By Tillery                                             H.R. No. 653

         75R11833 SAJ-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, For many years, the people of Seagoville have

 1-2     benefited from the vision and leadership of Mayor Lonnie Hopkins,

 1-3     and he is indeed worthy of special praise and recognition as he

 1-4     completes his term in office; and

 1-5           WHEREAS, Mayor Hopkins began his public service career as a

 1-6     member of the community's Planning and Zoning Board in 1977, and he

 1-7     was later named city treasurer and a member of both the Board of

 1-8     Adjustments and the Police Shooting Review Board; and

 1-9           WHEREAS, He became a member of the city council in 1982 and

1-10     was so highly regarded for his dedication and expertise in office

1-11     that he was elected mayor of Seagoville in 1985; and

1-12           WHEREAS, Returned to that post a decade later, he has also

1-13     served his fellow citizens as president of the Seagoville Economic

1-14     Development Board and the Seagoville Citizen Police Academy Alumni

1-15     Association during his second term in office; and

1-16           WHEREAS, Mayor Hopkins's tenure on the city council has been

1-17     marked by many significant accomplishments; he has worked

1-18     diligently to enhance economic development in the community and

1-19     played an instrumental role in bringing several established

1-20     businesses to Seagoville, including Gibson Corporation, Chief Auto

1-21     Parts, Minyard's grocery store, Taco Bell, and Centennial Homes,

1-22     which has built 345 new houses in the area; and

1-23           WHEREAS, In addition, this respected official has led efforts

1-24     to improve and increase city services through his efforts to

 2-1     support the construction of the new law enforcement center and the

 2-2     implementation of a major street improvement plan; and

 2-3           WHEREAS, Deeply committed to environmental concerns as well,

 2-4     he has also worked closely with the Texas Natural Resource

 2-5     Conservation Commission to clean up an illegal hazardous waste site

 2-6     located on the outskirts of Seagoville, to the benefit of the

 2-7     entire community; and

 2-8           WHEREAS, A dedicated public servant, Lonnie Hopkins has

 2-9     contributed greatly to the quality of life in Seagoville, and it is

2-10     indeed fitting that the members of this chamber recognize him for

2-11     his exceptional tenure; now, therefore, be it

2-12           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-13     Legislature hereby commend Mayor Lonnie Hopkins for his many

2-14     significant contributions to the city of Seagoville and extend to

2-15     him warmest best wishes for continued success and happiness in all

2-16     his future endeavors; and, be it further

2-17           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-18     prepared for Mayor Hopkins as an expression of high regard by the

2-19     Texas House of Representatives.