1-1           WHEREAS, On April 26, 1997, residents of Corpus Christi will

 1-2     gather to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Mary McLeod Bethune

 1-3     Day Nursery's founding, and this auspicious occasion is truly

 1-4     worthy of special praise and recognition; and

 1-5           WHEREAS, The nursery was founded in 1942 by a group of

 1-6     private citizens concerned about the safety and welfare of Corpus

 1-7     Christi children left at home during the day, and through generous

 1-8     community contributions of time, money, and other resources, the

 1-9     Mary McLeod Bethune Day Nursery came to fruition in a small frame

1-10     house staffed by volunteers; and

1-11           WHEREAS, Named for distinguished educator Mary McLeod

1-12     Bethune, the nursery is a fitting tribute to her stature as a

1-13     dedicated champion of education and an eloquent advocate of

1-14     African-Americans, and it provides practical and powerful

1-15     expression of the ideals she espoused; and

1-16           WHEREAS, Since its inception, this venerable institution has

1-17     continued to grow and change, and through the years its capable

1-18     staff and supporters have successfully met numerous challenges in

1-19     their ongoing effort to provide their fellow Texans with the finest

1-20     possible day care; and

1-21           WHEREAS, The Mary McLeod Bethune Day Nursery has established

1-22     itself as a vital and valued addition to the community, and even as

1-23     the many people responsible for its success may take pride and

1-24     satisfaction in their accomplishment, they can look forward to new

 2-1     opportunities in the years to come; now, therefore, be it

 2-2           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

 2-3     Legislature hereby congratulate all those associated with the Mary

 2-4     McLeod Bethune Day Nursery on the occasion of its 55th anniversary

 2-5     and extend to them sincere best wishes for continued success in the

 2-6     future; and, be it further

 2-7           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

 2-8     prepared for display at Mary McLeod Bethune Day Nursery as an

 2-9     expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.




                                                   Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.R. No. 688 was adopted by the House on April

         23, 1997, by a non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House