By Holzheauser H.R. No. 1274
75R17361 DAK-D
1-1 BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State
1-2 of Texas, 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, That House Rule
1-3 13, Sections 9(a) and 9(c), be suspended in part as provided by
1-4 House Rule 13, Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee
1-5 appointed to resolve the differences on Senate Bill No. 862 to
1-6 consider and take action on the following specific matter:
1-7 House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(4) and 9(c)(5), are suspended to
1-8 permit the committee to add an appropritely numbered SECTION to the
1-9 bill to read as follows:
1-10 SECTION __. Section 151.317(c)(2), Tax Code, is amended to
1-11 read as follows:
1-12 (2) "Commercial use" means use by a person engaged in
1-13 selling, warehousing, or distributing a commodity or a professional
1-14 or personal service, but does not include:
1-15 (A) use by a person engaged in:
1-16 (i) processing tangible personal property
1-17 for sale as tangible personal property, other than preparation or
1-18 storage of food for immediate consumption;
1-19 (ii) exploring for, producing, or
1-20 transporting, a material extracted from the earth;
1-21 (iii) agriculture, including dairy or
1-22 poultry operations and pumping for farm or ranch irrigation;
1-23 (iv) electrical processes such as
1-24 electroplating, electrolysis, and cathodic protection; [or]
2-1 (v) the off-wing processing, overhaul, or
2-2 repair of a jet turbine engine or its parts for a certificated or
2-3 licensed carrier of persons or property; or
2-4 (vi) providing, under contracts with or on
2-5 behalf of the United States government or foreign governments,
2-6 defense or national security-related electronics, classified
2-7 intelligence data processing and handling systems, or
2-8 defense-related platform modifications or upgrades; or
2-9 (B) a direct or indirect use, consumption, or
2-10 loss of electricity by an electric utility engaged in the purchase
2-11 of electricity for resale.
2-12 Explanation: The conference committee requests this
2-13 suspension of limitations because of the need to assure that the
2-14 use of gas and electricity in contracted activities relating to
2-15 defense or national security-related electronics, classified
2-16 intelligence data processing and handling systems, or
2-17 defense-related platform modifications or upgrades is not subject
2-18 to unfair taxation.