By:  Sibley                                            S.B. No. 221

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

                                       AN ACT

 1-1     relating to the suspension or revocation of a real estate license

 1-2     for failure to include a termination date in certain real estate

 1-3     contracts.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  Subsection (a), Section 15, The Real Estate

 1-6     License Act (Article 6573a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

 1-7     amended to read as follows:

 1-8           (a)  The commission may, on its own motion, and shall, on the

 1-9     signed complaint in writing of a consumer or service recipient,

1-10     provided the complaint, or the complaint together with evidence,

1-11     documentary or otherwise, presented in connection with the

1-12     complaint, provides reasonable cause, investigate the actions and

1-13     records of a real estate broker or real estate salesman.  The

1-14     commission may suspend or revoke a license issued under the

1-15     provisions of this Act at any time when it has been determined

1-16     that:

1-17                 (1)  the licensee has entered a plea of guilty or nolo

1-18     contendere to, or been found guilty of, or been convicted of, a

1-19     felony, in which fraud is an essential element, and the time for

1-20     appeal has elapsed or the judgment or conviction has been affirmed

1-21     on appeal, irrespective of an order granting probation following

1-22     such conviction, suspending the imposition of sentence;

1-23                 (2)  the licensee has procured, or attempted to

 2-1     procure, a real estate license, for himself or a salesman, by

 2-2     fraud, misrepresentation or deceit, or by making a material

 2-3     misstatement of fact in an application for a real estate license;

 2-4                 (3)  the licensee, when selling, buying, trading, or

 2-5     renting real property in his own name, engaged in misrepresentation

 2-6     or dishonest or fraudulent action;

 2-7                 (4)  the licensee has failed within a reasonable time

 2-8     to make good a check issued to the commission after the commission

 2-9     has mailed a request for payment by certified mail to the

2-10     licensee's last known business address as reflected by the

2-11     commission's records;

2-12                 (5)  the licensee has disregarded or violated a

2-13     provision of this Act;

2-14                 (6)  the licensee, while performing an act constituting

2-15     an act of a broker or salesman, as defined by this Act, has been

2-16     guilty of:

2-17                       (A)  making a material misrepresentation, or

2-18     failing to disclose to a potential purchaser any latent structural

2-19     defect or any other defect known to the broker or salesman.  Latent

2-20     structural defects and other defects do not refer to trivial or

2-21     insignificant defects but refer to those defects that would be a

2-22     significant factor to a reasonable and prudent purchaser in making

2-23     a decision to purchase;

2-24                       (B)  making a false promise of a character likely

2-25     to influence, persuade, or induce any person to enter into a

 3-1     contract or agreement when the licensee could not or did not intend

 3-2     to keep such promise;

 3-3                       (C)  pursuing a continued and flagrant course of

 3-4     misrepresentation or making of false promises through agents,

 3-5     salesmen, advertising, or otherwise;

 3-6                       (D)  failing to make clear, to all parties to a

 3-7     transaction, which party he is acting for, or receiving

 3-8     compensation from more than one party except with the full

 3-9     knowledge and consent of all parties;

3-10                       (E)  failing within a reasonable time properly to

3-11     account for or remit money coming into his possession which belongs

3-12     to others, or commingling money belonging to others with his own

3-13     funds;

3-14                       (F)  paying a commission or fees to or dividing a

3-15     commission or fees with anyone not licensed as a real estate broker

3-16     or salesman in this state or in any other state for compensation

3-17     for services as a real estate agent;

3-18                       (G)  failing to specify a definite termination

3-19     date that is not subject to prior notice in a [listing contract or

3-20     in another] contract, other than a contract to perform property

3-21     management services, in which the licensee agrees to perform

3-22     services for which a license is required under this Act [a definite

3-23     termination date which is not subject to prior notice];

3-24                       (H)  accepting, receiving, or charging an

3-25     undisclosed commission, rebate, or direct profit on expenditures

 4-1     made for a principal;

 4-2                       (I)  soliciting, selling, or offering for sale

 4-3     real property under a scheme or program that constitutes a lottery

 4-4     or deceptive practice;

 4-5                       (J)  acting in the dual capacity of broker and

 4-6     undisclosed principal in a transaction;

 4-7                       (K)  guaranteeing, authorizing, or permitting a

 4-8     person to guarantee that future profits will result from a resale

 4-9     of real property;

4-10                       (L)  placing a sign on real property offering it

4-11     for sale, lease, or rent without the written consent of the owner

4-12     or his authorized agent;

4-13                       (M)  inducing or attempting to induce a party to

4-14     a contract of sale or lease to break the contract for the purpose

4-15     of substituting in lieu thereof a new contract;

4-16                       (N)  negotiating or attempting to negotiate the

4-17     sale, exchange, lease, or rental of real property with an owner,

4-18     lessor, buyer, or tenant, knowing that the owner, lessor, buyer, or

4-19     tenant had a written outstanding contract, granting exclusive

4-20     agency in connection with the transaction to another real estate

4-21     broker;

4-22                       (O)  offering real property for sale or for lease

4-23     without the knowledge and consent of the owner or his authorized

4-24     agent, or on terms other than those authorized by the owner or his

4-25     authorized agent;

 5-1                       (P)  publishing, or causing to be published, an

 5-2     advertisement including, but not limited to, advertising by

 5-3     newspaper, radio, television, or display which is misleading, or

 5-4     which is likely to deceive the public, or which in any manner tends

 5-5     to create a misleading impression, or which fails to identify the

 5-6     person causing the advertisement to be published as a licensed real

 5-7     estate broker or agent;

 5-8                       (Q)  having knowingly withheld from or inserted

 5-9     in a statement of account or invoice, a statement that made it

5-10     inaccurate in a material particular;

5-11                       (R)  publishing or circulating an unjustified or

5-12     unwarranted threat of legal proceedings, or other action;

5-13                       (S)  establishing an association, by employment

5-14     or otherwise, with an unlicensed person who is expected or required

5-15     to act as a real estate licensee, or aiding or abetting or

5-16     conspiring with a person to circumvent the requirements of this

5-17     Act;

5-18                       (T)  failing or refusing on demand to furnish

5-19     copies of a document pertaining to a transaction dealing with real

5-20     estate to a person whose signature is affixed to the document;

5-21                       (U)  failing to advise a purchaser in writing

5-22     before the closing of a transaction that the purchaser should

5-23     either have the abstract covering the real estate which is the

5-24     subject of the contract examined by an attorney of the purchaser's

5-25     own selection, or be furnished with or obtain a policy of title

 6-1     insurance;

 6-2                       (V)  conduct which constitutes dishonest

 6-3     dealings, bad faith, or untrustworthiness;

 6-4                       (W)  acting negligently or incompetently in

 6-5     performing an act for which a person is required to hold a real

 6-6     estate license;

 6-7                       (X)  disregarding or violating a provision of

 6-8     this Act;

 6-9                       (Y)  failing within a reasonable time to deposit

6-10     money received as escrow agent in a real estate transaction, either

6-11     in trust with a title company authorized to do business in this

6-12     state, or in a custodial, trust, or escrow account maintained for

6-13     that purpose in a banking institution authorized to do business in

6-14     this state;

6-15                       (Z)  disbursing money deposited in a custodial,

6-16     trust, or escrow account, as provided in Subsection (Y) before the

6-17     transaction concerned has been consummated or finally otherwise

6-18     terminated; or

6-19                       (AA) discriminating against an owner, potential

6-20     purchaser, lessor, or potential lessee on the basis of race, color,

6-21     religion, sex, national origin, or ancestry, including directing

6-22     prospective home buyers or lessees interested in equivalent

6-23     properties to different areas according to the race, color,

6-24     religion, sex, national origin, or ancestry of the potential owner

6-25     or lessee;

 7-1                 (7)  the licensee has failed or refused on demand to

 7-2     produce a document, book, or record in his possession concerning a

 7-3     real estate transaction conducted by him for inspection by the

 7-4     commission or its authorized personnel or representative;

 7-5                 (8)  the licensee has failed within a reasonable time

 7-6     to provide information requested by the commission as a result of a

 7-7     formal or informal complaint to the commission which would indicate

 7-8     a violation of this Act; or

 7-9                 (9)  the licensee has failed without just cause to

7-10     surrender to the rightful owner, on demand, a document or

7-11     instrument coming into his possession.

7-12           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997, and

7-13     applies only to a contract subject to The Real Estate License Act

7-14     (Article 6573a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) that is executed on

7-15     or after that date.  A contract subject to The Real Estate License

7-16     Act (Article 6573a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) that is executed

7-17     before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in

7-18     effect on the day that the contract was executed, and the former

7-19     law is continued in effect for that purpose.

7-20           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the

7-21     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

7-22     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

7-23     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

7-24     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.