1-1           WHEREAS, The recent passing of Alexander Hieken on May 25,

 1-2     1997, at the age of 88, has brought a great loss to the family and

 1-3     many friends of this remarkable gentleman; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, Born on July 20, 1908, in St. Louis, Missouri,

 1-5     Mr. Hieken was a graduate of the University of Missouri at

 1-6     Columbia, where he earned a bachelor's degree in journalism;

 1-7     following his graduation in 1929, Mr. Hieken accepted a reporting

 1-8     job with the El Paso Post, now the El Paso Herald-Post, and he

 1-9     quickly  worked his way through the paper's ranks, eventually

1-10     serving as telegraph editor and state editor; and

1-11           WHEREAS, In 1934, on the heels of the American Newspaper

1-12     Guild's formation, Mr. Hieken helped organize the El Paso Newspaper

1-13     Guild local, which he served as treasurer and later as president;

1-14     he led collective bargaining sessions in behalf of the editorial

1-15     staffs of the El Paso Herald-Post and the El Paso Times and was

1-16     responsible for the first guild contract with a Texas newspaper;

1-17     and

1-18           WHEREAS, This patriotic individual proudly served his country

1-19     during World War II, first as a member of the El Paso rationing

1-20     board and later as a radar operator on a United States Navy

1-21     destroyer escort; upon his return to El Paso, he continued his

1-22     active involvement in the labor movement, supporting several local

1-23     unions and serving as president of the El Paso Congress of

1-24     Industrial Organizations Council; and

 2-1           WHEREAS, A lifelong member of the Democratic Party,

 2-2     Mr. Hieken cast his first presidential ballot for Franklin Delano

 2-3     Roosevelt; throughout his long and productive life, he continued

 2-4     his support of the party and enthusiastically supported the

 2-5     AFL-CIO; and

 2-6           WHEREAS, Mr. Hieken's career as a journalist later led to

 2-7     positions as publisher and editor of the San Antonio Weekly

 2-8     Dispatch and as a reporter with Long News Service, and he

 2-9     contributed articles to the Texas Observer; his continued

2-10     involvement in the political and social issues of his time resulted

2-11     in his appointment as press relations director of the Manpower

2-12     Training Program in Houston, which he later directed; his numerous

2-13     organizational ties included membership in the Houston Press Club,

2-14     the National Council of Senior Citizens, and the Texas

2-15     Silver-Haired Legislature; and

2-16           WHEREAS, Alexander Hieken was a man of great compassion and

2-17     vision whose passionate fight for democracy inspired countless men

2-18     and women, and although his generosity and leadership will be

2-19     missed by all who knew him, his spirit will no doubt live on in the

2-20     hearts and minds of the many people whose lives he touched; now,

2-21     therefore, be it

2-22           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

2-23     Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Alexander Hieken and

2-24     extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife,

2-25     Elizabeth Kimmel-Hieken; to his daughter, Ellen Hinkle; to his

2-26     grandchildren, Chris Hinkle and Cherrie Hinkle; to his

2-27     great-grandchildren, Carli and Austin Hinkle; to his sister, Mary

 3-1     Lavazzi; to his brother, George Hieken; and to the many other

 3-2     relatives and friends of this esteemed gentleman; and, be it

 3-3     further

 3-4           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

 3-5     prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas

 3-6     House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of

 3-7     Alexander Hieken.



                                                   Speaker of the House

               I certify that H.R. No. 1278 was unanimously adopted by a

         rising vote of the House on May 30, 1997.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House