1-1           WHEREAS, The State of Texas has long been a leader in

 1-2     national and global energy resources, but our state must fully

 1-3     explore and support the development of renewable energy resources

 1-4     to successfully maintain the state's standing in this vital area;

 1-5     and

 1-6           WHEREAS, In spite of having the best renewable resource

 1-7     potential in the nation, the State of Texas became a net energy

 1-8     importer in 1993, with more than one billion dollars spent on coal

 1-9     imports alone; and

1-10           WHEREAS, Renewable energy resources are available throughout

1-11     the state, including wind and solar energy in the Panhandle and

1-12     West Texas, biomass energy from agricultural by-products in East

1-13     Texas and the Panhandle, and methane from landfills in urban areas,

1-14     yet these resources have not been developed to their full

1-15     potential; and

1-16           WHEREAS, Wind energy is currently the fastest growing energy

1-17     source in the world, and by continuing to explore the possibilities

1-18     of wind power and other renewable energy resources, the State of

1-19     Texas will firmly place itself in the vanguard of energy producers

1-20     and open up many new employment opportunities for countless Texans;

1-21     and

1-22           WHEREAS, In our role as the elected representatives of the

1-23     citizens of the State of Texas, it is imperative that we, as a

1-24     body, provide the vision and leadership necessary to successfully

 2-1     address the issue of energy production and management, for in doing

 2-2     so, we will create long-term jobs, return Texas to energy

 2-3     independence, and reduce the environmental impacts of traditional

 2-4     forms of electrical energy; now, therefore, be it

 2-5           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

 2-6     Legislature hereby recognize April 14-19, 1997, as Texas Energy

 2-7     Independence Week.



                                                   Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.R. No. 615 was adopted by the House on April

         14, 1997, by a non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House