By:  Zaffirini                                          S.B. No. 29

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

                                       AN ACT

 1-1     relating to the implementation of the child support enforcement

 1-2     provisions of Title III of the federal Personal Responsibility and

 1-3     Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996; providing penalties.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 101.011, Family Code, is amended to read

 1-6     as follows:

 1-7           Sec. 101.011.  EARNINGS.  "Earnings" means a payment to or

 1-8     due an individual, regardless of source and how [compensation paid

 1-9     or payable for personal services, whether] denominated.  The term

1-10     includes a periodic or lump-sum payment for:

1-11                 (1)  [as] wages, salary, compensation received as an

1-12     independent contractor, overtime pay, severance pay, commission,

1-13     bonus, and interest income;

1-14                 (2)  [or otherwise.  The term includes periodic]

1-15     payments made under [pursuant to] a pension, an annuity, workers'

1-16     compensation, and a disability or [and] retirement program;[,] and

1-17                 (3)  unemployment benefits.

1-18           SECTION 2.  Section 101.012, Family Code, is amended to read

1-19     as follows:

1-20           Sec. 101.012.  EMPLOYER.  "Employer" means a person,

1-21     corporation, partnership, workers' compensation insurance carrier,

1-22     governmental entity, [and] the United States, or any other entity

1-23     that pays or owes earnings to an individual.  The term [and]

 2-1     includes, for the purposes of enrolling dependents in a group

 2-2     health insurance plan, a union, trade association, or other similar

 2-3     organization.

 2-4           SECTION 3.  Section 101.020, Family Code, is amended to read

 2-5     as follows:

 2-6           Sec. 101.020.  MEDICAL SUPPORT.  "Medical support" means

 2-7     periodic payments or a lump-sum payment made under an [a court]

 2-8     order to cover medical expenses, including health insurance

 2-9     coverage, incurred for the benefit of a child.

2-10           SECTION 4.  Section 101.034, Family Code, is amended to read

2-11     as follows:

2-12           Sec. 101.034.  TITLE IV-D CASE.  "Title IV-D case" means an

2-13     action in which services are provided by the Title IV-D agency [to

2-14     establish or enforce support obligations filed] under Part D, Title

2-15     IV, of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 651 et

2-16     seq.), relating to the location of an absent parent, determination

2-17     of parentage, or establishment, modification, or enforcement of a

2-18     child support or medical support obligation.

2-19           SECTION 5.  Chapter 101, Family Code, is amended by adding

2-20     Sections 101.0011, 101.0161, 101.0201, and 101.0301 to read as

2-21     follows:

2-22           Sec. 101.0011.  ADMINISTRATIVE WRIT OF WITHHOLDING.

2-23     "Administrative writ of withholding" means the document issued by

2-24     the Title IV-D agency and delivered to an employer directing that

2-25     earnings be withheld for payment of child support as provided by

 3-1     Chapter 158.

 3-2           Sec. 101.0161.  JUDICIAL WRIT OF WITHHOLDING.  "Judicial writ

 3-3     of withholding" means the document issued by the clerk of a court

 3-4     and delivered to an employer directing that earnings be withheld

 3-5     for payment of child support as provided by Chapter 158.


 3-7     WITHHOLDING.  "Notice of application for judicial writ of

 3-8     withholding" means the document delivered to an obligor and filed

 3-9     with the court as required by Chapter 158 for the nonjudicial

3-10     determination of arrears and initiation of withholding.

3-11           Sec. 101.0301.  STATE CASE REGISTRY.  "State case registry"

3-12     means the registry established and operated by the Title IV-D

3-13     agency under 42 U.S.C. Section 654a that has responsibility for

3-14     maintaining records with respect to child support orders in all

3-15     Title IV-D cases and in all other cases in which a support order is

3-16     rendered or modified under this title on or after October 1, 1998.

3-17           SECTION 6.  Section 105.006, Family Code, is amended by

3-18     amending Subsections (b), (c), (e), and (g) and adding Subsection

3-19     (f) to read as follows:

3-20           (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), the court shall

3-21     order each party to inform each other party, the court that

3-22     rendered the order, and the state case registry under Chapter 234

3-23     of an intended change in any of the information required by this

3-24     section as long as any person, as a result of the order, is under

3-25     an obligation to pay child support or is entitled to possession of

 4-1     or access to a child.  The court shall order that notice of the

 4-2     intended change be given at the earlier of:

 4-3                 (1)  the 60th day before the date the party intends to

 4-4     make the change; or

 4-5                 (2)  the fifth day after the date that the party knew

 4-6     of the change, if the party did not know or could not have known of

 4-7     the change in sufficient time to comply with Subdivision (1).

 4-8           (c)  If a court finds after notice and hearing that requiring

 4-9     a party to provide the information required by this section to

4-10     another party is likely to cause the child or a conservator

4-11     harassment, abuse, serious harm, or injury, the court may:

4-12                 (1)  order the information not to be disclosed to

4-13     another party; or

4-14                 (2)  render any other order the court considers

4-15     necessary.

4-16           (e)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), an order in a suit

4-17     that orders child support or possession of or access to a child

4-18     must also contain the following notice [order] in bold-faced type

4-19     or in capital letters:













 5-7     CHANGE.












5-19           (f)  Except for an action in which contempt is sought, in any

5-20     subsequent child support enforcement action, the court may, on a

5-21     showing that diligent effort has been made to determine the

5-22     location of a party, consider due process requirements for notice

5-23     and service of process to be met with respect to that party on

5-24     delivery of written notice to the most recent residential or

5-25     employer address filed by that party with the court and the state

 6-1     case registry.

 6-2           (g)  The Title IV-D agency shall promulgate and provide forms

 6-3     for a party to use in reporting to the court and, when established,

 6-4     to the state case registry under Chapter 234 the information

 6-5     required under this section [Notwithstanding another provision of

 6-6     this section, a court in a county with a population of 2.8 million

 6-7     or more shall order each party to inform the clerk of the court of

 6-8     a change in information required by this section in the manner

 6-9     provided by Subsection (b).  The order required by Subsection (e)

6-10     shall reflect the notification requirement of this subsection].

6-11           SECTION 7.  Chapter 105, Family Code, is amended by adding

6-12     Section 105.008 to read as follows:

6-13           Sec. 105.008.  RECORD OF SUPPORT ORDER FOR STATE CASE

6-14     REGISTRY.  (a)  The clerk of the court shall provide the state case

6-15     registry with a record of a court order for child support as

6-16     required by procedures adopted under Section 234.003.  The record

6-17     of an order shall include information provided by the parties on a

6-18     form developed by the Title IV-D agency.  The form shall be

6-19     completed by the petitioner and submitted to the clerk at the time

6-20     the order is filed for record.

6-21           (b)  To the extent federal funds are available, the Title

6-22     IV-D agency shall reimburse the clerk of the court for the costs

6-23     incurred in providing the record of support order required under

6-24     this section.

6-25           SECTION 8.  Subsection (a), Section 110.002, Family Code, is

 7-1     amended to read as follows:

 7-2           (a)  The clerk of the court may collect a filing fee of $15

 7-3     in a suit for filing:

 7-4                 (1)  a suit for modification;

 7-5                 (2)  a motion for enforcement;

 7-6                 (3)  a notice of application for judicial writ of

 7-7     withholding [delinquency]; or

 7-8                 (4)  a motion to transfer.

 7-9           SECTION 9.  Section 110.004, Family Code, is amended to read

7-10     as follows:


7-12     ORDER OR WRIT.  The clerk of the court may charge a reasonable fee,

7-13     not to exceed $15, for each order or writ of income withholding

7-14     issued by the clerk and delivered to an employer [by mail].

7-15           SECTION 10.  Subsection (a), Section 154.007, Family Code, is

7-16     amended to read as follows:

7-17           (a)  In [Except for good cause shown, or on agreement of the

7-18     parties, in] a proceeding in which periodic payments of child

7-19     support are ordered, modified, or enforced, the court or Title IV-D

7-20     agency shall order that income be withheld from the disposable

7-21     earnings of the obligor as provided by Chapter 158.

7-22           SECTION 11.  Subsection (b), Section 154.184, Family Code, is

7-23     amended to read as follows:

7-24           (b)  If the employee or member is eligible for dependent

7-25     health coverage, the employer [The child] shall [be] automatically

 8-1     enroll the child [enrolled] for the first 31 days after the receipt

 8-2     of the order or notice of the medical support order under Section

 8-3     154.186 [by the employer] on the same terms and conditions as apply

 8-4     to any other dependent child.

 8-5           SECTION 12.  Section 154.186, Family Code, is amended to read

 8-6     as follows:


 8-8     The obligee, obligor, or a child support agency may send to the

 8-9     employer a copy of the order requiring an employee to provide

8-10     health insurance coverage for a child or may include notice of the

8-11     medical support order in an order or writ of withholding sent to

8-12     the employer in accordance with Chapter 158.

8-13           SECTION 13.  Subsections (a), (c), and (d), Section 154.187,

8-14     Family Code, are amended to read as follows:

8-15           (a)  An order or notice under this subchapter to an employer

8-16     directing that health insurance coverage be provided to a child of

8-17     an employee or member is binding on a current or subsequent [the]

8-18     employer on receipt without regard to the date the order was

8-19     rendered.  If the employee or member is eligible for dependent

8-20     health coverage for the child, the employer shall immediately

8-21     enroll the child in a health insurance plan regardless of whether

8-22     the employee is enrolled in the plan.  If dependent coverage is not

8-23     available to the employee or member through the employer's health

8-24     insurance plan or enrollment cannot be made permanent or if the

8-25     employer is not responsible or otherwise liable for providing such

 9-1     coverage, the employer shall provide notice to the sender in

 9-2     accordance with Subsection (c).

 9-3           (c)  An employer who has received an order or notice under

 9-4     this subchapter shall provide to the sender, by first class mail

 9-5     not later than the 30th day after the date the employer receives

 9-6     the order or notice, a statement that the child:

 9-7                 (1)  has been enrolled in a health insurance plan; or

 9-8                 (2)  cannot be enrolled or cannot be enrolled

 9-9     permanently in a health insurance plan and provide the reason why

9-10     coverage or permanent coverage cannot be provided.

9-11           (d)  If the employee ceases employment or if the health

9-12     insurance coverage lapses, the employer shall provide to the

9-13     sender, by first class mail not later than the 15th day after the

9-14     date of the termination of employment or the lapse of the coverage,

9-15     notice of the termination or lapse and of the availability of any

9-16     conversion privileges[, if any].

9-17           SECTION 14.  Section 154.189, Family Code, is amended to read

9-18     as follows:


9-20     COVERAGE.  (a)  An obligor ordered to provide health insurance

9-21     coverage for a child must notify the obligee and any child support

9-22     agency enforcing a support obligation against the obligor of the:

9-23                 (1)  termination or lapse of health insurance coverage

9-24     for the child not later than the 15th day after the date of a

9-25     termination or lapse; and

 10-1                (2)  availability of additional health insurance to the

 10-2    obligor for the child after a termination or lapse of coverage not

 10-3    later than the 15th day after the date the insurance becomes

 10-4    available.

 10-5          (b)  If termination of coverage results from a change of

 10-6    employers, the obligor, the obligee, or the child support agency

 10-7    may send the new employer a copy of the order requiring the

 10-8    employee to provide health insurance for a child or notice of the

 10-9    medical support order as provided by this subchapter.

10-10          SECTION 15.  Subchapter D, Chapter 154, Family Code, is

10-11    amended by adding Section 154.193 to read as follows:

10-12          Sec. 154.193.  MEDICAL SUPPORT ORDER NOT QUALIFIED.  (a)  If

10-13    a plan administrator or other person acting in an equivalent

10-14    position determines that a medical support order issued under this

10-15    subchapter does not qualify for enforcement under federal law, the

10-16    tribunal may, on its own motion or the motion of a party, render an

10-17    order that qualifies for enforcement under federal law.

10-18          (b)  The procedure for filing a motion for enforcement of a

10-19    final order applies to a motion under this section.  Service of

10-20    citation is not required, and a person is not entitled to a jury in

10-21    a proceeding under this section.

10-22          (c)  The employer or plan administrator is not a necessary

10-23    party to a proceeding under this section.

10-24          SECTION 16.  Subsection (a), Section 156.401, Family Code, is

10-25    amended to read as follows:

 11-1          (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), the court may

 11-2    modify an order that provides for the support of a child if:

 11-3                (1)  the circumstances of the child or a  person

 11-4    affected by the order have materially and substantially changed

 11-5    since the date of the order's rendition; or

 11-6                (2)  it has been three years since the order was

 11-7    rendered or last modified and the monthly amount of the child

 11-8    support award under the order differs by either 20 percent or $100

 11-9    from the amount that would be awarded in accordance with the child

11-10    support guidelines.

11-11          SECTION 17.  Subsection (b), Section 157.002, Family Code, is

11-12    amended to read as follows:

11-13          (b)  A motion for enforcement of child support:

11-14                (1)  must include the amount owed as provided in the

11-15    order, the amount paid, and the amount of arrearages;

11-16                (2)  if contempt is requested, must include the portion

11-17    of the order allegedly violated and, for each date of alleged

11-18    contempt, the amount due and the amount paid, if any; [and]

11-19                (3)  may include as an attachment a copy of a record of

11-20    child support payments maintained by the Title IV-D registry or a

11-21    local registry; and

11-22                (4)  if the obligor owes arrearages for a child

11-23    receiving assistance under Part A of Title IV of the federal Social

11-24    Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 601 et seq.), may include a request

11-25    that:

 12-1                      (A)  the obligor pay the arrearages in accordance

 12-2    with a plan approved by the court; or

 12-3                      (B)  if the obligor is already subject to a plan

 12-4    and is not incapacitated, the obligor participate in work

 12-5    activities, as defined under 42 U.S.C. Section 607(d), that the

 12-6    court determines appropriate.

 12-7          SECTION 18.  Subsection (a), Section 157.065, Family Code, is

 12-8    amended to read as follows:

 12-9          (a)  If a party has been ordered under Chapter 105 to provide

12-10    the [clerk of the] court and the state case registry with the

12-11    party's current mailing address, notice of a motion for enforcement

12-12    may be served by mailing a copy of the notice to the respondent,

12-13    together with a copy of the motion, by first class mail to the last

12-14    mailing address of the respondent on file with the court and the

12-15    registry [clerk].

12-16          SECTION 19.  Section 157.311, Family Code, is amended to read

12-17    as follows:

12-18          Sec. 157.311.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:

12-19                (1)  "Claimant" means:

12-20                      (A)  the obligee or a private attorney

12-21    representing the obligee;

12-22                      (B)  the Title IV-D agency providing child

12-23    support services;

12-24                      (C)  a domestic relations office or local

12-25    registry; or

 13-1                      (D)  an attorney appointed as a friend of the

 13-2    court.

 13-3                (2)  "Court having continuing jurisdiction" is the

 13-4    court of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction in this state or a

 13-5    tribunal of another state having jurisdiction under the Uniform

 13-6    Interstate Family Support Act or a substantially similar act.

 13-7                (3)  "Lien" means a child support lien.

 13-8          SECTION 20.  Section 157.312, Family Code, is amended by

 13-9    adding Subsections (d), (e), and (f) to read as follows:

13-10          (d)  A child support lien arises:

13-11                (1)  by operation of law against real and personal

13-12    property of an obligor for all amounts of overdue support,

13-13    regardless of whether the amounts have been adjudicated or

13-14    otherwise determined, subject to the requirements of this

13-15    subchapter for recording and notice; or

13-16                (2)  when a court having continuing jurisdiction or, in

13-17    a Title IV-D case, the Title IV-D agency determines an amount of

13-18    arrears owed by a child support obligor.

13-19          (e)  A child support lien arising in another state may be

13-20    enforced in the same manner and to the same extent as a lien

13-21    arising in this state.

13-22          (f)  A foreclosure action under this subchapter is not

13-23    required as a prerequisite to levy and execution on a judgment or

13-24    an administrative determination of arrears rendered after notice

13-25    and opportunity for hearing.

 14-1          SECTION 21.  Subsection (a), Section 157.313, Family Code, is

 14-2    amended to read as follows:

 14-3          (a)  A child support lien notice must contain:

 14-4                (1)  the style, docket number, and identity of the

 14-5    tribunal of this or another state [court] having continuing

 14-6    jurisdiction of the child support action;

 14-7                (2)  the name, address, and, if available, the birth

 14-8    date, driver's license number, and social security number of the

 14-9    obligor;

14-10                (3)  the name and social security number, if available,

14-11    of the obligee and the child;

14-12                (4)  the amount of child support arrearages owed by the

14-13    obligor and the date of the signing [rendition] of the court order,

14-14    administrative order, or [issuance of the] writ that determined the

14-15    arrearages or the date and manner in which the arrearages were

14-16    determined;

14-17                (5)  the rate of interest specified in the court order,

14-18    administrative order, or writ or, in the absence of a specified

14-19    interest rate, the rate provided for by law [Subchapter F]; and

14-20                (6)  the name and address of the person or agency

14-21    asserting the lien [to whom the payment of the child support

14-22    arrearages shall be made].

14-23          SECTION 22.  Section 157.314, Family Code, is amended to read

14-24    as follows:


 15-1    (a)  A child support lien notice or an abstract of judgment for

 15-2    past due child support may be filed by the claimant with the county

 15-3    clerk of:

 15-4                (1)  [the county clerk of] any county in which the

 15-5    obligor is believed to own nonexempt real or personal property;

 15-6                (2)  [or in] the county in which the obligor resides;

 15-7    or

 15-8                (3)  the county in which the court having continuing

 15-9    jurisdiction has venue of the suit affecting the parent-child

15-10    relationship.

15-11          (b)  A child support lien notice may be filed with:

15-12                (1) [(2)]  the clerk of the court in which a claim,

15-13    counterclaim, or suit by, or on behalf of, the obligor, including a

15-14    claim or potential right to proceeds from an estate as an heir,

15-15    beneficiary, or creditor, is pending, provided that a copy of the

15-16    lien is mailed to the attorney of record for the obligor, if any;

15-17    [or]

15-18                (2) [(3)]  an attorney who represents the obligor in a

15-19    claim or counterclaim that has not been filed with a court;

15-20                (3)  any other individual or organization believed to

15-21    be in possession of real or personal property of the obligor; or

15-22                (4)  any governmental unit or agency that issues or

15-23    records certificates, titles, or other indicia of property

15-24    ownership.

15-25          SECTION 23.  Section 157.316, Family Code, is amended to read

 16-1    as follows:

 16-2          Sec. 157.316.  PERFECTION OF CHILD SUPPORT LIEN.  A child

 16-3    support lien is perfected [attaches] when an abstract of judgment

 16-4    for past due child support or a child support lien notice is filed

 16-5    with the county clerk as provided by this subchapter.

 16-6          SECTION 24.  Subsection (a), Section 157.317, Family Code, is

 16-7    amended to read as follows:

 16-8          (a)  A lien attaches to all real and personal property not

 16-9    exempt under the Texas Constitution, including a claim for

16-10    negligence, personal injury, or workers' compensation, or an

16-11    insurance award for the claim, owned by the obligor on or after the

16-12    date the lien notice or abstract of judgment is filed with the

16-13    county clerk of the county in which the property is located, with

16-14    the court clerk as to property or claims in litigation, or, as to

16-15    property of the obligor in the possession or control of a third

16-16    party, from the date the lien notice is filed with that party

16-17    [attaches].

16-18          SECTION 25.  Section 157.318, Family Code, is amended to read

16-19    as follows:

16-20          Sec. 157.318.  DURATION AND EFFECT OF CHILD SUPPORT LIEN.

16-21    (a)  A lien is effective until all current support and child

16-22    support arrearages, including interest, have been paid or the lien

16-23    is otherwise released as provided by this subchapter [for 10 years

16-24    from the date the notice is recorded in the county clerk's office

16-25    in the county where the property of the obligor is located].

 17-1          (b)  The lien secures payment of all child support arrears

 17-2    owed by the obligor under the underlying support order, including

 17-3    arrearages that accrue after the administrative or judicial

 17-4    determination of arrearages stated in the lien notice [may be

 17-5    extended for an additional 10-year period by recording a lien

 17-6    notice before the tenth anniversary of the date of the original

 17-7    recording of the notice].

 17-8          (c)  The filing of a lien notice or abstract of judgment with

 17-9    the county clerk is a record of the notice and has the same effect

17-10    as any other lien notice with respect to real property records.

17-11          SECTION 26.  Section 157.319, Family Code, is amended to read

17-12    as follows:

17-13          Sec. 157.319.  EFFECT OF LIEN NOTICE [ON PERSONAL PROPERTY].

17-14    (a)  [The filing of a lien notice is a record of the notice.]

17-15          [(b)]  If [a lien has been filed as provided in this

17-16    subchapter and] a person having notice of the lien possesses

17-17    nonexempt personal property of the obligor that may be subject to

17-18    the lien, the property may not be paid over, released, sold,

17-19    transferred, encumbered, or conveyed unless:

17-20                (1)  a release of lien signed by the claimant is

17-21    delivered to the person in possession; or

17-22                (2)  a court, after notice to the claimant and hearing,

17-23    has ordered the release of the lien because arrearages do not

17-24    exist.

17-25          (b)  A person having notice of a child support lien who

 18-1    violates this section may be joined as a party to a foreclosure

 18-2    action under this chapter and is subject to the penalties provided

 18-3    by this subchapter.

 18-4          SECTION 27.  Section 157.321, Family Code, is amended to read

 18-5    as follows:

 18-6          Sec. 157.321.  DISCRETIONARY RELEASE OF LIEN.  A claimant may

 18-7    at any time release a lien on all or part of the property of the

 18-8    obligor or return seized property, without liability, if assurance

 18-9    of payment is considered adequate by the claimant or if the release

18-10    or return will facilitate the collection of the arrearages.  The

18-11    release or return may not operate to prevent future action to

18-12    collect from the same or other property owned by the obligor.

18-13          SECTION 28.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 157.322, Family

18-14    Code, are amended to read as follows:

18-15          (a)  On payment in full of the amount of child support due,

18-16    together with any costs and reasonable attorney's fees, the

18-17    claimant shall execute and deliver to the obligor or the obligor's

18-18    attorney a release of the child support lien.

18-19          (b)  The release of lien is effective when filed with the

18-20    county clerk with whom the lien notice or abstract of judgment was

18-21    filed.  A copy of the release of lien may be filed with any other

18-22    individual or organization that may have been served with a lien

18-23    notice under this subchapter [A child support lien release shall be

18-24    filed in the same manner as the notice of lien].

18-25          SECTION 29.  Section 157.323, Family Code, is amended to read

 19-1    as follows:


 19-3    (a)  In addition to any other remedy provided by law [When a lien

 19-4    notice has been filed under this subchapter], an action to

 19-5    foreclose a child support lien or to dispute the amount of

 19-6    arrearages stated in the lien [on nonexempt real or personal

 19-7    property] may be brought in the court of continuing jurisdiction

 19-8    or, if there is no court of continuing jurisdiction in this state,

 19-9    in the district court of the county in which the property is or was

19-10    located and the lien was filed.

19-11          (b)  The procedures provided by Subchapter B apply to a

19-12    foreclosure action under this section, except that a person or

19-13    organization in possession of the property of the obligor may be

19-14    joined as an additional respondent.

19-15          (c)  If [After notice to the obligor and the claimant, the

19-16    court shall conduct a hearing and, if] arrearages are owed by the

19-17    obligor, the court shall:

19-18                (1)  render judgment against the obligor for the amount

19-19    due, plus costs and reasonable attorney's fees; [and]

19-20                (2)  order any official authorized to levy execution to

19-21    satisfy the lien, costs, and attorney's fees by selling any

19-22    property on which a lien is established under this subchapter; or

19-23                (3)  order an individual or organization in possession

19-24    of nonexempt personal property or cash owned by the obligor to

19-25    dispose of the property as the court may direct.

 20-1          (d)  For execution and sale [(c)  In all sales contemplated]

 20-2    under this section, publication of notice is necessary only for

 20-3    three consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in the county

 20-4    where the property is located or, if there is no newspaper in that

 20-5    county, in the most convenient newspaper in circulation in the

 20-6    county.

 20-7          SECTION 30.  Section 157.324, Family Code, is amended to read

 20-8    as follows:


20-10    LIEN.  A person who knowingly disposes of property subject to a

20-11    lien or who, after a foreclosure hearing, fails to surrender on

20-12    demand nonexempt personal property as directed by a court or

20-13    administrative order [seized] under this subchapter is liable to

20-14    the claimant in an amount equal to the arrearages for which the

20-15    foreclosure judgment was issued.

20-16          SECTION 31.  Subsection (b), Section 157.325, Family Code, is

20-17    amended to read as follows:

20-18          (b)  If the claimant refuses the request, the holder of the

20-19    personal property or the obligor may file suit under this

20-20    subchapter for an order determining the amount of arrearages and

20-21    discharging [petition the court of competent jurisdiction for

20-22    discharge of] excess personal property or money from the lien.

20-23          SECTION 32.  Section 157.326, Family Code, is amended to read

20-24    as follows:

20-25          Sec. 157.326.  INTEREST OF OBLIGOR'S SPOUSE.  (a)  A spouse

 21-1    of an obligor may file an affidavit with the [a] court of

 21-2    continuing [competent] jurisdiction or, if there is no court of

 21-3    continuing jurisdiction in this state, in the district court of the

 21-4    county in which the property is or was located and the lien was

 21-5    filed requesting that the court determine the extent, if any, of

 21-6    the spouse's interest in real or personal property that is subject

 21-7    to:

 21-8                (1)  a lien perfected under this subchapter; or

 21-9                (2)  an action to foreclose under this subchapter.

21-10          (b)  After notice to the obligor, obligor's spouse, [and] the

21-11    claimant, and the obligee, the court shall conduct a hearing and

21-12    determine the extent, if any, of the ownership interest in the

21-13    property held by the obligor's spouse.  If the court finds that:

21-14                (1)  the property is the separate property of the

21-15    obligor's spouse, the court shall order that the lien against the

21-16    property be released and that any action to foreclose on the

21-17    property be dismissed; or

21-18                (2)  the property is jointly owned by the obligor and

21-19    the obligor's spouse, the court shall determine whether the sale of

21-20    the obligor's interest in the property would result in an

21-21    unreasonable hardship on the obligor's spouse or family and:

21-22                      (A)  if so, the court shall render an order that

21-23    the obligor's interest in the property not be sold and that the

21-24    lien against the property should be released; or

21-25                      (B)  if not, the court shall render an order

 22-1    partitioning the property and directing that the property be sold

 22-2    and the proceeds applied to the child support arrearages

 22-3    [consistent with the provisions of this subchapter].

 22-4          (c)  In a proceeding under this section, [subsection in

 22-5    which] the spouse claiming [of the obligor claims by affidavit] an

 22-6    ownership interest in the property[, the claimant] has the burden

 22-7    to prove the extent of that [the obligor's] ownership interest.

 22-8          SECTION 33.  Section 158.001, Family Code, is amended to read

 22-9    as follows:


22-11    SUIT].  In [Except for good cause shown or on agreement of the

22-12    parties, in] a proceeding in which periodic payments of child

22-13    support are ordered, [or] modified, or enforced, the court or the

22-14    Title IV-D agency shall order that income be withheld from the

22-15    disposable earnings of the obligor as provided by this chapter.

22-16          SECTION 34.  Section 158.002, Family Code, is amended to read

22-17    as follows:

22-18          Sec. 158.002.  SUSPENSION OF INCOME WITHHOLDING [IN

22-19    SUBSEQUENT ACTION].  Except in a Title IV-D case, the [The] court

22-20    may provide, for good cause shown or on agreement of the parties,

22-21    that the [shall] order withholding income need not be issued or

22-22    delivered to an employer until [withholding in a motion for

22-23    enforcement if the court finds that at the time of filing of the

22-24    motion]:

22-25                (1)  the obligor has been in arrears for an amount due

 23-1    for more than 30 days; [and]

 23-2                (2)  the amount of the arrearages is an amount equal to

 23-3    or greater than the amount due for a one-month period; or

 23-4                (3)  any other violation of the child support order has

 23-5    occurred.

 23-6          SECTION 35.  Section 158.006, Family Code, is amended to read

 23-7    as follows:

 23-8          Sec. 158.006.  INCOME WITHHOLDING IN TITLE IV-D SUITS.  In a

 23-9    Title IV-D case, the court or the Title IV-D agency shall order

23-10    that income be withheld from the disposable earnings of the obligor

23-11    and may not suspend, stay, or delay issuance of the order or of a

23-12    judicial or administrative writ of withholding [and that all child

23-13    support payments be paid through a local registry or directly to

23-14    the Title IV-D agency].

23-15          SECTION 36.  Section 158.009, Family Code, is amended to read

23-16    as follows:

23-17          Sec. 158.009.  MAXIMUM AMOUNT WITHHELD FROM EARNINGS.  An

23-18    order or writ of withholding shall direct that any employer of the

23-19    obligor withhold from the obligor's disposable earnings the amount

23-20    specified [in the order] up to a maximum amount of 50 percent of

23-21    the obligor's disposable earnings.

23-22          SECTION 37.  Section 158.010, Family Code, is amended to read

23-23    as follows:

23-24          Sec. 158.010.  ORDER OR WRIT BINDING ON EMPLOYER DOING

23-25    BUSINESS IN STATE.  An order or writ of withholding issued under

 24-1    this chapter and delivered to an employer doing business in this

 24-2    state is binding on the employer without regard to whether the

 24-3    obligor resides or works outside this state.

 24-4          SECTION 38.  Subsection (a), Section 158.011, Family Code, is

 24-5    amended to read as follows:

 24-6          (a)  An obligor may file with the clerk of the court a

 24-7    notarized or acknowledged request signed by the obligor and the

 24-8    obligee for the issuance and delivery to the obligor's employer of

 24-9    a writ of withholding.  A notarized or acknowledged request may be

24-10    filed under this section regardless of whether a writ or order

24-11    [notice of delinquency] has been served on any party or of the

24-12    existence or amount of an arrearage.

24-13          SECTION 39.  Section 158.102, Family Code, is amended to read

24-14    as follows:

24-15          Sec. 158.102.  TIME LIMITATIONS.  The court retains

24-16    jurisdiction to render an order that provides for income to be

24-17    withheld from the disposable earnings of the obligor until all

24-18    current support and child support arrearages, including interest,

24-19    have been paid [if the motion for income withholding is filed not

24-20    later than the fourth anniversary of the date:]

24-21                [(1)  the child becomes an adult;]

24-22                [(2)  the child support obligation terminates as

24-23    provided in the order or by operation of law; or]

24-24                [(3)  an order of withholding was rendered or a writ of

24-25    withholding was issued and arrearages have not been fully

 25-1    discharged].

 25-2          SECTION 40.  Section 158.103, Family Code, is amended to read

 25-3    as follows:

 25-4          Sec. 158.103.  CONTENTS OF ORDER OF WITHHOLDING.  An order of

 25-5    withholding shall state:

 25-6                (1)  the style, cause number, and court having

 25-7    continuing jurisdiction of the suit;

 25-8                (2)  the name, address, and, if available, the social

 25-9    security number of the obligor;

25-10                (3)  the amount and duration of the child support

25-11    payments and medical support payments or other provisions for

25-12    medical support;

25-13                (4)  the name, address, and, if available, the social

25-14    security numbers of the child and the obligee;

25-15                (5)  the name and address of the person or agency to

25-16    whom the payments shall be made;

25-17                (6)  that the obligor is required to notify the court

25-18    promptly of any change affecting the order; and

25-19                (7)  that the ordered amount shall be paid to a local

25-20    registry or the Title IV-D agency.

25-21          SECTION 41.  Subsection (a), Section 158.106, Family Code, is

25-22    amended to read as follows:

25-23          (a)  The Title IV-D agency shall prescribe forms [a form]

25-24    for:

25-25                (1)  an [the] order of withholding that is sufficient

 26-1    if rendered [by a court] in substantially the prescribed manner;

 26-2                (2)  a notice of application for judicial writ of

 26-3    withholding; [and]

 26-4                (3)  a judicial writ of withholding as [that is

 26-5    sufficient when issued by the clerk of the court substantially in

 26-6    the manner] provided by Subchapter D; and

 26-7                (4)  an administrative writ of withholding, including

 26-8    forms and procedures for electronic issuance of the writ, as

 26-9    provided by Subchapter F [E].

26-10          SECTION 42.  Section 158.201, Family Code, is amended to read

26-11    as follows:

26-12          Sec. 158.201.  ORDER OR WRIT BINDING ON [NOTICE TO] EMPLOYER.

26-13    (a)  An employer required [who may be directed] to withhold income

26-14    from earnings is not entitled to [as provided by this chapter need

26-15    not be given] notice of the proceedings before the order is

26-16    rendered or writ of withholding is issued.

26-17          (b)  An order or writ of withholding is binding on an

26-18    employer regardless of whether the employer is specifically named

26-19    in the order or writ.

26-20          SECTION 43.  Section 158.202, Family Code, is amended to read

26-21    as follows:


26-23    An employer shall begin to withhold income in accordance with an

26-24    order or writ of withholding not later than the first pay period

26-25    following the date on which the order or writ was delivered to the

 27-1    employer and shall continue to withhold income as required by

 27-2    [provided in] the order or writ as long as the obligor is employed

 27-3    by the employer.

 27-4          SECTION 44.  Section 158.205, Family Code, is amended to read

 27-5    as follows:

 27-6          Sec. 158.205.  HEARING REQUESTED BY EMPLOYER.  (a)  Not later

 27-7    than the 20th day after the date an order or writ of withholding is

 27-8    delivered, the employer may, as appropriate, file a motion with the

 27-9    court or file a request with the Title IV-D agency for a hearing on

27-10    the applicability of the order or writ to the employer.  The Title

27-11    IV-D agency by rule shall establish procedures for an agency

27-12    hearing under this section.

27-13          (b)  The hearing under this section shall be held not later

27-14    than the 15th day after the date the motion or request was made

27-15    [filed].

27-16          (c)  An order or writ of withholding remains binding and

27-17    payments shall continue to be made pending further order of the

27-18    court or, in the case of an administrative writ, action of the

27-19    Title IV-D agency.

27-20          SECTION 45.  Subsection (a), Section 158.206, Family Code, is

27-21    amended to read as follows:

27-22          (a)  An employer receiving an order or a writ of withholding

27-23    under this chapter, including an order or writ directing that

27-24    health insurance be provided to a child, who complies with the

27-25    order or writ is not liable to the obligor for the amount of income

 28-1    withheld and paid as required by the [provided in the] order or

 28-2    writ.

 28-3          SECTION 46.  Subsection (b), Section 158.207, Family Code, is

 28-4    amended to read as follows:

 28-5          (b)  If the total amount due under the orders or writs

 28-6    exceeds the maximum amount allowed to be withheld under Section

 28-7    158.009, the employer shall pay an equal amount towards the current

 28-8    support in each order or writ [portion of all orders or writs]

 28-9    until the employer has complied fully with each current support

28-10    obligation [order or writ] and, thereafter, equal amounts on the

28-11    arrearages until the employer has complied with each order or writ,

28-12    or until the maximum total amount of allowed withholding is

28-13    reached, whichever occurs first.

28-14          SECTION 47.  Subsections (c) and (d), Section 158.209, Family

28-15    Code, are amended to read as follows:

28-16          (c)  If an employer intentionally discharges an employee in

28-17    violation of this section, the employer continues to be liable to

28-18    the employee for current wages and other benefits and for

28-19    reasonable attorney's fees and court costs incurred [by the

28-20    employee] in enforcing the employee's rights as provided in this

28-21    section.

28-22          (d)  An action under this section may be brought [only] by

28-23    the employee, a friend of the court, the domestic relations office,

28-24    or the Title IV-D agency.

28-25          SECTION 48.  The heading for Subchapter D, Chapter 158,

 29-1    Family Code, is amended to read as follows:


 29-3          SECTION 49.  Section 158.301, Family Code, is amended to read

 29-4    as follows:


 29-6    WITHHOLDING; FILING.  (a)  A notice of application for judicial

 29-7    writ of withholding may be filed if:

 29-8                (1)  a delinquency occurs in child support payments in

 29-9    an amount equal to or greater than the total support due for one

29-10    month; or

29-11                (2)  income withholding was not ordered at the time

29-12    child support was ordered.

29-13          (b)  The notice of application for judicial writ of

29-14    withholding may be filed in the court of continuing jurisdiction

29-15    by:

29-16                (1)  the Title IV-D agency;

29-17                (2)  the attorney representing the local domestic

29-18    relations office;

29-19                (3)  the attorney appointed a friend of the court as

29-20    provided in Chapter 202;

29-21                (4)  the obligor or obligee; or

29-22                (5)  a private attorney representing the obligor or

29-23    obligee.

29-24          (c)  The Title IV-D agency may [shall] in a Title IV-D case

29-25    file a notice of application for judicial writ of withholding on

 30-1    request of the obligor or obligee.

 30-2          SECTION 50.  Section 158.302, Family Code, is amended to read

 30-3    as follows:


 30-5    WRIT OF WITHHOLDING.  The notice of application for judicial writ

 30-6    of withholding shall be verified and:

 30-7                (1)  state the amount of monthly support due, including

 30-8    medical support, the amount of arrearages or anticipated

 30-9    arrearages, including accrued interest, and the amount of wages

30-10    that will be withheld in accordance with a judicial [by the] writ

30-11    of withholding;

30-12                (2)  state that the withholding applies to each current

30-13    or subsequent employer or period of employment;

30-14                (3)  state that if the obligor does not contest the

30-15    withholding within 10 days after the date of receipt of the notice

30-16    [of withholding], the obligor's employer will be notified to begin

30-17    the withholding;

30-18                (4)  describe the procedures for contesting the

30-19    issuance and delivery of a writ of withholding;

30-20                (5)  state that if the obligor contests the

30-21    withholding, the obligor will be afforded an opportunity for a

30-22    hearing by the court not later than the 30th day after the date of

30-23    receipt of the notice of contest;

30-24                (6)  state that the sole ground for successfully

30-25    contesting the issuance of a writ [notice] of withholding is a

 31-1    dispute concerning the identity of the obligor or the existence or

 31-2    amount of the arrearages, including accrued interest;

 31-3                (7)  describe the actions that may be taken [the

 31-4    attorney will take] if the obligor contests the notice of

 31-5    application for judicial writ of withholding, including the

 31-6    procedures for suspending issuance of a writ of withholding; and

 31-7                (8)  include with the notice a suggested form for the

 31-8    motion to stay issuance and delivery of the judicial writ of

 31-9    withholding that the obligor may file with the clerk of the

31-10    appropriate court.

31-11          SECTION 51.  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 158.303, Family

31-12    Code, are amended to read as follows:

31-13          (a)  The [In a Title IV-D case, the] registration of a

31-14    foreign support order as provided in Chapter 159 is sufficient for

31-15    the filing of a notice of application for judicial writ of

31-16    withholding.

31-17          (c)  Notice of application for judicial writ of withholding

31-18    may be delivered to the obligor at the same time that an order is

31-19    filed for registration under Chapter 159.

31-20          SECTION 52.  Section 158.304, Family Code, is amended to read

31-21    as follows:

31-22          Sec. 158.304.  ADDITIONAL ARREARAGES [ANTICIPATED

31-23    VIOLATIONS].  If the notice of application for judicial writ of

31-24    withholding states [claims] that the obligor has repeatedly failed

31-25    to pay support in accordance with the underlying support [violated

 32-1    the] order, the judicial writ may include arrearages that accrue

 32-2    [movant may plead anticipated future violations of a similar nature

 32-3    may arise] between the filing of the notice and the date of the

 32-4    hearing or the issuance of a judicial writ of withholding.

 32-5          SECTION 53.  Section 158.306, Family Code, is amended to read

 32-6    as follows:


 32-8    WRIT OF WITHHOLDING; TIME OF DELIVERY.  (a)  A notice of

 32-9    application for judicial writ of withholding may be delivered to

32-10    the obligor by:

32-11                (1)  hand delivery by a person designated by the Title

32-12    IV-D agency or local domestic relations office;

32-13                (2)  first-class or certified mail, return receipt

32-14    requested, addressed to the obligor's last known address or place

32-15    of employment; or

32-16                (3)  by service of citation as in civil cases

32-17    generally.

32-18          (b)  If the notice is delivered by mailing or hand delivery,

32-19    the party [attorney] who filed the notice shall file with the court

32-20    a certificate stating the name, address, and date on which the

32-21    mailing or hand delivery was made.

32-22          (c)  Notice is considered to have been received by the

32-23    obligor:

32-24                (1)  if hand delivered, on the date of delivery;

32-25                (2)  if mailed by certified mail, on the date of

 33-1    receipt;

 33-2                (3)  if mailed by first-class mail, on the 10th day

 33-3    after the date the notice was mailed; or

 33-4                (4)  if delivered by service of citation, on the date

 33-5    of service.

 33-6          SECTION 54.  Subsection (a), Section 158.307, Family Code, is

 33-7    amended to read as follows:

 33-8          (a)  The obligor may stay issuance of a judicial writ of

 33-9    withholding by filing a motion to stay [issuance] with the clerk of

33-10    court not later than the 10th day after the date the notice of

33-11    application for judicial writ of withholding was received.

33-12          SECTION 55.  Section 158.308, Family Code, is amended to read

33-13    as follows:

33-14          Sec. 158.308.  EFFECT OF FILING MOTION TO STAY.  The filing

33-15    of a motion to stay [issuance] by an obligor in the manner provided

33-16    by Section 158.307 prohibits the clerk of court from delivering the

33-17    judicial writ of [income] withholding to any employer of the

33-18    obligor before a hearing is held.

33-19          SECTION 56.  Section 158.309, Family Code, is amended to read

33-20    as follows:

33-21          Sec. 158.309.  HEARING ON MOTION TO STAY.  (a)  If a motion

33-22    to stay [issuance] is filed in the manner provided by Section

33-23    158.307, the court shall set a hearing on the motion and the clerk

33-24    of court shall notify the obligor, obligee, or their authorized

33-25    representatives, and the party [attorney] who filed the application

 34-1    for judicial writ [notice] of withholding of the date, time, and

 34-2    place of the hearing.

 34-3          (b)  The court shall hold a hearing on the motion to stay not

 34-4    later than the 30th day after the date the motion was filed, except

 34-5    that a hearing [on a motion to stay in a proceeding that is not in

 34-6    a Title IV-D case] may be held later than the 30th day after filing

 34-7    if both the obligor and obligee agree and waive the right to have

 34-8    the motion heard within 30 days.

 34-9          (c)  Upon [After the] hearing, the court shall:

34-10                (1)  render an order for income withholding that

34-11    includes a determination of the amount of child support arrearages,

34-12    including medical support and interest; or

34-13                (2)  grant the motion to stay [deny the requested

34-14    relief not later than the 45th day after the date the notice of

34-15    withholding was received by the obligor].

34-16          SECTION 57.  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 158.310, Family

34-17    Code, are amended to read as follows:

34-18          (a)  A defect in a notice of application for judicial writ of

34-19    withholding is waived unless the respondent specially excepts in

34-20    writing and cites with particularity the alleged defect, obscurity,

34-21    or other ambiguity in the notice.

34-22          (c)  If the court sustains an exception, the court shall

34-23    provide the party [attorney] filing the notice [of withholding] an

34-24    opportunity to refile [the notice] and the court shall continue the

34-25    hearing to a date certain without the requirement of additional

 35-1    service.

 35-2          SECTION 58.  Subsection (a), Section 158.311, Family Code, is

 35-3    amended to read as follows:

 35-4          (a)  Payment of arrearages after receipt of notice of

 35-5    application for judicial writ of withholding may not be the sole

 35-6    basis for the court to refuse to order withholding.

 35-7          SECTION 59.  Subsection (a), Section 158.312, Family Code, is

 35-8    amended to read as follows:

 35-9          (a)  If a notice of application for judicial writ of

35-10    withholding is delivered and a motion to stay is not filed within

35-11    the time limits provided by Section 158.307, the party [attorney]

35-12    who filed the notice [of withholding] shall file with the clerk of

35-13    the court a request for issuance of the writ of withholding stating

35-14    the amount of current support, including medical support, the

35-15    amount of arrearages, and the amount to be withheld from the

35-16    obligor's income [by the clerk of the court].

35-17          SECTION 60.  Section 158.314, Family Code, is amended to read

35-18    as follows:

35-19          Sec. 158.314.  CONTENTS OF WRIT OF WITHHOLDING.  The judicial

35-20    writ of income withholding issued by the clerk must direct that the

35-21    employer or a subsequent employer [to] withhold from the obligor's

35-22    disposable income for current child support, including medical

35-23    support, and child support arrearages an amount that is consistent

35-24    with the provisions of this chapter regarding orders of

35-25    withholding.

 36-1          SECTION 61.  Section 158.315, Family Code, is amended to read

 36-2    as follows:


 36-4    [ATTORNEY]; UNREASONABLE HARDSHIP.  If the party [attorney] who

 36-5    filed the notice of application for judicial writ of withholding

 36-6    finds that the schedule for repaying arrearages would cause the

 36-7    obligor, the obligor's family, or the children for whom the support

 36-8    is due from the obligor to suffer unreasonable hardship, the party

 36-9    [attorney] may extend the payment period in the writ.

36-10          SECTION 62.  Section 158.317, Family Code, is amended to read

36-11    as follows:


36-13    JUDICIAL WRIT OF WITHHOLDING.  (a)  Not later than the 30th day

36-14    after the date of the first pay period following the date of

36-15    delivery of the writ of withholding to the obligor's employer, the

36-16    obligor may file an affidavit with the court that a motion to stay

36-17    [issuance and delivery] was not timely filed because the notice of

36-18    application for judicial writ of withholding was not received by

36-19    the obligor and that grounds exist for a motion to stay [issuance

36-20    and delivery].

36-21          (b)  Concurrently with the filing of the affidavit, the

36-22    obligor may file a motion to withdraw the writ of [income]

36-23    withholding and request a hearing on the applicability of the writ

36-24    [notice of delinquency].

36-25          (c)  Income withholding may not be interrupted until after

 37-1    the hearing at which the court renders an order denying or

 37-2    modifying withholding.

 37-3          SECTION 63.  Section 158.319, Family Code, is amended to read

 37-4    as follows:


 37-6    WITHHOLDING TO SUBSEQUENT EMPLOYER.  (a)  After the issuance of a

 37-7    judicial writ of withholding by the clerk, a party [an attorney]

 37-8    authorized to file a notice of application for judicial writ of

 37-9    withholding under this subchapter may issue the judicial writ of

37-10    withholding to a subsequent employer of the obligor by delivering

37-11    to the employer by certified mail a copy of the writ.

37-12          (b)  The judicial writ of withholding must include the name,

37-13    address, and signature of the party [attorney] and clearly indicate

37-14    that the writ is being issued to a subsequent employer.

37-15          (c)  The party [attorney] shall file a copy of the judicial

37-16    writ of withholding with the clerk not later than the third working

37-17    day following delivery of the writ to the subsequent employer.  The

37-18    party [attorney] shall pay the clerk a fee of $15 at the time the

37-19    copy of the writ is filed.

37-20          (d)  The party [attorney] shall file the postal return

37-21    receipt from the delivery to the subsequent employer not later than

37-22    the third working day after the party [attorney] receives the

37-23    receipt.

37-24          SECTION 64.  Subsection (b), Section 158.401, Family Code, is

37-25    amended to read as follows:

 38-1          (b)  At the request of the [The] Title IV-D agency, [shall

 38-2    cause] the clerk of the court shall [to] issue a judicial [and to

 38-3    deliver a] writ of withholding to the obligor's employer reflecting

 38-4    any modification or changes in the amount to be withheld or the

 38-5    termination of withholding.

 38-6          SECTION 65.  Section 158.402, Family Code, is amended to read

 38-7    as follows:

 38-8          Sec. 158.402.  [EFFECT OF] AGREEMENT BY PARTIES REGARDING

 38-9    AMOUNT OR DURATION OF WITHHOLDING.  (a)  An [If an] obligor and

38-10    obligee may agree on a reduction in or termination of income

38-11    withholding for child support on the occurrence of one of the

38-12    following contingencies stated in the order:

38-13                (1)  the child becomes 18 years of age or is graduated

38-14    from high school, whichever is later;

38-15                (2)  the child's disabilities of minority are removed

38-16    by marriage, court order, or other operation of law; or

38-17                (3)  the child dies.

38-18          (b)  The[, the] obligor and obligee may file a notarized or

38-19    acknowledged request with the clerk of the court under Section

38-20    158.011 for a revised judicial writ of withholding, including the

38-21    termination of withholding.

38-22          (c)  The clerk shall issue and deliver to an employer of the

38-23    obligor a judicial writ of withholding [to the obligor's employer]

38-24    that reflects the agreed revision [modification] or [the]

38-25    termination of withholding.

 39-1          (d)  An agreement by the parties under this section does not

 39-2    modify the terms of a support order.

 39-3          SECTION 66.  Chapter 158, Family Code, is amended by adding

 39-4    Subchapter F to read as follows:


 39-6                            IN TITLE IV-D CASES

 39-7          Sec. 158.501.  ISSUANCE OF ADMINISTRATIVE WRIT OF

 39-8    WITHHOLDING.  The Title IV-D agency may initiate income withholding

 39-9    by issuing an administrative writ of withholding for the

39-10    enforcement of an existing order as authorized by this subchapter.


39-12    ISSUED.  An administrative writ of withholding under this

39-13    subchapter may be issued at any time until all current support,

39-14    including medical support, and child support arrearages have been

39-15    paid.


39-17    FILING WITH COURT.  (a)  An administrative writ of withholding

39-18    issued under this subchapter may be delivered to an employer by

39-19    mail or by electronic transmission.

39-20          (b)  Not later than the third business day after the date of

39-21    delivery of the administrative writ of withholding to an employer,

39-22    the Title IV-D agency shall file a copy of the writ, together with

39-23    a certificate of service, in the court of continuing jurisdiction.

39-24          (c)  The copy of the administrative writ of withholding filed

39-25    with the clerk of court must include:

 40-1                (1)  the name, address, and signature of the authorized

 40-2    attorney or individual that issued the writ;

 40-3                (2)  the name and address of the employer served with

 40-4    the writ; and

 40-5                (3)  a true copy of the information provided to the

 40-6    employer.

 40-7          Sec. 158.504.  CONTENTS OF ADMINISTRATIVE WRIT OF

 40-8    WITHHOLDING.  (a)  The administrative writ of withholding must be

 40-9    in the form prescribed by the Title IV-D agency as required by this

40-10    chapter and in a standard format authorized by the United States

40-11    Department of Health and Human Services.

40-12          (b)  An administrative writ of withholding issued under this

40-13    subchapter may contain only the information that is necessary for

40-14    the employer to comply with the existing withholding order,

40-15    including the amount of current support and medical support, the

40-16    amount of arrearages, accrued interest, and the amount of earnings

40-17    to be withheld.

40-18          Sec. 158.505.  NOTICE TO OBLIGOR.  (a)  On issuance of an

40-19    administrative writ of withholding, the Title IV-D agency shall

40-20    send the obligor:

40-21                (1)  notice that the withholding has commenced;

40-22                (2)  notice of the procedures to follow if the obligor

40-23    desires to contest withholding on the grounds that the identity of

40-24    the obligor or the existence or amount of arrearages is incorrect;

40-25    and

 41-1                (3)  a copy of the administrative writ, including the

 41-2    information concerning income withholding provided in the original

 41-3    writ to the employer.

 41-4          (b)  The notice required under this section may be sent to

 41-5    the obligor by:

 41-6                (1)  personal delivery by a person designated by the

 41-7    Title IV-D agency;

 41-8                (2)  first-class mail or certified mail, return receipt

 41-9    requested, addressed to the obligor's last known address; or

41-10                (3)  service of citation as in civil cases generally.

41-11          (c)  The copy of the administrative writ of withholding

41-12    delivered to the obligor shall include the information concerning

41-13    income withholding provided in the original writ to the employer.


41-15    WITHHOLDING.  (a)  An obligor receiving the notice under Section

41-16    158.503 may request a review by the Title IV-D agency to resolve

41-17    any issue in dispute regarding the identity of the obligor or the

41-18    existence or amount of arrearages.  The Title IV-D agency shall

41-19    provide an opportunity for a review, by telephonic conference or in

41-20    person, as may be appropriate under the circumstances.

41-21          (b)  After a review under this section, the Title IV-D agency

41-22    may issue a new administrative writ of withholding to the employer,

41-23    including a writ modifying the amount to be withheld or terminating

41-24    withholding.

41-25          (c)  If a review under this section fails to resolve any

 42-1    issue in dispute, the obligor is entitled to the remedies provided

 42-2    by Section 158.317 for cases in which a notice of an application

 42-3    for judicial writ of withholding was not received.  The obligor may

 42-4    file a motion with the court to withdraw the administrative writ

 42-5    and request a hearing with the court not later than the 30th day

 42-6    after receiving notice of the agency's determination.  Income

 42-7    withholding may not be interrupted pending a hearing by the court.


 42-9    An administrative writ to terminate withholding may be issued and

42-10    delivered to an employer by the Title IV-D agency when all current

42-11    support, including medical support, and child support arrearages

42-12    have been paid.


42-14    administrative writ of withholding may be issued in a Title IV-D

42-15    interstate case on registration of a foreign support order as

42-16    provided in Chapter 159.

42-17          SECTION 67.  Section 231.002, Family Code, is amended by

42-18    amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsections (e) and (f) to read

42-19    as follows:

42-20          (d)  The Title IV-D agency may take the following

42-21    administrative actions [any action] with respect to the location of

42-22    a parent, the determination of parentage, and the establishment,

42-23    modification, and enforcement of child support and medical support

42-24    orders required by 42 U.S.C. Section 666(c), without obtaining an

42-25    order from any other judicial or administrative tribunal:

 43-1                (1)  issue an administrative subpoena, as provided by

 43-2    Section 231.303, to obtain financial or other information;

 43-3                (2)  order genetic testing for parentage determination,

 43-4    as provided by Chapter 233;

 43-5                (3)  order income withholding, as provided by Chapter

 43-6    233, and issue an administrative writ of withholding, as provided

 43-7    by Chapter 158; and

 43-8                (4)  take any action with respect to execution,

 43-9    collection, and release of a judgment or lien for child support

43-10    necessary to satisfy the judgment or lien, as provided by Chapter

43-11    157.

43-12          (e)  The Title IV-D agency shall recognize and enforce the

43-13    authority of the Title IV-D agency of another state to take actions

43-14    similar to the actions listed in Subsection (d).

43-15          (f)  The Title IV-D agency shall develop and use procedures

43-16    for the administrative enforcement of interstate cases meeting the

43-17    requirements of 42 U.S.C. Section 666(a)(14) under which the

43-18    agency:

43-19                (1)  shall respond within five business days to a

43-20    request made by another state for assistance in a Title IV-D case;

43-21    and

43-22                (2)  may, by electronic or other means, transmit to

43-23    another state a request for assistance in a Title IV-D case.

43-24          SECTION 68.  Section 231.101, Family Code, is amended by

43-25    amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (c) and (d) to read

 44-1    as follows:

 44-2          (b)  At the request of either the obligee or obligor

 44-3    [parent], the Title IV-D agency shall review a child support order

 44-4    once every three years and, if appropriate, adjust the support

 44-5    amount to meet the requirements of the child support guidelines

 44-6    under Chapter 154.

 44-7          (c)  Except as notice is included in the child support order,

 44-8    a party subject to a support order shall be provided notice not

 44-9    less than once every three years of the party's right to request

44-10    that the Title IV-D agency review and, if appropriate, adjust the

44-11    amount of ordered support.

44-12          (d)  The Title IV-D agency may review a support order at any

44-13    time on a showing of a material and substantial change in

44-14    circumstances, taking into consideration the best interests of the

44-15    child.

44-16          SECTION 69.  Subsection (a), Section 231.104, Family Code, is

44-17    amended to read as follows:

44-18          (a)  To the extent authorized by law, the [The] approval of

44-19    an application for or the receipt of financial assistance as

44-20    provided by Chapter 31, Human Resources Code, constitutes an

44-21    assignment to the Title IV-D agency of any rights to support from

44-22    any other person that the applicant or recipient may have

44-23    personally or for a child for whom the applicant or recipient is

44-24    claiming assistance, including the right to the amount accrued at

44-25    the time the application is filed or the assistance is received.

 45-1          SECTION 70.  Section 231.105, Family Code, is amended to read

 45-2    as follows:

 45-3          Sec. 231.105.  NOTICE OF CHANGE OF PAYEE [ASSIGNMENT].

 45-4    (a)  Child support payments for the benefit of a child whose

 45-5    support rights have been assigned to the Title IV-D agency shall be

 45-6    made payable to and transmitted to the Title IV-D agency.

 45-7          (b)  If a court has ordered support payments to be made to an

 45-8    applicant for or recipient of financial assistance or to a person

 45-9    other than the applicant or recipient, the Title IV-D agency shall,

45-10    on providing notice to the obligee and the obligor, direct the

45-11    obligor or other payor to make support payments payable to the

45-12    Title IV-D agency and to transmit the payments to the agency.  The

45-13    Title IV-D agency shall [may] file a copy of the notice [of the

45-14    assignment] with the court ordering the payments and with the child

45-15    support registry.  The notice must include:

45-16                (1)  a statement that the child is an applicant for or

45-17    recipient of financial assistance, or a child other than a

45-18    recipient child for whom services are provided;

45-19                (2)  the name of the child and the caretaker for whom

45-20    support has been ordered by the court;

45-21                (3)  the style and cause number of the case in which

45-22    support was ordered; and

45-23                (4)  instructions for the payment of [a request that

45-24    the payments] ordered support [be made payable and transmitted] to

45-25    the agency.

 46-1          (c)  On receipt of a copy of the notice under Subsection (b)

 46-2    [and without a requirement of a hearing], the clerk of the court

 46-3    shall file the notice in the appropriate case file [order that the

 46-4    payments be made to the Title IV-D agency].

 46-5          SECTION 71.  Section 231.106, Family Code, is amended to read

 46-6    as follows:

 46-7          Sec. 231.106.  NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF ASSIGNMENT.  (a)  On

 46-8    termination of support rights to the Title IV-D agency, the [The]

 46-9    Title IV-D agency shall, after providing notice to the obligee and

46-10    the obligor, send [may file] a notice of termination of assignment

46-11    to the obligor or other payor, which may direct [include a request]

46-12    that all or a portion of the payments be made payable to the agency

46-13    and to other persons who are entitled to receive the payments.

46-14          (b)  The Title IV-D agency shall send a copy of the notice of

46-15    termination of assignment to the court ordering the support and to

46-16    the child support registry, and on [On] receipt of the notice [of

46-17    termination of assignment] the clerk of the court shall file the

46-18    notice in the appropriate case file [order that the payments be

46-19    directed as stated in the notice].

46-20          SECTION 72.  Section 231.107, Family Code, is amended to read

46-21    as follows:


46-23    ASSIGNMENT.  If an abstract of judgment or a child support lien on

46-24    support amounts assigned to the Title IV-D agency under this

46-25    chapter has previously been filed of record, the agency shall file

 47-1    for recordation, with the county clerk of each county in which such

 47-2    abstract or lien has been filed, a certificate that a notice of

 47-3    change of payee [an order of assignment] or a notice of termination

 47-4    of assignment has been issued by the agency.

 47-5          SECTION 73.  Section 231.108, Family Code, is amended by

 47-6    adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:

 47-7          (e)  The Title IV-D agency may not release information on the

 47-8    physical location of a person if:

 47-9                (1)  a protective order has been entered with respect

47-10    to the person; or

47-11                (2)  there is reason to believe that the release of

47-12    information may result in physical or emotional harm to the person.

47-13          SECTION 74.  Section 231.301, Family Code, is amended to read

47-14    as follows:

47-15          Sec. 231.301.  TITLE IV-D PARENT LOCATOR SERVICES.  The

47-16    parent locator service conducted by the Title IV-D agency shall be

47-17    used to obtain information for child support enforcement purposes

47-18    regarding the identity, social security number, location

47-19    [whereabouts], employer and employment benefits, income, and assets

47-20    or debts [holdings] of any individual under an obligation to pay

47-21    child or medical support or to whom a support obligation is owed

47-22    [person when the information is to be used for the purposes of

47-23    locating the person and establishing or enforcing a support or

47-24    medical support obligation against the person].

47-25          SECTION 75.  Section 231.302, Family Code, is amended by

 48-1    amending Subsections (a), (b), and (e) and adding Subsection (g) to

 48-2    read as follows:

 48-3          (a)  The Title IV-D agency of this or another state may

 48-4    [shall attempt to locate a person needed to establish or enforce a

 48-5    support or medical support obligation and is entitled to] request

 48-6    and obtain information relating to the identity, location,

 48-7    employment, compensation, benefits, income, and property holdings

 48-8    or other assets of any [the] person from a state or local

 48-9    government agency, private company, institution, or other entity as

48-10    necessary to establish, modify, or enforce a support order

48-11    [implement this chapter].

48-12          (b)  A [state] government agency, private company,

48-13    institution, or other entity shall provide the [furnishing]

48-14    information requested under Subsection (a) and shall provide the

48-15    information, subject to safeguards for privacy and information

48-16    security, in the most efficient and expeditious manner available,

48-17    including electronic or automated transfer and interface.  An

48-18    individual or entity disclosing information under this section in

48-19    response to a request from a Title IV-D agency may not be held

48-20    liable in a civil action or proceeding for the disclosure of the

48-21    information.

48-22          (e)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), a social security

48-23    number provided under this section is confidential and may be

48-24    disclosed only for the purposes of responding to a request for

48-25    information from an agency operating under the provisions of Part

 49-1    [Parts] A or [and] D of Title IV of the federal Social Security Act

 49-2    (42 U.S.C. Sections 601 et seq. [601-617] and 651 et seq.

 49-3    [651-669]).

 49-4          (g)  In this section, "licensing authority" has the meaning

 49-5    assigned by Section 232.001.

 49-6          SECTION 76.  Section 231.303, Family Code, is amended to read

 49-7    as follows:

 49-8          Sec. 231.303.  TITLE IV-D ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPOENA.  (a)  The

 49-9    Title IV-D agency of this state or another state may issue an

49-10    administrative subpoena to any individual or private or public

49-11    entity in this state [organization] to furnish information

49-12    necessary to carry out the purposes [provisions] of child support

49-13    enforcement under 42 U.S.C Section 651 et seq. or this chapter.

49-14          (b)  An individual or entity [organization] receiving an

49-15    administrative [a] subpoena under this section shall comply with

49-16    the subpoena.  The Title IV-D agency may impose a fine in an amount

49-17    not to exceed $500 on an individual or entity that fails without

49-18    good cause to comply with an administrative subpoena.  An alleged

49-19    or presumed father or a parent who fails to comply with a subpoena

49-20    without good cause may also be subject to license suspension under

49-21    Chapter 232.

49-22          (c)  A court may compel compliance with an administrative

49-23    subpoena and with any administrative fine for failure to comply

49-24    with the subpoena and may award attorney's fees and costs to the

49-25    Title IV-D agency in enforcing an administrative subpoena on proof

 50-1    that an individual or organization failed without good cause to

 50-2    comply with the subpoena.

 50-3          (d)  An individual or organization may not be liable in a

 50-4    civil action or proceeding for disclosing financial or other

 50-5    information to a Title IV-D agency under this section.  The Title

 50-6    IV-D agency may disclose information in a financial record obtained

 50-7    from a financial institution only to the extent necessary to

 50-8    establish, modify, or enforce a child support obligation.

 50-9          SECTION 77.  Subchapter D, Chapter 231, Family Code, is

50-10    amended by adding Section 231.307 to read as follows:

50-11          Sec. 231.307.  FINANCIAL INSTITUTION DATA MATCHES.  (a)  The

50-12    Title IV-D agency shall develop a system meeting the requirements

50-13    of 42 U.S.C. Section 666(a)(17) for the quarterly exchange of data

50-14    with financial institutions doing business in the state to identify

50-15    an account of an obligor owing past-due child support and enforce

50-16    support obligations against the obligor.

50-17          (b)  The Title IV-D agency by rule shall establish procedures

50-18    for data matches authorized under this section.

50-19          (c)  A financial institution providing information or

50-20    responding to a notice of child support lien provided under

50-21    Subchapter G, Chapter 157, or otherwise acting in good faith to

50-22    comply with the  Title IV-D agency's procedures under this section

50-23    may not be liable under any federal or state law for any damages

50-24    that arise from those acts.

50-25          (d)  In this section:

 51-1                (1)  "Financial institution" has the meaning assigned

 51-2    by 42 U.S.C. Section 669a(d)(1); and

 51-3                (2)  "Account" means a demand deposit account, checking

 51-4    or negotiable withdrawal order account, savings account, time

 51-5    deposit account, or money market mutual fund account.

 51-6          SECTION 78.  Subchapter E, Chapter 231, Family Code, is

 51-7    redesignated as Chapter 233, Family Code, and amended to read as

 51-8    follows:



51-11          Sec. 233.001 [231.401].  PURPOSE.  (a)  The purpose of the

51-12    procedures specified in the child support review process authorized

51-13    by this chapter [subchapter] is to enable the  Title IV-D agency

51-14    [provide child support agencies an opportunity] to take expedited

51-15    administrative [resolve routine child support] actions to

51-16    establish, modify, and enforce child support and medical support

51-17    obligations, to determine parentage, or to take any other action

51-18    authorized or required under Part D, Title IV, of the federal

51-19    Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 651 et seq.), and Chapter

51-20    231 [through agreement of the parties or uncontested orders].

51-21          (b)  A child support review order issued under this chapter

51-22    and confirmed by a court constitutes an order of the court and is

51-23    enforceable by any means available for the enforcement of child

51-24    support obligations under this code, including withholding income,

51-25    filing a child support lien, and suspending a license under Chapter

 52-1    232.

 52-2          Sec. 233.002 [231.402].  AGREEMENTS ENCOURAGED.  To the

 52-3    extent permitted by this chapter [subchapter], the  Title IV-D

 52-4    agency [child support agencies] shall [make the child support

 52-5    review process understandable to all parties and shall] encourage

 52-6    agreement of the parties [agreements].

 52-7          Sec. 233.003 [231.403].  BILINGUAL FORMS REQUIRED.  A notice

 52-8    or other form used to implement administrative procedures under

 52-9    this chapter [the child support review process] shall be printed in

52-10    both Spanish and English.

52-11          Sec. 233.004 [231.404].  INTERPRETER REQUIRED.  If a party

52-12    participating in an administrative proceeding under this chapter [a

52-13    negotiation conference] does not speak English or is hearing

52-14    impaired, the Title IV-D [child support] agency shall provide for

52-15    interpreter services at no charge to the party [parties].

52-16          Sec. 233.005 [231.405].  INITIATING Administrative Actions

52-17    [CHILD SUPPORT REVIEW].  An administrative action under this

52-18    chapter [subchapter] may be initiated by issuing a notice of child

52-19    support review under Section 233.006 or a notice of proposed child

52-20    support review order under Section 233.009 to each party entitled

52-21    to notice.

52-22          Sec. 233.006 [231.406].  CONTENTS OF NOTICE OF CHILD SUPPORT

52-23    REVIEW.  (a)  The notice of child support review issued by the

52-24    Title IV-D agency must:

52-25                (1)  describe the procedure for a child support review,

 53-1    including the procedures for requesting a negotiation conference;

 53-2                (2)  inform the recipient that the recipient may be

 53-3    represented by legal counsel during the review process or at a

 53-4    court hearing;

 53-5                (3)  inform the recipient that the recipient may refuse

 53-6    to participate or cease participation in the child support review

 53-7    process, but that the refusal by the recipient to participate will

 53-8    not prevent the completion of the process or the filing of a child

 53-9    support review order;

53-10                (4)  include an affidavit of financial resources to be

53-11    executed by the recipient; and

53-12                (5)  include a request that the recipient designate, on

53-13    a form provided by the Title IV-D [child support] agency, an

53-14    address for mailing any subsequent [additional] notice to the

53-15    recipient.

53-16          (b)  In addition to the information required by Subsection

53-17    (a), the notice of child support review must inform the recipient

53-18    that:

53-19                (1)  the information requested on the form must be

53-20    returned to the Title IV-D [child support] agency not later than

53-21    the 15th day after the date the notice is received or delivered;

53-22    and

53-23                (2)  if the requested information is not returned as

53-24    required, the [child support] agency may:

53-25                      (A)  [may] proceed with the review using the

 54-1    information that is available to the agency; and

 54-2                      (B)  [may] file a legal action without further

 54-3    notice to the recipient, except as otherwise required by law.

 54-4          Sec. 233.007 [231.407].  Service of NOTICE [BY MAIL].  (a)  A

 54-5    notice required in an administrative action under this chapter may

 54-6    [subchapter must] be delivered by personal service or [served by]

 54-7    first class mail [or certified mail] on each party entitled to

 54-8    citation or notice as provided by Chapter 102.

 54-9          (b)  This section does not apply to notice required on filing

54-10    of a child support review order or to later judicial actions.

54-11          Sec. 233.008 [231.408].  ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPOENA IN CHILD

54-12    SUPPORT REVIEW.  [(a)]  In a child support review under this

54-13    chapter [subchapter], the Title IV-D [a child support] agency may

54-14    issue an administrative subpoena authorized under Chapter 231 to

54-15    any individual or organization believed to have financial or other

54-16    information needed to establish, modify, or enforce a support order

54-17    [on the financial resources of the parent or presumed or alleged

54-18    father].

54-19          [(b)  A court may compel compliance with an administrative

54-20    subpoena and award attorney's fees and costs to a child support

54-21    agency enforcing an administrative subpoena on proof that an

54-22    individual or organization failed to comply with the subpoena

54-23    without good cause.]

54-24          Sec. 233.009 [231.409].  Notice of Proposed Child Support

54-25    Review Order; [SCHEDULING] NEGOTIATION CONFERENCE.  (a)  After an

 55-1    investigation and assessment of financial resources, the Title IV-D

 55-2    agency may serve on the parties a notice of proposed child support

 55-3    review order in enforcing or modifying an existing order.

 55-4          (b)  The notice of proposed child support review order shall

 55-5    state:

 55-6                (1)  the amount of periodic payment of child support

 55-7    due, the amount of any overdue support that is owed as an arrearage

 55-8    as of the date of the notice, and the amounts that are to be paid

 55-9    by the obligor for current support due and in payment on the

55-10    arrearage owed;

55-11                (2)  that the person identified in the notice as the

55-12    party responsible for payment of the support amounts may contest

55-13    the notice order on the grounds that:

55-14                      (A)  the respondent is not the responsible party;

55-15                      (B)  the dependent child is no longer entitled to

55-16    child support; or

55-17                      (C)  the amount of monthly support or arrearage

55-18    is incorrectly stated; and

55-19                (3)  that, if the person identified in the notice as

55-20    the party responsible for payment of the support amounts does not

55-21    contest the notice in writing or request a negotiation conference

55-22    to discuss the notice not later than the 15th day after the date

55-23    the notice was delivered, the Title IV-D agency may file a child

55-24    support review order for child support and for medical support for

55-25    the child as provided by Chapter 154 according to the information

 56-1    available to the agency.

 56-2          (c)  The Title IV-D [child support] agency may schedule a

 56-3    negotiation conference without a request from a party.

 56-4          (d) [(b)]  The Title IV-D [child support] agency shall

 56-5    schedule a negotiation conference on the timely request of a party.

 56-6          (e) [(c)]  The agency may conduct a [A] negotiation

 56-7    conference, or any part of a negotiation conference, [may be

 56-8    conducted] by telephone conference call, by video conference, as

 56-9    well as in person and may adjourn the[.  The negotiation]

56-10    conference [may be adjourned] for a reasonable time to permit

56-11    mediation of issues that cannot be resolved by the parties and the

56-12    [child support] agency.

56-13          Sec. 233.010 [231.410].  NOTICE OF [TIME FOR] NEGOTIATION


56-15    (a)  The Title IV-D agency shall notify all [All] parties entitled

56-16    to notice of the negotiation conference [shall be notified] of the

56-17    date, time, and place of the [negotiation] conference not later

56-18    than the 10th day before the date of the [negotiation] conference.

56-19          (b)  If a party fails to attend the scheduled conference, the

56-20    agency may proceed with the review and file a child support review

56-21    order according to the information available to the agency.

56-22          Sec. 233.011 [231.411].  RESCHEDULING NEGOTIATION CONFERENCE;

56-23    NOTICE REQUIRED.  (a)  The Title IV-D agency may reschedule or

56-24    adjourn a [A] negotiation conference [may be rescheduled or

56-25    adjourned] on the request of any party [at the discretion of the

 57-1    child support review officer].

 57-2          (b)  The  Title IV-D agency shall give all [All] parties

 57-3    [must be given] notice of a rescheduled conference [the

 57-4    rescheduling] not later than the third day before the date of the

 57-5    rescheduled [negotiation] conference.

 57-6          Sec. 233.012 [231.412].  INFORMATION REQUIRED TO BE PROVIDED

 57-7    AT NEGOTIATION CONFERENCE.  At the beginning of the negotiation

 57-8    conference, the child support review officer shall review with the

 57-9    parties participating in the conference information provided in the

57-10    notice of child support review and inform the parties that:

57-11                (1)  the purpose of the negotiation conference is to

57-12    provide an opportunity to reach an agreement on a child support

57-13    order;

57-14                (2)  if the parties reach an agreement, the review

57-15    officer will prepare an agreed review order to be effective

57-16    immediately on being confirmed by the court, as provided by Section

57-17    233.024;

57-18                (3)  a party does not have to sign a review order

57-19    prepared by the child support review officer but that the  Title

57-20    IV-D agency may file a review order without the agreement of the

57-21    parties; [and]

57-22                (4)  the parties may sign a waiver of the right to

57-23    service of process;

57-24                (5)  a party may request a court hearing on a nonagreed

57-25    order at any time before the 20th day after the date a petition for

 58-1    confirmation of the order is filed; and

 58-2                (6)  a party may file a motion for a new trial at any

 58-3    time before the 30th day after an order is confirmed by the court.

 58-4          Sec. 233.013 [231.413].  DETERMINING SUPPORT AMOUNT;

 58-5    MODIFICATION.  (a)  The Title IV-D [A child support] agency may use

 58-6    any information obtained by the agency from the parties or any

 58-7    other source and shall apply the child support guidelines provided

 58-8    by this code to determine the appropriate amount of child support.

 58-9          (b)  If it has been three years since a child support order

58-10    was rendered or last modified and the amount of the child support

58-11    award under the order differs by either 20 percent or $100 from the

58-12    amount that would be awarded under the child support guidelines,

58-13    the Title IV-D [child support] agency [determines that the support

58-14    amount in an existing child support order is not in substantial

58-15    compliance with the guidelines, the child support agency] shall

58-16    file [issue] an appropriate child support review order, including

58-17    an [a review] order that has the effect of modifying an existing

58-18    court or administrative order for child support without the

58-19    necessity of filing a motion to modify.

58-20          Sec. 233.014 [231.414].  RECORD of Proceedings [NOT

58-21    REQUIRED].  (a)  For the purposes of this chapter [subchapter],

58-22    documentary evidence relied on by the child support review officer,

58-23    including an affidavit of a party, together with the child support

58-24    review order is a sufficient record of the proceedings.

58-25          (b)  The Title IV-D [A child support] agency is not required

 59-1    to make any other record or transcript of the negotiation

 59-2    conference.

 59-3          Sec. 233.015 [231.415].  ISSUANCE OF CHILD SUPPORT REVIEW


 59-5    [the] negotiation conference does not result in agreement by all

 59-6    parties to the child support review order, the Title IV-D agency

 59-7    [review officer] shall render [promptly issue and sign] a final

 59-8    decision in the form of a child support review order or a

 59-9    determination that the agency should not issue a child support

59-10    review order [should not be issued,] not later than the fifth day

59-11    after the date of the negotiation conference.

59-12          (b)  If the Title IV-D agency determines [a determination is

59-13    made] that the agency should not issue a child support order [will

59-14    not be issued], the agency shall immediately provide each party

59-15    with notice of the determination [each party to a child support

59-16    review proceeding shall be furnished immediately] by personal

59-17    [hand] delivery or by first class mail [notice of the

59-18    determination].

59-19          (c)  A determination that a child support order should not be

59-20    issued must include a statement of the reasons that an order is not

59-21    being issued and a statement that the agency's determination does

59-22    not affect the right of the Title IV-D agency or a party to request

59-23    any other remedy provided by law.

59-24          Sec. 233.016 [231.416].  VACATING CHILD SUPPORT REVIEW ORDER.

59-25    (a)  The Title IV-D agency [review officer] may vacate a child

 60-1    support review order [on the officer's own motion] at any time

 60-2    before the order is filed with the court.

 60-3          (b)  A new negotiation conference, with notice to all

 60-4    parties, may be scheduled or the Title IV-D agency [officer] may

 60-5    make a determination that a child support review order should not

 60-6    be issued and give notice of that determination as provided by this

 60-7    chapter [subchapter].

 60-8          Sec. 233.017 [231.417].  CONTENTS OF CHILD SUPPORT REVIEW

 60-9    ORDER.  (a)  An [agreed child support review] order issued under

60-10    this chapter must be reviewed and signed by an attorney of the

60-11    Title IV-D agency and must contain all provisions that are

60-12    appropriate for an order under this title, including current child

60-13    support, medical support, a determination of any arrearages or

60-14    retroactive support, and, if not otherwise ordered, income

60-15    withholding.

60-16          (b)  [A child support review order that is not agreed to must

60-17    include child support and medical support provisions, including a

60-18    determination of arrearages or retroactive support.]

60-19          [(c)]  A child support review order providing for the

60-20    enforcement of an order may not contain a provision that imposes

60-21    incarceration or a fine or contains a finding of contempt.

60-22          (c) [(d)]  A child support review order that establishes or

60-23    modifies an amount of previously ordered support must include the

60-24    findings required by Section 154.130.

60-25          (d) [(e)]  A child support review order that is not agreed to

 61-1    by all the parties may specify and reserve for the court at the

 61-2    confirmation hearing unresolved issues relating to conservatorship

 61-3    or possession of a child.

 61-4          Sec. 233.018 [231.418].  ADDITIONAL CONTENTS OF AGREED CHILD

 61-5    SUPPORT REVIEW ORDER.  If a negotiation conference results in an

 61-6    agreement of the parties, each party must sign the child support

 61-7    review order and the order [must be signed by each party who agrees

 61-8    to the order,] must contain [the provisions required by Section

 61-9    231.417, and,] as to each party [in agreement with the order, must

61-10    contain]:

61-11                (1)  a waiver by the party of the right to service of

61-12    process and a court hearing and the making of a record on the

61-13    petition for confirmation;

61-14                (2)  the mailing address of the party; and

61-15                (3)  the following statement printed on the order in

61-16    boldface or in all capital letters:
















 62-7          Sec. 233.019 [231.419].  FILING OF AGREED REVIEW ORDER

 62-8    [PETITION FOR CONFIRMATION].  (a)  The Title IV-D [child support]

 62-9    agency shall file an agreed child support review order and a waiver

62-10    of service signed by the parties [a petition for confirmation] with

62-11    the clerk of the court having continuing jurisdiction of the child

62-12    who is the subject of the order.

62-13          (b)  If there is not a court of continuing jurisdiction, the

62-14    Title IV-D [child support] agency shall file the agreed review

62-15    order [petition for confirmation] with the clerk of a court having

62-16    jurisdiction under this title.

62-17          (c)  If applicable, a statement of paternity or a written

62-18    report of a parentage testing expert and any documentary evidence

62-19    relied upon by the agency shall be filed with the agreed review

62-20    order as an exhibit to the order.

62-21          Sec. 233.020 [231.420].  CONTENTS OF PETITION FOR


62-23    WITH PETITION].  (a)  A petition for confirmation of a child

62-24    support review order not agreed to by the parties must [shall]

62-25    include the final [child support] review order as an attachment to

 63-1    the petition.

 63-2          (b)  Documentary evidence relied on by the Title IV-D [child

 63-3    support] agency, including, if applicable, a statement of paternity

 63-4    or a written report of a parentage testing expert, shall be filed

 63-5    with the clerk as exhibits to the petition, but are not required to

 63-6    be served on the parties.  The petition must identify the exhibits

 63-7    that are filed with the clerk.

 63-8          Sec. 233.021 [231.421].  DUTIES OF CLERK OF COURT.  (a)  On

 63-9    the filing of an agreed child support review order or of a petition

63-10    for confirmation of a nonagreed order issued by the Title IV-D

63-11    agency, the clerk of court shall endorse on the order or petition

63-12    the date and time the order or [that the] petition is filed.

63-13          (b)  In [If the petition is for] an original action, the

63-14    clerk shall endorse the appropriate court and cause number on the

63-15    agreed review order or on the petition for confirmation of a

63-16    nonagreed order.

63-17          (c)  [If the petition is to confirm an agreed child support

63-18    review order under this subchapter, the child support agency shall

63-19    mail to each party that agreed to the order, at the address shown

63-20    on the order, a copy of the petition with the court, filing date,

63-21    and cause number of the case.  The clerk shall note on the docket

63-22    that the notice was mailed.  The child support agency shall file a

63-23    certificate of service showing the date of the mailing to each

63-24    party.]

63-25          [(d)]  The clerk shall deliver by personal service [issue

 64-1    service of citation, including] a copy of the petition for

 64-2    confirmation of a nonagreed review order and a copy of the [child

 64-3    support review] order, to each party entitled to service who has

 64-4    not waived service.

 64-5          (d) [(e)]  A clerk of a district court is entitled to collect

 64-6    in a child support review case the fees authorized in a Title IV-D

 64-7    case by Chapter 231 [this chapter].

 64-8          Sec. 233.022 [231.422].  FORM TO REQUEST A COURT HEARING ON

 64-9    NONAGREED ORDER.  (a)  A court shall consider any responsive

64-10    pleading that is intended as an objection to confirmation of a

64-11    child support review order not agreed to by the parties, including

64-12    a general denial, as a request for a court hearing.

64-13          (b)  The Title IV-D [child support] agency shall:

64-14                (1)  make available to each clerk of court copies of

64-15    the form to request a court hearing on a nonagreed review order;

64-16    and

64-17                (2)  provide the form to request a court hearing to a

64-18    party to the child support review proceeding on request of the

64-19    party.

64-20          (c)  The clerk shall furnish the form to a party to the child

64-21    support review [a] proceeding [under this subchapter] on the

64-22    request of the party.

64-23          Sec. 233.023 [231.423].  TIME TO REQUEST A COURT HEARING.  A

64-24    party may file a request for a court hearing not later than the

64-25    20th day after the date the petition for confirmation of a

 65-1    nonagreed child support review order is delivered to the party

 65-2    [served or mailed as provided by this subchapter].

 65-3          Sec. 233.024 [231.424].  CONFIRMATION OF AGREED ORDER

 65-4    [WITHOUT HEARING].  (a)  If the court finds that all parties have

 65-5    appropriately agreed to a child support review order and that there

 65-6    is waiver of service, the court shall sign the order not later than

 65-7    the third day after the filing of the order.

 65-8          (b)  On confirmation by the court, the Title IV-D agency

 65-9    shall immediately deliver to each party a copy of the signed agreed

65-10    review order.  [Not later than the 30th day after the date a

65-11    petition for confirmation that includes waivers by all parties is

65-12    filed or after the date of service is made on the last party

65-13    required to be served for a petition for confirmation that does not

65-14    include waivers, whichever is later, the court shall confirm the

65-15    child support review order by signing an order of confirmation

65-16    unless a party has filed a timely request for hearing or the court

65-17    has scheduled a hearing.]

65-18          Sec. 233.025 [231.425].  EFFECT OF REQUEST FOR HEARING ON

65-19    NONAGREED ORDER; PLEADING.  (a)  A request for hearing or an order

65-20    setting a hearing on confirmation of a nonagreed child support

65-21    review order stays confirmation of the order pending the hearing.

65-22          (b)  At a hearing on confirmation, any [all] issues in

65-23    dispute [the child support review order] shall be heard in a trial

65-24    de novo.

65-25          (c)  The petition for confirmation and the child support

 66-1    review order constitute a sufficient pleading by the Title IV-D

 66-2    [child support] agency for relief on any issue addressed in the

 66-3    petition and order.

 66-4          (d)  The request for hearing may limit the scope of the de

 66-5    novo hearing by specifying the issues that are in dispute.

 66-6          Sec. 233.026 [231.426].  TIME FOR COURT HEARING.  A court

 66-7    shall hold a hearing on the confirmation of a child support review

 66-8    order that has not been agreed to by the parties not later than the

 66-9    30th day after the date the last party to be served files a timely

66-10    request for a court hearing.

66-11          Sec. 233.027 [231.427].  ORDER AFTER HEARING; EFFECT OF

66-12    CONFIRMATION ORDER.  (a)  After the hearing on the confirmation of

66-13    a nonagreed child support review order, the court shall:

66-14                (1)  if the court finds that the order should be

66-15    confirmed, immediately sign a confirmation order and enter the

66-16    order as an order of the court;

66-17                (2)  if the court finds that the relief granted in the

66-18    child support review order is inappropriate, sign an appropriate

66-19    order at the conclusion of the hearing or as soon after the

66-20    conclusion of the hearing as is practical and enter the order as an

66-21    order of the court; or

66-22                (3)  if the court finds that all relief should be

66-23    denied, enter an order that denies relief and includes specific

66-24    findings explaining the reasons that relief is denied.

66-25          (b)  On the signing of a confirmation order by the judge of

 67-1    the court, the child support review order becomes a final order of

 67-2    the court.


 67-4    HEARING.  (a)  If a request for hearing has not been timely

 67-5    received, the court shall confirm and sign a nonagreed child

 67-6    support review order not later than the 30th day after the date the

 67-7    petition for confirmation was delivered to the last party entitled

 67-8    to service.

 67-9          (b)  The  Title IV-D agency shall immediately deliver a copy

67-10    of the confirmed nonagreed review order to each party, together

67-11    with notice of right to file a motion for a new trial not later

67-12    than the 30th day after the date the order was confirmed by the

67-13    court.

67-14          Sec. 233.028 [231.428].  SPECIAL CHILD SUPPORT REVIEW


67-16    parentage of a child has not been established, the notice of child

67-17    support review delivered to [served on] the parties must include an

67-18    allegation that the recipient is a biological parent of the child.

67-19    The notice shall inform the parties that:

67-20                (1)  not later than the 15th day after the date of

67-21    delivery of the notice, the alleged parent [father] of the child

67-22    shall either [may] sign a statement of paternity or an

67-23    acknowledgment of paternity or deny in writing that the alleged

67-24    parent is the biological parent of the child;

67-25                (2)  either [and that any] party may request that

 68-1    scientifically accepted parentage testing be conducted to assist in

 68-2    determining the identities of the child's parents;

 68-3                (3)  if the alleged parent timely denies parentage of

 68-4    the child, the Title IV-D agency shall order parentage testing; and

 68-5                (4)  if the alleged parent does not deny parentage of

 68-6    the child, the Title IV-D agency may conduct a negotiation

 68-7    conference.

 68-8          (b)  If all parties agree [A negotiation conference shall be

 68-9    conducted to resolve any issues of support in an action in which

68-10    all parties agree as] to the child's parentage, the agency may file

68-11    an agreed child support review order as provided by this chapter.

68-12          (c)  If a party denies parentage, the Title IV-D [child

68-13    support] agency shall order [may schedule] parentage testing and

68-14    give each party notice of the time and place of testing.  If either

68-15    party fails or refuses to participate in administrative parentage

68-16    testing, the Title IV-D [child support] agency may file a child

68-17    support review order resolving the question of parentage against

68-18    that party [with a request for court-ordered parentage testing.

68-19    The court shall follow the procedures and may impose the sanctions

68-20    provided by this code to obtain compliance with the parentage

68-21    testing order].  The court shall confirm the child support review

68-22    order as a temporary or final order of the court only after an

68-23    opportunity for parentage testing has been provided.

68-24          (d)  If parentage testing does not exclude the alleged parent

68-25    and the results of a verified written report of a parentage testing

 69-1    expert meet the requirements of Chapter 160 for issuing a temporary

 69-2    order, the Title IV-D [child support] agency may conduct a

 69-3    negotiation conference to resolve any issues of support and file

 69-4    with the court [issue] a child support review order.

 69-5          (e)  If the results of parentage testing exclude an alleged

 69-6    parent from being the biological parent of the child, the Title

 69-7    IV-D [child support] agency shall issue and provide to each party a

 69-8    child support review order that declares that the excluded person

 69-9    is not a parent of the child.

69-10          (f)  Any party may file a petition for confirmation of a

69-11    child support review order issued under this section.

69-12          Sec. 233.029 [231.429].  ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE LAW NOT

69-13    APPLICABLE.  The child support review process under this chapter is

69-14    not governed by [the administrative procedure law,] Chapter 2001,

69-15    Government Code.

69-16          SECTION 79.  The title of Chapter 232, Family Code, is

69-17    amended to read as follows:



69-20          SECTION 80.  Section 232.001, Family Code, is amended by

69-21    adding Subdivision (4) to read as follows:

69-22                (4)  "Subpoena" means a subpoena issued in a parentage

69-23    determination or child support proceeding under this title.

69-24          SECTION 81.  Section 232.003, Family Code, as added by

69-25    Chapter 751, Acts of the 74th Legislature, 1995, is amended to read

 70-1    as follows:

 70-2          Sec. 232.003.  Suspension of License.  (a)  A court or the

 70-3    Title IV-D agency may issue an order suspending a license as

 70-4    provided by this chapter if an individual who is an obligor:

 70-5                (1)  has a child support [an] arrearage equal to or

 70-6    greater than the total support due for 90 days under a support

 70-7    order;

 70-8                (2)  has been provided an opportunity to make payments

 70-9    toward the child support arrearage under an agreed or court-ordered

70-10    repayment schedule; and

70-11                (3)  has failed to comply with the repayment schedule.

70-12          (b)  A court or the Title IV-D agency may issue an order

70-13    suspending license as provided by this chapter if an individual has

70-14    failed, after receiving appropriate notice, to comply with a

70-15    subpoena.

70-16          SECTION 82.  Subsection (d), Section 232.004, Family Code, is

70-17    amended to read as follows:

70-18          (d)  A proceeding in a case filed with the Title IV-D agency

70-19    under this chapter is governed by the contested case provisions of

70-20    Chapter 2001, Government Code, except that Section 2001.054 does

70-21    not apply to the proceeding.  The director of the Title IV-D agency

70-22    or the director's designee may render [is responsible for

70-23    rendering] a final decision in a [the] contested case proceeding

70-24    under this chapter.

70-25          SECTION 83.  Section 232.005, Family Code, is amended to read

 71-1    as follows:

 71-2          Sec. 232.005.  CONTENTS OF PETITION.  (a)  A petition under

 71-3    this chapter must state that license suspension is required under

 71-4    Section 232.003 and allege:

 71-5                (1)  the name and, if known, social security number of

 71-6    the individual [obligor];

 71-7                (2)  the type, and if known, number of any license the

 71-8    individual [obligor] is believed to hold and the name of the

 71-9    licensing authority that issued the license; and

71-10                (3)  the amount of arrearages owed under the child

71-11    support order or the facts associated with the individual's failure

71-12    to comply with a subpoena[, the amount of support paid, and the

71-13    amount of arrearages].

71-14          (b)  A petition under this chapter may include as an

71-15    attachment a copy of:

71-16                (1)  the record of child support payments maintained by

71-17    the Title IV-D registry or local registry; or

71-18                (2)  the subpoena with which the individual has failed

71-19    to comply, together with proof of service of the subpoena.

71-20          SECTION 84.  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 232.006, Family

71-21    Code, are amended to read as follows:

71-22          (a)  On the filing of a petition under Section 232.004, the

71-23    court or the Title IV-D agency shall deliver [issue] to the

71-24    individual [obligor]:

71-25                (1)  notice of the individual's [obligor's] right to a

 72-1    hearing before the court or agency;

 72-2                (2)  notice of the deadline for requesting a hearing;

 72-3    and

 72-4                (3)  a hearing request form if the proceeding is in a

 72-5    Title IV-D case.

 72-6          (c)  The notice must contain the following statement in

 72-7    bold-faced type or capital letters:





72-12    LICENSE SUSPENSION MAY BE RENDERED." [state that an order

72-13    suspending license shall be rendered on the 60th day after the date

72-14    of service of the notice unless by that date:]

72-15                [(1)  the court or Title IV-D agency receives proof

72-16    that all arrearages and the current month's child support

72-17    obligation have been paid;]

72-18                [(2)  the child support agency or obligee files a

72-19    certification that the obligor is in compliance with a reasonable

72-20    repayment schedule; or]

72-21                [(3)  the obligor appears at a hearing before the court

72-22    or Title IV-D agency and shows that the request for suspension

72-23    should be denied or stayed.]

72-24          SECTION 85.  Section 232.007, Family Code, is amended by

72-25    amending Subsections (a) and (c) and adding Subsection (d) to read

 73-1    as follows:

 73-2          (a)  A request for a hearing and motion to stay suspension

 73-3    must be filed with the court or Title IV-D agency by the individual

 73-4    [obligor] not later than the 20th day after the date of service of

 73-5    the notice under Section 232.006.

 73-6          (c)  In a case involving support arrearages, a [A] record of

 73-7    child support payments made by the Title IV-D agency or a local

 73-8    registry is evidence of whether the payments were made.  A copy of

 73-9    the record appearing regular on its face shall be admitted as

73-10    evidence at a hearing under this chapter, including a hearing on a

73-11    motion to revoke a stay.  Either party may offer controverting

73-12    evidence.

73-13          (d)  In a case in which an individual has failed to comply

73-14    with a subpoena, proof of service is evidence of delivery of the

73-15    subpoena.

73-16          SECTION 86.  Section 232.008, Family Code, is amended to read

73-17    as follows:


73-19    CHILD SUPPORT.  (a)  On making the findings required by Section

73-20    232.003, the court or Title IV-D agency shall render an order

73-21    suspending the license unless the individual:

73-22                (1)  [obligor] proves that all arrearages and the

73-23    current month's support have been paid; or

73-24                (2)  shows good cause for failure to comply with the

73-25    subpoena.

 74-1          (b)  The court or Title IV-D agency may stay an order

 74-2    suspending a license conditioned on the individual's [obligor's]

 74-3    compliance with:

 74-4                (1)  a reasonable repayment schedule that is

 74-5    incorporated in the order; or

 74-6                (2)  the requirements of a reissued and delivered

 74-7    subpoena.

 74-8          (c)  An order suspending a license with a stay of the

 74-9    suspension  may not be served on the licensing authority unless the

74-10    stay is revoked as provided by this chapter.

74-11          (d) [(c)]  A final order suspending license rendered by a

74-12    court or the Title IV-D agency shall be forwarded to the

74-13    appropriate licensing authority.

74-14          (e) [(d)]  If the court or Title IV-D agency renders an order

74-15    suspending license, the individual [obligor] may also be ordered

74-16    not to engage in the licensed activity.

74-17          (f) [(e)]  If the court or Title IV-D agency finds that the

74-18    petition for suspension should be denied, the petition shall be

74-19    dismissed without prejudice, and an order suspending license may

74-20    not be rendered.

74-21          SECTION 87.  Section 232.009, Family Code, is amended to read

74-22    as follows:

74-23          Sec. 232.009.  DEFAULT ORDER.  The court or Title IV-D agency

74-24    shall consider the allegations of the petition for suspension to be

74-25    admitted and shall render an order suspending license if the

 75-1    individual [obligor] fails to:

 75-2                (1)  respond to a notice issued under Section 232.006;

 75-3                (2)  request a hearing; or

 75-4                (3)  appear at a hearing.

 75-5          SECTION 88.  Subsections (a), (d), and (e), Section 232.011,

 75-6    Family Code, are amended to read as follows:

 75-7          (a)  On receipt of a final order suspending license, the

 75-8    licensing authority shall immediately determine if the authority

 75-9    has issued a license to the individual [obligor] named on the order

75-10    and, if a license has been issued:

75-11                (1)  record the suspension of the license in the

75-12    licensing authority's records;

75-13                (2)  report the suspension as appropriate; and

75-14                (3)  demand surrender of the suspended license if

75-15    required by law for other cases in which a license is suspended.

75-16          (d)  An individual [obligor] who is the subject of a final

75-17    order suspending license is not entitled to a refund for any fee or

75-18    deposit paid to the licensing authority.

75-19          (e)  An individual [obligor] who continues to engage in the

75-20    business, occupation, profession, or other licensed activity after

75-21    the implementation of the order suspending license by the licensing

75-22    authority is liable for the same civil and criminal penalties

75-23    provided for engaging in the licensed activity without a license or

75-24    while a license is suspended that apply to  any other license

75-25    holder of that licensing authority.

 76-1          SECTION 89.  Section 232.012, Family Code, is amended to read

 76-2    as follows:

 76-3          Sec. 232.012.  MOTION TO REVOKE STAY.  (a)  The obligee,

 76-4    support enforcement agency, court, or Title IV-D agency may file a

 76-5    motion to revoke the stay of an order suspending license if the

 76-6    individual who is subject of an order suspending license [obligor]

 76-7    does not comply with:

 76-8                (1)  the terms of a reasonable repayment plan entered

 76-9    into by the individual; or

76-10                (2)  the requirements of a reissued subpoena [the

76-11    obligor].

76-12          (b)  Notice to the individual [obligor] of a motion to revoke

76-13    stay under this section may be given by personal service or by mail

76-14    to the address provided by the individual [obligor], if any, in the

76-15    order suspending license.  The notice must include a notice of

76-16    hearing.  The notice must be provided to the individual [obligor]

76-17    not less than 10 days before the date of the hearing.

76-18          (c)  A motion to revoke stay must allege the manner in which

76-19    the individual [obligor] failed to comply with the repayment plan

76-20    or the reissued subpoena.

76-21          (d)  If the court or Title IV-D agency finds that the

76-22    individual [obligor] is not in compliance with the terms of the

76-23    repayment plan or reissued subpoena, the court or agency shall

76-24    revoke the stay of the order suspending license and render a final

76-25    order suspending license.

 77-1          SECTION 90.  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 232.013, Family

 77-2    Code, are amended to read as follows:

 77-3          (a)  The court or Title IV-D agency may render an order

 77-4    vacating or staying an order suspending license if the individual

 77-5    [obligor] has:

 77-6                (1)  paid all delinquent child support or has

 77-7    established a satisfactory payment record; or

 77-8                (2)  complied with the requirements of a reissued

 77-9    subpoena.

77-10          (c)  On receipt of an order vacating or staying an order

77-11    suspending license, the licensing authority shall promptly issue

77-12    the affected license to the individual [obligor] if the individual

77-13    [obligor] is otherwise qualified for the license.

77-14          SECTION 91.  Section 232.014, Family Code, is amended to read

77-15    as follows:

77-16          Sec. 232.014.  FEE BY LICENSING AUTHORITY.  A licensing

77-17    authority may charge a fee to an individual [obligor] who is the

77-18    subject of an order suspending license in an amount sufficient to

77-19    recover the administrative costs incurred by the authority under

77-20    this chapter.

77-21          SECTION 92.  Subtitle D, Title 5, Family Code, is amended by

77-22    adding Chapter 234 to read as follows:


77-24                        AND DIRECTORY OF NEW HIRES



 78-2    REGISTRY AND DISBURSEMENT UNIT.  The Title IV-D agency shall

 78-3    establish and operate a unified state case registry and state

 78-4    disbursement unit meeting the requirements of 42 U.S.C. Sections

 78-5    654A(e) and 654B.  The registry and unit shall:

 78-6                (1)  maintain records of child support orders in Title

 78-7    IV-D cases and in other cases in which a child support order has

 78-8    been established or modified in this state on or after October 1,

 78-9    1998;

78-10                (2)  receive, maintain, and furnish records of child

78-11    support payments in Title IV-D cases and other cases as required by

78-12    law;

78-13                (3)  in a Title IV-D case, monitor support payments and

78-14    initiate appropriate enforcement actions immediately on the

78-15    occurrence of a delinquency in payment;

78-16                (4)  distribute child support payments as required by

78-17    law; and

78-18                (5)  maintain custody of official child support payment

78-19    records in the registry and disbursement unit.


78-21    MEDICAL SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT.  The statewide integrated system for

78-22    child support and medical support enforcement under Chapter 231

78-23    shall be part of the unified state case registry and state

78-24    disbursement unit authorized by this subchapter.

78-25          Sec. 234.003.  WORK GROUP; COOPERATION REQUIRED.  (a)  The

 79-1    Title IV-D agency shall convene a work group to develop procedures

 79-2    for the establishment and operation of the unified state case

 79-3    registry and disbursement unit.  The work group shall consist of

 79-4    representatives of the judiciary, district clerks, domestic

 79-5    relations offices, and the bureau of vital statistics, as well as

 79-6    other county and state agencies, and other appropriate entities,

 79-7    identified by the Title IV-D agency.  To the extent possible, the

 79-8    work group shall consolidate the reporting of information relating

 79-9    to court orders required of clerks of courts under this title.

79-10          (b)  The Title IV-D agency shall, in cooperation with the

79-11    work group established under this section, adopt rules and

79-12    prescribe forms to implement this subchapter.

79-13          Sec. 234.004.  CONTRACTS AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.  The

79-14    Title IV-D agency may enter into contracts and cooperative

79-15    agreements as necessary to establish and operate the state case

79-16    registry and state disbursement unit authorized under this

79-17    subchapter.


79-19    REGISTRY.  (a)  The requirements in Sections 105.006(b) and

79-20    105.008(a) that certain information be provided to the state case

79-21    registry do not apply until the registry is established under this

79-22    subchapter.

79-23          (b)  This section expires September 1, 1999.

79-24             (Sections 234.006-234.100 reserved for expansion


 80-1          Sec. 234.101.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:

 80-2                (1)  "Employee" means an individual who is an employee

 80-3    within the meaning of Chapter 24 of the Internal Revenue Code of

 80-4    1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 3401(c)).  The term does not include an

 80-5    employee of a state agency performing intelligence or

 80-6    counterintelligence functions if the head of the agency has

 80-7    determined that reporting employee information under this

 80-8    subchapter could endanger the safety of the employee or compromise

 80-9    an ongoing investigation or intelligence activity.

80-10                (2)  "Employer" has the meaning given that term by

80-11    Section 3401(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C.

80-12    Section 3401(d)) and includes a governmental entity and a labor

80-13    organization, as that term is identified in Section 2(5) of the

80-14    National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. Section 152(5)), including

80-15    an entity, also known as a "hiring hall," used by the labor

80-16    organization and an employer to carry out requirements of an

80-17    agreement between the organization and an employer described in

80-18    Section 8(f)(3) of that Act (29 U.S.C. Section 158(f)(3)).

80-19          Sec. 234.102.  In cooperation with the Texas Workforce

80-20    Commission, the Title IV-D agency shall develop and operate a state

80-21    directory to which employers in the state shall report each newly

80-22    hired or rehired employee in accordance with the requirements of 42

80-23    U.S.C. Section 653a.

80-24          Sec. 234.103.  The Title IV-D agency may enter into

80-25    cooperative agreements and contracts as necessary to create and

 81-1    operate the directory authorized under this subchapter.

 81-2          Sec. 234.104.  The Title IV-D agency by rule shall establish

 81-3    procedures for reporting employee information and for operating a

 81-4    state directory of new hires meeting the requirements of federal

 81-5    law.

 81-6          SECTION 93.  Subdivision (4), Section 24.002, Business &

 81-7    Commerce Code, is amended to read as follows:

 81-8                (4)  "Creditor" means a person, including a spouse,

 81-9    minor, person entitled to receive court or administratively ordered

81-10    child support for the benefit of a child, or ward, who has a claim.

81-11          SECTION 94.  (a)  Sections 157.065(d), 157.322(c) through

81-12    (e), 158.107, 158.305, 231.004, 231.430, and 231.431, Family Code,

81-13    are repealed.

81-14          (b)  Section 231.304, Family Code, is repealed on October 1,

81-15    1998.

81-16          SECTION 95.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

81-17          (b)  The change in law made by this Act does not affect a

81-18    proceeding under the Family Code pending on the effective date of

81-19    this Act.  A proceeding pending on the effective date of this Act

81-20    is governed by the law in effect at the time the proceeding was

81-21    commenced, and the former law is continued in effect for that

81-22    purpose.

81-23          (c)  The enactment of this Act does not by itself constitute

81-24    a material and substantial change of circumstances sufficient to

81-25    warrant modification of a court order or portion of a decree that

 82-1    provides for the support of or possession of or access to a child

 82-2    entered before the effective date of this Act.

 82-3          (d)  The requirement that an employer report a newly hired or

 82-4    rehired employee to the state directory of new hires under

 82-5    Subchapter B, Chapter 234, Family Code, as added by this Act, takes

 82-6    effect October 1, 1998.

 82-7          SECTION 96.  The importance of this legislation and the

 82-8    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

 82-9    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

82-10    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

82-11    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.