be it

 2-7     further

 2-8           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

 2-9     prepared for the members of Shell Explorer Post No. 9999 as an

2-10     expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.