1-1           WHEREAS, June 14, 1997, will mark the joyous occasion of the

 1-2     17th annual Snider Family Reunion in Bremond, Texas; and

 1-3           WHEREAS, Each year, members of the Snider family gather to

 1-4     celebrate their unique history, to pay tribute to their Polish

 1-5     heritage, and to reweave the delicate bonds of kinship stretched by

 1-6     time and distance; and

 1-7           WHEREAS, This year's reunion is dedicated to two family

 1-8     members who passed away during the year, Lula Snider and Jean

 1-9     Kubiak Cundieff; and

1-10           WHEREAS, In recent years, the reunion has drawn more than 100

1-11     proud descendants of Tom and Jacob Suchowiak (Snider), two brothers

1-12     who were among the first settlers of the Polish community of

1-13     Bremond; and

1-14           WHEREAS, The family traces its roots back to Poland, as

1-15     described in The History of the Snider Family in Robertson County

1-16     by Dan and Leonard Kubiak; in the late 1800s, many families fled to

1-17     Texas from the desperate conditions in their war-ravaged country to

1-18     start a new life and settled throughout the new state; and

1-19           WHEREAS, Among this group of hardy pioneers were Tom and

1-20     Jacob Snider, who settled in the heavily forested region of

1-21     Robertson County and, through much hard work, faith, and

1-22     determination, helped to transform the frontier from a rugged

1-23     wilderness into a productive and fruitful land that would sustain

1-24     their families as well as future generations to follow; and

 2-1           WHEREAS, Tom and Balbina Snider became prominent citizens of

 2-2     the Wooten Wells settlement and raised a large family in the warmth

 2-3     of their Christian household; their son, Mike Snider, married

 2-4     Veronica Grudziecki on November 15, 1906, and the couple was

 2-5     blessed with a large family that grew to include John Snider, who,

 2-6     at age 90, is currently the oldest living member of the family,

 2-7     Willie Snider Storemski, Connie Snider Kubiak, Christine Snider

 2-8     Knapik, and Louis Snider; deceased are Bill Snider, Bruno Snider,

 2-9     and Lee Snider; and

2-10           WHEREAS, The children of Mike and Veronica Snider are today

2-11     beloved elders and honored guests at each year's gathering; and

2-12           WHEREAS, Organizers of the Snider Family Reunion have sought

2-13     to preserve the cultural traditions and values that were central to

2-14     the lives of their Polish forefathers and have successfully

2-15     emphasized the family's distinctive history while recognizing the

2-16     achievements of contemporary family members; many descendants of

2-17     this proud family have attained positions of prominence in such

2-18     important fields as medicine, business, law, politics, agriculture,

2-19     construction, publishing, historic preservation, and private

2-20     industry; and     

2-21           WHEREAS, This remarkable family risked everything to journey

2-22     to a new land and, in the face of many hardships, labored to

2-23     improve themselves and forge a new life and a brighter future for

2-24     their children; in so doing, they have contributed significantly to

2-25     the economic strength and cultural diversity of the Lone Star State

2-26     and are indeed deserving of special legislative recognition for

2-27     their many achievements at this time; now, therefore, be it

 3-1           RESOLVED, That June 14, 1997, be recognized as Snider Family

 3-2     Day in Texas and that best wishes be extended to all family members

 3-3     for a happy and rewarding reunion; and, be it further

 3-4           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

 3-5     prepared for the Snider family as an expression of high regard by

 3-6     the Texas House of Representatives.


         Laney                   Gutierrez                Oliveira

         Alexander               Haggerty                 Olivo

         Allen                   Hamric                   Palmer

         Alvarado                Hartnett                 Patterson

         Averitt                 Hawley                   Pickett

         Bailey                  Heflin                   Pitts

         Berlanga                Hernandez                Place

         Bonnen                  Hightower                Price

         Bosse                   Hilbert                  Puente

         Brimer                  Hilderbran               Rabuck

         Burnam                  Hill                     Ramsay

         Carter                  Hinojosa                 Rangel

         Chavez                  Hirschi                  Raymond

         Chisum                  Hochberg                 Reyna of Bexar

         Christian               Hodge                    Reyna of Dallas

         Clark                   Holzheauser              Rhodes

         Coleman                 Horn                     Rodriguez

         Cook                    Howard                   Roman

         Corte                   Hunter                   Sadler

         Counts                  Hupp                     Seaman

         Crabb                   Isett                    Serna

         Craddick                Jackson                  Shields

         Cuellar                 Janek                    Siebert

         Culberson               Jones of Lubbock         Smith

         Danburg                 Jones of Dallas          Smithee

         Davila                  Junell                   Solis

         Davis                   Kamel                    Solomons

         Delisi                  Keel                     Staples

         Denny                   Keffer                   Stiles

         Driver                  King                     Swinford

         Dukes                   Krusee                   Talton

         Dunnam                  Kubiak                   Telford

         Dutton                  Kuempel                  Thompson

         Edwards                 Lewis of Tarrant         Tillery

         Ehrhardt                Lewis of Orange          Torres

         Eiland                  Longoria                 Turner of Coleman

         Elkins                  Luna                     Turner of Harris

         Farrar                  McCall                   Uher

         Finnell                 McClendon                Van de Putte

         Flores                  McReynolds               Walker

         Gallego                 Madden                   West

         Galloway                Marchant                 Williams

         Garcia                  Maxey                    Williamson

         Giddings                Merritt                  Wilson

         Glaze                   Moffat                   Wise

         Goodman                 Moreno                   Wohlgemuth

         Goolsby                 Mowery                   Wolens

         Gray                    Naishtat                 Woolley

         Greenberg               Nixon                    Yarbrough

         Grusendorf              Oakley                   Zbranek


                                                   Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.R. No. 890 was adopted by the House on May

         13, 1997, by a non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House