1-1     By:  Harris                                           S.B. No. 1301

 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed March 12, 1997; March 18, 1997, read

 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on Administration;

 1-4     March 26, 1997, reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas 5,

 1-5     Nays 0; March 26, 1997, sent to printer.)

 1-6                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-7                                   AN ACT

 1-8     relating to parking, vehicle traffic, and security in the Capitol

 1-9     Complex.


1-11           SECTION 1.  Chapter 443, Government Code, is amended by

1-12     adding Section 443.015 to read as follows:

1-13           Sec. 443.015.  PARKING METERS.  (a)  The board may expend any

1-14     available funds for the installation of parking meters in

1-15     appropriate areas of the Capitol Complex for which parking and

1-16     traffic control is under the jurisdiction of the Department of

1-17     Public Safety.  The board shall cooperate with the Department of

1-18     Public Safety in the installation of the meters.

1-19           (b)  The Department of Public Safety is responsible for

1-20     operation and maintenance of parking meters installed under this

1-21     section and shall enforce parking violations related to metered

1-22     spaces in accordance with Subchapter E, Chapter 411.

1-23           (c)  Fifty percent of the revenue collected from meters

1-24     installed under this section shall be deposited in the Capitol

1-25     fund, and 50 percent shall be deposited in the State Parking Fund

1-26     No. 125 as provided by Section 411.063(d).

1-27           (d)  For purposes of this section, the Capitol Complex

1-28     includes the William P. Clements State Office Building.

1-29           SECTION 2.  Subsection (a), Section 411.061, Government Code,

1-30     is amended to read as follows:

1-31           (a)  In this subchapter, "Capitol Complex" means the

1-32     following property that is[:]

1-33                 [(1)]  located in Austin, Texas, to the extent the

1-34     property is owned by or under the control of the state:

1-35                 (1)  [in] the area bounded, by the inside curbs, on the

1-36     north by Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard, on the east by Trinity

1-37     Street, on the south by 10th Street, and on the west by Lavaca

1-38     Street;

1-39                 (2)  [, and including] the William P. Clements State

1-40     Office Building located at 300 West 15th Street; and

1-41                 (3)  [.  The term shall also apply to] other locations

1-42     under the jurisdiction of the capitol police district as may be

1-43     approved by the director[; and]

1-44                 [(2)  owned by or under the control of the state].

1-45           SECTION 3.  Section 411.062, Government Code, is amended by

1-46     adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:

1-47           (f)  The department and the City of Austin shall execute an

1-48     interlocal cooperation agreement that defines the respective

1-49     responsibilities of the department and the city for traffic and

1-50     parking enforcement and general security in the Capitol Complex,

1-51     including private property within the boundaries of the complex.

1-52           SECTION 4.  Subsection (d), Section 411.063, Government Code,

1-53     is amended to read as follows:

1-54           (d)  Except as provided by Section 443.015, the [The]

1-55     department shall remit to the comptroller for deposit to the credit

1-56     of State Parking Fund No. 125 any fee collected for the parking of

1-57     a vehicle in the Capitol Complex.  Money in the fund may be

1-58     appropriated only to the department for the operation, maintenance,

1-59     and improvement of state parking facilities on, and for security

1-60     in, the Capitol Complex.

1-61           SECTION 5.  Notwithstanding Section 443.015, Government Code,

1-62     as added by this Act, and Subsection (d), Section 411.063,

1-63     Government Code, as amended by this Act, all revenue collected from

1-64     parking meters installed under Section 443.015 shall be deposited

 2-1     to the credit of the Capitol fund until the amount so deposited

 2-2     equals the expenditures of the State Preservation Board in the

 2-3     installation of those meters.  After that board is fully reimbursed

 2-4     for the cost of installation, the revenue from the meters shall be

 2-5     divided and deposited as provided by Subsection (c), Section

 2-6     443.015, Government Code, as added by this Act.

 2-7           SECTION 6.  The importance of this legislation and the

 2-8     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

 2-9     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

2-10     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

2-11     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

2-12     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

2-13     passage, and it is so enacted.

2-14                                  * * * * *