1-1     relating to the selection of telecommunications utilities by

 1-2     customers.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Subtitle G, Title III, Public Utility Regulatory

 1-5     Act of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

 1-6     amended by adding Sections 3.312 and 3.313 to read as follows:


 1-8     (a)  It is the policy of this state to ensure that all customers

 1-9     are protected from the unauthorized switching of a

1-10     telecommunications utility selected by the customer to provide

1-11     telecommunications service.  Not later than November 1, 1997, the

1-12     commission shall adopt nondiscriminatory and competitively neutral

1-13     rules to implement this section, including rules that:

1-14                 (1)  ensure that customers are protected from deceptive

1-15     practices in the obtaining of authorizations and verifications

1-16     required by this section;

1-17                 (2)  are applicable to all local exchange telephone

1-18     service, interexchange telecommunications service, and other

1-19     telecommunications services provided by telecommunications

1-20     utilities in this state;

1-21                 (3)  are consistent with the rules and regulations

1-22     prescribed by the Federal Communications Commission for the

1-23     selection of telecommunications utilities and permit

 2-1     telecommunications utilities to select any one of the following

 2-2     methods of verification of carrier-initiated change orders:

 2-3                       (A)  written authorization from the customer;

 2-4                       (B)  toll-free electronic authorization placed

 2-5     from the telephone number which is the subject of the change order;

 2-6                       (C)  oral authorization obtained by an

 2-7     independent third party; or

 2-8                       (D)  mailing to the customer an information

 2-9     package consistent with 47 C.F.R. Section 64.1100(d) that contains

2-10     a postage-prepaid postcard or mailer, without receiving a

2-11     cancellation of the change order from the customer within 14 days

2-12     after the date of the mailing;

2-13                 (4)  require that in the case of customer-initiated

2-14     changes of telecommunications utilities, the telecommunications

2-15     utility to whom the customer has changed its service shall maintain

2-16     a record of nonpublic customer-specific information that could be

2-17     used to establish that the customer authorized the change, except

2-18     that if the Federal Communications Commission requires

2-19     verification, methods required by the Federal Communications

2-20     Commission shall be used by telecommunications utilities;

2-21                 (5)  provide that changes in the selection of the

2-22     customer's telecommunications utilities which are not made or

2-23     verified consistent with the commission's rules shall, on request

2-24     by the customer, be reversed within a period established by

2-25     commission ruling;

 3-1                 (6)  provide that the telecommunications utility that

 3-2     initiated the unauthorized customer change shall:

 3-3                       (A)  pay all usual and customary charges

 3-4     associated with returning the customer to its original

 3-5     telecommunications utility;

 3-6                       (B)  pay the telecommunications utility from

 3-7     which the customer was changed any amount paid by the customer that

 3-8     would have been paid to the telecommunications utility from which

 3-9     the customer was changed but for the unauthorized change;

3-10                       (C)  return to the customer any amount paid by

3-11     the customer in excess of the charges that would have been imposed

3-12     for identical services by the telecommunications utility from which

3-13     the customer was changed but for the unauthorized change; and

3-14                       (D)  provide all billing records to the original

3-15     telecommunications utility from which the customer was changed to

3-16     enable the telecommunications utility from which the customer was

3-17     changed to comply with this section and subsequent rules;

3-18                 (7)  provide that the telecommunications utility from

3-19     which the customer was changed shall provide to the customer all

3-20     benefits associated with the service on receipt of payment for

3-21     service provided during the unauthorized change;

3-22                 (8)  provide that if the commission finds that a

3-23     telecommunications utility has repeatedly engaged in violations of

3-24     the commission's telecommunications utility selection rules, the

3-25     commission shall order the utility to take corrective action as

 4-1     necessary and the utility may be subject to administrative

 4-2     penalties pursuant to Section 1.3215 of this Act;

 4-3                 (9)  provide that proceeds of administrative penalties

 4-4     collected under this section be used for purposes of funding

 4-5     enforcement of this section; and

 4-6                 (10)  provide that if the commission finds that a

 4-7     telecommunications utility is repeatedly and recklessly in

 4-8     violation of the commission's telecommunications utility selection

 4-9     rules, the commission may, if consistent with the public interest,

4-10     suspend, restrict, or revoke the registration or certificate of the

4-11     telecommunications utility, thereby denying the telecommunications

4-12     utility the right to provide service in this state.

4-13           (b)  The commission is granted all necessary jurisdiction to

4-14     adopt rules required by this section and to enforce the provisions

4-15     of these rules and this section.  The commission may notify

4-16     customers of their rights under these rules.


4-18     (a)  A local exchange company shall print on the first page of each

4-19     bill sent to a customer of the local exchange company the name of

4-20     the customer's primary interexchange carrier where the local

4-21     exchange company provides billing services for the primary

4-22     interexchange carrier.  The commission may, for good cause, waive

4-23     this requirement in exchanges served by incumbent local exchange

4-24     companies serving 31,000 access lines or less.

4-25           (b)  The bill must contain instructions on how the customer

 5-1     can contact the commission if the customer believes that the

 5-2     carrier named is not the customer's primary interexchange carrier.

 5-3           SECTION 2.  Subsection (c), Section 3.051, Public Utility

 5-4     Regulatory Act of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil

 5-5     Statutes), is amended to read as follows:

 5-6           (c)  Except as provided by Subsections (l), (m), and (s) of

 5-7     this section and Sections [Section] 3.052, 3.312 and 3.313 of this

 5-8     Act, the commission shall only have the following jurisdiction over

 5-9     all telecommunications utilities who are not dominant carriers:

5-10                 (1)  to require registration as provided in Subsection

5-11     (d) of this section;

5-12                 (2)  to conduct such investigations as are necessary to

5-13     determine the existence, impact, and scope of competition in the

5-14     telecommunications industry, including identifying dominant

5-15     carriers in the local telecommunications and intralata

5-16     interexchange telecommunications industry and defining the

5-17     telecommunications market or markets, and in connection therewith

5-18     may call and hold hearings, issue subpoenas to compel the

5-19     attendance of witnesses and the production of papers and documents,

5-20     and make findings of fact and decisions with respect to

5-21     administering the provisions of this Act or the rules, orders, and

5-22     other actions of the commission;

5-23                 (3)  to require the filing of such reports as the

5-24     commission may direct from time to time;

5-25                 (4)  to require the maintenance of statewide average

 6-1     rates or prices of telecommunications service;

 6-2                 (5)  to require that every local exchange area have

 6-3     access to local and interexchange telecommunications service,

 6-4     except that a telecommunications utility must be allowed to

 6-5     discontinue service to a local exchange area if comparable service

 6-6     is available in the area and the discontinuance is not contrary to

 6-7     the public interest; this section does not authorize the commission

 6-8     to require a telecommunications utility that has not provided

 6-9     services to a local exchange area during the previous 12 months and

6-10     that has never provided services to that same local exchange area

6-11     for a cumulative period of one year at any time in the past to

6-12     initiate services to that local exchange area; and

6-13                 (6)  to require the quality of telecommunications

6-14     service provided in each exchange to be adequate to protect the

6-15     public interest and the interests of customers of that exchange if

6-16     the commission determines that service to a local exchange has

6-17     deteriorated to the point that service is not reliable.

6-18           SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

6-19           SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the

6-20     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

6-21     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

6-22     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

6-23     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.

         _______________________________     _______________________________

             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House

               I hereby certify that S.B. No. 253 passed the Senate on

         April 1, 1997, by a viva-voce vote.


                                                 Secretary of the Senate

               I hereby certify that S.B. No. 253 passed the House on

         May 23, 1997, by a non-record vote.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House




