By Holzheauser                                         H.R. No. 998

         75R15735 JHS-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, December 7, 1996, was a day of great significance

 1-2     for the Honorable William S. and Betty Dickson Clements Fly, for on

 1-3     that day the couple observed their 50th wedding anniversary; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Fly celebrated this memorable occasion

 1-5     at the Victoria Country Club on March 15, 1997; that celebration

 1-6     coincided with Mr. Fly's 77th birthday, and those in attendance

 1-7     enjoyed reminiscing about the Flys' life together; and

 1-8           WHEREAS, The Flys, who were united in matrimony on December

 1-9     7, 1946, at a service in Wharton, Texas, are longtime residents of

1-10     Victoria and remain active members of First Presbyterian Church;

1-11     they are the proud parents of Laura Neal Fly Bellows of San

1-12     Francisco and devote much time and energy to supporting their

1-13     community; and

1-14           WHEREAS, In 1947, the same year that Mr. Fly was elected to

1-15     his first term in the Texas House of Representatives, Mrs. Fly was

1-16     named Bride of the Year, and she later served as president of the

1-17     Legislative Wives Club; and

1-18           WHEREAS, Also a former state senator, Mr. Fly was chairman of

1-19     the Senate Finance Committee and chairman of the Senate

1-20     Investigating Committee responsible for a review of the state's

1-21     insurance industry in the 1950s; a graduate of The University of

1-22     Texas at Austin's School of Law and a former navy pilot, Mr. Fly

1-23     continues to practice law; in addition, he is still an avid flier,

1-24     maintaining membership in the Soaring Club of Refugio, as well as a

 2-1     dedicated fisherman; and

 2-2           WHEREAS, Mrs. Fly, whom friends call "Becky," is a member of

 2-3     the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Daughters of the

 2-4     Republic of Texas, Inc., which she has served as local treasurer

 2-5     since 1993 and which she served as state corresponding secretary

 2-6     from 1975-1977; she is also a past president and current treasurer

 2-7     of the Bronte Club and previously served as president of the

 2-8     Victoria Junior Service League, the forerunner of the Junior League

 2-9     of Victoria; and

2-10           WHEREAS, For 50 years, William and Becky Fly have enjoyed a

2-11     strong and lasting marriage filled with many happy times and

2-12     cherished family memories, and their relationship is a continuing

2-13     source of pride and inspiration to their family and friends, and it

2-14     is truly appropriate that they be honored at this time; now,

2-15     therefore, be it

2-16           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-17     Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable William S. and Betty

2-18     Dickson Clements Fly on the occasion of their 50th wedding

2-19     anniversary and extend to them sincere best wishes for continued

2-20     success and happiness in the years to come; and, be it further

2-21           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-22     prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Fly as an expression of high regard by

2-23     the Texas House of Representatives.