By Clark                                               H.R. No. 927

         75R14780 WMS-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor

 1-2     Mary Ethel Praetz on her exceptional contributions to the State of

 1-3     Texas as a member of the Silver-Haired Legislature; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, She began her highly productive eight-year tenure

 1-5     with the Silver-Haired Legislature in 1986 and during her time with

 1-6     that esteemed organization she promoted a number of significant

 1-7     measures, including one which established the TAPS Public

 1-8     Transportation System in Grayson County; she also attended the

 1-9     first Silver-Haired Congress in Washington, D.C., in  January 1997;

1-10     and

1-11           WHEREAS, In addition to her work with the Silver-Haired

1-12     Legislature, this remarkable individual has served as a member of

1-13     the National Association of Retired Federal Employees, the Iris

1-14     Society, and the Texoma Retired Auxiliary Council and she also sits

1-15     on the advisory council for the Retired Senior Volunteer Program of

1-16     the Texoma Council of Governments; and

1-17           WHEREAS, Indicative of her selfless commitment to others is

1-18     her adoption of three orphans from Ireland, whom she raised as a

1-19     single parent; and

1-20           WHEREAS, For a democratic state to effectively serve the

1-21     needs of its populace, all of its citizenry must be both informed

1-22     and involved; through her work with the Silver-Haired Legislature,

1-23     Mary Ethel Praetz has exhibited an unyielding commitment to active

1-24     participation in the governmental process and her inspirational

 2-1     achievements are indeed worthy of special legislative recognition

 2-2     at this time; now, therefore, be it

 2-3           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

 2-4     Legislature hereby commend Mary Ethel Praetz for her many

 2-5     noteworthy contributions to her fellow Texans as a member of the

 2-6     Silver-Haired Legislature and extend to her sincere best wishes for

 2-7     continued happiness in the future; and, be it further

 2-8           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

 2-9     prepared for Mary Ethel Praetz as an expression of high regard by

2-10     the Texas House of Representatives.