By Uher                                               H.R. No. 1005

         75R15089 SAJ-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, The passing of Mayor George "Geo." Daniel Holst on

 1-2     May 6, 1997, at the age of 70, has brought a great loss to the

 1-3     family and many friends of this esteemed Palacios official; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, He began his tenure in elective office as a member

 1-5     of the Palacios City Council in 1967, and he went on to represent

 1-6     his fellow citizens as mayor two years later; and

 1-7           WHEREAS, Mayor Holst continued to work for the betterment of

 1-8     the community as interim Matagorda County Tax Assessor-Collector

 1-9     and as chief appraiser for the Matagorda County Appraisal District

1-10     in 1986 and 1987, respectively; and

1-11           WHEREAS, Well regarded throughout the area for his hard work,

1-12     integrity, and commitment, he returned to city hall after winning

1-13     election to a seat on the city council in 1993 and the following

1-14     year he was reelected mayor, in which capacity he faithfully served

1-15     his fellow citizens for the past three years; and

1-16           WHEREAS, In addition to his exemplary career in public

1-17     office, Mayor Holst was also well known as an educator, and his

1-18     38-year tenure with the Palacios Independent School District

1-19     included service both as a principal and as superintendent of

1-20     schools before he retired from the district in 1985; and

1-21           WHEREAS, This distinguished gentleman was also highly

1-22     regarded as a businessman, having operated a management consultant

1-23     firm, Geo. Holst Consultants, for 10 years; and

1-24           WHEREAS, He positively affected a host of issues vital to the

 2-1     community in leadership capacities with a number of local economic

 2-2     development boards; the founder of the Miss Palacios Pageant, he

 2-3     was also active with the Palacios Rotary Club and the Palacios

 2-4     Chamber of Commerce, which honored him for his numerous

 2-5     contributions with both a Man of the Year Award in 1980 and a

 2-6     Lifetime Achievement Award in 1985; and

 2-7           WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, he was sustained by an abiding

 2-8     faith as a devout member of the First United Methodist Church of

 2-9     Palacios, where he participated in the Sunday school, the Methodist

2-10     Youth Fellowship, and a number of church committees; and

2-11           WHEREAS, A man of immense vision, Geo. Holst left an

2-12     indelible mark on the community he was proud to call home, and

2-13     though his special presence will be deeply missed, his memory will

2-14     long endure in the hearts and minds of all who knew and loved him;

2-15     now, therefore, be it

2-16           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-17     Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Mayor George "Geo."

2-18     Daniel Holst and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his

2-19     family: to his beloved wife of 45 years, Margie Guttenberger Holst;

2-20     to his goddaughter, Martha Anne Guttenberger Cashion; to his

2-21     sister, Minnie Lee Collins; to his sisters-in-law, Pearlie Falks

2-22     and Wilma Holst; to his brothers-in-law and their wives, Bob and

2-23     Louise Guttenberger, Paul and Willene Guttenberger, Al and Ruth

2-24     Guttenberger, and G. J. and Ruby Micheletti; to his nieces, Susie

2-25     Edworthy, Renee Matula, and Tamara Walker; to his nephews, Randy

2-26     Guttenberger, Rick Guttenberger, Jeff Guttenberger, David Falks,

2-27     Jr., and Rick Collins; and to his many other friends and relatives;

 3-1     and, be it further

 3-2           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

 3-3     prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas

 3-4     House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of

 3-5     Mayor George "Geo." Daniel Holst.