By Kuempel                                             H.R. No. 844

         75R12679 JHS-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, Charles Nemir has been named Engineer of the Year by

 1-2     the Travis County chapter of the Texas Society of Professional

 1-3     Engineers, and the members of this chamber are proud to join in

 1-4     honoring him at this time; and

 1-5           WHEREAS, Mr. Nemir earned bachelor's and master's degrees in

 1-6     petroleum engineering from The University of Texas at Austin before

 1-7     joining Texaco, Inc., in 1958; and

 1-8           WHEREAS, A registered professional engineer since 1962, this

 1-9     native Texan is also a veteran of the armed forces, having served

1-10     as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy from 1955 to 1968; and

1-11           WHEREAS, In 1967, he began a 20-year career with the Texas

1-12     Water Development Board, eventually serving as executive director

1-13     of this body as well as its future embodiment, the Texas Department

1-14     of Water Resources; during his administrative tenure, Mr. Nemir

1-15     instigated many positive innovations, even as the role of this

1-16     vital organization continued to change; and

1-17           WHEREAS, Following an appointment by Texas Governor Dolph

1-18     Briscoe, he served on the Western States Water Council from 1978 to

1-19     1987; he then enjoyed employment with Brown & Root U.S.A., Inc.,

1-20     until being named executive director of the State Board of

1-21     Registration for Professional Engineers; and

1-22           WHEREAS, Although he officially retired in 1995, this devoted

1-23     individual remains on top of the many water issues affecting Texas

1-24     and its residents, closely following pertinent legislation; in

 2-1     addition, he is an active member of the Texas Water Conservation

 2-2     Association and generously offers his extensive experience as a

 2-3     member of the Hydrology Advisory Committee at Tarleton State

 2-4     University; and

 2-5           WHEREAS, Mr. Nemir's longtime dedication to the State of

 2-6     Texas is truly admirable, and his commitment to protecting one of

 2-7     our state's most valuable resources continues to inspire and

 2-8     encourage a great many Texans; now, therefore, be it

 2-9           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-10     Legislature hereby congratulate Charles Nemir on being named

2-11     Engineer of the Year by the Travis County chapter of the Texas

2-12     Society of Professional Engineers and extend sincere appreciation

2-13     to him for his many years of service to the State of Texas; and, be

2-14     it further

2-15           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-16     prepared for Mr. Nemir as an expression of high regard by the Texas

2-17     House of Representatives.