By Barrientos                                   S.B. No. 1081

      75R6367 T                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to peer review protections for registered nurses when

 1-3     advocating for patients or refusing to engage in unsafe care and

 1-4     when employer reports inappropriate patient care.


 1-6           SECTION 1.  Amend Article 4525d, Revised Statutes, to read as

 1-7     follows:

 1-8     Art. 4525d.  Protection for Refusal To Engage in Certain Conduct.

 1-9           Sec. 1.  (a)  A person may not suspend, terminate, or

1-10     otherwise discipline or discriminate against a registered nurse

1-11     [who] because the nurse:

1-12                 (1)  refuses to engage in an act or omission relating

1-13     to patient care that would constitute grounds for reporting the

1-14     nurse to the  board under Article 4525a, Revised Statutes, if the

1-15     nurse notifies the person at the time of the refusal that the

1-16     reason for refusing is that the act or omission constitutes grounds

1-17     for reporting the nurse to the board or is a violation of this

1-18     chapter or a rule of the board or is an act or omission that a

1-19     reasonable, prudent nurse would not commit.

1-20                 (2)  provides patient care-related information to a

1-21     patient or a patient's representative unless a reasonable prudent

1-22     registered  nurse would determine that it is not in the patient's

1-23     best interest for the information to be provided or the patient's

1-24     file contains written instruction from the patient's physician that

 2-1     it is not in the patient's best interest for information of that

 2-2     type to be provided.

 2-3                 (3)  advocates for a patient to an employer, health

 2-4     maintenance organization, preferred provider organization,

 2-5     insurance carrier, third  party payer, health care professional, or

 2-6     health care facility or agency unless a reasonable, prudent RN

 2-7     would determine the advocacy is inappropriate or not in the

 2-8     patient's best interest.

 2-9                 (4)  identifies herself or himself to the patient or

2-10     patient's representative as a registered nurse verbally, by

2-11     nametag, or  otherwise, or identifies other personnel either by

2-12     their authorized title if licensed or certified by the state or as

2-13     unlicensed aides if not licensed or certified by the state.

2-14                 (5)  discusses with the patient or the patient's

2-15     representative the type of personnel providing nursing care to the

2-16     patient, the  amount of time care will be provided by a registered

2-17     nurse, under whose supervision unlicensed personnel will be

2-18     providing nursing care, and whether a registered nurse has overall

2-19     charge of the patient's nursing care.

2-20           (b)  An act by a person under Subsection (a) does not

2-21     constitute a violation of this article if:

2-22                 (1)  a nursing peer review committee under Article

2-23     4525b, Revised Statutes, finds that the act or omission [the nurse

2-24     refused to commit] was not conduct that is reportable to the board

2-25     under Section 1A, Article 4525a, Revised Statutes or an act or

2-26     omission that a reasonable, prudent RN would not have refused to

2-27     commit; or

 3-1                 (2)  a nursing peer review committee under Article

 3-2     4525b, Revised Statutes, finds that the act or omission [the nurse

 3-3     refused to commit] was conduct that is reportable to the board or

 3-4     was an act or omission that a reasonable prudent RN would have not

 3-5     have committed and the person rescinds any disciplinary or

 3-6     discriminatory action taken against the nurse,  compensates the

 3-7     nurse for lost wages, and restores to the nurse any lost benefits.

 3-8           Sec. 2.  (a)  An employer, employment agency, employment

 3-9     clearinghouse or other person may not provide information to an

3-10     employer, prospective  employer, an employment agency, employment

3-11     clearinghouse or other person about a registered nurse that states

3-12     or implies the reason a registered nurse was terminated, suspended,

3-13     requested to resign or otherwise disciplined was because of an act

3-14     or omission relating to patient care that constitutes conduct

3-15     reportable to the under Section 1, Article 4525a, Revised Statutes,

3-16     except as provided in subsection (b).  This subsection shall apply

3-17     regardless of whether the person states the conduct is reportable

3-18     as long as the act or omission described is conduct reportable

3-19     under Section 1, Article 4525a.

3-20           (b)  Subsection (a) shall not apply if a nursing peer review

3-21     committee has found the act or omission of the registered nurse

3-22     constitutes conduct reportable to to the Board under Section 1,

3-23     Article 4525a.

3-24           Sec. 3.  An appropriate licensing agency may take action

3-25     against a person who violates this article.

3-26           Sec. 4.  A registered nurse has a cause of action against a

3-27     person violating this article.  The person may recover:

 4-1                 (1)  actual damages, including damages for mental

 4-2     anguish even though no other injury is shown, or $1,000, whichever

 4-3     amount is greater;

 4-4                 (2)  exemplary damages;

 4-5                 (3)  costs of court; and

 4-6                 (4)  reasonable attorney's fees.

 4-7           (b)  In addition to amounts recovered under Subsection (a) of

 4-8     this section, a person whose employment is suspended or terminated

 4-9     in violation of this section is entitled to:

4-10                 (1)  reinstatement in the employee's former position or

4-11     severance pay in an amount equal to three months of the employee's

4-12     most current  salary; and

4-13                 (2)  compensation for wages lost during the period of

4-14     suspension or termination.

4-15           (d)  An action under this article may be brought in the

4-16     district court of the county:

4-17                 (1)  in which the plaintiff resides;

4-18                 (2)  in which the plaintiff was employed by the

4-19     defendant; or

4-20                 (3)  in which the defendant conducts business.

4-21           Sec. 5.  In this article, "person" includes an individual,

4-22     organization, agency, facility, or other entity.

4-23           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

4-24           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the

4-25     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

4-26     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

4-27     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

 5-1     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.