By Christian                                          H.R. No. 1252

         75R16585 SAJ-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, The wedding anniversary of two outstanding Texans

 1-2     who have shared 60 happy and rewarding years of marriage is truly a

 1-3     memorable occasion worthy of special recognition; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, Samuel Clayton "Ted" Hicks and Annie Marie McLemore

 1-5     Hicks of Jasper will have the privilege of commemorating such a

 1-6     momentous event in their lives when they celebrate their 60th

 1-7     wedding anniversary on November 20, 1997; and

 1-8           WHEREAS, Since sharing their wedding vows in Kirbyville, the

 1-9     couple have nurtured an enduring relationship that has grown in

1-10     love and understanding with each passing year, and they have

1-11     enriched not only their own lives but the lives of those around

1-12     them with their devotion to each other; and

1-13           WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks are the proud parents of two

1-14     children, Marie Elizabeth Hicks Thomas and Samuel Janette Hicks

1-15     Clark, and through the years, they have welcomed into the family

1-16     fold their children's spouses, Robert Earl Thomas and former State

1-17     Representative Jerry Lynn Clark; their grandchildren, Robert Todd

1-18     Thomas, Benjamin Tedd Thomas, Jerilyn Janette Clark Walters, and

1-19     Joel Clayton Clark; and their great-grandchildren, Erin Elizabeth

1-20     Thomas, Jacob Samuel Clark, Jessi Lynn Clark, and Hannah Janette

1-21     Walters; and

1-22           WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks have deep ties to the land on

1-23     which they live; their home sits on land that was part of

1-24     Mrs. Hicks's grandfather's, A. C.  Sims, original homeplace, and

 2-1     the home on the property belonging to Mrs. Hicks's parents, Ivy and

 2-2     Kate McLemore, was recognized for its historical significance with

 2-3     a century marker in 1989; and

 2-4           WHEREAS, Before retirement, Mr. Hicks, who hails from

 2-5     McKinney, was a valued employee of Temple-Inland timber company for

 2-6     nearly 40 years, while Mrs. Hicks was successful in real estate

 2-7     ventures with Lanier and Hicks Real Estate; and

 2-8           WHEREAS, For six decades, Ted and Marie Hicks have shared a

 2-9     warm and affectionate union filled with many happy times and

2-10     cherished family memories; built on a solid foundation of mutual

2-11     love, trust, and support, their marriage has been a source of joy

2-12     and inspiration to the many friends and family of this fortunate

2-13     pair; now, therefore, be it

2-14           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-15     Legislature hereby congratulate Samuel Clayton "Ted" Hicks and

2-16     Annie Marie McLemore Hicks on the occasion of their 60th wedding

2-17     anniversary and extend to them warmest best wishes for continued

2-18     happiness; and, be it further

2-19           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-20     prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Hicks as an expression of high regard by

2-21     the Texas House of Representatives.