1-1           WHEREAS, Major General John H. Bailey II recently retired

 1-2     from the Texas State Guard after approximately 12 years of service

 1-3     to this vital organization; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, A retirement ceremony honoring Major General Bailey,

 1-5     and hosted by master of ceremonies Colonel Harry F. Rogers, took

 1-6     place on March 8, 1997; the memorable event featured the

 1-7     traditional presentation of colors, as well as remarks recognizing

 1-8     Major General Bailey's outstanding service, and was followed by a

 1-9     reception; and

1-10           WHEREAS, Attendees received a souvenir booklet that included

1-11     a list of rules attributed to this notable gentleman; axioms

1-12     espoused by Major General Bailey, such as "Be loyal or be gone,"

1-13     and "Integrity is non-negotiable," emphasize his credo of personal

1-14     responsibility and paint a telling portrait of his personality and

1-15     expectations; and

1-16           WHEREAS, Major General Bailey was commissioned in the United

1-17     States Army on May 10, 1967, following his completion of Officer

1-18     Candidate School at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland; he

1-19     was subsequently assigned to the 101st Airborne Division in Fort

1-20     Campbell, Kentucky, and in December 1967, he was deployed to

1-21     Vietnam with this division; and

1-22           WHEREAS, This dedicated gentleman later served a second tour

1-23     of duty in Vietnam as an army aviator with the First Aviation

1-24     Brigade, during which time he flew reconnaissance and surveillance

 2-1     missions over South Vietnam and Cambodia; following his tours of

 2-2     duty, he returned to the United States to serve as an assistant

 2-3     professor of military science at Alcorn State University, and in

 2-4     1985, he joined the Texas State Guard, which he served as

 2-5     commanding general from February 1994 to May 1997; and

 2-6           WHEREAS, During his years of service with the Texas State

 2-7     Guard, Major General Bailey was responsible for many innovations,

 2-8     including the establishment of the Texas State Guard yearbook and

 2-9     the creation of an air liaison section designed to improve

2-10     communication between the members of the Air National Guard, the

2-11     Civil Air Patrol, the Confederate Air Force, and the Texas State

2-12     Guard; and

2-13           WHEREAS, The Texas State Guard has been fortunate to receive

2-14     the benefit of Major General Bailey's lifetime of experience and to

2-15     witness firsthand his remarkable leadership skills, and the members

2-16     of this chamber are proud to honor this distinguished man for his

2-17     many years of service to the State of Texas; now, therefore, be it

2-18           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-19     Legislature hereby congratulate Major General John H. Bailey II on

2-20     the occasion of his retirement from the Texas State Guard and

2-21     extend to him sincere best wishes for continued success and

2-22     happiness in the years to come; and, be it further

2-23           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-24     prepared for Major General Bailey as an expression of high regard

2-25     by the Texas House of Representatives.



                                                   Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.R. No. 924 was adopted by the House on May

         23, 1997, by a non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House