By:  Shapiro                                           S.B. No. 181

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

                                       AN ACT

 1-1     relating to the conservatorship of a child by the Department of

 1-2     Protective and Regulatory Services.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Subsection (c), Section 262.201, Family Code, is

 1-5     amended to read as follows:

 1-6           (c)  If the court finds sufficient evidence to satisfy a

 1-7     person of ordinary prudence and caution that there is a continuing

 1-8     danger to the physical health or safety of the child and for the

 1-9     child to remain in the home is contrary to the welfare of the

1-10     child, the court shall:

1-11                 (1)  issue an appropriate temporary order under Chapter

1-12     105; and

1-13                 (2)  inform each parent in open court that parental and

1-14     custodial rights and duties may be subject to restriction or to

1-15     termination unless the parent or parents are willing and able to

1-16     provide the child with a safe environment.

1-17           SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 263, Family Code, is

1-18     amended by adding Section 263.006 to read as follows:

1-19           Sec. 263.006.  WARNING TO PARENTS.  At the status hearing

1-20     under Subchapter C and at each permanency hearing under Subchapter

1-21     D held after the court has rendered a temporary order appointing

1-22     the department as temporary managing conservator, the court shall

1-23     inform each parent in open court that parental and custodial rights

 2-1     and duties may be subject to restriction or to termination unless

 2-2     the parent or parents are willing and able to provide the child

 2-3     with a safe environment.

 2-4           SECTION 3.  Chapter 263, Family Code, is amended by adding

 2-5     Subchapters E and F to read as follows:


 2-7           Sec. 263.401.  DISMISSAL AFTER ONE YEAR; EXTENSION.

 2-8     (a)  Unless the court has rendered a final order or granted an

 2-9     extension under Subsection (b), on the first Monday after the first

2-10     anniversary of the date the court rendered a temporary order

2-11     appointing the department as temporary managing conservator, the

2-12     court shall dismiss the suit affecting the parent-child

2-13     relationship filed by the department that requests termination of

2-14     the parent-child relationship or requests that the department be

2-15     named conservator of the child.

2-16           (b)  On or before the time described by Subsection (a) for

2-17     the dismissal of the suit, the court may extend the court's

2-18     jurisdiction of the suit for a period stated in the extension

2-19     order, but not longer than 180 days after the time described by

2-20     Subsection (a), if the court has continuing jurisdiction of the

2-21     suit and the appointment of the department as temporary managing

2-22     conservator is in the best interest of the child.  If the court

2-23     grants an extension, the extension order must also:

2-24                 (1)  schedule the new date for dismissal of the suit;

2-25     and

 3-1                 (2)  make further temporary orders for the safety and

 3-2     welfare of the child as necessary to avoid further delay in

 3-3     resolving the suit.

 3-4           (c)  If the court grants an extension, the court shall render

 3-5     a final order or dismiss the suit on or before the date specified

 3-6     in the extension order and may not grant an additional extension.

 3-7           (d)  For purposes of this section, a final order is an order

 3-8     that:

 3-9                 (1)  requires that a child be returned to the child's

3-10     parent;

3-11                 (2)  names a relative of the child or another person as

3-12     the child's managing conservator;

3-13                 (3)  without terminating the parent-child relationship,

3-14     appoints the department as the managing conservator of the child;

3-15     or

3-16                 (4)  terminates the parent-child relationship and

3-17     appoints a relative of the child, another suitable person, or the

3-18     department as managing conservator of the child.


3-20     RELATIVE.  (a)  Notwithstanding Section 263.401, the court may

3-21     retain jurisdiction and not dismiss the suit or render a final

3-22     order as required by that section if the court:

3-23                 (1)  finds that retaining jurisdiction under this

3-24     section is in the best interest of the child;

3-25                 (2)  orders the department to return the child to the

 4-1     child's parent or to place the child with a relative of the child;

 4-2                 (3)  requires that the department continue to serve as

 4-3     temporary managing conservator of the child; and

 4-4                 (4)  orders the department to monitor the child's

 4-5     placement to ensure that the child is in a safe environment.

 4-6           (b)  If the court renders an order under this section, the

 4-7     court must include in the order specific findings regarding the

 4-8     grounds for the order.

 4-9           (c)  If the court renders an order under this section, the

4-10     court shall dismiss the suit not later than the 180th day after the

4-11     date the order is rendered.



4-14     may render a final order appointing the department as managing

4-15     conservator of the child without terminating the rights of the

4-16     parent of the child if the court finds that:

4-17                 (1)  appointment of a parent as managing conservator

4-18     would not be in the best interest of the child because the

4-19     appointment would significantly impair the child's physical health

4-20     or emotional development; and

4-21                 (2)  it would not be in the best interest of the child

4-22     to appoint a relative of the child or another person as managing

4-23     conservator.

4-24           (b)  In determining whether the department should be

4-25     appointed as managing conservator of the child without terminating

 5-1     the rights of a parent of the child, the court shall take the

 5-2     following factors into consideration:

 5-3                 (1)  that the child will reach 18 years of age in not

 5-4     less than three years;

 5-5                 (2)  that the child is 12 years of age or older and has

 5-6     expressed a strong desire against termination or being adopted;

 5-7                 (3)  that the child has special medical or behavioral

 5-8     needs that make adoption of the child unlikely; and

 5-9                 (4)  the needs and desires of the child.

5-10           (c)  If the court renders an order under this section, the

5-11     court shall include in the order specific findings regarding the

5-12     grounds for the order.

5-13              (Sections 263.404-263.500 reserved for expansion


5-15           Sec. 263.501.  PLACEMENT REVIEW AFTER FINAL ORDER.  (a)  If

5-16     the department has been named as a child's managing conservator in

5-17     a final order that does not include termination of parental rights,

5-18     the court shall conduct a placement review hearing at least once

5-19     every six months until the child becomes an adult.

5-20           (b)  If the department has been named as a child's managing

5-21     conservator in a final order that terminates a parent's parental

5-22     rights, the court shall conduct a placement review hearing at least

5-23     once every six months until the date the child is adopted or the

5-24     child becomes an adult.

5-25           (c)  Notice of a placement review hearing shall be given as

 6-1     provided by Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, to each

 6-2     person entitled to notice of the hearing.

 6-3           (d)  The following are entitled to not less than 10 days'

 6-4     notice of a placement review hearing:

 6-5                 (1)  the department;

 6-6                 (2)  the foster parent or director of the group home or

 6-7     institution in which the child is residing;

 6-8                 (3)  each parent of the child;

 6-9                 (4)  each possessory conservator or guardian of the

6-10     child;

6-11                 (5)  the child's attorney ad litem and volunteer

6-12     advocate, if the appointments were not dismissed in the final

6-13     order; and

6-14                 (6)  any other person or agency named by the court as

6-15     having an interest in the child's welfare.

6-16           (e)  The court may dispense with the requirement that the

6-17     child attend a placement review hearing.

6-18           Sec. 263.502.  PLACEMENT REVIEW REPORT.  (a)  Not later than

6-19     the 10th day before the date set for a placement review hearing,

6-20     the department or other authorized agency shall file a placement

6-21     review report with the court and provide a copy to each person

6-22     entitled to notice under Section 263.501(d).

6-23           (b)  For good cause shown, the court may order a different

6-24     time for filing the placement review report or may order that a

6-25     report is not required for a specific hearing.

 7-1           (c)  The placement review report must:

 7-2                 (1)  evaluate whether the child's current placement is

 7-3     appropriate for meeting the child's needs;

 7-4                 (2)  evaluate whether efforts have been made to ensure

 7-5     placement of the child in the least restrictive environment

 7-6     consistent with the best interest and special needs of the child if

 7-7     the child is placed in institutional care;

 7-8                 (3)  identify the services that are needed to assist a

 7-9     child who is at least 16 years of age in making the transition from

7-10     substitute care to independent living if the services are available

7-11     in the community;

7-12                 (4)  identify other plans or services that are needed

7-13     to meet the child's special needs or circumstances; and

7-14                 (5)  describe the efforts of the department or

7-15     authorized agency to place the child for adoption if parental

7-16     rights to the child have been terminated and the child is eligible

7-17     for adoption.

7-18           Sec. 263.503.  PLACEMENT REVIEW HEARING; PROCEDURE.  At each

7-19     placement review hearing, the court shall determine whether:

7-20                 (1)  the child's current placement is appropriate for

7-21     meeting the child's needs;

7-22                 (2)  efforts have been made to ensure placement of the

7-23     child in the least restrictive environment consistent with the best

7-24     interest and special needs of the child if the child is placed in

7-25     institutional care;

 8-1                 (3)  the services that are needed to assist a child who

 8-2     is at least 16 years of age in making the transition from

 8-3     substitute care to independent living are available in the

 8-4     community;

 8-5                 (4)  other plans or services are needed to meet the

 8-6     child's special needs or circumstances; and

 8-7                 (5)  the department or authorized agency has exercised

 8-8     due diligence in attempting to place the child for adoption if

 8-9     parental rights to the child have been terminated and the child is

8-10     eligible for adoption.

8-11           SECTION 4.  Section 263.201, Family Code, is amended to read

8-12     as follows:

8-13           Sec. 263.201.  STATUS HEARING; TIME.  Not later than the 60th

8-14     day after the date the court renders a temporary order appointing

8-15     the department as temporary managing conservator of a child [of a

8-16     full adversary hearing under Chapter 262], the court shall hold a

8-17     status hearing to review the child's status and the permanency plan

8-18     developed for the child.

8-19           SECTION 5.  The heading to Subchapter D, Chapter 263, Family

8-20     Code, is amended to read as follows:


8-22           SECTION 6.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 263.301, Family

8-23     Code, are amended to read as follows:

8-24           (a)  Notice of a permanency [review] hearing shall be given

8-25     as provided by Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, to all

 9-1     persons entitled to notice of the hearing.

 9-2           (b)  The following persons are entitled to at least 10 days'

 9-3     notice of a permanency hearing [to review a child's placement] and

 9-4     are entitled to present evidence and be heard at the hearing:

 9-5                 (1)  the department;

 9-6                 (2)  the foster parent or director of the group home or

 9-7     institution where the child is residing;

 9-8                 (3)  each parent of the child;

 9-9                 (4)  the managing conservator or guardian of the child;

9-10     [and]

9-11                 (5)  an attorney ad litem appointed for the child under

9-12     Chapter 107;

9-13                 (6)  a volunteer advocate appointed for the child under

9-14     Chapter 107; and

9-15                 (7)  any other person or agency named by the court to

9-16     have an interest in the child's welfare.

9-17           SECTION 7.  Section 263.302, Family Code, is amended to read

9-18     as follows:

9-19           Sec. 263.302.  CHILD'S ATTENDANCE AT HEARING.  The [court may

9-20     dispense with the attendance of the] child shall attend each

9-21     permanency hearing unless the court specifically excuses the

9-22     child's attendance.  Failure by the child to attend a hearing does

9-23     not affect the validity of an order rendered at the [at a placement

9-24     review] hearing.

9-25           SECTION 8.  Subchapter D, Chapter 263, Family Code, is

 10-1    amended by adding Section 263.3025 to read as follows:

 10-2          Sec. 263.3025.  PERMANENCY PLAN.  (a)  The department shall

 10-3    prepare a permanency plan for a child for whom the department has

 10-4    been appointed temporary managing conservator.  The department

 10-5    shall give a copy of the plan to each person entitled to notice

 10-6    under Section 263.301(b) not later than the 10th day before the

 10-7    date of the child's first permanency hearing.

 10-8          (b)  In addition to the requirements of the department rules

 10-9    governing permanency planning, the permanency plan must contain the

10-10    information required to be included in a permanency progress report

10-11    under Section 263.303.

10-12          (c)  The department shall modify the permanency plan for a

10-13    child as required by the circumstances and needs of the child.

10-14          SECTION 9.  Section 263.303, Family Code, is amended to read

10-15    as follows:

10-16          Sec. 263.303.  PERMANENCY PROGRESS [STATUS] REPORT.  (a)  Not

10-17    later than the 10th day before the date set for each permanency

10-18    hearing other than the first permanency [review] hearing, the

10-19    department or other authorized agency shall file with the court and

10-20    provide to each party, the child's attorney ad litem, and the

10-21    child's volunteer advocate a permanency progress [status] report

10-22    unless the court orders a different period for providing the report

10-23    [or orders that a report is not required for a specific hearing].

10-24          (b)  The permanency progress [status] report must:

10-25                (1)  recommend that the suit be dismissed; or

 11-1                (2)  recommend that the suit continue and:

 11-2                      (A)  identify the date for dismissal of the suit

 11-3    under this chapter;

 11-4                      (B)  provide:

 11-5                            (i)  the name of any person entitled to

 11-6    notice under Chapter 102 who has not been served;

 11-7                            (ii)  a description of the efforts by the

 11-8    department or another agency to locate and request service of

 11-9    citation; and

11-10                            (iii)  a description of each parent's

11-11    assistance in providing information necessary to locate an unserved

11-12    party;

11-13                      (C)  evaluate [all relevant information

11-14    concerning each of the guidelines under this chapter and] the

11-15    parties' compliance with temporary orders and with the service

11-16    plan;

11-17                      (D)  evaluate whether the child's placement in

11-18    substitute care meets the child's needs and recommend other plans

11-19    or services to meet the child's special needs or circumstances;

11-20                      (E)  describe the permanency plan for the child

11-21    and recommend actions necessary to ensure that a final order

11-22    consistent with that permanency plan is rendered before the date

11-23    for dismissal of the suit under this chapter; and

11-24                      (F) [(2)  recommend one of the following actions:]

11-25                      [(A)  that the child be returned to the child's

 12-1    home and that the suit be dismissed;]

 12-2                      [(B)  that the child be returned to the child's

 12-3    home with the department or other agency retaining conservatorship;]

 12-4                      [(C)  that the child remain in substitute care

 12-5    for a specified period and that the child's parents continue to

 12-6    work toward providing the child with a safe environment;]

 12-7                      [(D)  that the child remain in substitute care

 12-8    for a specified period and that termination of parental rights be

 12-9    sought under this code;]

12-10                      [(E)  that a child who has resided in substitute

12-11    care for at least 18 months be placed or remain in permanent or

12-12    long-term substitute care because of the child's special needs or

12-13    circumstances; or]

12-14                      [(F)  that other plans be made or other services

12-15    provided in accordance with the child's special needs or

12-16    circumstances; and]

12-17                [(3)]  with respect to a child 16 years of age or

12-18    older, identify the services needed to assist the child in the

12-19    transition to adult life.

12-20          (c)  A parent whose parental rights are the subject of a suit

12-21    affecting the parent-child relationship, the attorney for that

12-22    parent, or the child's attorney ad litem or guardian ad litem may

12-23    file a response to the department's or other agency's report filed

12-24    under Subsection (b).  A response must be filed not later than the

12-25    third day before the date of the hearing.

 13-1          SECTION 10.  Section 263.304, Family Code, is amended to read

 13-2    as follows:

 13-3          Sec. 263.304.  INITIAL PERMANENCY [REVIEW] HEARING; TIME.

 13-4    Not later than the 180th day after the date the court renders a

 13-5    temporary order appointing the department as temporary managing

 13-6    conservator of a child [of the conclusion of the full adversary

 13-7    hearing under Chapter 262], the court shall hold a permanency

 13-8    hearing to review the status of, and permanency plan for, the [a]

 13-9    child to ensure that a final order consistent with that permanency

13-10    plan is rendered before the date for dismissal of the suit under

13-11    this chapter [in substitute care in the court's jurisdiction,

13-12    including the time for the completion of the plan and the projected

13-13    date for the achievement of the child's permanency plan].

13-14          SECTION 11.  Section 263.305, Family Code, is amended to read

13-15    as follows:

13-16          Sec. 263.305.  SUBSEQUENT PERMANENCY [REVIEW] HEARINGS.  A

13-17    subsequent permanency hearing before entry of a final order

13-18    [Subsequent review hearings] shall be held [not earlier than 5 1/2

13-19    months and] not later than the 120th day [seven months] after the

13-20    date of  the last permanency hearing in the suit.  For [unless,

13-21    for] good cause shown or on the court's own motion [by a party],

13-22    the court may order more frequent hearings [an earlier hearing is

13-23    approved by the court].

13-24          SECTION 12.  Section 263.306, Family Code, is amended to read

13-25    as follows:

 14-1          Sec. 263.306.  PERMANENCY [REVIEW] HEARINGS:  PROCEDURE.  At

 14-2    each permanency [review] hearing the court shall [determine]:

 14-3                (1)  identify [the identity of] all persons or parties

 14-4    present at the hearing or those given notice but failing to appear;

 14-5                (2)  review the efforts of the department or another

 14-6    agency in:

 14-7                      (A)  attempting to locate all necessary persons;

 14-8                      (B)  requesting service of citation; and

 14-9                      (C)  obtaining the assistance of a parent in

14-10    providing information necessary to locate an absent parent;

14-11                (3)  return the child to the parent or parents if

14-12    [whether] the child's parent or parents are willing and able to

14-13    provide the child with a safe environment and the return of the

14-14    child is in the child's best interest;

14-15                (4)  return the child to a person or entity, other than

14-16    a parent, entitled to service under Chapter 102 if the person or

14-17    entity is willing and able to provide the child with a safe

14-18    environment and the return of the child is in the child's best

14-19    interest;

14-20                (5)  evaluate the department's efforts to identify

14-21    relatives who could provide the child with a safe environment, if

14-22    the child is not returned to a parent or another person or entity

14-23    entitled to service under Chapter 102;

14-24                (6)  evaluate the parties' compliance with temporary

14-25    orders and

 15-1                [(3)  the extent to which the child's parents have

 15-2    taken the necessary actions or responsibilities toward achieving

 15-3    the plan goal during the period of the service plan and the extent

 15-4    to which the department or other authorized agency has provided

 15-5    assistance to the parents as provided in] the service plan;

 15-6                (7)  determine [(4)] whether:

 15-7                      (A)  the child continues to need substitute care;

 15-8                      (B)  [and whether] the child's current placement

 15-9    is appropriate for meeting the child's needs; and

15-10                      (C)  other plans or services are needed to meet

15-11    the child's special needs or circumstances;

15-12                (8)  if the child is placed in institutional care,

15-13    determine whether efforts have been made to ensure placement of the

15-14    child in the least restrictive environment consistent with the best

15-15    interest and special needs of the child;

15-16                (9)  if the child is 16 years of age or older, order

15-17    services that are needed to assist the child in making the

15-18    transition from substitute care to independent living if the

15-19    services are available in the community;

15-20                (10)  determine plans, services, and further temporary

15-21    orders necessary to ensure that a final order is rendered before

15-22    the date for dismissal of the suit under this chapter; and

15-23                (11)  determine the date for dismissal of the suit

15-24    under this chapter and give notice in open court to all parties of:

15-25                      (A)  the dismissal date;

 16-1                      (B)  the date of the next permanency hearing; and

 16-2                      (C)  the date the suit is set for trial.

 16-3                [(5)  a date for achieving the child's permanency plan;]

 16-4                [(6)  if the child has been in substitute care for not

 16-5    less than 18 months, the future status of the child and the

 16-6    appropriateness of the date by which the child may return home and

 16-7    whether to render further appropriate orders;]

 16-8                [(7)  if the child is in substitute care outside the

 16-9    state, whether the out-of-state placement continues to be

16-10    appropriate and in the best interest of the child;]

16-11                [(8)  whether the child's parents are willing and able

16-12    to provide the child with a safe environment without the assistance

16-13    of a service plan and, if so, return the child to the parents;]

16-14                [(9)  whether the child's parents are willing and able

16-15    to provide the child with a safe environment with the assistance of

16-16    a service plan and, if so, return the child or continue the

16-17    placement of the child in the child's home under the department's

16-18    or other agency's supervision;]

16-19                [(10)  whether the child's parents are presently

16-20    unwilling or unable to provide the child with a safe environment,

16-21    even with the assistance of a service plan, and, if so, order the

16-22    child to remain under the department's or other agency's managing

16-23    conservatorship for a period of time specified by the court;]

16-24                [(11)  whether a long-term substitute care placement is

16-25    in the child's best interest because of the child's special needs

 17-1    or circumstances and, if so, begin a long-term substitute care

 17-2    placement and if the child is placed in institutional care, whether

 17-3    efforts have been made to ensure placement of the child in the

 17-4    least restrictive environment consistent with the best interest and

 17-5    special needs of the child;]

 17-6                [(12)  whether a child is 16 years of age or older and,

 17-7    if so, order the services that are needed to assist the child in

 17-8    making the transition from substitute care to independent living if

 17-9    the services are available in the community;]

17-10                [(13)  whether the child has been placed with the

17-11    department under a voluntary placement agreement and, if so, order

17-12    that the department will institute further proceedings or return

17-13    the child to the parents;]

17-14                [(14)  whether the department or authorized agency has

17-15    custody, care, and control of the child under an affidavit of

17-16    relinquishment of parental rights naming the department managing

17-17    conservator and, if so, direct the department or authorized agency

17-18    to institute further proceedings; and]

17-19                [(15)  whether parental rights to the child have been

17-20    terminated and, if so, determine whether the department or

17-21    authorized agency will attempt to place the child for adoption.]

17-22          SECTION 13.  Section 264.009, Family Code, is amended to read

17-23    as follows:

17-24          Sec. 264.009.  LEGAL REPRESENTATION OF DEPARTMENT.  (a)  In

17-25    [Except as provided by Subsection (b), in] any action under this

 18-1    code [title], the department shall be represented in court by

 18-2    [the]:

 18-3                (1)  the county [prosecuting] attorney [who represents

 18-4    the state in criminal cases in the district or county court] of the

 18-5    county where the action is brought, unless the district attorney or

 18-6    criminal district attorney elects to provide representation; or

 18-7                (2)  if the case is one in which a conflict of interest

 18-8    or special circumstances exist, an attorney employed by the

 18-9    department or who has contracted with the department under

18-10    Subsection (c) to provide representation [attorney general].

18-11          (b)  In a county with a population of 2,800,000 or more, in

18-12    an action under this code [title], the department shall be

18-13    represented in court by [the]:

18-14                (1)  the attorney who represents the state in civil

18-15    cases in the district or county court of the county where the

18-16    action is brought; or

18-17                (2)  if the case is one in which a conflict of interest

18-18    or special circumstances exists, an attorney employed by the

18-19    department or who has contracted with the department under

18-20    Subsection (c) to provide representation [attorney general].

18-21          (c)  The department may contract with a county attorney, a

18-22    district attorney, a criminal district attorney, the attorney

18-23    general, or a private attorney to provide reimbursement from any

18-24    available state or federal funds of the costs of representing the

18-25    department in an action under this code.

 19-1          SECTION 14.  Sections 263.308 and 263.309, Family Code, are

 19-2    repealed.

 19-3          SECTION 15.  (a)  This Act takes effect January 1, 1998.

 19-4          (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c) of this section,

 19-5    this Act applies to a pending suit affecting the parent-child

 19-6    relationship regardless of whether the suit was commenced before,

 19-7    on, or after the effective date of this Act.

 19-8          (c)  If the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services

 19-9    has been appointed temporary managing conservator of a child before

19-10    the effective date of this Act, the court shall establish a date

19-11    for dismissal of the suit not later than the second anniversary of

19-12    the date of the next hearing conducted under Chapter 263, Family

19-13    Code, unless the court has rendered a final order before the

19-14    dismissal date.

19-15          SECTION 16.  The importance of this legislation and the

19-16    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

19-17    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

19-18    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

19-19    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.