By Cuellar                                            H.R. No. 1073

         75R15836 KKA-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State

 1-2     of Texas, 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, That House Rule

 1-3     13, Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule

 1-4     13, Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to

 1-5     resolve the differences on Senate Bill No. 273 to consider and take

 1-6     action on the following matters:

 1-7           (1)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended

 1-8     to permit the committee to add text in proposed Section 403.026(b),

 1-9     Government Code, to read as follows:

1-10                 (6)  the Texas Department of Insurance, appointed by

1-11     the commissioner of insurance;

1-12                 (7)  the office of the attorney general, appointed by

1-13     the attorney general; and

1-14                 (8)  consumer groups representing senior citizen

1-15     interests, appointed by the executive director of the Texas

1-16     Department on Aging.

1-17           Explanation:  This change is necessary to include

1-18     representatives of the Texas Department of Insurance, the office of

1-19     the attorney general, and consumer groups on the interagency work

1-20     group so that the group is able to provide comprehensive

1-21     information to the comptroller for inclusion in the senior citizen

1-22     consumer guide.

1-23           (2)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit

1-24     the committee to change text in proposed Section 403.026(i),

 2-1     Government Code, from "Subsections (b)(2)-(5)" to "Subsections

 2-2     (b)(2)-(7)".

 2-3           Explanation:  This change is necessary to provide the correct

 2-4     reference to "Subsections (b)(2)-(7)" to reflect the additional

 2-5     representatives added to the interagency work group and identified

 2-6     in Item (1) of this resolution.

 2-7           (3)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended

 2-8     to permit the committee to add text in proposed Section 403.026,

 2-9     Government Code, to read as follows:

2-10           (l)  To the extent practicable, the comptroller shall ensure

2-11     that the guide is available to the public in a large-print format

2-12     and in other alternate formats as necessary to enable all consumers

2-13     to use the guide.

2-14           (m)  In conducting the work needed to develop the statewide

2-15     consumer guide for senior citizens, the interagency work group

2-16     shall consult with consumer and provider groups involved in the

2-17     delivery of long-term care services.

2-18           (n)  The work group shall also develop and submit to the

2-19     comptroller:

2-20                 (1)  a list of necessary senior services that are not

2-21     generally available;

2-22                 (2)  recommendations for improving coordinated delivery

2-23     of a continuum of care for senior citizens; and

2-24                 (3)  recommendations relating to a comprehensive bill

2-25     of rights for senior citizens.

2-26           Explanation:  This change is necessary to ensure that the

2-27     senior citizen consumer guide is available in large-print and other

 3-1     alternate formats and to ensure that the working group is fully

 3-2     utilized by requiring the group to develop broad recommendations

 3-3     relating to senior citizens and aging.

 3-4           (4)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(3), is suspended to permit

 3-5     the committee to add text in proposed Section 101.031(b), Human

 3-6     Resources Code, to read as follows:

 3-7     The agency shall make the guide available in a large-print format

 3-8     and in alternate formats as necessary to enable all senior citizens

 3-9     to use the guide.

3-10           Explanation:  This change is necessary to ensure that the

3-11     senior citizen consumer guide is available in large-print and other

3-12     alternate formats.