By Gray                                               H.R. No. 1354

         75R17538 SAJ-D                           

                                 R E S O L U T I O N

 1-1           WHEREAS, The passing of Tom "T-Bone Tom" Fitzmorris, on May

 1-2     18, 1997, has brought a great loss to the family and many friends

 1-3     of this esteemed Kemah resident; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, Known throughout the area as the owner of T-Bone

 1-5     Tom's Meat Market Steakhouse Restaurant, he became involved in the

 1-6     family's meat market after his father's passing; Mr. Fitzmorris

 1-7     opened the restaurant part of his business during the construction

 1-8     of the Kemah bridge, and through the years, the popular eatery has

 1-9     become a local landmark; and

1-10           WHEREAS, He demonstrated an abiding commitment to the

1-11     community through his participation in a number of worthy

1-12     organizations, including the local chamber of commerce and Bayshore

1-13     Friends Church in Bayview; the father of two children, David and

1-14     Glenna, Mr. Fitzmorris helped to enhance the quality of life for

1-15     area young people through his involvement in scouting and Little

1-16     League, and he gave many young people their first jobs by hiring

1-17     them to work in his restaurant; and

1-18           WHEREAS, To recognize Mr. Fitzmorris for his many fine deeds

1-19     and to show him the high esteem in which he was held by his friends

1-20     and neighbors, the community came together to host a special day in

1-21     his honor, and this fitting tribute, known as T-Bone Tom

1-22     Appreciation Day, was declared by proclamation in several

1-23     communities in the area; and

1-24           WHEREAS, During his years on this earth, Tom Fitzmorris

 2-1     touched the lives of many people, and though his special presence

 2-2     will be deeply missed, his memory will long endure in the hearts

 2-3     and minds of all who knew and loved him; now, therefore, be it

 2-4           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 75th Texas

 2-5     Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Tom "T-Bone Tom"

 2-6     Fitzmorris and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his

 2-7     family: to his beloved wife of 28 years, Carol Fitzmorris; to his

 2-8     son, David Fitzmorris; to his daughter, Glenna Fitzmorris; and to

 2-9     the many other friends and family of this distinguished Texan; and,

2-10     be it further

2-11           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

2-12     prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas

2-13     House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of

2-14     Tom "T-Bone Tom" Fitzmorris.