75R13369 MCK-D                          

         By Sibley                                              S.B. No. 877

         Substitute the following for S.B. No. 877:

         By Berlanga                                        C.S.S.B. No. 877

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the regulation of the practice of dentistry.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Subsection (a), Section 1, Article 4544, Revised

 1-5     Statutes, is amended to read as follows:

 1-6           (a)  It shall be the duty of the Board to provide for the

 1-7     examination of all applicants for license to practice dentistry in

 1-8     this State.  Each person applying for an examination shall pay to

 1-9     said Board a fee set by the Board and shall be granted a license to

1-10     practice dentistry in this State upon his satisfactorily passing an

1-11     examination provided for by said Board on subjects and operations

1-12     pertaining to dentistry which shall include Anatomy, Physiology,

1-13     Anaesthesia, Biochemistry, Dental Materials, Diagnosis, Treatment

1-14     Planning, Ethics, Jurisprudence, Hygiene, Pharmacology, Operative

1-15     Dentistry, Oral Surgery, Orthodontia, Periodontia, Prosthetic

1-16     Dentistry, Pathology, Microbiology, and such other subjects as are

1-17     regularly taught in reputable Dental Schools as the Board may in

1-18     its discretion require.  [The examination shall be given either

1-19     orally or in writing, or by giving a practical demonstration of the

1-20     applicant's skill, or by any combination of such methods or

1-21     subjects as the Board may in its discretion require.]  The Board

1-22     shall contract with an independent or regional testing service for

1-23     any required clinical examination.  In the event that the Board

1-24     uses a regional testing service, the Board is authorized to

 2-1     contract for or otherwise use the services of licensed dentists in

 2-2     this state for the purpose of providing assistance to the regional

 2-3     testing service.  The Board shall have the written portion of the

 2-4     examination validated by an independent testing professional.

 2-5           SECTION 2.  Article 4545, Revised Statutes, is amended to

 2-6     read as follows:

 2-7           Art. 4545.  QUALIFICATIONS OF APPLICANTS.  Each applicant for

 2-8     a license to practice dentistry in this state shall be not less

 2-9     than twenty-one (21) years of age and shall present evidence of

2-10     good moral character and:

2-11                 (1)  proof of graduation from a dental school

2-12     accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the

2-13     American Dental Association; or

2-14                 (2)  proof of:

2-15                       (A)  graduation from a dental school that is not

2-16     accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the

2-17     American Dental Association; and

2-18                       (B)  successful completion of training in an

2-19     American Dental Association approved specialty in an education

2-20     program that is accredited by the Commission on Dental

2-21     Accreditation and that consists of at least two years of training

2-22     as specified by the Council on Dental Education [reputable dental

2-23     college and evidence of good moral character.  A dental college

2-24     shall be held reputable whose entrance requirements and course of

2-25     instruction are as high as those adopted by the better class of

2-26     dental colleges of the United States, and whose course of

2-27     instruction shall be the equivalent of not less than four (4) terms

 3-1     of eight (8) months each].

 3-2           SECTION 3.  Article 4545a, Revised Statutes, is amended to

 3-3     read as follows:



 3-6           [Sec. 1.]  (a)  The State Board of Dental Examiners, upon

 3-7     payment by the applicant of a fee set by the Board, shall grant a

 3-8     license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene to any reputable

 3-9     dentist or dental hygienist who:

3-10                 (1)  is licensed in good standing as a dentist or

3-11     dental hygienist in another state, the District of Columbia, or a

3-12     territory of the United States that has licensing requirements that

3-13     are substantially equivalent to the requirements of this Act;

3-14                 (2)  has not been the subject of final or pending

3-15     disciplinary action in any jurisdiction in which the dentist or

3-16     dental hygienist is or has been licensed;

3-17                 (3)  has graduated from a dental or dental hygiene

3-18     school accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the

3-19     American Dental Association and approved by the Board according to

3-20     rules established by the Board;

3-21                 (4)  has passed a national or other examination

3-22     recognized by the Board relating to dentistry or dental hygiene;

3-23                 (5)  has successfully completed the Board's

3-24     jurisprudence examination;

3-25                 (6)  has submitted documentation of current

3-26     cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification; [and]

3-27                 (7)  has practiced dentistry or dental hygiene:

 4-1                       (A)  for a minimum of five years immediately

 4-2     prior to applying; or

 4-3                       (B)  as a dental educator at a dental school or

 4-4     dental hygiene school accredited by the Commission on Dental

 4-5     Accreditation of the American Dental Association for the [a minimum

 4-6     of] five years immediately preceding the date of applying for the

 4-7     license; and

 4-8                 (8)  has met any additional criteria established by

 4-9     Board rule [or]

4-10                       [(C)  for two years of obligated service in the

4-11     state under the National Health Service Corps or other federal

4-12     scholarship or loan repayment program].

4-13           (b)  In addition to the qualifications of Subsection (a) of

4-14     this article, a dentist applicant must be endorsed by the board of

4-15     dentistry of the jurisdiction of current practice.

4-16           (c)  The Board must complete the processing of an application

4-17     for a license not later than the 180th day after all documentation

4-18     and examination results required by this section have been received

4-19     by the Board or grant a license to the applicant.

4-20           [Sec. 2.  (a)  The Board, upon payment by the applicant of a

4-21     fee set by the Board, shall grant a license to a dentist or dental

4-22     hygienist who has not graduated from a dental or dental hygiene

4-23     school accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the

4-24     American Dental Association if:]

4-25                 [(1)  the dentist or dental hygienist has practiced for

4-26     a minimum of five years immediately prior to applying;]

4-27                 [(2)  the dentist or dental hygienist has not been the

 5-1     subject of final or pending disciplinary action in any jurisdiction

 5-2     in which the dentist or dental hygienist is or has been licensed;]

 5-3                 [(3)  the Board, through a procedure adopted by rule,

 5-4     has determined that the educational qualifications are equivalent

 5-5     to those required to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in the

 5-6     state; and]

 5-7                 [(4)  the dentist or dental hygienist has completed all

 5-8     examinations required by the Board for licensure.]

 5-9           [(b)  The Board must complete the processing of an

5-10     application for a license not later than the 180th day after all

5-11     documentation, the determination of educational equivalency, and

5-12     examination results required by this section have been received by

5-13     the Board or grant a license to the applicant.]

5-14           [(c)  An applicant for a license to practice dentistry

5-15     applying under this section who fails the qualifying clinical

5-16     examination required by the Board under its rules three times shall

5-17     be required to attend a two-year program at a dental school

5-18     accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the

5-19     American Dental Association.  The Board shall review two-year

5-20     programs offered to fulfill the requirements of this subsection for

5-21     educational sufficiency.]

5-22           SECTION 4.  Article 4548c, Revised Statutes, is amended to

5-23     read as follows:

5-24           Art. 4548c.  PRACTICE AFTER LICENSE HAS BEEN REVOKED.  No

5-25     person whose license to practice dentistry in this State has been

5-26     [shall be] revoked by any district court of this State or by the

5-27     State Board of Dental Examiners may [shall] practice or attempt to

 6-1     practice dentistry or dental surgery in this State after such

 6-2     license has been so revoked.

 6-3           SECTION 5.  Article 4548e, Revised Statutes, is amended to

 6-4     read as follows:

 6-5           Art. 4548e.  USE OF TRADE NAME.  Any person, corporation [It

 6-6     shall be unlawful for any person or persons to practice dentistry

 6-7     in this State under the name of a corporation, company,

 6-8     association, or trade name unless included as a prominent portion

 6-9     of such name is the proper name used on the license, as issued by

6-10     the State Board of Dental Examiners, of the dentist or dentists

6-11     practicing under such corporate, company, association, or trade

6-12     name.  Provided, however, any corporate], company, or association

6-13     may use a corporation, company, association, or trade name.  Any

6-14     advertisement by the corporation, company, association, or trade

6-15     name must [used by a group of dentists in a nonprint medium shall

6-16     only be required to] include prominently the name of at least one

6-17     dentist practicing under such name.  The person, corporation,

6-18     company, or association shall file with the State Board of Dental

6-19     Examiners a list of all dentists who practice under the name and a

6-20     list of each trade name used if the trade name is different from

6-21     the corporation, company, or association name.  A list required

6-22     under this section must be updated and filed with the  Board not

6-23     later than the 30th day after the date of the change.  Each day of

6-24     violation of this Article shall constitute a separate offense.

6-25           SECTION 6.  Section 1, Chapter 501, Acts of the 45th

6-26     Legislature, Regular Session, 1937 (Article 4548h, Vernon's Texas

6-27     Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subsections (f) through (j)

 7-1     and adding Subsections (k) and (l) to read as follows:

 7-2           (f)  A complaint received under this article must be filed

 7-3     with the Board and reviewed to determine jurisdiction.  If the

 7-4     Board has jurisdiction, the Board shall require an investigation of

 7-5     the complaint to determine the facts concerning the complaint.

 7-6           (g)  The Board shall dispose of all complaints in a timely

 7-7     manner.  The Board shall establish a schedule for conducting each

 7-8     phase of a complaint that is under the control of the Board.  The

 7-9     schedule shall be kept in the information file for the complaint.

7-10     A change in the schedule must be noted in the complaint information

7-11     file.

7-12           (h) [(g)]  The Executive Director of the Board shall notify

7-13     the Board of the number of complaints that extend beyond a two-year

7-14     time frame for resolution.  The Executive Director shall provide

7-15     the Board with an explanation of the reasons that the complaints

7-16     have not been resolved.  The notice and explanation required shall

7-17     be provided to the Board periodically at regularly scheduled Board

7-18     meetings.

7-19           (i) [(h)]  The Board by rule shall adopt procedures

7-20     governing:

7-21                 (1)  informal disposition of a contested case under

7-22     Section 2001.056, Government Code; and

7-23                 (2)  informal proceedings held in compliance with

7-24     Section 2001.054(c), Government Code.

7-25           (j) [(i)]  Rules adopted under this section must provide the

7-26     complainant, where applicable and permitted by law, an opportunity

7-27     to be heard, must provide the licensee an opportunity to be heard,

 8-1     and must require the presence of an attorney to advise the Board or

 8-2     the Board's employees.  The attorney must be a member of the

 8-3     Board's legal staff, if the Board has a legal staff.  If the Board

 8-4     does not have a legal staff, the attorney must be an employee of

 8-5     the office of the attorney general.

 8-6           (k) [(j)]  The Board by rule shall develop a system for

 8-7     monitoring license holders' compliance with the requirements of

 8-8     this Act.  Rules adopted under this section shall include

 8-9     procedures for monitoring a license holder who is ordered by the

8-10     Board to perform certain acts to ascertain that the license holder

8-11     performs the required acts and to identify and monitor license

8-12     holders who represent a risk to the public.

8-13           (l)  The Board may only consider a complaint that is filed

8-14     with the Board not later than the fourth anniversary of the date

8-15     the complained-of act occurred or of the date the complainant

8-16     discovered, or in the exercise of reasonable diligence should have

8-17     discovered, the occurrence of the complained-of act.

8-18           SECTION 7.  Sections 2 and 3, Chapter 501, Acts of the 45th

8-19     Legislature, Regular Session, 1937 (Article 4548h, Vernon's Texas

8-20     Civil Statutes), are amended to read as follows:

8-21           Sec. 2.  (a)  The Board shall revoke[, cancel,] or suspend

8-22     any license or licenses that may have been issued by such Board,

8-23     impose a fine on a license holder, place on probation with

8-24     conditions a person whose license has been suspended, or reprimand

8-25     a licensee if in the opinion of a majority of such Board any person

8-26     or persons to whom a license has been issued by said Board to

8-27     practice dentistry or dental hygiene in this State shall have,

 9-1     after the issuance of such license, violated any of the provisions

 9-2     of the Statutes of the State of Texas relating to the practice of

 9-3     dentistry or dental hygiene in this State, or any of the provisions

 9-4     of Chapter 9, Title 71, Revised Statutes, or any amendments that

 9-5     may hereafter be made thereto, or a rule of the Board.  All

 9-6     revocations[, cancellations,] or suspensions of licenses by the

 9-7     Board shall be made in the manner provided by Chapter 2001,

 9-8     Government Code (Administrative Procedure Act).

 9-9           (b)  Notice of a hearing issued [All complaints to be

9-10     considered] by the Board under this article shall be made in

9-11     writing and shall set out the alleged violations of such Statutes

9-12     or rules.

9-13           (c)  [All complaints under this article as received shall be

9-14     filed with the Secretary of the Board or an authorized employee of

9-15     the Board.  All complaints filed with the Board shall be reviewed

9-16     to determine jurisdiction, and if jurisdiction exists, the

9-17     Secretary of the Board or designee shall cause an investigation of

9-18     such complaint to be made to determine the facts in such case.  If

9-19     the facts as determined by such investigation justify further

9-20     action, the disposition of the complaint shall comply with this

9-21     article.]

9-22           [(d)]  If a licensee suspension is probated, the Board may

9-23     require the practitioner:

9-24                 (1)  to report regularly to the Board on matters that

9-25     are the basis of the probation;

9-26                 (2)  to limit practice to the areas prescribed by the

9-27     Board; or

 10-1                (3)  to continue or review professional education until

 10-2    the practitioner attains a degree of skill satisfactory to the

 10-3    Board in those areas that are the basis of the probation.

 10-4          (d) [(e)]  If the Board or an executive committee of the

 10-5    Board determines from the evidence or information presented to it

 10-6    that a person licensed under this Act by continuation in practice

 10-7    would constitute a clear, imminent, or continuing threat to a

 10-8    person's physical health or well-being, the Board or the executive

 10-9    committee of the Board shall temporarily suspend the license of

10-10    that person.  The license may be suspended under this section

10-11    without notice or hearing on the complaint, provided the Board or

10-12    the executive committee of the Board simultaneously with the

10-13    temporary suspension requests the State Office of Administrative

10-14    Hearings to set a date for a hearing on the temporary suspension.

10-15    A hearing shall be held not later than fourteen (14) days after the

10-16    date of the suspension unless a continuance is requested by the

10-17    licensee.  A second hearing on the suspension shall be held by the

10-18    State Office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days

10-19    after the date the suspension was ordered or after the date

10-20    specified in the continuance requested by the licensee.  The time

10-21    requirements in this subsection must be adhered to or the

10-22    suspension is lifted without further order or action.

10-23          (e) [(f)]  All proceedings under this section are subject to

10-24    Chapter 2001, Government Code [complaints considered by the Board

10-25    must be filed with the Board within four (4) years after the date

10-26    on which the act occurred or within four (4) years after a

10-27    complainant discovered, or in the exercise of reasonable diligence

 11-1    should have discovered, the occurrence of the act].

 11-2          Sec. 3.  (a)  A person aggrieved by a ruling, order, or

 11-3    decision of the Board under this article has the right to appeal as

 11-4    provided by Chapter 2001, Government Code [to a district court in

 11-5    the county of his residence or in the county where the alleged

 11-6    offense occurred within thirty (30) days from the service of notice

 11-7    of the action of the Board].

 11-8          (b)  [The appeal having been properly filed, the court may

 11-9    request of the Board and the Board on receiving the request shall

11-10    within thirty (30) days prepare and transmit to the court a

11-11    certified copy of its entire record in the matter in which the

11-12    appeal has been taken.  The appeal shall be tried in accordance

11-13    with the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.]

11-14          [(c)]  If an aggrieved person fails to perfect an appeal as

11-15    provided in this section, the Board's ruling shall become final.

11-16          (c) [(d)]  Review by the court shall be by the substantial

11-17    evidence rule and not de novo.

11-18          [(e)  The court may, in its discretion, permit a person who

11-19    files an appeal under this section to stay enforcement of penalty

11-20    or punishment by giving to the court a supersedeas bond that is

11-21    approved by the court, unless there is a finding of clear,

11-22    imminent, or continuing harm to a person's physical health or

11-23    well-being by the State Office of Administrative Hearings in a

11-24    hearing held under Section 2(e) of this article.  If the court

11-25    sustains the occurrence of the violation, the court may uphold the

11-26    amount of penalty or punishment assessed or may reduce the amount

11-27    of penalty or punishment assessed.  If the court does not sustain

 12-1    the occurrence of the violation, the court shall order that no

 12-2    penalty or punishment is assessed.]

 12-3          SECTION 8.  Subsection (b), Article 4548i, Revised Statutes,

 12-4    is amended to read as follows:

 12-5          (b)  Any person who shall violate a provision of Chapter 9,

 12-6    Title 71, Revised Statutes, is liable to the state for a civil

 12-7    penalty in an amount not to exceed $5,000 [$2,500].  Each day a

 12-8    violation continues or occurs is a separate violation for the

 12-9    purpose of imposing a penalty.  On request of the Board, the

12-10    attorney general or the county attorney or district attorney of the

12-11    county in which the violation is alleged to have occurred shall

12-12    file suit to collect the penalty.  A civil penalty collected under

12-13    this subsection shall be deposited in the state treasury to the

12-14    credit of the general revenue fund.

12-15          SECTION 9.  Chapter 9, Title 71, Revised Statutes, is amended

12-16    by adding Article 4548k to read as follows:


12-18          Sec. 1.  (a)  A person or organization providing dental

12-19    services in this state under an agreement or contract that allows

12-20    another person or organization to control or influence any aspect,

12-21    including business and professional aspects, of the provision of

12-22    dental services by the person or organization on request shall

12-23    report to the Board, under rules adopted by the Board:

12-24                (1)  information concerning the contract or agreement;

12-25                (2)  the manner in which fees are billed to a patient;

12-26                (3)  the manner in which the dental service provider is

12-27    paid and information, if any, provided to a patient concerning that

 13-1    payment agreement or contract; and

 13-2                (4)  information concerning the nature of the

 13-3    arrangement provided to shareholders of organizations contracting

 13-4    with a dental service provider.

 13-5          (b)  A person or organization practicing dentistry that has

 13-6    one or more dentists practicing with or under the person or

 13-7    organization, regardless of whether the dentist has an ownership

 13-8    interest or an employment or contractual relationship, is

 13-9    responsible for all professional acts done under the name of the

13-10    person or organization.  This article does not affect an individual

13-11    license holder's responsibilities and rights under this chapter.

13-12          Sec. 2.  A statute relating to the practice of dentistry in

13-13    this state may not be construed to prohibit a licensed dentist from

13-14    maintaining any number of offices in this state if the dentist:

13-15                (1)  assumes full legal responsibility and liability

13-16    for the dental services rendered in each of the dentist's offices;

13-17    and

13-18                (2)  complies with the requirements prescribed by Board

13-19    rule.

13-20          SECTION 10.  Section 1, Article 4549, Revised Statutes, is

13-21    amended to read as follows:

13-22          Sec. 1.  The State Board of Dental Examiners shall have

13-23    authority to refuse to examine any person or refuse to issue a

13-24    dental license or a dental hygienist license to any person for any

13-25    one or more of the following causes:

13-26                (a)  Proof of presentation to the Board of any

13-27    dishonest or fake evidence of qualification, or being guilty of any

 14-1    illegality, fraud, or deception in the process of examination, or

 14-2    for the purpose of securing a license or certificate.

 14-3                (b)  Proof of chronic or habitual intoxication or

 14-4    addiction to drugs on the part of the applicant.

 14-5                (c)  Proof that the applicant has been guilty of

 14-6    dishonest or illegal practices in or connected with the practice of

 14-7    dentistry or dental hygiene.

 14-8                (d)  Proof of conviction of the applicant of a felony

 14-9    [involving moral turpitude] under the laws of this State or any

14-10    other State or of the United States.

14-11                (e)  Proof that the applicant violated any of the

14-12    provisions of the statutes of the State of Texas relating to the

14-13    practice of dentistry or any provisions of Chapter 9, Title 71,

14-14    Revised Statutes, within 12 months before the filing of an

14-15    application for the license.

14-16          SECTION 11.  Section 2, Article 4549, Revised Statutes, is

14-17    amended to read as follows:

14-18          Sec. 2.  The State Board of Dental Examiners shall have

14-19    jurisdiction and authority, after notice and hearing, to suspend or

14-20    revoke a dental license or a dental hygienist license, to impose a

14-21    fine on a person licensed under this chapter, to place on probation

14-22    with conditions a person whose license or certificate is suspended,

14-23    or to reprimand a licensee or certificate holder, and in addition

14-24    to or in lieu of said suspension, revocation, probation, or

14-25    reprimand, to assess an administrative penalty as provided for in

14-26    Article 4548j, Revised Statutes, for any one or more of the

14-27    following causes:

 15-1                (a)  Proof of insanity of the holder of a license or

 15-2    certificate, as adjudged by the regularly constituted authorities.

 15-3                (b)  Proof of conviction of the holder of a license or

 15-4    certificate of any felony or a misdemeanor involving fraud under

 15-5    the laws of this State or any other State or of the United States.

 15-6                (c)  That the holder thereof has been or is guilty of

 15-7    dishonorable conduct, malpractice, [or] gross incompetency, or

 15-8    failure to treat a patient according to the standard of care in the

 15-9    practice of dentistry or dental hygiene.

15-10                (d)  That the holder thereof has been or is guilty of

15-11    any deception or misrepresentation for the purpose of soliciting or

15-12    obtaining patronage.

15-13                (e)  That the holder thereof procured a license or

15-14    certificate through fraud or misrepresentation.

15-15                (f)  That the holder thereof is addicted to habitual

15-16    intoxication or the use of drugs.

15-17                (g)  That a dentist employs or permits or has employed

15-18    or permitted persons to practice dentistry in the office or offices

15-19    under his control or management, who were not licensed to practice

15-20    dentistry.

15-21                (h)  That the holder thereof has failed to use proper

15-22    diligence in the conduct of his practice or to safeguard his

15-23    patients against avoidable infections.

15-24                (i)  That the holder thereof has failed or refused to

15-25    comply with any State law relating to the regulation of dentists or

15-26    dental hygienists.

15-27                (j)  That the holder thereof has failed or refused to

 16-1    comply with the adopted and promulgated rules and regulations of

 16-2    the Board.

 16-3                (k)  That the holder thereof is physically or mentally

 16-4    incapable of practicing with safety to dental patients.

 16-5                (l)  That the holder thereof has been negligent in the

 16-6    performance of dental services which injured or damaged dental

 16-7    patients.

 16-8                (m)  Proof of suspension, revocation, probation,

 16-9    reprimand, or other restriction by another State of a license or

16-10    certificate to practice dentistry or dental hygiene based upon acts

16-11    by the licensee or certificate holder enumerated in this section.

16-12                (n)  That the holder thereof has knowingly provided or

16-13    agreed to provide dental care in a manner which violates any

16-14    provision of federal or State law regulating a plan whereby any

16-15    person undertakes to provide, arrange for, pay for, or reimburse

16-16    any part of the cost of any dental care services or regulating the

16-17    business of insurance.

16-18          SECTION 12.  Subsection (a), Section 3, Article 4549, Revised

16-19    Statutes, is amended to read as follows:

16-20          (a)  If the Board proposes to refuse to examine a person, to

16-21    suspend or revoke a license, to impose a fine, to place on

16-22    probation a person whose license has been suspended, or to

16-23    reprimand a license holder, the person is entitled to a hearing

16-24    under Chapter 2001, Government Code [before the Board].

16-25          SECTION 13.  Article 4549-1, Revised Statutes, is amended to

16-26    read as follows:


 17-1    DRUG-RELATED FELONY CONVICTION.  On conviction of a person licensed

 17-2    by the board of a felony under Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code,

 17-3    Section 485.033, Health and Safety Code, or Chapter 483, Health and

 17-4    Safety Code, the board shall, after an administrative hearing

 17-5    conducted in accordance with Chapter 2001, Government Code [the

 17-6    Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act, as amended

 17-7    (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)], in which the

 17-8    fact of conviction is determined, suspend the person's license.  On

 17-9    the person's final conviction, the board shall revoke the person's

17-10    license.  The board may not reinstate or reissue a license to a

17-11    person whose license is suspended or revoked under this article

17-12    except on an express determination based on substantial evidence

17-13    contained in an investigative report indicating that the

17-14    reinstatement or reissue of the license is in the best interests of

17-15    the public and of the person whose license has been suspended or

17-16    revoked.

17-17          SECTION 14.  Article 4550, Revised Statutes, is amended to

17-18    read as follows:

17-19          Art. 4550.  Records of the Board

17-20          Sec. 1.  The Board shall keep records in which shall be

17-21    registered the name and residence and [or] place of business of all

17-22    persons authorized under this law to practice dentistry, dental

17-23    hygiene and such other professions or businesses under its

17-24    jurisdiction as provided by law.  Each dentist, dental hygienist,

17-25    dental laboratory, and dental technician registered with the Board

17-26    shall timely notify the Board of:

17-27                (1)  any change of address of the place of business of

 18-1    such [the] dentist, hygienist, laboratory, or technician; and

 18-2                (2)  any change of employers by such [the] dentist,

 18-3    hygienist, laboratory, or technician, and any change of owners of

 18-4    the laboratory.

 18-5          The Board is timely notified if it receives the notice within

 18-6    60 days after the date the change occurs.

 18-7          Sec. 2.  All of the records and files of the [Texas] State

 18-8    Board of Dental Examiners shall be public records and open to

 18-9    inspection at reasonable times, except the investigation files and

18-10    records which shall be confidential and shall be divulged only to

18-11    persons so investigated upon completion of said investigation.  It

18-12    is not a violation of this section for the Board to share

18-13    investigation files and records with another state regulatory

18-14    agency or federal law enforcement agency during the course of a

18-15    joint investigation or in determining the feasibility of conducting

18-16    an investigation.

18-17          SECTION 15.  Subsection (b), Article 4551, Revised Statutes,

18-18    is amended to read as follows:

18-19          (b)  The Board shall establish reasonable and necessary fees

18-20    so that the fees, in the aggregate, produce sufficient revenue to

18-21    cover the cost of administering this Act.

18-22          [The Board may not set a fee at an amount less than the

18-23    amount of that fee on September 1, 1993.]

18-24          SECTION 16.  Article 4551a, Revised Statutes, is amended to

18-25    read as follows:


18-27    person shall be regarded as practicing dentistry within the meaning

 19-1    of this Chapter:

 19-2                (1)  Who publicly professes to be a dentist or dental

 19-3    surgeon or who uses or permits to be used for himself or for any

 19-4    other person, the title of "Doctor," "Dr.," "Doctor of Dental

 19-5    Surgery," "D.D.S.," "Doctor of Dental Medicine," "D.M.D.," or any

 19-6    other letters, titles, terms or descriptive matter, including use

 19-7    of the terms "denturist" or "denturism," which directly or

 19-8    indirectly represents him as being able to diagnose, treat, remove

 19-9    stains or concretions from teeth, provide surgical and adjunctive

19-10    treatment for any disease, pain, injury, deficiency, deformity or

19-11    physical condition of the human teeth, oral cavity, alveolar

19-12    process, gums, jaws or directly related and adjacent masticatory

19-13    structures.

19-14                (2)  Who shall offer or undertake by any means or

19-15    methods whatsoever, to clean teeth or to remove stains, concretions

19-16    or deposits from teeth in the human mouth, or who shall undertake

19-17    or offer to diagnose, treat, operate, or prescribe by any means or

19-18    methods for any disease, pain, injury, deficiency, deformity, or

19-19    physical condition of the human teeth, oral cavity, alveolar

19-20    process, gums, or jaws.

19-21                (3)  Any person who shall offer or undertake in any

19-22    manner to prescribe or make, or cause to be made, an impression of

19-23    any portion of the human mouth, teeth, gums, or jaws, for the

19-24    purpose of diagnosing, prescribing, treating, or aiding in the

19-25    diagnosing, prescribing or treating, any physical condition of the

19-26    human mouth, teeth, gums or jaws, or for the purpose of

19-27    constructing or aiding in the construction of any dental appliance,

 20-1    denture, dental bridge, false teeth, dental plate or plates of

 20-2    false teeth, or any other substitute for human teeth.

 20-3                (4)  Any one who owns, maintains or operates any office

 20-4    or place of business where he employs or engages, under any kind of

 20-5    contract whatsoever, any other person or persons to practice

 20-6    dentistry as above defined shall be deemed to be practicing

 20-7    dentistry himself and shall himself be required to be duly licensed

 20-8    to practice dentistry as hereinabove defined, and shall be subject

 20-9    to all of the other provisions of this Chapter, even though the

20-10    person or persons so employed or engaged by him shall be duly

20-11    licensed to practice dentistry as hereinabove defined, unless

20-12    otherwise provided by law.

20-13                (5)  Any person, firm, group, association, or

20-14    corporation who shall offer or undertake to fit, adjust, repair, or

20-15    substitute in the human mouth or directly related and adjacent

20-16    masticatory structures any dental appliance, structure, prosthesis,

20-17    or denture, or who shall aid or cause to be fitted, adjusted,

20-18    repaired, or substituted in the human mouth or directly related and

20-19    adjacent masticatory structures any dental appliance, structure,

20-20    prosthesis, or denture.

20-21                (6)  Who makes, fabricates, processes, constructs,

20-22    produces, reproduces, duplicates, repairs, relines, or fixes any

20-23    full or partial denture, any fixed or removable dental bridge or

20-24    appliance, any dental plate or plates of false teeth, any

20-25    artificial dental restoration, or any substitute or corrective

20-26    device or appliance for the human teeth, gums, jaws, mouth,

20-27    alveolar process, or any part thereof for another, or who in any

 21-1    manner offers, undertakes, aids, abets, or causes another person so

 21-2    to do for another, without a written prescription or work-order

 21-3    therefor signed by the dentist legally engaged in the practice of

 21-4    dentistry in this state or in the jurisdiction where such dentist

 21-5    maintains his dental office and who prescribed and ordered same.

 21-6                (7)  Who shall offer or undertake or cause another to

 21-7    do, directly or indirectly, for any person any act, service, or

 21-8    work in the practice of dentistry or any part thereof as provided

 21-9    for in the laws of Texas relating to the practice of dentistry

21-10    including without limitation the inducing, administering,

21-11    prescribing, or dispensing any anesthesia, anesthetic drug,

21-12    medicine, or agent in anywise incidental to or in connection with

21-13    the practice of dentistry; or who permits or allows another to use

21-14    his license or certificate to practice dentistry in this state for

21-15    the purpose of performing any act described in this Article; or who

21-16    shall aid or abet, directly or indirectly, the practice of

21-17    dentistry by any person not duly licensed to practice dentistry by

21-18    the [Texas] State Board of Dental Examiners.

21-19                (8)  Who shall control, attempt to control, influence,

21-20    attempt to influence, or otherwise interfere with the exercise of a

21-21    dentist's independent professional judgment regarding the diagnosis

21-22    or treatment of any dental disease, disorder, or physical

21-23    condition.  However, nothing herein shall be construed to require

21-24    any entity to pay for services which are not provided for in a

21-25    contract or agreement or to exempt any dentist who is a member of a

21-26    hospital staff from adhering to hospital bylaws, medical staff

21-27    bylaws, or established policies approved by the governing board and

 22-1    the medical and dental staff of the hospital.

 22-2                (9)  If the person holds the person out to be a

 22-3    denturist or uses another title that is intended to convey to the

 22-4    public that the services offered by the person are included within

 22-5    the practice of dentistry.

 22-6          SECTION 17.  Section 11, Chapter 244, General Laws, Acts of

 22-7    the 44th Legislature, Regular Session, 1935 (Article 4551b,

 22-8    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:

 22-9          Sec. 11.  The definition of dentistry as contained in Chapter

22-10    9 of Title 71, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as amended,

22-11    shall not apply to:

22-12                (1)  members of the faculty of a reputable dental or

22-13    dental hygiene college or school where such faculty members perform

22-14    their services for the sole benefit of such school or college; or

22-15                (2)  students of a reputable dental college who perform

22-16    their operations without pay except for actual cost of materials,

22-17    in the presence of and under the direct personal supervision of a

22-18    demonstrator or teacher who is a member of the faculty of a

22-19    reputable dental college; or

22-20                (3)  persons doing laboratory work on inert matter

22-21    only, and who do not solicit or obtain work, by any means, from a

22-22    person or persons not a licensed dentist actually engaged in the

22-23    practice of dentistry and who do not act as the agents or

22-24    solicitors of, or have any interest whatsoever in, any dental

22-25    office, practice or the receipts therefrom; or

22-26                (4)  physicians and surgeons legally authorized to

22-27    practice medicine as defined by the law of this state who do not

 23-1    hold themselves out to the public as practicing dentistry; or

 23-2                (5)  dental hygienists legally authorized to practice

 23-3    dental hygiene in this state and who practice dental hygiene in

 23-4    strict conformity with the laws of Texas regulating the practice of

 23-5    dental hygiene; or

 23-6                (6)  those persons who as members of an established

 23-7    church practice healing by prayer only; or

 23-8                (7)  employees of a dentist who make dental x-rays in

 23-9    the dental office and under the supervision of such dentist or

23-10    dentists legally engaged in the practice of dentistry in this

23-11    state; or

23-12                (8)  Dental Health Service Corporations legally

23-13    chartered under Section A(1), [Subsection (1) of] Article 2.01, [of

23-14    the] Texas Non-Profit [Nonprofit] Corporation Act (Article

23-15    1396-2.01, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes); or

23-16                (9)  dental interns and dental residents as defined and

23-17    regulated by the [Texas] State Board of Dental Examiners in its

23-18    rules and regulations; or

23-19                (10)  students of a reputable dental hygiene school who

23-20    practice dental hygiene without pay in strict conformity with the

23-21    laws of this state regulating the practice of dental hygiene; or

23-22                (11)  dental assistants who perform the duties

23-23    permitted by Article 4551e-1, Revised Statutes, in strict

23-24    conformity with the laws of this state; or

23-25                (12)  dentists licensed by another state or foreign

23-26    country who perform clinical procedures only for professional and

23-27    technical education demonstration purposes, provided that such

 24-1    dentists must first obtain a temporary license for such purpose

 24-2    from the State Board of Dental Examiners.

 24-3          SECTION 18.  Section 2, Chapter 475, Acts of the 52nd

 24-4    Legislature, 1951 (Article 4551e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),

 24-5    is amended to read as follows:

 24-6          Sec. 2.  QUALIFICATIONS.  A dental hygienist shall be not

 24-7    less than eighteen (18) years of age and a graduate of an

 24-8    accredited high school or hold a certificate of high school

 24-9    equivalency (GED) and be a graduate of a recognized [and

24-10    accredited] school or college of dentistry or dental hygiene

24-11    accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the

24-12    American Dental Association and approved by the [Texas] State Board

24-13    of Dental Examiners [in which the course of instruction shall be

24-14    the equivalent of not less than two (2) terms of eight (8) months

24-15    each and who shall have thereafter passed an examination given by

24-16    and before the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners on subjects

24-17    pertaining to dental hygiene, and who shall have complied with all

24-18    of the provisions of this Act and the rules and regulations

24-19    promulgated by the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners].

24-20          SECTION 19.  Subsection (a), Section 5, Chapter 475, Acts of

24-21    the 52nd Legislature, 1951 (Article 4551e, Vernon's Texas Civil

24-22    Statutes), is amended to read as follows:

24-23          (a)  It shall be the duty of the Board to provide for the

24-24    examination of all qualified applicants for licensure as dental

24-25    hygienists in this State.  All applicants for examination shall pay

24-26    a fee set by the Board to said Board as determined by said Board

24-27    according to its needs and shall apply upon forms furnished by the

 25-1    Board and shall furnish such other information as the Board may in

 25-2    its discretion require to determine any applicant's qualifications.

 25-3    An applicant must attach to the application proof that the

 25-4    applicant has successfully completed a current course in

 25-5    cardiopulmonary resuscitation given or approved by the American

 25-6    Heart Association or American Red Cross before the date on which

 25-7    the applicant submits the application or, in the event that the

 25-8    applicant is not physically capable of successfully completing such

 25-9    training, a written statement executed by either a licensed

25-10    physician or an instructor in cardiopulmonary resuscitation

25-11    approved by the American Heart Association or American Red Cross

25-12    that describes such physical incapacity.  The examination shall be

25-13    taken by all applicants on such subjects and operations pertaining

25-14    to dentistry and dental hygiene which shall include Dental Anatomy,

25-15    Pharmacology, X-Ray, Ethics, Jurisprudence, and Hygiene, and such

25-16    other subjects as are regularly taught in reputable schools of

25-17    dentistry and dental hygiene, as the Board in its discretion may

25-18    require.  [The examination shall be given orally or in writing, or

25-19    by giving a practical demonstration of the applicant's skill or by

25-20    any combination of such methods or subjects as the Board may in its

25-21    discretion require.]  The Board shall contract with an independent

25-22    or regional testing service for any required clinical examination.

25-23    In the event that the Board uses a regional testing service, the

25-24    Board is authorized to contract for or otherwise use the services

25-25    of licensed dental hygienists in this State for the purpose of

25-26    providing assistance to the regional testing service.  The Board

25-27    shall have the written portion of the examination validated by an

 26-1    independent testing professional.  The Board shall report such

 26-2    grades to the applicant within a reasonable time after such

 26-3    examination, and each applicant who has satisfactorily passed all

 26-4    phases of the examination as determined by the Board shall be

 26-5    entitled to and shall be issued a license permitting such applicant

 26-6    to practice dental hygiene in the State of Texas as is defined and

 26-7    regulated by the law of this State.

 26-8          SECTION 20.  Subsections (a) and (b), Article 4551e-1,

 26-9    Revised Statutes, are amended to read as follows:

26-10          (a)  A dental assistant who is not professionally licensed

26-11    may be [is one who is] employed by and work [works] in the office

26-12    of a licensed[, registered,] and practicing dentist and perform

26-13    [who performs] one or more delegated dental acts under the direct

26-14    supervision, direction, and responsibility of such dentist.  Direct

26-15    supervision, direction, and responsibility, as used in this

26-16    article, means that the dentist employing a dental assistant or

26-17    dentist in charge of a dental assistant is physically present in

26-18    the dental office when a dental assistant performs a delegated

26-19    dental act.

26-20          (b)  A person licensed to practice dentistry may delegate to

26-21    any qualified and properly trained dental assistant acting under

26-22    the dentist's direct supervision any dental act that a reasonable

26-23    and prudent dentist would find is within the scope of sound dental

26-24    judgment to delegate if, in the opinion of the delegating dentist,

26-25    the act can be properly and safely performed by the person to whom

26-26    the dental act is delegated and the act is performed in its

26-27    customary manner, not in violation of this Act or any other

 27-1    statute, and the person to whom the dental act is delegated does

 27-2    not hold himself out to the public as being authorized to practice

 27-3    dentistry.  However, a dentist may not:

 27-4                (1)  delegate an act to an individual who, by order of

 27-5    the Board, is prohibited from performing the act;

 27-6                (2)  delegate the performance of any of the following

 27-7    acts to a person not licensed as a dentist or dental hygienist:

 27-8                      (A)  the removal of calculus, deposits, or

 27-9    accretions from the natural and restored surfaces of exposed human

27-10    teeth and restorations in the human mouth;

27-11                      (B)  root planing or the smoothing and polishing

27-12    of roughened root surfaces or exposed human teeth; or

27-13                      (C)  any other act the delegation of which is

27-14    prohibited by the rules of the Board; [or]

27-15                (3)  delegate the performance of any of the following

27-16    acts to a person not licensed as a dentist:

27-17                      (A)  comprehensive examination or diagnosis and

27-18    treatment planning;

27-19                      (B)  a surgical or cutting procedure on hard or

27-20    soft tissue;

27-21                      (C)  the prescription of a drug, medication, or

27-22    work authorization;

27-23                      (D)  the taking of an impression for a final

27-24    restoration, appliance, or prosthesis;

27-25                      (E)  the making of an intraoral occlusal

27-26    adjustment;

27-27                      (F)  the performance of direct pulp capping,

 28-1    pulpotomy, or any other endodontic procedure;

 28-2                      (G)  the final placement and intraoral adjustment

 28-3    of a fixed or removable appliance; or

 28-4                      (H)  the placement of any final restoration; or

 28-5                (4)  delegate the authority to administer a local

 28-6    anesthetic agent, inhalation sedative agent, parenteral sedative

 28-7    agent, or general anesthetic agent to an individual not licensed

 28-8    as:

 28-9                      (A)  a dentist with a permit issued by the State

28-10    Board of Dental Examiners for the procedure being performed, if a

28-11    permit is required;

28-12                      (B)  a certified registered nurse anesthetist

28-13    licensed by the Board of Nurse Examiners, only if the delegating

28-14    dentist holds a permit issued by the State Board of Dental

28-15    Examiners for the procedure being performed, if a permit is

28-16    required; or

28-17                      (C)  a physician anesthesiologist licensed by the

28-18    Texas State Board of Medical Examiners [(I) the administration of a

28-19    local anesthetic, parenteral or inhalational sedative agent, or

28-20    general anesthetic agent].

28-21          SECTION 21.  Subsection (b), Section (6), Article 4551f,

28-22    Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:

28-23          (b)  As a condition for the renewal of a dental laboratory

28-24    registration, the applicant must also provide evidence satisfactory

28-25    to the Board that at least one employee working on the premises of

28-26    the dental laboratory:

28-27                (1)  has completed at least 12 [10] hours of continuing

 29-1    education during the registration period; or

 29-2                (2)  is a certified dental technician.

 29-3          SECTION 22.  Section (8), Article 4551f, Revised Statutes, is

 29-4    amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (g) to

 29-5    read as follows:

 29-6          (a)  The Board may refuse to issue a certificate of

 29-7    registration, [or] may suspend or revoke a certificate, may impose

 29-8    a fine, or may probate all or part of a suspension if after a

 29-9    hearing the Board finds that the person applying for or holding a

29-10    certificate of registration has violated or aided another person in

29-11    violating any law regulating the practice of dentistry or has

29-12    required or allowed a person under the direction or control of the

29-13    applicant or certificate holder to violate any law regulating the

29-14    practice of dentistry [has violated this article].  In any

29-15    complaint or disciplinary action under this article, the Board

29-16    shall follow the procedures prescribed for dentists and dental

29-17    hygienists under Article 4549, Revised Statutes.

29-18          (g)  For purposes of Subsection (a) of this section, a person

29-19    applying for or holding a certificate of registration includes a

29-20    person who has a 20 percent or greater ownership interest in or is

29-21    the general partner or managing partner in a dental laboratory that

29-22    is registered or for which an application for registration has been

29-23    filed.

29-24          SECTION 23.  Article 4551n, Revised Statutes, is amended to

29-25    read as follows:

29-26          Art. 4551n.  EMPLOYMENT OF DENTISTS

29-27          Sec. 1.  (a)  The Board shall, on a form and under rules

 30-1    adopted by the Board, approve and certify any health organization

 30-2    to contract with or employ dentists licensed by the Board on

 30-3    application by the organization and presentation of satisfactory

 30-4    proof to the Board that the organization:

 30-5                (1)  is a nonprofit corporation under the Texas

 30-6    Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's

 30-7    Texas Civil Statutes) and Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code

 30-8    of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 501); and

 30-9                (2)  is organized and operated as a migrant, community,

30-10    or homeless health center under the authority of and in compliance

30-11    with 42 U.S.C. Section 254b or[,] 254c[, or 256] or as a federally

30-12    qualified health center under 42 U.S.C. Section 1396d(l)(2)(B).

30-13          (b)  Any dentist providing dental services under Subsection

30-14    (a) of this section [article] shall provide those services free of

30-15    charge or at a reduced fee commensurate with the patient's ability

30-16    to pay in strict compliance with the applicable provisions of 42

30-17    U.S.C. Section 254b or[,] 254c[, or 256].

30-18          (c)  The Board may, at its discretion, refuse to approve or

30-19    certify any such health organization making application to the

30-20    Board if in the Board's determination the applying nonprofit

30-21    corporation is established or organized or operated in

30-22    contravention of or with the intent to circumvent any provision of

30-23    this Act.

30-24          Sec. 2.  A dentist licensed by the Board may be employed by

30-25    or contract with a governmental entity providing dental services

30-26    under federal or state law.

30-27          Sec. 3.  A dentist licensed by the Board may be employed by

 31-1    or contract with an organization if:

 31-2                (1)  the organization is a nonprofit corporation under

 31-3    the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.01 et seq.,

 31-4    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and Section 501(c)(3), Internal

 31-5    Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C.  Section 501); and

 31-6                (2)  the organization is:

 31-7                      (A)  approved by the Board as an organization

 31-8    that provides services to underserved populations for no fee or a

 31-9    reduced fee; or

31-10                      (B)  a clinic that provides dental services

31-11    primarily to individuals who have AIDS or the human

31-12    immunodeficiency virus.

31-13          SECTION 24.  Subsection (a), Section 467.004, Health and

31-14    Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:

31-15          (a)  A licensing or disciplinary authority may add a

31-16    surcharge of not more than $10 [$5] to its license or license

31-17    renewal fee to fund an approved peer assistance program.  The

31-18    authority must adopt the surcharge in accordance with the procedure

31-19    that the authority uses to initiate and adopt an increase in its

31-20    license or license renewal fee.

31-21          SECTION 25.  Subsection (b), Section 467.0041, Health and

31-22    Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:

31-23          (b)  The board may add a surcharge of not more than $10 [$5]

31-24    to its license or license renewal fee to fund an approved peer

31-25    assistance program.

31-26          SECTION 26.  The following are repealed:

31-27                (1)  Section 4, Chapter 501, Acts of the 45th

 32-1    Legislature, Regular Session, 1937 (Article 4548h, Vernon's Texas

 32-2    Civil Statutes); and

 32-3                (2)  Subsection (f), Section 2A, Article 4550a, Revised

 32-4    Statutes.

 32-5          SECTION 27.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

 32-6          (b)  The State Board of Dental Examiners shall adopt rules

 32-7    required under this Act not later than December 1, 1997.

 32-8          (c)  The change in law made by this Act regarding a

 32-9    disciplinary proceeding or contested case applies only to a

32-10    proceeding for a violation that occurs on or after the effective

32-11    date of this Act.  A violation that occurs before the effective

32-12    date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the

32-13    violation occurred, and the former law is continued in effect for

32-14    that purpose.

32-15          SECTION 28.  The importance of this legislation and the

32-16    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

32-17    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

32-18    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

32-19    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.