1-1     By:  Madla                                             S.B. No. 361

 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed February 28, 1997; March 5, 1997, read

 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on Health and Human Services;

 1-4     April 14, 1997, reported favorably, as amended, by the following

 1-5     vote:  Yeas 11, Nays 0; April 14, 1997, sent to printer.)

 1-6     COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1                                By:  Madla

 1-7     Amend S.B. No. 361 by inserting the following as SECTION 1 and

 1-8     renumbering the remaining sections accordingly:

 1-9           SECTION 1.  Section 6.02, Medical Practice Act (Article

1-10     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as

1-11     follows:

1-12           Sec. 6.02.  Definitions.  In this subchapter:

1-13                 (1)  "Acupuncture" means:

1-14                       (A)  the nonsurgical, nonincisive insertion of an

1-15     acupuncture needle and the application of moxibustion to specific

1-16     areas of the human body as a primary mode of therapy to treat and

1-17     mitigate a human condition; and

1-18                       (B)  the administration of thermal or electrical

1-19     treatments or the recommendation of dietary guidelines, energy flow

1-20     exercise, or dietary or herbal supplements in conjunction with the

1-21     treatment described by Paragraph (A) of this subdivision.

1-22                 (2)  "Acupuncturist" means a person who practices

1-23     acupuncture.

1-24                 (3)  "Acupuncture board" means the Texas State Board of

1-25     Acupuncture Examiners.

1-26                 (4)  "Chiropractor" means a licensee of the Texas Board

1-27     of Chiropractic Examiners.

1-28                 (5)  "Executive director" means the executive director

1-29     of the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners.

1-30                 (6)  "Medical board" means the Texas State Board of

1-31     Medical Examiners.

1-32                 (7)  "Physician" means a licensee of the Texas State

1-33     Board of Medical Examiners.

1-34     COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 2                                By:  Madla

1-35     Amend S.B. No. 361 by adding Section 6.118 to Subchapter F, Medical

1-36     Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), to

1-37     read as follows:

1-38           Sec. 6.118.  REHABILITATION ORDER.  (a)  The acupuncture

1-39     board, through an agreed order or after a contested proceeding, may

1-40     impose a nondisciplinary rehabilitation order on any licensee or,

1-41     as a prerequisite for issuing a license, on any licensure applicant

1-42     based on one or more of the following:

1-43                 (1)  intemperate use of drugs or alcohol directly

1-44     resulting from habituation or addiction caused by medical care or

1-45     treatment provided by a physician;

1-46                 (2)  self-reported intemperate use of drugs or alcohol

1-47     during the last five years immediately preceding the report which

1-48     could adversely affect the reporter's ability to safely practice as

1-49     an acupuncturist, but only if the reporting individual has not

1-50     previously been the subject of a substance abuse related order of

1-51     the acupuncture board;

1-52                 (3)  judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction that

1-53     the individual is of unsound mind; or

1-54                 (4)  results from a mental or physical examination, or

1-55     admissions by the individual, indicating that the licensee or

1-56     applicant suffers from a potentially dangerous limitation or an

1-57     inability to safely practice as an acupuncturist with reasonable

1-58     skill and safety by reason of illness or as a result of any

1-59     physical or mental condition.

1-60           (b)  A rehabilitation order entered pursuant to this section

1-61     shall be a nondisciplinary private order and shall contain findings

1-62     of fact and conclusions of law.  A rehabilitation order, if entered

1-63     by agreement, shall be an agreed disposition or settlement

1-64     agreement for purposes of civil litigation and shall be exempt from

 2-1     the open records law.

 2-2           (c)  A rehabilitation order entered pursuant to this section

 2-3     may impose a revocation, cancellation, suspension, period of

 2-4     probation or restriction, or any other terms and conditions

 2-5     authorized under this Act or as otherwise agreed to by the

 2-6     acupuncture board and the individual subject to the order.

 2-7           (d)  Violation of a rehabilitation order entered pursuant to

 2-8     this section may result in disciplinary action under the provisions

 2-9     of this Act for contested matters or pursuant to the terms of the

2-10     agreed order.  A violation of a rehabilitation order may be grounds

2-11     for disciplinary action based on unprofessional or dishonorable

2-12     conduct or on any of the provisions of this Act which may apply to

2-13     the misconduct which resulted in violation of the rehabilitation

2-14     order.

2-15           (e)  The rehabilitation orders entered pursuant to this

2-16     section shall be kept in a confidential file which shall be subject

2-17     to an independent audit by state auditors or private auditors

2-18     contracted with by the acupuncture board to perform such an audit.

2-19     Audits may be performed at any time at the direction of the

2-20     acupuncture board but shall be performed at least once every three

2-21     years.  The audit results shall be reported in a manner that

2-22     maintains the confidentiality of all licensees who are subject to

2-23     rehabilitation orders and shall be a public record.  The audit

2-24     shall be for the purposes of ensuring that only qualified licensees

2-25     are subject to rehabilitation orders.

2-26     COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 3                                By:  Madla

2-27     Amend S.B. No. 361 in Section 6.075 (filed version, page 6, lines

2-28     26 through 42) by striking the section in its entirety and

2-29     inserting the following:

2-30           Sec. 6.075.  TEMPORARY LICENSE.  (a)  The acupuncture board

2-31     may, through the executive director of the medical board, issue a

2-32     temporary license to an applicant who:

2-33                 (1)  submits an application on a form prescribed by the

2-34     acupuncture board;

2-35                 (2)  has passed a national or other examination

2-36     recognized by the acupuncture board relating to the practice of

2-37     acupuncture;

2-38                 (3)  pays the appropriate fee prescribed by the medical

2-39     board;

2-40                 (4)  if licensed in another state, the District of

2-41     Columbia, or a territory of the United States, is in good standing

2-42     as an acupuncturist; and

2-43                 (5)  meets all the qualifications for a license under

2-44     this Act but is waiting for the next scheduled meeting of the

2-45     medical board for the license to be issued.

2-46           (b)  A temporary license is valid for 100 days from the date

2-47     issued and may be extended only for another 30 days after the date

2-48     the initial temporary license expires.

2-49                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

2-50                                   AN ACT

2-51     relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board

2-52     of Acupuncture Examiners; providing penalties.


2-54           SECTION 1.  Section 6.04, Medical Practice Act (Article

2-55     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by amending

2-56     Subsections (b), (d), (g), and (h) and adding Subsections (i)

2-57     through (l) to read as follows:

2-58           (b)  A person [The following persons] may not serve on the

2-59     acupuncture board if the[:]

2-60                 [(1)  a] person [who] is required to register as a

2-61     lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government Code, because of the

2-62     person's activities for compensation on behalf of a profession

2-63     related to the operation of the medical board or acupuncture board

2-64     [and its subsequent amendments; and]

2-65                 [(2)  a person who is currently employed by or serving

2-66     as president, vice-president, secretary, or treasurer of a

2-67     statewide or national organization incorporated for the purpose of

2-68     representing a health care profession in this state or the United

2-69     States].

 3-1           (d)  The governor shall designate a member of the acupuncture

 3-2     board as the presiding officer of the acupuncture board to serve in

 3-3     that capacity at the pleasure of the governor [from the members of

 3-4     the acupuncture board].

 3-5           (g)  A person is not eligible for appointment as a public

 3-6     member of the acupuncture board if the person or the person's

 3-7     spouse:

 3-8                 (1)  is registered, certified, or licensed by an

 3-9     occupational regulatory agency in the field of health care;

3-10                 (2)  is employed by or participates in the management

3-11     of a business entity or other organization regulated by the medical

3-12     board or receiving funds from the medical board or acupuncture

3-13     board;

3-14                 (3)  owns or controls, directly or indirectly, more

3-15     than a 10 percent interest in a business entity or other

3-16     organization regulated by the medical board or acupuncture board or

3-17     receiving funds from the medical board; or

3-18                 (4)  uses or receives a substantial amount of tangible

3-19     goods, services, or funds from the  medical board or acupuncture

3-20     board, other than compensation or reimbursement authorized by law

3-21     for the acupuncture board membership, attendance, or expenses.

3-22           (h)  An officer, employee, or paid consultant of a Texas

3-23     trade association in the field of health care may not be a member

3-24     of the acupuncture board or an employee of the medical board who is

3-25     exempt from the state's position classification plan or is

3-26     compensated at or above the amount prescribed by the General

3-27     Appropriations Act for step 1, salary group 17, of the position

3-28     classification salary schedule.

3-29           (i)  A person who is the spouse of an officer, manager, or

3-30     paid consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of health

3-31     care may not be a member of the acupuncture board and may not be an

3-32     employee of the medical board who is exempt from the state's

3-33     position classification plan or is compensated at or above the

3-34     amount prescribed by the General Appropriations Act for step 1,

3-35     salary group 17, of the position classification salary schedule.

3-36           (j)  For the purposes of this section, a Texas trade

3-37     association is a nonprofit, cooperative, and voluntarily joined

3-38     association of business or professional competitors in this state

3-39     designed to assist its members and its industry or profession in

3-40     dealing with mutual business or professional problems and in

3-41     promoting their common interest [The acupuncture board is subject

3-42     to the open meetings law, the open records law, and the

3-43     Administrative Procedure Act and any subsequent amendments].

3-44           (k)  Appointments to the acupuncture board shall be made

3-45     without regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion, age,

3-46     or national origin of the appointees.

3-47           (l) [(h)]  The acupuncture board is subject to Chapter 325,

3-48     Government Code (Texas Sunset Act).  Unless continued in existence

3-49     as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this

3-50     subchapter expires September 1, 2005 [1997].

3-51           SECTION 2.  Subchapter F, Medical Practice Act (Article

3-52     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding

3-53     Sections 6.041 and 6.042 to read as follows:


3-55     (a)  It is a ground for removal from the acupuncture board if a

3-56     member:

3-57                 (1)  does not have at the time of appointment the

3-58     qualifications required by Sections 6.04(a) and (g) of this Act;

3-59                 (2)  does not maintain during service on the

3-60     acupuncture board  the qualifications required by Sections 6.04(a)

3-61     and (g) of this Act;

3-62                 (3)  violates a prohibition established by Section

3-63     6.04(b), (h), or (i) of this Act;

3-64                 (4)  cannot because of illness or disability discharge

3-65     the member's duties for a substantial part of the term for which

3-66     the member is appointed; or

3-67                 (5)  is absent from more than half of the regularly

3-68     scheduled acupuncture board meetings that the member is eligible to

3-69     attend during a calendar year unless the absence is excused by

 4-1     majority vote of the acupuncture board.

 4-2           (b)  The validity of an action of the acupuncture board is

 4-3     not affected by the fact that it is taken when a ground for removal

 4-4     of an acupuncture board member exists.

 4-5           (c)  If the executive director of the medical board has

 4-6     knowledge that a potential ground for removal of a member of the

 4-7     acupuncture board exists, the executive director shall notify the

 4-8     presiding officer of the acupuncture board of the potential ground.

 4-9     The presiding officer shall then notify the governor and the

4-10     attorney general that a potential ground for removal exists.  If

4-11     the potential ground for removal involves the presiding officer,

4-12     the executive director of the medical board shall notify the next

4-13     highest officer of the acupuncture board, who shall notify the

4-14     governor and the attorney general that a potential ground for

4-15     removal exists.

4-16           (d)  The executive director of the medical board or the

4-17     executive director's designee shall provide to members of the

4-18     acupuncture board, as often as necessary, information regarding

4-19     their qualification for office under this subchapter and their

4-20     responsibilities under applicable laws relating to standards of

4-21     conduct for state officers.

4-22           Sec. 6.042.  BOARD MEMBER TRAINING.  (a)  Before a member of

4-23     the acupuncture board may assume the member's duties and before the

4-24     member may be confirmed by the senate, the member must complete at

4-25     least one course of the training program established under this

4-26     section.

4-27           (b)  A training program established under this section shall

4-28     provide information to the member regarding:

4-29                 (1)  the enabling legislation that created the

4-30     acupuncture board;

4-31                 (2)  the programs operated by the acupuncture board;

4-32                 (3)  the role and functions of the acupuncture board;

4-33                 (4)  the rules of the acupuncture board with an

4-34     emphasis on the rules that relate to disciplinary and investigatory

4-35     authority;

4-36                 (5)  the current budget for the acupuncture board;

4-37                 (6)  the results of the most recent formal audit of the

4-38     acupuncture board;

4-39                 (7)  the requirements of the:

4-40                       (A)  open meetings law, Chapter 551, Government

4-41     Code;

4-42                       (B)  open records law, Chapter 552, Government

4-43     Code; and

4-44                       (C)  administrative procedure law, Chapter 2001,

4-45     Government Code;

4-46                 (8)  the requirements of the conflict of interest laws

4-47     and other laws relating to public officials; and

4-48                 (9)  any applicable ethics policies adopted by the

4-49     medical board or the Texas Ethics Commission.

4-50           SECTION 3.  Section 6.05, Medical Practice Act (Article

4-51     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as

4-52     follows:


4-54     (a)  Subject to the advice and approval of the medical board, the

4-55     acupuncture board shall:

4-56                 (1)  establish qualifications for an acupuncturist to

4-57     practice in this state;

4-58                 (2)  establish minimum educational and training

4-59     requirements necessary for the acupuncture board to recommend that

4-60     the medical board issue a license to practice acupuncture;

4-61                 (3)  administer an examination that is validated by

4-62     independent testing professionals for a license to practice

4-63     acupuncture;

4-64                 (4)  develop requirements for licensure by endorsement

4-65     of other states;

4-66                 (5)  prescribe the application form for a license to

4-67     practice acupuncture;

4-68                 (6)  make recommendations on applications for licenses

4-69     to practice acupuncture;

 5-1                 (7)  develop and implement policies that provide the

 5-2     public with a reasonable opportunity to appear before the

 5-3     acupuncture board and to speak on any issue under the jurisdiction

 5-4     of the acupuncture board [establish a procedure for reporting and

 5-5     processing complaints relating to the practice of acupuncture under

 5-6     this article];

 5-7                 (8)  establish the requirements for a tutorial program

 5-8     for students who have completed at least 48 semester hours of

 5-9     college; [and]

5-10                 (9)  develop and implement policies that clearly

5-11     separate the policymaking responsibilities of the acupuncture board

5-12     and the management responsibilities of the executive director and

5-13     the staff of the medical board; and

5-14                 (10)  recommend additional rules as are necessary for

5-15     the administration and enforcement of this subchapter.

5-16           (b)  The acupuncture board shall comply with federal and

5-17     state laws related to program and facility accessibility.  The

5-18     executive director of the medical board shall prepare and maintain

5-19     a written plan that describes how a person who does not speak

5-20     English can be provided reasonable access to the acupuncture

5-21     board's programs and services.

5-22           (c)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this section, the

5-23     acupuncture board has no independent rulemaking authority.

5-24           SECTION 4.  Subchapter F, Medical Practice Act (Article

5-25     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding

5-26     Sections 6.051, 6.071, 6.075, and 6.085 to read as follows:


5-28     (a)  The acupuncture board shall prepare information of public

5-29     interest describing the functions of the acupuncture board and the

5-30     procedures by which complaints are filed with and resolved by the

5-31     acupuncture board.  The acupuncture board shall make the

5-32     information available to the public and appropriate state agencies.

5-33           (b)  The acupuncture board by rule shall establish methods by

5-34     which consumers and service recipients are notified of the name,

5-35     mailing address, and telephone number of the acupuncture board for

5-36     the purpose of directing complaints under this subchapter to the

5-37     acupuncture board.  The acupuncture board may provide for that

5-38     notification:

5-39                 (1)  on each registration form, application, or written

5-40     contract for services of an individual or entity regulated under

5-41     this subchapter;

5-42                 (2)  on a sign prominently displayed in the place of

5-43     business of each individual or entity regulated under this

5-44     subchapter; or

5-45                 (3)  in a bill for service provided by an individual or

5-46     entity regulated under this subchapter.

5-47           (c)  The acupuncture board shall keep a file about each

5-48     written complaint filed with the acupuncture board under this

5-49     subchapter that the acupuncture board has authority to resolve.

5-50     The acupuncture board shall provide to the person filing the

5-51     complaint and the persons or entities complained about the

5-52     acupuncture board's policies and procedures pertaining to complaint

5-53     investigation and resolution.  The acupuncture board, at least

5-54     quarterly and until final disposition of the complaint, shall

5-55     notify the person filing the complaint and the persons or entities

5-56     complained about of the status of the complaint unless the notice

5-57     would jeopardize an investigation.

5-58           (d)  The acupuncture board shall keep information about each

5-59     complaint filed with the acupuncture board under this subchapter.

5-60     The information shall include:

5-61                 (1)  the date the complaint is received;

5-62                 (2)  the name of the complainant;

5-63                 (3)  the subject matter of the complaint;

5-64                 (4)  a record of all persons contacted in relation to

5-65     the complaint;

5-66                 (5)  a summary of the results of the review or

5-67     investigation of the complaint; and

5-68                 (6)  for complaints for which the acupuncture board

5-69     took no action, an explanation of the reason the complaint was

 6-1     closed without action.

 6-2           Sec. 6.071.  EXAMINATION RESULTS.  (a)  Not later than the

 6-3     30th day after the date on which a licensing examination is

 6-4     administered under this subchapter, the acupuncture board shall

 6-5     notify each examinee of the results of the examination.  However,

 6-6     if an examination is graded or reviewed by a national testing

 6-7     service, the acupuncture board shall notify examinees of the

 6-8     results of the examination not later than the 14th day after the

 6-9     date on which the acupuncture board receives the results from the

6-10     testing service.  If the notice of examination results graded or

6-11     reviewed by a national testing service will be delayed for longer

6-12     than 90 days after the examination date, the acupuncture board

6-13     shall notify the examinee of the reason for the delay before the

6-14     90th day.  The acupuncture board may require a testing service to

6-15     notify examinees of the results of an examination.

6-16           (b)  If requested in writing by a person who fails a

6-17     licensing examination administered under this subchapter, the

6-18     acupuncture board shall furnish the person with an analysis of the

6-19     person's performance on the examination if an analysis is available

6-20     from the national testing service.

6-21           Sec. 6.075.  TEMPORARY LICENSE.  (a)  The acupuncture board

6-22     may issue a temporary license to an applicant who:

6-23                 (1)  is licensed in good standing as an acupuncturist

6-24     for at least two years in another state, the District of Columbia,

6-25     or a territory of the United States that has licensing requirements

6-26     that are substantially equivalent to the requirements of this

6-27     subchapter;

6-28                 (2)  submits an application on a form prescribed by the

6-29     acupuncture board;

6-30                 (3)  has passed a national or other examination

6-31     recognized by the acupuncture board relating to the practice of

6-32     acupuncture; and

6-33                 (4)  pays the appropriate fee prescribed by the medical

6-34     board.

6-35           (b)  A temporary license is valid for 100 days from the date

6-36     issued and may be extended only for another 30 days after the date

6-37     the initial temporary license expires.

6-38           Sec. 6.085.  ADVERTISING.  (a)  The medical board may not

6-39     adopt rules under this subchapter restricting competitive bidding

6-40     or advertising by a license holder except to prohibit false,

6-41     misleading, or deceptive practices.

6-42           (b)  In its rules to prohibit false, misleading, or deceptive

6-43     practices, the medical board may not include a rule that:

6-44                 (1)  restricts the use of any medium for advertising;

6-45                 (2)  restricts the use of a license holder's personal

6-46     appearance or voice in an advertisement;

6-47                 (3)  relates to the size or duration of an

6-48     advertisement by the license holder; or

6-49                 (4)  restricts the license holder's advertisement under

6-50     a trade name.

6-51           SECTION 5.  Section 6.09, Medical Practice Act (Article

6-52     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding

6-53     Subsections (c) and (d) to read as follows:

6-54           (c)  All money paid to the medical board under this

6-55     subchapter is subject to Subchapter F, Chapter 404, Government

6-56     Code.

6-57           (d)  The medical board shall prepare annually a complete and

6-58     detailed written report accounting for all funds received and

6-59     disbursed by the medical board under this subchapter during the

6-60     preceding fiscal year.  The annual report must meet the reporting

6-61     requirements applicable to financial reporting provided in the

6-62     General Appropriations Act.

6-63           SECTION 6.  Section 6.10, Medical Practice Act (Article

6-64     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as

6-65     follows:

6-66           Sec. 6.10.  ISSUANCE AND RENEWAL OF LICENSE.  (a)  After

6-67     consulting the acupuncture board, the medical board shall issue a

6-68     license to practice acupuncture in this state to a person who meets

6-69     the requirements of this subchapter and the rules adopted under

 7-1     this subchapter.

 7-2           (b)  The medical board may waive any prerequisite to

 7-3     obtaining a license for an applicant after reviewing the

 7-4     applicant's credentials and determining that the applicant holds a

 7-5     valid license from another state that has license requirements

 7-6     substantially equivalent to those of this state.

 7-7           (c)  The medical board shall by rule provide for the annual

 7-8     renewal of a license to practice acupuncture.

 7-9           (d)  A person who is otherwise eligible to renew a license

7-10     may renew an unexpired license by paying the required renewal fee

7-11     to the medical board before the expiration date of the license.  A

7-12     person whose license has expired may not engage in activities that

7-13     require a license until the license has been renewed under the

7-14     provisions of this section.

7-15           (e)  If the person's license has been expired for 90 days or

7-16     less, the person may renew the license by paying to the medical

7-17     board one and one-half times the required renewal fee.

7-18           (f)  If the person's license has been expired for longer than

7-19     90 days but less than one year, the person may renew the license by

7-20     paying to the medical board two times the required renewal fee.

7-21           (g)  If the person's license has been expired for one year or

7-22     longer, the person may not renew the license.  The person may

7-23     obtain a new license by submitting to reexamination and complying

7-24     with the requirements and procedures for obtaining an original

7-25     license.

7-26           (h)  If the person was licensed in this state, moved to

7-27     another state, and is currently licensed and has been in practice

7-28     in the other state for the two years preceding application, the

7-29     person may renew an expired license without reexamination.  The

7-30     person must pay to the medical board a fee that is equal to two

7-31     times the required renewal fee for the license.

7-32           (i)  At least 30 days before the expiration of a person's

7-33     license, the medical board shall send written notice of the

7-34     impending license expiration to the person at the license holder's

7-35     last known address according to the records of the medical board.

7-36           (j)  The medical board by rule may adopt a system under which

7-37     licenses expire on various dates during the year.  For the year in

7-38     which the license expiration date is changed, license fees shall be

7-39     prorated on a monthly basis so that each license holder pays only

7-40     that portion of the license fee that is allocable to the number of

7-41     months during which the license is valid.  On renewal of the

7-42     license on the new expiration date, the total license renewal fee

7-43     is payable.

7-44           SECTION 7.  Subchapter F, Medical Practice Act (Article

7-45     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding Section

7-46     6.101 to read as follows:

7-47           Sec. 6.101.  LICENSE HOLDER INFORMATION.  (a)  Each license

7-48     holder shall file with the board:

7-49                 (1)  the license holder's mailing address;

7-50                 (2)  the address of the license holder's residence;

7-51                 (3)  the mailing address of each of the license

7-52     holder's offices; and

7-53                 (4)  the address for the location of each of the

7-54     license holder's offices if that address is different from the

7-55     office's mailing address.

7-56           (b)  A license holder shall:

7-57                 (1)  notify the acupuncture board of a change of the

7-58     license holder's residence or business address; and

7-59                 (2)  provide the acupuncture board with the license

7-60     holder's new address not later than the 30th day after the date the

7-61     address change occurs.

7-62           SECTION 8.  Section 6.11, Medical Practice Act (Article

7-63     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended, and Subsections

7-64     (b) through (g) of that section are redesignated as Section 6.115,

7-65     to read as follows:


7-67     (a)  A license to practice acupuncture may be denied or, after

7-68     notice and hearing, suspended, probated, or revoked if the

7-69     applicant for a license or the holder of a license:

 8-1                 (1)  uses drugs or intoxicating liquors to an extent

 8-2     that affects the person's professional competence;

 8-3                 (2)  obtains or attempts to obtain a license by fraud

 8-4     or deception;

 8-5                 (3)  has been [is] adjudged mentally incompetent by a

 8-6     court of competent jurisdiction or has a mental or physical

 8-7     condition that renders the person unable to perform safely as an

 8-8     acupuncturist;

 8-9                 (4)  has practiced [practices] acupuncture in a manner

8-10     detrimental to the public health and welfare;

8-11                 (5)  violates this subchapter or a rule adopted under

8-12     this subchapter;

8-13                 (6)  has been [is] convicted of a felony or a crime

8-14     involving moral turpitude; [or]

8-15                 (7)  holds the person [himself] out as a physician or

8-16     surgeon or any combination or derivative of those terms unless the

8-17     person is also licensed by the medical board as a physician or

8-18     surgeon;

8-19                 (8)  fraudulently or deceptively uses a license;

8-20                 (9)  has acted in an unprofessional or dishonorable

8-21     manner that is likely to deceive, defraud, or injure a member of

8-22     the public;

8-23                 (10)  has committed an act in violation of state law if

8-24     the act is connected with the person's practice as an

8-25     acupuncturist; or

8-26                 (11)  has had the person's license suspended, revoked,

8-27     or restricted, has had other disciplinary action taken by another

8-28     state regarding the person's practice as an acupuncturist, or has

8-29     had disciplinary action taken against the person by the uniformed

8-30     services of the United States based on acts by the license holder

8-31     similar to acts described in this section.

8-32           (b)  A complaint, indictment, or conviction of a law

8-33     violation is not necessary for the enforcement of Subsection

8-34     (a)(10) of this section.  Proof of the commission of the act while

8-35     in practice as an acupuncturist or under the guise of practice as

8-36     an acupuncturist is sufficient for action by the medical board

8-37     under this section.

8-38           (c)  A certified copy of the record of the state or uniformed

8-39     services of the United States taking the action is conclusive

8-40     evidence of the action under Subsection (a)(11) of this section.

8-41           Sec. 6.115.  SCOPE OF PRACTICE.  (a) [(b)]  Except as

8-42     provided by Subsection (b) [(c)] of this section, a license to

8-43     practice acupuncture shall be denied or, after notice and hearing,

8-44     revoked if the holder of a license has performed acupuncture on a

8-45     person who was not evaluated by a physician or dentist, as

8-46     appropriate, for the condition being treated within six months

8-47     before the date acupuncture was performed.

8-48           (b) [(c)]  The holder of a license may perform acupuncture on

8-49     a person who was referred by a doctor licensed to practice

8-50     chiropractic by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners if the

8-51     licensee commences the treatment within 30 days of the date of the

8-52     referral.  The licensee shall refer the person to a physician after

8-53     performing acupuncture 20 times or for 30 days, whichever occurs

8-54     first, if no substantial improvement occurs in the person's

8-55     condition for which the referral was made.

8-56           (c) [(d)]  The holder of a license must obtain reasonable

8-57     documentation that the evaluation required by Subsection (a) [(b)]

8-58     of this section has taken place.  If the licensee is unable to

8-59     determine that an evaluation has taken place, the licensee must

8-60     obtain a written statement signed by the person on a form

8-61     prescribed by the acupuncture board that states that the person has

8-62     been evaluated by a physician within the prescribed time frame.

8-63     The form shall contain a clear statement that the person should be

8-64     evaluated by a physician for the condition being treated by the

8-65     licensee.

8-66           (d) [(e)]  The medical board with advice from the acupuncture

8-67     board by rule may modify the requirement of the time frame or the

8-68     scope of the evaluation under Subsection (a) [(b)] of this section.

8-69           (e) [(f)]  The medical board with advice from the acupuncture

 9-1     board by rule may modify the requirement of the time frame for

 9-2     commencement of treatment after referral by a chiropractor or the

 9-3     number of treatments or days before referral to a physician is

 9-4     required under Subsection (b) [(c)] of this section.

 9-5           (f) [(g)]  Notwithstanding Subsections (a) [(b)] and (b)

 9-6     [(c)] of this section, an acupuncturist holding a current and valid

 9-7     license may without a referral from a physician, dentist, or

 9-8     chiropractor perform acupuncture on a person for smoking addiction,

 9-9     weight loss, or, as established by the medical board with advice

9-10     from the acupuncture board by rule, substance abuse.

9-11           SECTION 9.  Subchapter F, Medical Practice Act (Article

9-12     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding

9-13     Sections 6.116 and 6.117 to read as follows:

9-14           Sec. 6.116.  ADDITIONAL DISCIPLINARY AUTHORITY.  In addition

9-15     to the authority under Section 6.11 of this Act, the acupuncture

9-16     board, on finding that an acupuncturist has committed an offense

9-17     described in Section 6.11 of this Act, may:

9-18                 (1)  require the acupuncturist to submit to the care,

9-19     counseling, or treatment of a health care practitioner designated

9-20     by the acupuncture board;

9-21                 (2)  stay enforcement of an order and place the

9-22     acupuncturist on probation with the acupuncture board retaining the

9-23     right to vacate the probationary stay and enforce the original

9-24     order for noncompliance with the terms of probation or impose any

9-25     other remedial measure or sanction authorized by this section;

9-26                 (3)  restore or reissue a license or remove any

9-27     disciplinary or corrective measure that the acupuncture board may

9-28     have imposed;

9-29                 (4)  order the acupuncturist to perform public service;

9-30                 (5)  limit the acupuncturist's practice to the areas

9-31     prescribed by the acupuncture board;

9-32                 (6)  require an acupuncturist to report regularly to

9-33     the acupuncture board on matters that are the basis of the

9-34     probation; or

9-35                 (7)  continue or review professional education until

9-36     the practitioner attains a degree of skill satisfactory to the

9-37     acupuncture board in those areas that are the basis of the

9-38     probation.


9-40     LICENSE.  If the medical board proposes to suspend, revoke, or

9-41     refuse to renew a person's license, the person is entitled to a

9-42     hearing conducted by the State Office of Administrative Hearings.

9-43     Proceedings for a disciplinary action are governed by the

9-44     administrative procedure law, Chapter 2001, Government Code.  Rules

9-45     of practice adopted by the medical board under Section 2001.004,

9-46     Government Code, applicable to the proceedings for a disciplinary

9-47     action may not conflict with rules adopted by the State Office of

9-48     Administrative Hearings.

9-49           SECTION 10.  Subsection (b), Section 6.12, Medical Practice

9-50     Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to

9-51     read as follows:

9-52           (b)  An offense under Subsection (a) of this section is a

9-53     felony of the third degree [Class A misdemeanor].

9-54           SECTION 11.  Subchapter F, Medical Practice Act (Article

9-55     4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding Section

9-56     6.125 to read as follows:

9-57           Sec. 6.125.  SUBPOENAS.  (a)  On behalf of the acupuncture

9-58     board, the executive director of the medical board or the presiding

9-59     officer of the acupuncture board may issue a subpoena or subpoena

9-60     duces tecum for purposes of:

9-61                 (1)  investigations or contested proceedings related

9-62     to:

9-63                       (A)  alleged misconduct by an acupuncturist; or

9-64                       (B)  an alleged violation of this Act or other

9-65     law related to practice as an acupuncturist or to the provision of

9-66     health care under the authority of this Act;

9-67                 (2)  a determination whether to issue, suspend,

9-68     restrict, revoke, or cancel a license authorized by this

9-69     subchapter; and

 10-1                (3)  a determination whether to deny or grant an

 10-2    application for a license under this subchapter.

 10-3          (b)  Failure to timely comply with a subpoena issued under

 10-4    this section is a ground for:

 10-5                (1)  disciplinary action by the acupuncture board or

 10-6    any other licensing or regulatory agency with jurisdiction over the

 10-7    individual or entity subject to the subpoena; and

 10-8                (2)  denial of a license application.

 10-9          SECTION 12.  (a)  The change made by this Act to Section

10-10    6.12, Medical Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil

10-11    Statutes), applies only to an offense committed on or after the

10-12    effective date of this Act.  For purposes of this section, an

10-13    offense is committed before the effective date of this Act if any

10-14    element of the offense occurs before that date.

10-15          (b)  An offense committed before the effective date of this

10-16    Act is governed by the law in effect when the offense was

10-17    committed, and the former law is continued in effect for that

10-18    purpose.

10-19          SECTION 13.  The changes in law made by this Act in the

10-20    qualifications of, and the prohibitions applying to, members of the

10-21    Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners do not affect the

10-22    entitlement of a member serving on the board immediately before

10-23    September 1, 1997, to continue to carry out the functions of the

10-24    board for the remainder of the member's term.  The changes in law

10-25    apply only to a member appointed on or after September 1, 1997.

10-26    This Act does not prohibit a person who is a member of the board on

10-27    September 1, 1997, from being reappointed to the board if the

10-28    person has the qualifications required for a member under

10-29    Subchapter F, Medical Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas

10-30    Civil Statutes), as amended by this Act.

10-31          SECTION 14.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997, and

10-32    applies only to a license issued or renewed by the Texas State

10-33    Board of Medical Examiners under Subchapter F, Medical Practice Act

10-34    (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), on or after that

10-35    date.

10-36          SECTION 15.  The importance of this legislation and the

10-37    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

10-38    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

10-39    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

10-40    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.

10-41                                 * * * * *