By Grusendorf                                          H.R. No. 975

         75R15375 BNL-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, South Davis Elementary School in Arlington has been

 1-2     selected as a finalist for the 1997 Governor's Awards for

 1-3     Environmental Excellence, and this distinction is indeed well

 1-4     deserved; and

 1-5           WHEREAS, This prestigious awards program recognizes

 1-6     outstanding environmental projects and accomplishments, and South

 1-7     Davis Elementary School was singled out for special recognition

 1-8     based on its innovative Environmental Learning Center; and

 1-9           WHEREAS, Through the hard work of parent volunteers and the

1-10     generous donations of area businesses and foundations, the school

1-11     converted a weed-infested courtyard into a hands-on learning

1-12     experience, allowing students to participate in gardening,

1-13     composting, and recycling activities all within the confines of the

1-14     school grounds; and

1-15           WHEREAS, The center consists of eight different gardens, a

1-16     fish pond, a compost bin, and an earthworm farm, as well as space

1-17     for a reading circle; kitchen scraps from the cafeteria, leaves and

1-18     grass clippings from the community, and old school newspapers are

1-19     all used for composting and for the cultivation of earthworms, and

1-20     through this process, students are able to directly observe the

1-21     effectiveness of recycling and waste reduction programs while

1-22     learning key concepts of horticulture and biology; and

1-23           WHEREAS, Currently, more than 1,000 volunteer hours have gone

1-24     into the construction and maintenance of the South Davis Elementary

 2-1     Environmental Learning Center, and students have benefited

 2-2     immeasurably from the wide range of lessons it affords; this

 2-3     remarkable project exemplifies the highest standards of both

 2-4     environmental and educational achievement, and it will undoubtedly

 2-5     serve as a model for schools throughout the Lone Star State; now,

 2-6     therefore, be it

 2-7           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

 2-8     Legislature hereby congratulate the students, faculty, and parents

 2-9     of South Davis Elementary School for their noteworthy showing in

2-10     the Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence and extend to

2-11     them warmest best wishes for continued success and happiness in the

2-12     future; and, be it further

2-13           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-14     prepared for South Davis Elementary School as an expression of high

2-15     regard by the Texas House of Representatives.