By Armbrister                                          S.B. No. 965

         Substitute the following for S.B. No. 965:

         By Wolens                                          C.S.S.B. No. 965

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the powers and duties of the Public Utility Commission

 1-3     of Texas.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 1.002, Public Utility Regulatory Act of

 1-6     1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended

 1-7     to read as follows:

 1-8           Sec. 1.002.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE.  (a)  This Act

 1-9     is enacted to protect the public interest inherent in the rates and

1-10     services of public utilities.  The legislature finds that

1-11     traditionally public utilities are by definition monopolies in the

1-12     areas they serve; that therefore the normal forces of competition

1-13     which operate to regulate prices in a free enterprise society do

1-14     not operate; and that therefore utility rates, operations, and

1-15     services are regulated by public agencies with the objective that

1-16     this regulation shall operate as a substitute for competition.  The

1-17     purpose of this Act is to establish a comprehensive regulatory

1-18     system which is adequate to the task of regulating public utilities

1-19     as defined by this Act, to assure rates, operations, and services

1-20     which are just and reasonable to the consumers and to the

1-21     utilities.

1-22           (b)  The commission shall ensure adequate customer service

1-23     and protection, promote public awareness of changes in the electric

1-24     and telecommunications markets, provide customers with information

 2-1     necessary to make informed choices about available options, and

 2-2     ensure that customers have an adequate understanding of their

 2-3     rights.

 2-4           SECTION 2.  Section 1.003, Public Utility Regulatory Act of

 2-5     1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended

 2-6     by amending Subdivision (14) and adding Subdivision (19) to read as

 2-7     follows:

 2-8                 (14)  "Rate" means and includes every compensation,

 2-9     tariff, charge, fare, toll, rental, and classification, or any of

2-10     them demanded, observed, charged, or collected whether directly or

2-11     indirectly by any public utility for any service, product, or

2-12     commodity described in the definition of "utility" in Section

2-13     2.0011 [2.001] or 3.002 of this Act and any rules, regulations,

2-14     practices, or contracts affecting any such compensation, tariff,

2-15     charge, fare, toll, rental, or classification.

2-16                 (19)  "Alternative dispute resolution" includes:

2-17                       (A)  a procedure described by Chapter 154, Civil

2-18     Practice and Remedies Code; and

2-19                       (B)  a combination of the procedures described by

2-20     Chapter 154, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.

2-21           SECTION 3.  Section 1.004, Public Utility Regulatory Act of

2-22     1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended

2-23     to read as follows:

2-24           Sec. 1.004.  DEFINITIONS IN TITLE.  In this title:

2-25                 (1)  "Affected entity" means a business entity,

2-26     including an affiliate, that furnishes goods or services to rate

2-27     regulated entities, affiliates, or direct competitors if the value

 3-1     of the goods or services is equal to at least the greater of

 3-2     $10,000 or 10 percent of the affiliate's or entity's business.  The

 3-3     term includes the affiliate's or entity's agent, representative,

 3-4     attorney, employee, officer, owner, director, or partner.

 3-5                 (2)  "Direct competitor" means an entity that provides

 3-6     services that are the same as, equivalent to, or substitutable for

 3-7     services provided by a rate regulated entity within a geographic

 3-8     market or submarket in this state at rates, terms, and conditions

 3-9     that are comparable to those offered by the rate regulated entity.

3-10                 (3)  "Participated" means to have taken an action as a

3-11     commission officer or employee or employee of the State Office of

3-12     Administrative Hearings by approving, disapproving, or recommending

3-13     a decision, by giving advice, or by taking similar action.

3-14                 (4)  "Particular matter" means a specific

3-15     investigation, application, request for a ruling or determination,

3-16     rulemaking proceeding, contract, claim, charge, accusation, arrest,

3-17     or judicial or other proceeding.

3-18                 (5)  "Pecuniary interest" includes income,

3-19     compensation, and payment of any kind, in addition to an ownership

3-20     interest, as an officer, director, partner, owner, employee,

3-21     attorney, consultant, or otherwise.

3-22                 (6)  "Public[, "public] utility" or "utility" has the

3-23     meaning assigned by Section 2.0011 [2.001] or 3.002 of this Act.

3-24                 (7)  "Rate regulated entity" means:

3-25                       (A)  a public utility as defined by Section

3-26     2.0011 of this Act; or

3-27                       (B)  a dominant carrier as defined by Section

 4-1     3.002 of this Act.

 4-2           SECTION 4.  Sections 1.023(d), (e), and (f), Public Utility

 4-3     Regulatory Act of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil

 4-4     Statutes), are amended to read as follows:

 4-5           (d)  A person who is required to register as a lobbyist under

 4-6     Chapter 305, Government Code, because of the person's activities

 4-7     for compensation on behalf of a profession related to the operation

 4-8     of the commission may not serve as a member of the commission,

 4-9     serve as the [or] public utility counsel, or be an employee of [act

4-10     as the general counsel to] the commission.

4-11           (e)  A person is not eligible for appointment as a public

4-12     member of the commission or for employment as the [general counsel

4-13     or] executive director of the commission if:

4-14                 (1)  the person serves on the board of directors of a

4-15     company that supplies fuel, utility-related services, or

4-16     utility-related products to regulated or unregulated electric or

4-17     telecommunications utilities; or

4-18                 (2)  the person or the person's spouse:

4-19                       (A)  is employed by or participates in the

4-20     management of a business entity or other organization regulated by

4-21     the commission or receiving funds from the commission;

4-22                       (B)  owns or controls, directly or indirectly,

4-23     more than a 10 percent interest or a pecuniary interest with a

4-24     value exceeding $10,000 in:

4-25                             (i)  a business entity or other

4-26     organization regulated by the commission or receiving funds from

4-27     the commission; or

 5-1                             (ii)  any utility competitor, utility

 5-2     supplier, or other entity affected by a commission decision in a

 5-3     manner other than by the setting of rates for that class of

 5-4     customer;

 5-5                       (C)  uses or receives a substantial amount of

 5-6     tangible goods, services, or funds from the commission, other than

 5-7     compensation or reimbursement authorized by law for commission

 5-8     membership, attendance, or expenses; or

 5-9                       (D)  notwithstanding Paragraph (B) of this

5-10     subdivision, has an interest in a mutual fund or retirement fund in

5-11     which more than 10 percent of the fund's holdings at the time of

5-12     appointment is in a single utility, utility competitor, or utility

5-13     supplier in this state and the person does not disclose this

5-14     information to the governor, senate, commission, or other entity,

5-15     as appropriate.

5-16           (f)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a

5-17     person otherwise ineligible because of the application of

5-18     Subsection (e)(2)(B) of this section may be appointed to the

5-19     commission and serve as a commissioner or may be employed as the

5-20     [general counsel or] executive director if the person:

5-21                 (1)  notifies the attorney general and commission that

5-22     the person is ineligible because of the application of Subsection

5-23     (e)(2)(B) of this section; and

5-24                 (2)  divests the person or the person's spouse of the

5-25     ownership or control before beginning service or employment, or

5-26     within a reasonable time if the person is already serving or

5-27     employed at the time Subsection (e)(2)(B) of this section first

 6-1     applies to the person.

 6-2           SECTION 5.  Subtitle B, Title I, Public Utility Regulatory

 6-3     Act of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

 6-4     amended by adding Sections 1.0235, 1.0241, and 1.0245 to read as

 6-5     follows:

 6-6           Sec. 1.0235.  PROHIBITION ON SEEKING ANOTHER OFFICE.  A

 6-7     person may not seek nomination or election to another civil office

 6-8     of this state or of the United States while serving as a

 6-9     commissioner.  If a commissioner files for nomination or election

6-10     to another civil office of this state or of the United States, the

6-11     person's office as commissioner immediately becomes vacant, and the

6-12     governor shall appoint a successor.

6-13           Sec. 1.0241.  PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES.  (a)  During the period

6-14     of service with the commission or the State Office of

6-15     Administrative Hearings, a commissioner, commission employee, or

6-16     employee of the State Office of Administrative Hearings involved in

6-17     hearing utility cases may not:

6-18                 (1)  have a pecuniary interest in a rate regulated

6-19     entity, direct competitor, or affected entity;

6-20                 (2)  directly or indirectly own or control securities

6-21     in a rate regulated entity, direct competitor, or affected entity;

6-22                 (3)  accept a gift, gratuity, or entertainment from a

6-23     rate regulated entity, direct competitor, or affected entity; or

6-24                 (4)  directly or indirectly solicit, request from, or

6-25     suggest or recommend to a rate regulated entity, direct competitor,

6-26     or affected entity the appointment to a position or the employment

6-27     of a person, including an appointment or employment that would

 7-1     violate Chapter 572, Government Code.

 7-2           (b)  A rate regulated entity, direct competitor, or affected

 7-3     entity may not give or offer to give a gift, gratuity, employment,

 7-4     or entertainment to a commissioner or a commission employee.

 7-5           (c)  It is not a violation of this section if a commissioner,

 7-6     commission employee, or employee of the State Office of

 7-7     Administrative Hearings, on becoming the owner of stocks, bonds, or

 7-8     another pecuniary interest in a rate regulated entity, direct

 7-9     competitor, or affected entity otherwise than voluntarily, informs

7-10     the commission or office, as appropriate, and the attorney general

7-11     of the ownership and divests the ownership or interest within a

7-12     reasonable time.

7-13           (d)  It is not a violation of this section if a pecuniary

7-14     interest is held indirectly by ownership of an interest in a

7-15     retirement system, institution, or fund that in the normal course

7-16     of business invests in diverse securities independently of the

7-17     control of the commissioner, commission employee, or employee of

7-18     the State Office of Administrative Hearings.

7-19           (e)  This section does not apply to a contract for a product

7-20     or service of a rate regulated entity, direct competitor, or

7-21     affected entity, or for equipment for use of such a product or

7-22     service, when a commissioner, commission employee, or employee of

7-23     the State Office of Administrative Hearings is acting as a

7-24     consumer.


7-26     INFORMATION.  The executive director or the executive director's

7-27     designee shall provide to commissioners and commission employees as

 8-1     often as necessary information regarding their:

 8-2                 (1)  qualifications for office or employment under this

 8-3     Act; and

 8-4                 (2)  responsibilities under applicable laws relating to

 8-5     standards of conduct for state officers and employees.

 8-6           SECTION 6.  Sections 1.025(a) and (b), Public Utility

 8-7     Regulatory Act of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil

 8-8     Statutes), are amended to read as follows:

 8-9           (a)  A commissioner may not within two years, and an employee

8-10     of the commission or an employee of the State Office of

8-11     Administrative Hearings involved in hearing utility cases may not,

8-12     within one year after his employment with the commission or the

8-13     State Office of Administrative Hearings has ceased, be employed by

8-14     a rate regulated entity [public utility] which was in the scope of

8-15     the commissioner's or employee's official responsibility while the

8-16     commissioner or employee was associated with the commission or the

8-17     State Office of Administrative Hearings.

8-18           (b)  During the time a commissioner or employee of the

8-19     commission or an employee of the State Office of Administrative

8-20     Hearings involved in hearing utility cases is associated with the

8-21     commission or State Office of Administrative Hearings or at any

8-22     time after, the commissioner or employee may not represent a

8-23     person, corporation, or other business entity before the commission

8-24     or State Office of Administrative Hearings or a court in a

8-25     particular matter in which the commissioner or employee

8-26     participated [was personally involved] while associated with the

8-27     commission or State Office of Administrative Hearings or a

 9-1     particular matter that was within the commissioner's or employee's

 9-2     official responsibility while the commissioner or employee was

 9-3     associated with the commission or State Office of Administrative

 9-4     Hearings.

 9-5           SECTION 7.  Section 1.026(a), Public Utility Regulatory Act

 9-6     of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

 9-7     amended to read as follows:

 9-8           (a)  It is a ground for removal from the commission if a

 9-9     member:

9-10                 (1)  does not have at the time of appointment the

9-11     qualifications required by Section 1.023 of this Act;

9-12                 (2)  does not maintain during service on the commission

9-13     the qualifications required by Section 1.023 of this Act;

9-14                 (3)  violates a prohibition established by Section

9-15     1.023, 1.0235, 1.0241 [1.024], or 1.025 of this Act;

9-16                 (4)  cannot discharge the member's duties for a

9-17     substantial part of the term for which the member is appointed

9-18     because of illness or disability; or

9-19                 (5)  is absent from more than half of the regularly

9-20     scheduled commission meetings that the member is eligible to attend

9-21     during a calendar year unless the absence is excused by majority

9-22     vote of the commission.

9-23           SECTION 8.  Sections 1.028(a), (c), and (d), Public Utility

9-24     Regulatory Act of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil

9-25     Statutes), are amended to read as follows:

9-26           (a)  The commission shall employ an executive director[, a

9-27     general counsel,] and such officers and other employees as it deems

 10-1    necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.  All employees

 10-2    receive such compensation as is fixed by the legislature.  The

 10-3    commission shall develop and implement policies that clearly define

 10-4    the respective responsibilities of the commission and the staff of

 10-5    the commission.

 10-6          (c)  The commission [general counsel and his] staff is [are]

 10-7    responsible for the gathering of information relating to all

 10-8    matters within the authority of the commission.

 10-9          (d)  The duties of the commission staff [general counsel]

10-10    include:

10-11                (1)  accumulation of evidence and other information

10-12    from public utilities and from the accounting and technical and

10-13    other staffs of the commission and from other sources for the

10-14    purposes specified herein;

10-15                (2)  preparation and presentation of such evidence

10-16    before the commission or its appointed examiner in proceedings;

10-17                (3)  conduct of investigations of public utilities

10-18    under the jurisdiction of the commission;

10-19                (4)  preparation of proposed changes in the rules of

10-20    the commission;

10-21                (5)  preparation of recommendations that the commission

10-22    undertake investigation of any matter within its authority;

10-23                (6)  preparation of recommendations and a report of

10-24    such staff for inclusion in the annual report of the commission;

10-25                (7)  protection and representation of the public

10-26    interest and coordination and direction of the preparation and

10-27    presentation of evidence from the commission staff in all cases

 11-1    before the commission as necessary to effect the objectives and

 11-2    purposes stated in this Act and ensure protection of the public

 11-3    interest; [and]

 11-4                (8)  preparation of proposed orders under Section 1.105

 11-5    of this Act;

 11-6                (9)  preparation of staff reports under Section 1.106

 11-7    of this Act; and

 11-8                (10)  such other activities as are reasonably necessary

 11-9    to enable the staff [him] to perform the staff's [his] duties.

11-10          SECTION 9.  Section 1.0512, Public Utility Regulatory Act of

11-11    1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended

11-12    to read as follows:


11-14    (a)  The counsellor or [may not within two years, and] an employee

11-15    of the office may not within one year after his employment with the

11-16    office has ceased[,] be employed by a rate regulated entity [public

11-17    utility] which was in the scope of the counsellor's or employee's

11-18    official responsibility while the counsellor or employee was

11-19    associated with the office.

11-20          (b)  During the time the counsellor or an employee of the

11-21    office is associated with the office or at any time after, the

11-22    counsellor or employee may not represent a person, corporation, or

11-23    other business entity before the commission, the State Office of

11-24    Administrative Hearings, or a court in a particular matter in which

11-25    the counsellor or employee participated [was personally involved]

11-26    while associated with the office or a particular matter that was

11-27    within the counsellor's or employee's official responsibility while

 12-1    the counsellor or employee was associated with the office.

 12-2          SECTION 10.  Section 1.054(a), Public Utility Regulatory Act

 12-3    of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

 12-4    amended to read as follows:

 12-5          (a)  The Office of Public Utility Counsel:

 12-6                (1)  shall assess the impact of utility rate changes

 12-7    and other regulatory actions on residential consumers in the State

 12-8    of Texas and shall be an advocate in its own name of positions most

 12-9    advantageous to a substantial number of such consumers as

12-10    determined by the counsellor;

12-11                (2)  may appear or intervene as a matter of right as a

12-12    party or otherwise on behalf of residential consumers, as a class,

12-13    in all proceedings before the commission, including a proceeding

12-14    involving an alternative dispute resolution procedure;

12-15                (3)  may appear or intervene as a matter of right as a

12-16    party or otherwise on behalf of small commercial consumers, as a

12-17    class, in all proceedings where it is deemed by the counsellor that

12-18    small commercial consumers are in need of representation, including

12-19    a proceeding involving an alternative dispute resolution

12-20    procedure;

12-21                (4)  may initiate or intervene as a matter of right or

12-22    otherwise appear in any judicial proceedings involving or arising

12-23    out of any action taken by an administrative agency in a proceeding

12-24    in which the counsellor was authorized to appear, including a

12-25    proceeding involving an alternative dispute resolution procedure;

12-26                (5)  may have access as any party, other than staff, to

12-27    all records gathered by the commission under the authority of

 13-1    Subsection (a) of Section 1.203 of this Act;

 13-2                (6)  may obtain discovery of any nonprivileged matter

 13-3    which is relevant to the subject matter involved in any proceeding

 13-4    or petition before the commission;

 13-5                (7)  may represent individual residential and small

 13-6    commercial consumers with respect to their disputed complaints

 13-7    concerning utility services unresolved before the commission; and

 13-8                (8)  may recommend legislation to the legislature which

 13-9    in its judgment would positively affect the interests of

13-10    residential and small commercial consumers.

13-11          SECTION 11.  Subtitle D, Title I, Public Utility Regulatory

13-12    Act of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

13-13    amended by adding Sections 1.105 through 1.109 to read as follows:

13-14          Sec. 1.105.  PROPOSED ORDERS.  (a)  The commission by rule

13-15    shall adopt procedures by which commission staff may issue a

13-16    proposed order to resolve all or part of a contested case before a

13-17    hearing.

13-18          (b)  The rules must:

13-19                (1)  prescribe the types of cases for which a proposed

13-20    order may be issued;

13-21                (2)  prescribe any applicable deadlines for issuing the

13-22    order;

13-23                (3)  ensure that each party:

13-24                      (A)  retains the right to:

13-25                            (i)  a full hearing as provided under

13-26    Sections 1.005 and 1.101 of this Act on issues that remain in

13-27    dispute; and

 14-1                            (ii)  judicial review of issues that remain

 14-2    in dispute under Section 1.301 of this Act;

 14-3                      (B)  receives a copy of the proposed order; and

 14-4                      (C)  has at least 30 days after receiving the

 14-5    proposed order to object to the adoption of all or part of the

 14-6    order; and

 14-7                (4)  ensure that the commission's action in considering

 14-8    the proposed order is limited to the portions of the proposed order

 14-9    recommended by the parties for approval.

14-10          (c)  A proposed order or a part of a proposed order to which

14-11    a party does not object becomes final with commission approval.

14-12          Sec. 1.106.  STAFF REPORTS.  (a)  The commission by rule

14-13    shall adopt procedures by which commission staff may prepare staff

14-14    reports detailing the information and evidence the staff would have

14-15    presented in a contested case hearing to protect and represent the

14-16    public interest and to effect the objectives and purposes stated in

14-17    this Act.

14-18          (b)  The rules must:

14-19                (1)  prescribe the types of cases for which staff

14-20    reports may be submitted instead of staff testimony;

14-21                (2)  prescribe any applicable deadlines for filing the

14-22    staff reports with the commission;

14-23                (3)  ensure that each party:

14-24                      (A)  retains the right to:

14-25                            (i)  a full hearing as provided under

14-26    Sections 1.005 and 1.101 of this Act on each provision in the staff

14-27    report to which the party objects; and

 15-1                            (ii)  judicial review of those provisions

 15-2    under Section 1.301 of this Act;

 15-3                      (B)  receives a copy of a staff report; and

 15-4                      (C)  has at least 30 days after receiving a staff

 15-5    report to respond to the report or to object to the adoption of all

 15-6    or part of the report;

 15-7                (4)  ensure that the commission may not act on a staff

 15-8    report before the 45th day after the date it is filed with the

 15-9    commission;

15-10                (5)  authorize the commission or an administrative law

15-11    judge to prescribe deadlines for action on a staff report in a

15-12    particular case; and

15-13                (6)  ensure that the commission's action in considering

15-14    the proposed report is limited to the portions of the report

15-15    recommended by the parties for approval.

15-16          (c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the

15-17    commission staff is  not required to respond to a request for

15-18    discovery or for information from a party to a contested case while

15-19    the staff is preparing a staff report relating to that case.

15-20          Sec. 1.107.  ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION.  (a)  The

15-21    commission by rule shall adopt procedures by which the commission

15-22    may use an alternative dispute resolution procedure to resolve  a

15-23    pending issue or proceeding.

15-24          (b)  The rules must:

15-25                (1)  provide that the commission may consider using an

15-26    alternative dispute resolution procedure on its own motion or at

15-27    the request of a party or an administrative law judge;

 16-1                (2)  require notice to each party that the commission

 16-2    is considering the use of an alternative dispute resolution

 16-3    procedure;

 16-4                (3)  provide that a party that objects to the use of

 16-5    the procedure must file a written objection with the commission not

 16-6    later than the 10th day after the date the party receives notice

 16-7    under Subdivision (2) of this subsection;

 16-8                (4)  prescribe any applicable deadlines for completion

 16-9    of various alternative dispute resolution procedures, provided that

16-10    in no event may the time required to complete the entire

16-11    alternative dispute resolution process exceed 30 days;

16-12                (5)  not affect the right of a utility to put into

16-13    effect a changed rate on filing with the commission a bond as

16-14    provided for in Section 2.212 of this Act; and

16-15                (6)  ensure that any contested case issues not resolved

16-16    using an alternative dispute resolution procedure are resolved by

16-17    the commission in a contested case proceeding.

16-18          (c)  The commission may use an alternative dispute resolution

16-19    procedure if the commission does not receive a timely objection or

16-20    if the commission determines that an objection does not have a

16-21    reasonable basis.

16-22          (d)  A residential or small commercial consumer who brings a

16-23    complaint or other action before the commission in which the value

16-24    does not exceed $10,000 may choose whether to use a contested case

16-25    proceeding or an alternative dispute resolution proceeding to

16-26    resolve the complaint or action.

16-27          (e)  A deadline for a commission decision prescribed by

 17-1    another provision of this Act, including Sections 2.2011, 2.211,

 17-2    2.212, 3.211, 3.212, 3.2135, 3.2531, and 3.2532, is  suspended

 17-3    during the pendency of an alternative dispute resolution procedure.



 17-6    has jurisdiction over a person required to register under Title II

 17-7    of this Act, except qualifying facilities, or to obtain a

 17-8    certificate under Title III of this Act to the extent necessary to

 17-9    establish and ensure service quality and reliability and customer

17-10    service and protection.

17-11          Sec. 1.109.  CONSUMER EDUCATION.  The commission may educate

17-12    and provide information to:

17-13                (1)  consumers to assist them in making an informed

17-14    decision regarding electric and telecommunications services; and

17-15                (2)  providers of electric and telecommunications

17-16    services relating to the providers' responsibilities under state

17-17    laws and regulations.

17-18          SECTION 12.  Section 1.3215(e), Public Utility Regulatory Act

17-19    of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

17-20    amended to read as follows:

17-21          (e)  Within 14 days after the date the report is issued, the

17-22    executive director shall give written notice of the report to the

17-23    person.  The notice may be given by certified mail.  The notice

17-24    must include a brief summary of the alleged violation and a

17-25    statement of the amount of the recommended penalty and must inform

17-26    the person that the person has a right to a hearing on the

17-27    occurrence of the violation, the amount of the penalty, or both the

 18-1    occurrence of the violation and the amount of the penalty.  [Before

 18-2    any penalty may be assessed under this section, the person against

 18-3    whom the penalty may be assessed shall be given 30 days after

 18-4    receiving from the executive director the notice of the report

 18-5    summarizing the alleged violation pursuant to this subsection in

 18-6    which to cure the violation and the person must fail to cure the

 18-7    alleged violation within the 30-day period.  The person against

 18-8    whom the penalty may be assessed who claims to have cured the

 18-9    alleged violation shall have the burden of proving to the

18-10    commission that the alleged violation was cured and was accidental

18-11    or inadvertent.]

18-12          SECTION 13.  Section 1.323, Public Utility Regulatory Act of

18-13    1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended

18-14    to read as follows:

18-15          Sec. 1.323.  PENALTY FOR VIOLATING SECTION 1.0235 OR 1.0241

18-16    [1.024] OF THIS ACT.  (a)  Any member of the commission or any

18-17    officer or director of a rate regulated entity, direct competitor,

18-18    or affected entity [public utility or affiliated interest] shall be

18-19    subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 for each and every knowing

18-20    violation of Section 1.0235 or 1.0241 [1.024] of this Act, such

18-21    penalty to be recovered in a suit filed in a court of competent

18-22    jurisdiction by the attorney general on his own initiative or at

18-23    the request of, in the name of, and on behalf of the commission.

18-24          (b)  Any person, other than an officer or director of a rate

18-25    regulated entity, direct competitor, or affected entity [public

18-26    utility or affiliated interest] or a member of the commission,

18-27    shall be subject to a civil penalty of $500 for each and every

 19-1    knowing violation of Section 1.0235 or 1.0241 [1.024] of this Act,

 19-2    such penalty to be recovered in a suit filed in a court of

 19-3    competent jurisdiction by the attorney general on his own

 19-4    initiative or at the request of, in the name of, and on behalf of

 19-5    the commission.

 19-6          (c)  Any member, officer, or employee of the commission found

 19-7    in any action by a preponderance of the evidence to have violated

 19-8    any provision of Section 1.0235 or 1.0241 [1.024] of this Act shall

 19-9    be removed from his office or employment.

19-10          SECTION 14.  Section 1.401, Public Utility Regulatory Act of

19-11    1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended

19-12    by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:

19-13          (d)  Not later than January 15 of each odd-numbered year, the

19-14    commission shall submit to the legislature a report on complaints

19-15    received from consumers during the previous two years.  The report

19-16    must include:

19-17                (1)  information on the number of complaints that were

19-18    not resolved;

19-19                (2)  the reasons the complaints were not resolved; and

19-20                (3)  recommendations to correct consumer problems that

19-21    the commission does not have the authority to address.

19-22          SECTION 15.  Section 2.003, Public Utility Regulatory Act of

19-23    1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended

19-24    to read as follows:

19-25          Sec. 2.003.  SCOPE OF COMPETITION.  Before January 15 of each

19-26    odd-numbered year, the commission shall report to the legislature

19-27    on the scope of competition in electric markets and the impact of

 20-1    competition and industry restructuring on customers in both

 20-2    competitive and noncompetitive markets.  The report shall include:

 20-3                (1)  an assessment of the impact of competition on the

 20-4    rates and availability of electric services for residential and

 20-5    small commercial customers;

 20-6                (2)  [and] a summary of commission actions over the

 20-7    preceding two years that reflect changes in the scope of

 20-8    competition in regulated electric markets;

 20-9                (3)  [.  The report shall also include] recommendations

20-10    to the legislature for further legislation that the commission

20-11    finds appropriate to promote the public interest in the context of

20-12    a partially competitive electric market; and

20-13                (4)  a report on complaints received from consumers

20-14    relating to electric service or electric utilities during the

20-15    previous two years that includes:

20-16                      (A)  information on the number of complaints that

20-17    were not resolved;

20-18                      (B)  the reasons the complaints were not

20-19    resolved; and

20-20                      (C)  recommendations to correct consumer problems

20-21    that the commission does not have the authority to address.

20-22          SECTION 16.  Section 2.053(b), Public Utility Regulatory Act

20-23    of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

20-24    amended to read as follows:

20-25          (b)  The commission has the following jurisdiction over

20-26    exempt wholesale generators and power marketers that sell electric

20-27    energy in this state:

 21-1                (1)  to require registration as provided by Subsection

 21-2    (c) of this section as a condition of doing business in this state;

 21-3    [and]

 21-4                (2)  to revoke a registration for repeated violations

 21-5    of this Act or commission rules; and

 21-6                (3)  to require the filing of reports the commission

 21-7    prescribes by rule.

 21-8          SECTION 17.  Section 2.056(b), Public Utility Regulatory Act

 21-9    of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

21-10    amended to read as follows:

21-11          (b)  The commission, with the advice and consent of the

21-12    governor, shall appoint a five-person interstate connection

21-13    committee to investigate the most economical, reliable, and

21-14    efficient means to synchronously interconnect the alternating

21-15    current electric facilities of the electric facilities of electric

21-16    utilities within the Electric Reliability Council of Texas

21-17    reliability area to the alternating current electric facilities of

21-18    the electric facilities of electric utilities within the Southwest

21-19    Power Pool reliability area.  The committee shall report an

21-20    estimate of the cost and benefit to effect the interconnection, an

21-21    estimate of the time to construct the interconnecting facilities,

21-22    and the service territory of the utilities in which those

21-23    facilities will be located.  The committee shall submit its report

21-24    to the legislature by May 1, 1998 [September 1, 1997], at which

21-25    time the committee shall be dissolved.

21-26          SECTION 18.  Section 2.057(b), Public Utility Regulatory Act

21-27    of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

 22-1    amended to read as follows:

 22-2          (b)  The commission shall adopt rules relating to the

 22-3    registration and reporting requirements of qualifying facilities,

 22-4    exempt wholesale generators, and power marketers.  The rules must

 22-5    require that each qualifying facility, exempt wholesale generator,

 22-6    and power marketer register with the commission as a condition of

 22-7    doing business in this state.  The commission may revoke a

 22-8    registration for repeated violations of this Act or commission

 22-9    rules.

22-10          SECTION 19.  Subtitle B, Title II, Public Utility Regulatory

22-11    Act of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

22-12    amended by adding Section 2.058 to read as follows:

22-13          Sec. 2.058.  ELECTRIC SERVICE RELIABILITY MEASURES.  (a)  The

22-14    commission shall implement reliability standards relating to the

22-15    delivery of electricity to retail customers by electric utilities.

22-16    The commission shall develop by rule reliability standards based on

22-17    one or more of the following:

22-18                (1)  system average interruption frequency index;

22-19                (2)  average system availability index;

22-20                (3)  achievement of annual average response time to

22-21    live answer for customer telephone calls to the utility; or

22-22                (4)  other standards that the commission finds

22-23    reasonable and appropriate.

22-24          (b)  The standards shall require each utility subject to this

22-25    section to maintain adequately trained and experienced personnel

22-26    throughout the utility's service area so that the utility is able

22-27    to fully and adequately comply with the appropriate service quality

 23-1    and reliability standards.

 23-2          (c)  When an outage occurs due to the interruption of

 23-3    electric service from the supplier, the utility is not required to

 23-4    include that interruption in its measurement of service reliability

 23-5    standards.  The rules shall differentiate appropriate standards

 23-6    according to average customer density per mile of distribution

 23-7    line, prevailing weather conditions, tree growth rates, and other

 23-8    unique circumstances that vary by geographic areas.  The commission

 23-9    shall also consider other factors that may affect the cost of

23-10    maintaining a given service quality standard.  The standards shall

23-11    also ensure that utilities do not neglect any geographic area,

23-12    including communities of less than 1,000 persons and low-income

23-13    areas, with regard to system reliability.

23-14          (d)  The commission may require each electric utility to

23-15    supply data on an annual basis to assist the commission in

23-16    developing the reliability standards.

23-17          (e)  Annually, the commission shall compute for each electric

23-18    utility the score achieved with respect to each reliability

23-19    standard on a three-year, rolling average basis adjusted to remove

23-20    the effects of hurricanes, tornadoes, other natural events the

23-21    commission determines to be of similar magnitude, and reasonable

23-22    planned outages.  If the commission determines that an applicable

23-23    score so computed is below the relevant standard by more than five

23-24    percent, the commission shall issue an order stating its findings.

23-25    Not later than the 90th day after the date of that order, the

23-26    utility shall file one of the following:

23-27                (1)  information showing that there is no need for

 24-1    corrective action;

 24-2                (2)  a plan to implement procedures to correct any

 24-3    deficiency; or

 24-4                (3)  information showing that the utility has already

 24-5    corrected the deficiency indicated by the score.

 24-6          (f)  The commission may issue an order requiring the utility

 24-7    to increase its transmission or distribution expenditures by up to

 24-8    five percent in the account or accounts applicable to the area of

 24-9    deficiency for:

24-10                (1)  failure to correct a deficiency that existed at

24-11    the time of the previous year's computation of scores; or

24-12                (2)  a service interruption that affects more than

24-13    10,000 customers for a period of more than 48 hours and that is the

24-14    direct result of a failure to exercise prudent preventive

24-15    maintenance in the transmission and distribution system to provide

24-16    reliable service.

24-17          (g)  The commission shall take into account the extent to

24-18    which a service interruption under Subsection (f)(2) resulted from

24-19    an act of God.  Expenditures in response to a service interruption

24-20    under Subsection (f)(2) shall be spent in the relevant geographic

24-21    area and shall be dedicated to the account or accounts applicable

24-22    to that failure, including provision for sufficient personnel

24-23    available in the utility's affected functions or areas.  The

24-24    commission may not otherwise assess administrative penalties under

24-25    Section 1.3215 or 1.322 of this Act unless the utility fails to

24-26    increase its expenditures within the time ordered.  Any increase in

24-27    expenditures ordered under this section resulting in the facilities

 25-1    performing at or above the reliability level set forth in the

 25-2    standards under Subsection (a)(4) of this section and lengthening

 25-3    the expected useful life of the facilities by less than one year

 25-4    may not be justification for any increase in the utility's rates or

 25-5    revenue requirement.  However, if the utility elects to increase

 25-6    the expenditures to lengthen the expected useful life of the

 25-7    facilities beyond one year, the amount of expenditures necessary to

 25-8    lengthen the life of the facilities beyond one year shall be

 25-9    eligible for recovery.

25-10          (h)  All generation providers shall be obligated to comply

25-11    with any operational criteria duly established by the independent

25-12    system operator or adopted by the commission.

25-13          SECTION 20.  Section 3.051(c), Public Utility Regulatory Act

25-14    of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

25-15    amended to read as follows:

25-16          (c)  Except as provided by Subsections (l), (m), and (s) of

25-17    this section and Section 3.052 of this Act, the commission shall

25-18    only have the following jurisdiction over all telecommunications

25-19    utilities who are not dominant carriers:

25-20                (1)  to require registration as provided in Subsection

25-21    (d) of this section as a condition of doing business in this state;

25-22                (2)  to conduct such investigations as are necessary to

25-23    determine the existence, impact, and scope of competition in the

25-24    telecommunications industry, including identifying dominant

25-25    carriers in the local telecommunications and intralata

25-26    interexchange telecommunications industry and defining the

25-27    telecommunications market or markets, and in connection therewith

 26-1    may call and hold hearings, issue subpoenas to compel the

 26-2    attendance of witnesses and the production of papers and documents,

 26-3    and make findings of fact and decisions with respect to

 26-4    administering the provisions of this Act or the rules, orders, and

 26-5    other actions of the commission;

 26-6                (3)  to require the filing of such reports as the

 26-7    commission may direct from time to time;

 26-8                (4)  to require the maintenance of statewide average

 26-9    rates or prices of telecommunications service;

26-10                (5)  to require that every local exchange area have

26-11    access to local and interexchange telecommunications service,

26-12    except that a telecommunications utility must be allowed to

26-13    discontinue service to a local exchange area if comparable service

26-14    is available in the area and the discontinuance is not contrary to

26-15    the public interest; this section does not authorize the commission

26-16    to require a telecommunications utility that has not provided

26-17    services to a local exchange area during the previous 12 months and

26-18    that has never provided services to that same local exchange area

26-19    for a cumulative period of one year at any time in the past to

26-20    initiate services to that local exchange area; [and]

26-21                (6)  to require the quality of telecommunications

26-22    service provided in each exchange to be adequate to protect the

26-23    public interest and the interests of customers of that exchange if

26-24    the commission determines that service to a local exchange has

26-25    deteriorated to the point that service is not reliable; and

26-26                (7)  to revoke a registration for repeated violations

26-27    of this Act or commission rules.

 27-1          SECTION 21.  Section 3.051(s)(1), Public Utility Regulatory

 27-2    Act of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

 27-3    amended to read as follows:

 27-4                (1)  Except as otherwise specifically provided by this

 27-5    Act, the commission shall have only the following authority over a

 27-6    holder of a certificate of operating authority or service provider

 27-7    certificate of operating authority:

 27-8                      (A)  to enforce the applicable provisions of this

 27-9    Act as provided by Subtitle I, Title I, of this Act;

27-10                      (B)  to assert jurisdiction over a specific

27-11    service in accordance with Section 3.2572 of this Act;

27-12                      (C)  to require co-carriage reciprocity; [and]

27-13                      (D)  to regulate condemnation and building

27-14    access;

27-15                      (E)  to establish and ensure service quality and

27-16    reliability and customer service and protection; and

27-17                      (F)  to revoke a certificate under Section 3.263

27-18    of this Act.

27-19          SECTION 22.  Section 3.2625(g), Public Utility Regulatory Act

27-20    of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

27-21    amended to read as follows:

27-22          (g)  The commission may order disconnection of service or

27-23    revocation of registration [for up to one year] for repeat

27-24    violations of this Act or commission rules.

27-25          SECTION 23.  Section 3.263(a), Public Utility Regulatory Act

27-26    of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is

27-27    amended to read as follows:

 28-1          (a)  The commission at any time after notice and hearing may

 28-2    revoke or amend any certificate of convenience and necessity,

 28-3    certificate of operating authority, or service provider certificate

 28-4    of operating authority if it finds that the certificate holder has

 28-5    never provided or is no longer providing service in the area or

 28-6    part of the area covered by the certificate.  The commission may

 28-7    also revoke a certificate of convenience and necessity,

 28-8    certificate of operating authority, or service provider certificate

 28-9    of operating authority for repeated violations of this Act or

28-10    commission rules.

28-11          SECTION 24.  (a)  The Public Utility Commission of Texas and

28-12    the comptroller of public accounts shall conduct a joint study of

28-13    the structure of the gross receipts tax imposed under Section

28-14    1.351, Public Utility Regulatory Act of 1995 (Article 1446c-0,

28-15    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).  The study must include an

28-16    examination of the potential effect of deregulation on the revenue

28-17    generated by the tax during the next 10 years.

28-18          (b)  The Public Utility Commission of Texas and the

28-19    comptroller of public accounts shall prepare a joint report

28-20    detailing their findings.  The report must include recommendations

28-21    on any problems or issues the commission and the comptroller

28-22    determine should be addressed by legislation or agency action.

28-23          (c)  Not later than January 15, 1999, the Public Utility

28-24    Commission of Texas and the comptroller of public accounts shall

28-25    submit the report required by Subsection (b) of this section to the

28-26    76th Legislature.

28-27          SECTION 25.  The following provisions of the Public Utility

 29-1    Regulatory Act of 1995 (Article 1446c-0, Vernon's Texas Civil

 29-2    Statutes) are repealed:

 29-3                (1)  Section 1.024;

 29-4                (2)  Section 1.025(c); and

 29-5                (3)  Section 1.052.

 29-6          SECTION 26.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997, except

 29-7    that Section 17 of this Act takes effect on the first date on which

 29-8    it may take effect under Section 39, Article III, Texas

 29-9    Constitution.

29-10          SECTION 27.  The importance of this legislation and the

29-11    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

29-12    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

29-13    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

29-14    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

29-15    and that this Act take effect and be in force according to its

29-16    terms, and it is so enacted.