1-1           WHEREAS, On February 8, 1997, Dr. Juan O. Lawson was

 1-2     officially consecrated and inducted as bishop of the Texas Western

 1-3     Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ, and

 1-4     this occasion is certainly worthy of special legislative

 1-5     recognition; and

 1-6           WHEREAS, A professor emeritus at The University of Texas at

 1-7     El Paso, Bishop Lawson is a retired dean of the College of Science

 1-8     and a former chairman of the Department of Physics; he has been a

 1-9     Christian minister since 1968 and most recently served as pastor

1-10     and general superintendent of the Texas Northeast Jurisdiction of

1-11     the Church of God in Christ's Texas Western Fellowship District;

1-12     and

1-13           WHEREAS, This commendable individual received his bachelor's

1-14     degree from Virginia State College in 1960 and went on to earn both

1-15     a master's and a doctor's degree in physics from Howard University

1-16     in 1962 and 1966; and

1-17           WHEREAS, In addition to his work as an instructor and

1-18     teaching fellow at his graduate alma mater, Bishop Lawson's career

1-19     as an educator also includes a position at the U.S. Army Air

1-20     Defense School and three decades of distinguished service at The

1-21     University of Texas at El Paso; and

1-22           WHEREAS, In 1994, this devoted gentleman was awarded the

1-23     Black El Paso Democrats' Humanitarian award for his participation

1-24     in such programs as the Mayor's Social Planning Committee and a

 2-1     1993-94 Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance committee; the

 2-2     latter program was developed to help interested individuals prepare

 2-3     for federal employment examinations offered by the Immigration and

 2-4     Naturalization Service and the border patrol; and

 2-5           WHEREAS, Bishop Lawson has demonstrated tremendous dedication

 2-6     to his careers as an educator and a spiritual leader, and the

 2-7     integrity and commitment to excellence displayed by this noteworthy

 2-8     individual have inspired all who know him; and

 2-9           WHEREAS, A consortium of eight member churches, four

2-10     predominantly English speaking and four predominantly Spanish

2-11     speaking, and their pastors are committed to supporting the

2-12     leadership of Bishop Lawson and to promoting a viable expansion of

2-13     the gospel and the winning of souls for Jesus, with the help of the

2-14     Holy Spirit; now, therefore, be it

2-15           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-16     Legislature hereby congratulate Dr. Juan O. Lawson on his recent

2-17     appointment as bishop of the Texas Western Ecclesiastical

2-18     Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ and extend to him

2-19     sincere best wishes for continued success and happiness in the

2-20     years to come; and, be it further

2-21           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-22     prepared for Bishop Lawson as an expression of high regard by the

2-23     Texas House of Representatives.



                                                   Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.R. No. 611 was adopted by the House on April

         11, 1997, by a non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House