By:  Harris                                   S.B. No. 426

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

                                       AN ACT

 1-1     relating to the revision of the Uniform Interstate Family Support

 1-2     Act to comply with federal law.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Subdivisions (7), (16), and (19), Section

 1-5     159.101, Family Code, are amended to read as follows:

 1-6                 (7)  "Initiating state" means a state from [in] which a

 1-7     proceeding is forwarded or in which a proceeding is filed for

 1-8     forwarding to a responding state under this chapter or a law or

 1-9     procedure substantially similar to this chapter, the Uniform

1-10     Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act, or the Revised Uniform

1-11     Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act [is filed for forwarding to a

1-12     responding state].

1-13                 (16)  "Responding state" means a state in [to] which a

1-14     proceeding is filed or to which a proceeding is forwarded for

1-15     filing from an initiating state under this chapter or a law or

1-16     procedure substantially similar to this chapter, the Uniform

1-17     Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act, or the Revised Uniform

1-18     Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act.

1-19                 (19)  "State" means a state of the United States, the

1-20     District of Columbia, [the Commonwealth of] Puerto Rico, the United

1-21     States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession

1-22     subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. The term

1-23     includes:

 2-1                       (A)  an Indian tribe; and

 2-2                       (B)  a foreign jurisdiction that has enacted a

 2-3     law or established procedures for issuance and enforcement of

 2-4     support orders that are substantially similar to the procedures

 2-5     under this chapter, the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support

 2-6     Act, or the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act.

 2-7           SECTION 2.  Section 159.102, Family Code, is amended to read

 2-8     as follows:

 2-9           Sec. 159.102.  TRIBUNAL OF [THIS] STATE.  The court is the

2-10     tribunal of this state.

2-11           SECTION 3.  Section 159.203, Family Code, is amended to read

2-12     as follows:


2-14     STATE.  Under this chapter, a tribunal of this state may serve as

2-15     an initiating tribunal to forward proceedings to another state and

2-16     as a responding tribunal for proceedings initiated in another

2-17     state.

2-18           SECTION 4.  Subsection (a), Section 159.205, Family Code, is

2-19     amended to read as follows:

2-20           (a)  A tribunal of this state issuing a support order

2-21     consistent with the law of this state has continuing, exclusive

2-22     jurisdiction over a child support order:

2-23                 (1)  as long as this state remains the residence of the

2-24     obligor, the individual obligee, or the child for whose benefit the

2-25     support order is issued; or

 3-1                 (2)  until all of the parties who are individuals have

 3-2     [each individual party has] filed written consents [consent] with

 3-3     the tribunal of this state for a tribunal of another state to

 3-4     modify the order and assume continuing, exclusive jurisdiction.

 3-5           SECTION 5.  Section 159.207, Family Code, is amended to read

 3-6     as follows:


 3-8     [ORDERS].  (a)  If a proceeding is brought under this chapter and

 3-9     [one or more child support orders have been issued in this or

3-10     another state with regard to an obligor and a child, a tribunal of

3-11     this state shall apply the following rules in determining which

3-12     order to recognize for purposes of continuing, exclusive

3-13     jurisdiction:]

3-14                 [(1)  if] only one tribunal has issued a child support

3-15     order, the order of that tribunal controls and must be so

3-16     recognized.

3-17           (b)  If a proceeding is brought under this chapter and two or

3-18     more child support orders have been issued by tribunals of this

3-19     state or another state with regard to the same obligor and child, a

3-20     tribunal of this state shall apply the following rules in

3-21     determining which order to recognize for purposes of continuing,

3-22     exclusive jurisdiction:

3-23                 (1) [; (2)]  if [two or more tribunals have issued

3-24     child support orders for the same obligor and child and] only one

3-25     of the tribunals would have continuing, exclusive jurisdiction

 4-1     under this chapter, the order of that tribunal controls and must be

 4-2     so recognized;

 4-3                 (2) [(3)]  if [two or more tribunals have issued child

 4-4     support orders for the same obligor and child and] more than one of

 4-5     the tribunals would have continuing, exclusive jurisdiction under

 4-6     this chapter, an order issued by a tribunal in the current home

 4-7     state of the child controls and must be so recognized, but if an

 4-8     order has not been issued in the current home state of the child,

 4-9     the order most recently issued controls and must be so recognized;

4-10     and

4-11                 (3) [(4)]  if [two or more tribunals have issued child

4-12     support orders for the same obligor and child and] none of the

4-13     tribunals would have continuing, exclusive jurisdiction under this

4-14     chapter, the tribunal of this state having jurisdiction over the

4-15     parties shall [may] issue a child support order that controls and

4-16     must be so recognized.

4-17           (c)  If two or more child support orders have been issued for

4-18     the same obligor and child and if the obligor or the individual

4-19     obligee resides in this state, a party may request a tribunal of

4-20     this state to determine which order controls and must be so

4-21     recognized under Subsection (b).  The request must be accompanied

4-22     by a certified copy of every support order in effect. The

4-23     requesting party shall give notice of the request to each party

4-24     whose rights may be affected by the determination.

4-25           (d) [(b)]  The tribunal that issued the controlling [issues

 5-1     an] order [recognized] under Subsection (a), (b), or (c) is the

 5-2     tribunal that has continuing, exclusive jurisdiction under Section

 5-3     159.205.

 5-4           (e)  A tribunal of this state that determines by order the

 5-5     identity of the controlling order under Subsection (b)(1) or (2) or

 5-6     that issues a new controlling order under Subsection (b)(3) shall

 5-7     state in that order the basis upon which the tribunal made its

 5-8     determination.

 5-9           (f)  Within 30 days after issuance of an order determining

5-10     the identity of the controlling order, the party obtaining the

5-11     order shall file a certified copy of it with each tribunal that

5-12     issued or registered an earlier order of child support.  A party

5-13     who obtains the order and fails to file a certified copy is subject

5-14     to appropriate sanctions by a tribunal in which the issue of

5-15     failure to file arises.  The failure to file does not affect the

5-16     validity or enforceability of the controlling order.

5-17           SECTION 6.  Section 159.301, Family Code, is amended to read

5-18     as follows:

5-19           Sec. 159.301.  PROCEEDINGS UNDER [THIS] CHAPTER.  (a)  Except

5-20     as otherwise provided in this chapter, this subchapter applies to

5-21     all proceedings under this chapter.

5-22           (b)  This chapter provides for the following proceedings:

5-23                 (1)  establishment of an order for spousal support or

5-24     child support pursuant to [under] Section 159.401;

5-25                 (2)  enforcement of a support order and

 6-1     income-withholding order of another state without registration

 6-2     pursuant to Sections 159.501 through 159.507 [under Subchapter F];

 6-3                 (3)  registration of an order for spousal support or

 6-4     child support of another state for enforcement pursuant to Sections

 6-5     159.601 through 159.608 [under Subchapter G];

 6-6                 (4)  modification of an order for child support or

 6-7     spousal support issued by a tribunal of this state pursuant to

 6-8     [under] Sections 159.203 through [-] 159.205;

 6-9                 (5)  registration of an order for child support of

6-10     another state for modification pursuant to Sections 159.609 through

6-11     159.614 [under Subchapter G];

6-12                 (6)  determination of parentage pursuant to Section

6-13     159.701 [under Subchapter H]; and

6-14                 (7)  assertion of jurisdiction over nonresidents

6-15     pursuant to [under] Sections 159.201 and 159.202.

6-16           (c)  An individual or a support enforcement agency may

6-17     commence a proceeding authorized under this chapter by filing a

6-18     petition in an initiating tribunal for forwarding to a responding

6-19     tribunal or by filing a petition or a comparable pleading directly

6-20     in a tribunal of another state that has or that can obtain personal

6-21     jurisdiction over the respondent.

6-22           SECTION 7.  Section 159.303, Family Code, is amended to read

6-23     as follows:

6-24           Sec. 159.303.  APPLICATION OF LAW OF [THIS] STATE.  Except as

6-25     otherwise provided in this chapter, a responding tribunal of this

 7-1     state shall:

 7-2                 (1)  apply the procedural and substantive law,

 7-3     including the rules on choice of law, generally applicable to

 7-4     similar proceedings originating in this state and may exercise all

 7-5     powers and provide all remedies available in those proceedings; and

 7-6                 (2)  determine the duty of support and the amount

 7-7     payable in accordance with the law and support guidelines of this

 7-8     state.

 7-9           SECTION 8.  Section 159.304, Family Code, is amended to read

7-10     as follows:

7-11           Sec. 159.304.  DUTIES OF INITIATING TRIBUNAL.  (a)  On the

7-12     filing of a petition authorized by this chapter, an initiating

7-13     tribunal of this state shall forward three copies of the petition

7-14     and its accompanying documents:

7-15                 (1)  to the responding tribunal or appropriate support

7-16     enforcement agency in the responding state; or

7-17                 (2)  if the identity of the responding tribunal is

7-18     unknown, to the state information agency of the responding state

7-19     with a request that they be forwarded to the appropriate tribunal

7-20     and that receipt be acknowledged.

7-21           (b)  If a responding state has not enacted the Uniform

7-22     Interstate Family Support Act or a law or procedure substantially

7-23     similar to that Act, a tribunal of this state may issue a

7-24     certificate or other document and make findings required by the law

7-25     of the responding state.  If the responding state is a foreign

 8-1     jurisdiction, the tribunal may specify the amount of support sought

 8-2     and provide other documents necessary to satisfy the requirements

 8-3     of the responding state.

 8-4           SECTION 9.  Subsections (a), (b), and (e), Section 159.305,

 8-5     Family Code, are amended to read as follows:

 8-6           (a)  When a responding tribunal of this state receives a

 8-7     petition or comparable pleading from an initiating tribunal or

 8-8     directly under Section 159.301(c), the responding tribunal shall

 8-9     cause the petition or pleading to be filed and notify the

8-10     petitioner [by first class mail] where and when it was filed.

8-11           (b)  A responding tribunal of this state, to the extent

8-12     otherwise authorized by law, may do one or more of the following:

8-13                 (1)  issue or enforce a support order, modify a child

8-14     support order, or render a judgment to determine parentage;

8-15                 (2)  order an obligor to comply with a support order

8-16     and specify the amount and the manner of compliance;

8-17                 (3)  order income withholding;

8-18                 (4)  determine the amount of any arrearages and specify

8-19     a method of payment;

8-20                 (5)  enforce orders by civil or criminal contempt, or

8-21     both;

8-22                 (6)  set aside property for satisfaction of the support

8-23     order;

8-24                 (7)  place liens and order execution on the obligor's

8-25     property[, provided, however, a lien under this subdivision may not

 9-1     arise or attach to real property until recorded in the real

 9-2     property records of the county where the real property of the

 9-3     obligor is located and shall be subordinate to the rights of prior

 9-4     bona fide purchasers and lienholders on the real property];

 9-5                 (8)  order an obligor to keep the tribunal informed of

 9-6     the obligor's current residential address, telephone number,

 9-7     employer, address of employment, and telephone number at the place

 9-8     of employment;

 9-9                 (9)  issue a bench warrant or capias for an obligor who

9-10     has failed after proper notice to appear at a hearing ordered by

9-11     the tribunal and enter the bench warrant or capias in any local and

9-12     state computer systems for criminal warrants;

9-13                 (10)  order the obligor to seek appropriate employment

9-14     by specified methods;

9-15                 (11)  award reasonable attorney's fees and other fees

9-16     and costs; and

9-17                 (12)  grant any other available remedy.

9-18           (e)  If a responding tribunal of this state issues an order

9-19     under this chapter, the tribunal shall send a copy of the order [by

9-20     first class mail] to the petitioner and the respondent and to the

9-21     initiating tribunal, if any.

9-22           SECTION 10.  Section 159.306, Family Code, is amended to read

9-23     as follows:

9-24           Sec. 159.306.  INAPPROPRIATE TRIBUNAL.  If a petition or

9-25     comparable pleading is received by an inappropriate tribunal of

 10-1    this state, that tribunal shall forward the pleading and

 10-2    accompanying documents to an appropriate tribunal in this state or

 10-3    another state and notify the petitioner [by first class mail] where

 10-4    and when the pleading was sent.

 10-5          SECTION 11.  Subsection (b), Section 159.307, Family Code, is

 10-6    amended to read as follows:

 10-7          (b)  A support enforcement agency that provides services to

 10-8    the petitioner as appropriate shall:

 10-9                (1)  take all steps necessary to enable an appropriate

10-10    tribunal in this state or another state to obtain jurisdiction over

10-11    the respondent;

10-12                (2)  request an appropriate tribunal to set a date,

10-13    time, and place for a hearing;

10-14                (3)  make a reasonable effort to obtain all relevant

10-15    information, including information as to income and property of the

10-16    parties;

10-17                (4)  not later than the second day, excluding

10-18    Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, after the date of receipt

10-19    of a written notice from an initiating, responding, or registering

10-20    tribunal, send a copy of the notice [by first class mail] to the

10-21    petitioner;

10-22                (5)  not later than the second day, excluding

10-23    Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, after the date of receipt

10-24    of a written communication from the respondent or the respondent's

10-25    attorney, send a copy of the communication [by first class mail] to

 11-1    the petitioner; and

 11-2                (6)  notify the petitioner if jurisdiction over the

 11-3    respondent cannot be obtained.

 11-4          SECTION 12.  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 159.313, Family

 11-5    Code, are amended to read as follows:

 11-6          (a)  The petitioner may not be required to pay [An initiating

 11-7    court may require payment of either] a filing fee or other costs

 11-8    [from the obligee and may request the responding court to collect

 11-9    fees and costs from the obligor.  The clerk of the responding court

11-10    may require payment of a filing fee or other costs from the

11-11    obligee].

11-12          (c)  The tribunal shall order the payment of costs and

11-13    reasonable attorney's fees if it determines that a hearing was

11-14    requested primarily for delay.  In a proceeding pursuant to

11-15    Sections 159.601 through 159.608 [under Subchapter G], a hearing is

11-16    presumed to have been requested primarily for delay if a registered

11-17    support order is confirmed or enforced without change.

11-18          SECTION 13.  Subchapter F, Chapter 159, Family Code, is

11-19    amended to read as follows:



11-22          Sec. 159.501.  EMPLOYER'S RECEIPT [RECOGNITION] OF


11-24    income-withholding order issued in another state may be sent [by

11-25    first class mail] to the obligor's employer under Chapter 158

 12-1    without first filing a petition or comparable pleading or

 12-2    registering the order with a tribunal of this state.


 12-4    ORDER OF ANOTHER STATE.  (a)  On receipt of an income-withholding

 12-5    [the] order, the obligor's employer shall immediately provide a

 12-6    copy of the order to the obligor.

 12-7          (b)  The employer shall[:]

 12-8                [(1)]  treat an income-withholding order issued in

 12-9    another state that appears regular on its face as if the order had

12-10    been issued by a tribunal of this state.

12-11          (c)  Except as otherwise provided in Subsection (d) and

12-12    Section 159.503, the employer shall withhold and[;]

12-13                [(2)  immediately provide a copy of the order to the

12-14    obligor; and]

12-15                [(3)]  distribute the funds as directed in the

12-16    withholding order by complying with terms of the order that

12-17    specify:

12-18                (1)  the duration and amount of periodic payments of

12-19    current child support, stated as a sum certain;

12-20                (2)  the person or agency designated to receive

12-21    payments and the address to which the payments are to be forwarded;

12-22                (3)  medical support, whether in the form of periodic

12-23    cash payments, stated as a sum certain, or ordering the obligor to

12-24    provide health insurance coverage for the child under a policy

12-25    available through the obligor's employment;

 13-1                (4)  the amount of periodic payments of fees and costs

 13-2    for a support enforcement agency, the issuing tribunal, and the

 13-3    obligee's attorney, stated as sums certain; and

 13-4                (5)  the amount of periodic payments of arrearages and

 13-5    interest on arrearages, stated as sums certain.

 13-6          (d)  An employer shall comply with the law of the state of

 13-7    the obligor's principal place of employment for withholding from

 13-8    income with respect to:

 13-9                (1)  the employer's fee for processing an

13-10    income-withholding order;

13-11                (2)  the maximum amount permitted to be withheld from

13-12    the obligor's income; and

13-13                (3)  the times within which the employer must implement

13-14    the withholding order and forward the child support payment.


13-16    ORDERS.  If an obligor's employer receives multiple

13-17    income-withholding orders with respect to the earnings of the same

13-18    obligor, the employer satisfies the terms of the multiple orders if

13-19    the employer complies with the law of the state of the obligor's

13-20    principal place of employment to establish the priorities for

13-21    withholding and allocating income withheld for multiple child

13-22    support obligees.

13-23          Sec. 159.504.  IMMUNITY FROM CIVIL LIABILITY.  An employer

13-24    who complies with an income-withholding order issued in another

13-25    state in accordance with this subchapter is not subject to civil

 14-1    liability to an individual or agency with regard to the employer's

 14-2    withholding of child support from the obligor's income.

 14-3          Sec. 159.505.  PENALTIES FOR NONCOMPLIANCE.  An employer who

 14-4    wilfully fails to comply with an income-withholding order issued by

 14-5    another state and received for enforcement is subject to the same

 14-6    penalties that may be imposed for noncompliance with an order

 14-7    issued by a tribunal of this state.

 14-8          Sec. 159.506.  CONTEST BY OBLIGOR.  (a) [(b)]  An obligor may

 14-9    contest the validity or enforcement of an income-withholding order

14-10    issued in another state and received directly by an employer in

14-11    this state in the same manner as if the order had been issued by a

14-12    tribunal of this state.  Section 159.604 applies to the contest.

14-13          (b)  The obligor shall give notice of the contest to:

14-14                (1)  a [any] support enforcement agency providing

14-15    services to the obligee;

14-16                (2)  each employer that has directly received an

14-17    income-withholding order; and [to:]

14-18                (3) [(1)]  the person or agency designated to receive

14-19    payments in the income-withholding order[;] or to

14-20                [(2)]  the obligee, if no person or agency is

14-21    designated.

14-22          Sec. 159.507  [Sec. 159.502].  ADMINISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT OF

14-23    ORDERS.  (a)  A party seeking to enforce a support order or an

14-24    income-withholding order, or both, issued by a tribunal of another

14-25    state may send the documents required for registering the order to

 15-1    a support enforcement agency of this state.

 15-2          (b)  On receipt of the documents, the support enforcement

 15-3    agency, without initially seeking to register the order, shall

 15-4    consider and, if appropriate, use any administrative procedure

 15-5    authorized by the law of this state to enforce a support order or

 15-6    an income-withholding order, or both.  If the obligor does not

 15-7    contest administrative enforcement, the order need not be

 15-8    registered.  If the obligor contests the validity or administrative

 15-9    enforcement of the order, the support enforcement agency shall

15-10    register the order under this chapter.

15-11          SECTION 14.  Subsection (a), Section 159.604, Family Code, is

15-12    amended to read as follows:

15-13          (a)  The law of the issuing state governs the nature, extent,

15-14    amount, and duration of current payments and other obligations of

15-15    support and the payment of arrearages under the order [only if a

15-16    party provides the court having jurisdiction over an action in this

15-17    state a certified copy of the applicable law of the state.

15-18    Otherwise, the law of this state applies].

15-19          SECTION 15.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 159.605, Family

15-20    Code, are amended to read as follows:

15-21          (a)  When a support order or income-withholding order issued

15-22    in another state is registered, the registering tribunal shall

15-23    notify the nonregistering party.  [Notice must be given by first

15-24    class, certified, or registered mail or by any means of personal

15-25    service authorized by the law of this state.]  The notice must be

 16-1    accompanied by a copy of the registered order and the documents and

 16-2    relevant information accompanying the order.

 16-3          (b)  The notice must inform the nonregistering party:

 16-4                (1)  that a registered order is enforceable as of the

 16-5    date of registration in the same manner as an order issued by a

 16-6    tribunal of this state;

 16-7                (2)  that a hearing to contest the validity or

 16-8    enforcement of the registered order must be requested within 20

 16-9    days [not later than the 20th day] after [the date the] notice [was

16-10    mailed or personally served];

16-11                (3)  that failure to contest the validity or

16-12    enforcement of the registered order in a timely manner:

16-13                      (A)  will result in confirmation of the order and

16-14    enforcement of the order and the alleged arrearages; and

16-15                      (B)  precludes further contest of that order with

16-16    respect to any matter that could have been asserted; and

16-17                (4)  of the amount of any alleged arrearages.

16-18          SECTION 16.  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 159.606, Family

16-19    Code, are amended to read as follows:

16-20          (a)  A nonregistering party seeking to contest the validity

16-21    or enforcement of a registered order in this state shall [must]

16-22    request a hearing within 20 days [not later than the 20th day]

16-23    after [the date the] notice of the registration [was mailed or

16-24    personally served].  The nonregistering party may seek under

16-25    Section 159.607 to:

 17-1                (1)  vacate the registration;

 17-2                (2)  assert any defense to an allegation of

 17-3    noncompliance with the registered order; or

 17-4                (3)  contest the remedies being sought or the amount of

 17-5    any alleged arrearages.

 17-6          (c)  If a nonregistering party requests a hearing to contest

 17-7    the validity or enforcement of the registered order, the

 17-8    registering tribunal shall schedule the matter for hearing and give

 17-9    notice to the parties [by first class mail] of the date, time, and

17-10    place of the hearing.

17-11          SECTION 17.  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 159.611, Family

17-12    Code, are amended to read as follows:

17-13          (a)  After a child support order issued in another state has

17-14    been registered in this state, the responding tribunal of this

17-15    state may modify the order only if Section 159.613 does not apply

17-16    and[,] after notice and hearing[,] the tribunal finds that:

17-17                (1)  the following requirements are met:

17-18                      (A)  the child, the individual obligee, and the

17-19    obligor do not reside in the issuing state;

17-20                      (B)  a petitioner who is a nonresident of this

17-21    state seeks modification; and

17-22                      (C)  the respondent is subject to the personal

17-23    jurisdiction of the tribunal of this state; or

17-24                (2)  [an individual party or] the child, or a party who

17-25    is an individual, is subject to the personal jurisdiction of the

 18-1    tribunal of this state and all of the [individual] parties who are

 18-2    individuals have filed  in the issuing tribunal [a] written

 18-3    consents for [consent that provides that] a tribunal of this state

 18-4    to [may] modify the support order and assume continuing, exclusive

 18-5    jurisdiction over the order; however, for the purposes of this

 18-6    subdivision, if the issuing state is a foreign jurisdiction that

 18-7    has not enacted a law or established procedures substantially

 18-8    similar to the procedures under this chapter, the consent otherwise

 18-9    required of an individual residing in this state is not required

18-10    for the tribunal to assume jurisdiction to modify the child support

18-11    order.

18-12          (c)  A tribunal of this state may not modify any aspect of a

18-13    child support order that may not be modified under the law of the

18-14    issuing state.  If two or more tribunals have issued child support

18-15    orders for the same obligor and child, the order that controls and

18-16    must be so recognized under Section 159.207 establishes the aspects

18-17    of the support order that are nonmodifiable.

18-18          SECTION 18.  Subchapter G, Chapter 159, Family Code, is

18-19    amended by adding Sections 159.613 and 159.614 to read as follows:



18-22    (a)  If all of the parties who are individuals reside in this state

18-23    and the child does not reside in the issuing state, a tribunal of

18-24    this state has jurisdiction to enforce and to modify the issuing

18-25    state's child support order in a proceeding to register that order.

 19-1          (b)  A tribunal of this state exercising jurisdiction under

 19-2    this section shall apply the provisions of Sections 159.101 through

 19-3    159.209 and 159.601 through 159.614 and the procedural and

 19-4    substantive law of this state to the proceeding for enforcement or

 19-5    modification.  Sections 159.301 through 159.507 and 159.701 through

 19-6    159.802 do not apply.


 19-8    Within 30 days after issuance of a modified child support order,

 19-9    the party obtaining the modification shall file a certified copy of

19-10    the order with the issuing tribunal that had continuing, exclusive

19-11    jurisdiction over the earlier order and in each tribunal in which

19-12    the party knows the earlier order has been registered.  A party who

19-13    obtains the order and fails to file a certified copy is subject to

19-14    appropriate sanctions by a tribunal in which the issue of failure

19-15    to file arises.  The failure to file does not affect the validity

19-16    or enforceability of the modified order of the new tribunal having

19-17    continuing, exclusive jurisdiction.

19-18          SECTION 19.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997, and

19-19    applies only to an order, decree, or judgment entered on or after

19-20    that date.

19-21          SECTION 20.  The importance of this legislation and the

19-22    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

19-23    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

19-24    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

19-25    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.