1-1     By:  West                                             S.B. No. 1238

 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed March 12, 1997; March 17, 1997, read

 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on Criminal Justice;

 1-4     May 1, 1997, reported favorably, as amended, by the following vote:

 1-5     Yeas 6, Nays 0; May 1, 1997, sent to printer.)

 1-6     COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1                                 By:  West

 1-7     Amend S.B. No. 1238 by deleting in their entirety SECTION 2 and

 1-8     SECTION 3 of the bill.

 1-9                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

1-10                                   AN ACT

1-11     relating to the issuance of and withdrawal of a warrant for the

1-12     return to confinement of certain inmates released to the

1-13     supervision of the pardons and paroles division of the Texas

1-14     Department of Criminal Justice.


1-16           SECTION 1.  Subsection (a), Section 13, Article 42.18, Code

1-17     of Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:

1-18           (a)  A warrant for the return of a paroled prisoner, a

1-19     prisoner released to mandatory supervision, a prisoner released

1-20     although not eligible for release, a resident released to a

1-21     preparole or work program, a prisoner released on emergency

1-22     reprieve or on furlough, or a person released on a conditional

1-23     pardon to the institution from which the person was paroled,

1-24     released, or pardoned may be issued by the director or a designated

1-25     agent of the director in cases of parole or mandatory supervision,

1-26     or by the board on order by the governor in other cases, if there

1-27     is reason to believe that the person has been released although not

1-28     eligible for release, if the person has been arrested for an

1-29     offense, if there is a document that is self-authenticating as

1-30     provided by Rule 902, Texas Rules of Criminal Evidence, [verified

1-31     complaint] stating that the person violated a rule or condition of

1-32     release, or if there is reliable evidence that the person has

1-33     exhibited behavior during the person's release that indicates to a

1-34     reasonable person that the person poses a danger to society that

1-35     warrants the person's immediate return to custody.  The person may

1-36     be held in custody pending a determination of all facts surrounding

1-37     the alleged offense, violation of a rule or condition of release,

1-38     or dangerous behavior.  A designated agent of the director acts

1-39     independently from a parole officer and must receive specialized

1-40     training as determined by the director.  Such warrant shall

1-41     authorize all officers named therein to take actual custody of the

1-42     prisoner and detain and house the prisoner until a parole panel

1-43     orders the return of the prisoner to the institution from which he

1-44     was released.  Pending hearing, as hereinafter provided, upon any

1-45     charge of parole violation, ineligible release, or violation of the

1-46     conditions of mandatory supervision, a prisoner returned to custody

1-47     shall remain incarcerated.  If the director, a board member, or a

1-48     designated agent of the director or the board is otherwise

1-49     authorized to issue a warrant under this subsection, the division

1-50     may instead issue to a prisoner a summons requiring the prisoner to

1-51     appear for a hearing under Section 14 of this article.  The summons

1-52     must state the time, place, date, and purpose of the hearing.

1-53           SECTION 2.  Section 14, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal

1-54     Procedure, is amended by amending Subsection (c) and adding

1-55     Subsection (d) to read as follows:

1-56           (c)  The requirement in Subsection (a) that a warrant be

1-57     withdrawn does not apply if the person:

1-58                 (1)  has been removed from the custody of a county

1-59     sheriff by the department and placed in a community residential

1-60     facility;

1-61                 (2)  is in custody in another state or in a federal

1-62     correctional facility;

1-63                 (3)  is granted a continuance, not to exceed the 181st

1-64     day after the arrest, or the attorney representing the person or

 2-1     the attorney representing the state is granted a continuance, not

 2-2     to exceed the 181st day after the arrest; [or]

 2-3                 (4)  is subject to pending criminal charges that have

 2-4     not been adjudicated; or

 2-5                 (5)  is extradited to this state from another state.

 2-6           (d)  A parole panel or designee of the board shall hold a

 2-7     hearing for a person described by Subsection (c) within a

 2-8     reasonable time after the time on which, as appropriate:

 2-9                 (1)  the person is placed in a community residential

2-10     facility or is extradited or otherwise returned from the custody of

2-11     another state or the federal government;

2-12                 (2)  there is a disposition of the pending criminal

2-13     charges; or

2-14                 (3)  any continuance has expired.

2-15           SECTION 3.  The change in law made by Section 2 of this Act

2-16     to Section 14, Article 42.18, Code of Criminal Procedure, applies

2-17     only to a person for whom a warrant is issued under Section 13,

2-18     Article 42.18, Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended by this Act,

2-19     on or after the effective date of this Act.  A person for whom a

2-20     warrant is issued before the effective date of this Act is covered

2-21     by the law in effect when the warrant was issued, and the former

2-22     law is continued in effect for that purpose.

2-23           SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

2-24           SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the

2-25     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

2-26     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

2-27     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

2-28     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.

2-29                                  * * * * *