1-1     relating to parking, vehicle traffic, and security in the Capitol

 1-2     Complex.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Chapter 443, Government Code, is amended by

 1-5     adding Section 443.015 to read as follows:

 1-6           Sec. 443.015.  PARKING METERS.  (a)  The board may expend any

 1-7     available funds for the installation of parking meters in

 1-8     appropriate areas of the Capitol Complex for which parking and

 1-9     traffic control is under the jurisdiction of the Department of

1-10     Public Safety.  The board shall cooperate with the department in

1-11     the installation of the meters.

1-12           (b)  The Department of Public Safety is responsible for the

1-13     operation and maintenance of parking meters installed under this

1-14     section and shall enforce parking violations related to metered

1-15     spaces in accordance with Subchapter E, Chapter 411.  The board may

1-16     reimburse the department for the department's expenses in operating

1-17     and maintaining the parking meters.

1-18           (c)  The board and department may not install, operate, or

1-19     maintain parking meters that accept only quarters.

1-20           (d)  The revenue collected from meters installed under this

1-21     section shall be deposited in the Capitol fund.

1-22           (e)  For purposes of this section, the Capitol Complex

1-23     includes the William P. Clements State Office Building.

 2-1           SECTION 2.  Chapter 443, Government Code, is amended by

 2-2     adding Section 443.0151 to read as follows:

 2-3           Sec. 443.0151.  VISITOR PARKING FACILITIES.  (a)  The board

 2-4     shall operate a garage or similar parking facility for the benefit

 2-5     of visitors to the Capitol Complex.

 2-6           (b)  The board may set and collect a fee for parking.

 2-7     Revenue from the parking facility shall be credited to the Capitol

 2-8     fund.  If revenue bonds are issued for the project, the board shall

 2-9     transfer to the Texas Public Finance Authority the amount necessary

2-10     for the debt service on not more than one-half of the total amount

2-11     of bonds issued.

2-12           (c)  The Department of Public Safety shall enforce the rules

2-13     of the board governing parking in the facility in the same manner

2-14     in which the department enforces the department's rules under

2-15     Subchapter E, Chapter 411, including the issuance of administrative

2-16     citations for violations of the board's rules.  Except as provided

2-17     by board rule, the parking rules of the department adopted under

2-18     that subchapter do not apply to parking in the facility.

2-19           SECTION 3.  Subsection (a), Section 411.061, Government Code,

2-20     is amended to read as follows:

2-21           (a)  In this subchapter, "Capitol Complex" means the

2-22     following property that is[:]

2-23                 [(1)]  located in Austin, Texas, to the extent the

2-24     property is owned by or under the control of the state:

2-25                 (1)  [in] the area bounded on the north by the inside

 3-1     curb of Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard, on the east by the

 3-2     outside curb of Trinity Street, on the south by the outside curb of

 3-3     10th Street, and on the west by the outside curb of Lavaca Street;

 3-4                 (2)  [, and including] the William P. Clements State

 3-5     Office Building located at 300 West 15th Street; and

 3-6                 (3)  [.  The term shall also apply to] other locations

 3-7     under the jurisdiction of the capitol police district as may be

 3-8     approved by the director[; and]

 3-9                 [(2)  owned by or under the control of the state].

3-10           SECTION 4.  Section 411.062, Government Code, is amended by

3-11     adding Subsections (f) and (g) to read as follows:

3-12           (f)  The department and the City of Austin shall execute an

3-13     interlocal cooperation agreement that defines the respective

3-14     responsibilities of the department and the city for traffic and

3-15     parking enforcement and general security in the Capitol Complex,

3-16     including private property within the boundaries of the complex.

3-17           (g)  The commission may authorize the director to impose

3-18     within the Capitol Complex measures the director determines to be

3-19     necessary to protect the safety and security of persons and

3-20     property within the complex.

3-21           SECTION 5.  Section 411.063, Government Code, is amended by

3-22     amending Subsections (b) and (d) and adding Subsection (e) to read

3-23     as follows:

3-24           (b)  Rules adopted under this section may:

3-25                 (1)  regulate the type, flow, and direction of

 4-1     vehicular traffic;

 4-2                 (2)  designate, mark, and assign areas and spaces for

 4-3     parking for elected state officials, chief executives and employees

 4-4     of state agencies located in the Capitol Complex, state-owned

 4-5     vehicles, business vehicles, and visitors to the Capitol Complex;

 4-6                 (3)  establish a system of registration for vehicle

 4-7     identification;

 4-8                 (4)  prohibit or restrict the use of areas and spaces

 4-9     for parking;

4-10                 (5)  establish a reasonable fee for parking in a

4-11     parking space on a parking lot or in a parking garage that is

4-12     located in the Capitol Complex, other than a space in the capitol

4-13     driveway or capitol extension garage; and

4-14                 (6)  provide for the towing and storing, at the expense

4-15     of the owner, of a vehicle parked in violation of a rule.

4-16           (d)  Except as provided by Section 443.015, the [The]

4-17     department shall remit to the comptroller for deposit to the credit

4-18     of State Parking Fund No. 125 any fee collected for the parking of

4-19     a vehicle in the Capitol Complex.  Money in the fund may be

4-20     appropriated only to the department for the operation, maintenance,

4-21     and improvement of state parking facilities on, and for security

4-22     in, the Capitol Complex.

4-23           (e)  To the extent that the City of Austin on January 1,

4-24     1997, operated and maintained parking meters along either side of

4-25     the streets forming the perimeter of the Capitol Complex, the city

 5-1     is entitled to continue to operate, maintain, and receive the

 5-2     revenue from those meters, except that the city may not operate or

 5-3     maintain along those streets meters that accept only quarters.

 5-4           SECTION 6.  Subchapter E, Chapter 411, Government Code, is

 5-5     amended by adding Section 411.0645 to read as follows:

 5-6           Sec. 411.0645.  TRANSPORTATION PLANNING COMMITTEE.  (a)  The

 5-7     department, the City of Austin, the Capital Metropolitan

 5-8     Transportation Authority, the General Services Commission, the

 5-9     State Preservation Board, and The University of Texas at Austin

5-10     shall each designate a representative to a committee established

5-11     for the purpose of coordinating transportation in and adjacent to

5-12     the Capitol Complex.  The representative of the department shall

5-13     convene the initial meeting of the committee, and  the committee

5-14     shall elect officers and meet as decided by the committee.

5-15           (b)  The committee may develop and recommend to the agencies

5-16     represented agreements and memoranda of understanding relating to

5-17     transportation in and adjacent to the Capitol Complex, including

5-18     agreements or understandings relating to parking, vehicle traffic,

5-19     and the location of light rail or other mass transit terminals and

5-20     facilities in that area.

5-21           SECTION 7.  Subsection (a), Section 411.065, Government Code,

5-22     is amended to read as follows:

5-23           (a)  A person commits an offense if the person[:]

5-24                 [(1)  drives or operates a motor vehicle at a speed

5-25     greater than 15 miles per hour in the Capitol Complex; or]

 6-1                 [(2)]  violates a rule of the department adopted under

 6-2     Section 411.062 or 411.063.

 6-3           SECTION 8.  The Texas Public Finance Authority Act (Article

 6-4     601d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by adding Section

 6-5     24B to read as follows:

 6-6           Sec. 24B.  CAPITOL COMPLEX PARKING FACILITIES.  (a)  The

 6-7     construction of parking facilities for state officers and employees

 6-8     and for visitors to the Capitol Complex, at an estimated cost of

 6-9     $29.5 million,  is approved for financing in accordance with

6-10     Section 9 of this Act, and bonds may be issued to finance the

6-11     construction in accordance with Section 10 of this Act.

6-12           (b)  The parking facility for state officers and employees

6-13     authorized under Subsection (a) of this section is projected to be

6-14     built on current state parking Lot 20.  The parking facility for

6-15     visitors to the Capitol Complex is projected to be built on current

6-16     state parking Lot 17 and shall be under the control of the State

6-17     Preservation Board.

6-18           SECTION 9.  Section 27, Texas Public Finance Authority Act

6-19     (Article 601d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding

6-20     Subsection (d) to read as follows:

6-21           (d)  Within the principal amount of the bond issue authorized

6-22     under this Act for purposes of the project approved by this

6-23     section, additional parking facilities, projected to be constructed

6-24     on parking Lot 2E, are approved for financing.

6-25           SECTION 10.  The importance of this legislation and the

                                                               S.B. No. 1301

 7-1     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

 7-2     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

 7-3     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

 7-4     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

 7-5     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

 7-6     passage, and it is so enacted.

         _______________________________     _______________________________

             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House

               I hereby certify that S.B. No. 1301 passed the Senate on

         April 3, 1997, by the following vote:  Yeas 31, Nays 0; and that

         the Senate concurred in House amendments on May 12, 1997, by the

         following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0.


                                                 Secretary of the Senate

               I hereby certify that S.B. No. 1301 passed the House, with

         amendments, on May 8, 1997, by the following vote:  Yeas 137,

         Nays 4, one present not voting.


                                                 Chief Clerk of the House




