By Keffer                                              H.R. No. 880

         75R14395 JTR-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, On July 4-5, 1997, proud citizens of Ranger and

 1-2     Texans from across the state will celebrate the grand opening of

 1-3     the Ruth Terry Denney Library-Research Center, and this auspicious

 1-4     occasion is truly worthy of special praise and recognition; and

 1-5           WHEREAS, Conceived and brought into existence by members of

 1-6     the Ranger Historical Preservation Society, the center will house a

 1-7     wide assortment of genealogical research materials, including

 1-8     books, family histories, periodicals, and federal and county census

 1-9     records, in addition to historical artifacts and photographs

1-10     relating to Ranger history; and

1-11           WHEREAS, In naming the library after Ranger native Ruth Terry

1-12     Denney, the town's citizens honor her many contributions to the

1-13     community while paying tribute to their own shared heritage; a

1-14     much-loved teacher of history, English, and the fine arts, she is

1-15     also the author of a history of Ranger, and the research center

1-16     will stand as a fitting embodiment of her notable legacy to her

1-17     fellow Texans; and

1-18           WHEREAS, The new facility would not have been possible

1-19     without the dedicated efforts of the Ranger Historical Preservation

1-20     Society, and under the leadership of president Jeane Pruett, the

1-21     dedicated members of the society have given generously of their

1-22     time and talents to ensure the success of this worthwhile endeavor;

1-23     and

1-24           WHEREAS, Residents of the Lone Star State are known

 2-1     throughout  the world for the fierce pride they take in their

 2-2     colorful history, and this trait finds apt expression in the Ruth

 2-3     Terry Denney Library-Research Center; a welcome addition to the

 2-4     city of Ranger, the center will enable future generations of Texans

 2-5     to reaffirm their roots in this remarkable region; now, therefore,

 2-6     be it

 2-7           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

 2-8     Legislature hereby commemorate the grand opening of the Ruth Terry

 2-9     Denney Library-Research Center.