1-1           WHEREAS, The wedding anniversary of two outstanding Texans

 1-2     who have shared 50 happy and rewarding years of marriage is truly a

 1-3     memorable occasion worthy of special recognition; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, Truman and Jean Haupt of Rockdale will have the

 1-5     privilege of commemorating such an event in their lives when they

 1-6     celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on August 2, 1997; and

 1-7           WHEREAS, United in matrimony in Ballinger, the Haupts have

 1-8     nurtured an enduring relationship that has grown in love and

 1-9     respect with each passing year and that has been blessed with three

1-10     children, Brenda Burgett, Pam Young, and Jerry Glenn Haupt; and

1-11           WHEREAS, The couple are industrious and valued members of

1-12     their community; Mr. Haupt was the owner of Acme Sheet

1-13     Metal-Heating and Air Conditioning until his retirement, while

1-14     Mrs. Haupt has devoted herself to providing a warm and secure home

1-15     life for their family; and

1-16           WHEREAS, The Haupts have consistently worked for the

1-17     betterment of their community through their participation in

1-18     several worthy organizations, including the Veterans of Foreign

1-19     Wars, the Crown Garden Club, the Chamber Alliance, and the

1-20     Community Education Advisory Council; and

1-21           WHEREAS, Now enjoying the many benefits of a full life

1-22     together, the couple find they have more time to partake in their

1-23     favorite leisure activities, which include playing golf and bridge,

1-24     painting, gardening, and woodworking, and they treasure the time

 2-1     they spend with their family, which has grown to include their

 2-2     children's spouses, Tom Burgett, Douglas Young, and Becky Randall

 2-3     Haupt; eight grandchildren, Corey Burgett, Tere Jean Burgett, Cassi

 2-4     Young, Nikki Waddle, Derek Young, Christopher Haupt, Jeremy Haupt,

 2-5     and Daniel Haupt; and four great-grandchildren, Jason and Truman

 2-6     Burgett and Melanie and Dylan Young; and

 2-7           WHEREAS, For a half-century, Truman and Jean Haupt have

 2-8     shared a warm and affectionate union filled with many happy times

 2-9     and cherished family memories; built on a solid foundation of

2-10     mutual love, trust, and support, their marriage is a source of joy

2-11     and inspiration to the many friends and family of this fortunate

2-12     pair; now, therefore, be it

2-13           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-14     Legislature hereby congratulate Truman and Jean Haupt on the

2-15     occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary and extend to them

2-16     warmest best wishes for continued happiness; and, be it further

2-17           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-18     prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Haupt as an expression of high regard by

2-19     the Texas House of Representatives.



                                                   Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.R. No. 654 was adopted by the House on May

         2, 1997, by a non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House