By Ratliff                                      S.B. No. 1302

      75R8408 CLG-D                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the filing of a certain instrument and registration of

 1-3     a trademark or service mark with the secretary of state; providing

 1-4     a criminal penalty.


 1-6           SECTION 1.  Section 16.10, Business & Commerce Code, is

 1-7     amended to read as follows:

 1-8           Sec. 16.10.  APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION.  (a)  Subject to

 1-9     the limitations prescribed by this chapter, a [A] person may

1-10     [shall] file an [his] application to register a mark in the office

1-11     of the secretary of state on a form prescribed by the secretary of

1-12     state.

1-13           (b)  The applicant shall include in the application:

1-14                 (1)  the name and business address of the applicant;

1-15                 (2)  if the applicant is a corporation, limited

1-16     partnership, limited liability company, or other business entity,

1-17     the state of incorporation or organization [of the applicant if the

1-18     applicant is a corporation];

1-19                 (3)  an appointment of the secretary of state as the

1-20     applicant's agent for service of process only in suits relating to

1-21     the registration which may be issued if the applicant:

1-22                       (A)  is or becomes a:

1-23                             (i)  nonresident individual, partnership,

1-24     or association; or

 2-1                             (ii)  foreign corporation, limited

 2-2     partnership, or limited liability company without a certificate of

 2-3     authority to do business in this state; or

 2-4                       (B)  cannot be found in this state;

 2-5                 (4)  the names or a description of the goods or

 2-6     services in connection with which the mark is being used;

 2-7                 (5)  the manner in which the mark is being used in

 2-8     connection with the goods or services;

 2-9                 (6)  the class in which the applicant believes the

2-10     goods or services belong;

2-11                 (7)  the date on which the applicant first used the

2-12     mark anywhere in connection with the goods or services;

2-13                 (8)  the date on which the applicant first used the

2-14     mark in this state in connection with the goods or services;

2-15                 (9)  a statement that the applicant [believes he] is

2-16     the owner of the mark, and that, to the best of the applicant's

2-17     [his] knowledge, no other person is entitled to use the mark in

2-18     this state:

2-19                       (A)  in the identical form used by the applicant;

2-20     or

2-21                       (B)  in a form that is likely, when used in

2-22     connection with the goods or services, to cause confusion or

2-23     mistake, or to deceive, because of its resemblance to the mark used

2-24     by the applicant; [and]

2-25                 (10)  a narrative description of the mark; and

2-26                 (11)  such additional information or documents as the

2-27     secretary of state may reasonably require.

 3-1           (c)  The applicant shall:

 3-2                 (1)  prepare and file the application and a copy of the

 3-3     application with the secretary of state; and

 3-4                 (2)  submit as part of the application to the secretary

 3-5     of state:

 3-6                       (A)  two identical specimens or facsimiles of the

 3-7     mark as actually used, one specimen or facsimile with the original

 3-8     application and one specimen or facsimile with the copy; [and,]

 3-9                       (B)  a drawing of the mark that complies with any

3-10     requirement specified by the secretary of state; and

3-11                       (C)  an application [a filing] fee of $50 payable

3-12     to the secretary of state.

3-13           (d)  The applicant or the applicant's [his] agent shall sign

3-14     [and verify] the application.

3-15           SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 16, Business & Commerce

3-16     Code, is amended by adding Sections 16.105-16.109 to read as

3-17     follows:

3-18           Sec. 16.105.  EXAMINATION OF APPLICATION.  (a)  On the filing

3-19     of an application for registration and payment of the application

3-20     fee, the secretary of state shall examine the application for

3-21     compliance with this chapter.

3-22           (b)  The applicant shall provide to the secretary of state

3-23     additional pertinent information requested by the secretary of

3-24     state.

3-25           (c)  The secretary of state shall examine applications in the

3-26     order in which the applications are filed, including applications

3-27     concurrently processed for registration of the same or confusingly

 4-1     similar marks used in connection with the same or similar goods or

 4-2     services.

 4-3           Sec. 16.106.  AMENDMENT TO APPLICATION.  (a)  The applicant

 4-4     may make an amendment to the application as reasonably requested by

 4-5     the secretary of state or in response to a rejection or objection

 4-6     to the registration by the secretary of state.

 4-7           (b)  An amendment to the application, other than an amendment

 4-8     to the date on which the applicant first uses the mark, may be made

 4-9     by the applicant's agent.  The secretary of state may require the

4-10     applicant to execute and submit a new application instead of making

4-11     an amendment.

4-12           (c)  An amendment to the application made to the date on

4-13     which the applicant first used the mark  may not specify a date of

4-14     use that is after the date on which the application was filed.

4-15           Sec. 16.107.  DISCLAIMER OF UNREGISTRABLE COMPONENT.  The

4-16     secretary of state may require the applicant to disclaim or the

4-17     applicant may voluntarily disclaim an unregistrable component of a

4-18     mark that is otherwise registrable.  A disclaimer may not prejudice

4-19     or affect the:

4-20                 (1)  rights of the applicant or registrant in the

4-21     disclaimed matter; or

4-22                 (2)  rights of the applicant or registrant to make an

4-23     application to register a mark if the disclaimed matter is

4-24     distinctive of the goods or services of the applicant or

4-25     registrant.


4-27     MARK.  (a)  When concurrently processing applications for the same

 5-1     or confusingly similar marks used in connection with the same or

 5-2     similar goods or services, the secretary of state shall give

 5-3     priority to the application that was filed first.  If the

 5-4     previously filed application is registered, the secretary of state

 5-5     shall reject the other application.

 5-6           (b)  The applicant may bring an action for cancellation of

 5-7     the previously issued registration on the ground that the applicant

 5-8     has a prior or superior right to the mark under this chapter.

 5-9           Sec. 16.109.  DENIAL OF REGISTRATION.  (a)  If the secretary

5-10     of state finds that the applicant is not entitled to register the

5-11     mark, the secretary of state shall:

5-12                 (1)  notify the applicant of the reason for the denial

5-13     of the application; and

5-14                 (2)  give the applicant a reasonable amount of time as

5-15     prescribed by the secretary of state in which to:

5-16                       (A)  issue a response to the denial; or

5-17                       (B)  amend the application.

5-18           (b)  The applicant may repeat the examination procedures

5-19     described by Subsection (a) until the earlier of:

5-20                 (1)  the expiration of the period prescribed by the

5-21     secretary of state under Subsection (a)(2); or

5-22                 (2)  the date on which the secretary of state finally

5-23     refuses registration of the application.

5-24           (c)  If the secretary of state finally refuses registration

5-25     of the mark, the applicant may seek a review of the decision of the

5-26     secretary of state in accordance with the procedures prescribed by

5-27     this chapter.

 6-1           SECTION 3.  Section 16.11, Business & Commerce Code, is

 6-2     amended to read as follows:

 6-3           Sec. 16.11.  REGISTRATION BY SECRETARY OF STATE.  If the

 6-4     application satisfies the requirements of this chapter, and the

 6-5     application [filing] fee has been [is] paid, the secretary of state

 6-6     shall:

 6-7                 (1)  endorse on the original and the copy of the

 6-8     application:

 6-9                       (A)  the word "filed"; and

6-10                       (B)  the date on which the application was filed;

6-11                 (2)  file the original in his office;

6-12                 (3)  issue a certificate of registration evidencing

6-13     registration on the date on which the application was filed;

6-14                 (4)  attach the copy to the certificate of

6-15     registration; and

6-16                 (5)  deliver the certificate of registration with the

6-17     attached copy of the application to the applicant.

6-18           SECTION 4.  Section 16.14, Business & Commerce Code, is

6-19     amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (d) to

6-20     read as follows:

6-21           (a)  The registration of a mark under this chapter may be

6-22     renewed for an additional 10-year term by filing a renewal

6-23     application within six months before the day the registration

6-24     expires [on a form prescribed by the secretary of state].  The

6-25     registrant shall submit [as part of his renewal application] to the

6-26     secretary of state:

6-27                 (1)  a renewal application [an affidavit] stating that:

 7-1                       (A)  the mark is still in use in this state; or

 7-2                       (B)  nonuse of the mark in this state:

 7-3                             (i)  is due to special circumstances which

 7-4     excuse the nonuse; and

 7-5                             (ii)  is not due to an intention to abandon

 7-6     the mark in this state; and

 7-7                 (2)  a renewal application fee of $25 payable to the

 7-8     secretary of state.

 7-9           (d)  The renewal application must be signed by the registrant

7-10     or the registrant's agent.

7-11           SECTION 5.  Section 16.15(a), Business & Commerce Code, is

7-12     amended to read as follows:

7-13           (a)  The secretary of state shall keep for public examination

7-14     a record of all:

7-15                 (1)  marks registered, reregistered, or renewed under

7-16     this chapter; [and]

7-17                 (2)  assignments recorded under Section 16.18 of this

7-18     code; and

7-19                 (3)  other instruments recorded under Section 16.19 of

7-20     this code.

7-21           SECTION 6.  Subchapter B, Chapter 16, Business & Commerce

7-22     Code, is amended by adding Sections 16.19, 16.20, and 16.21 to read

7-23     as follows:

7-24           Sec. 16.19.  RECORDATION OF OTHER INSTRUMENTS.  (a)  An

7-25     instrument that is related to the ownership of a mark registered

7-26     under this subchapter, including articles of merger or conversion

7-27     or a document effecting a name change, may be recorded with the

 8-1     secretary of state by:

 8-2                 (1)  filing a certified copy of the instrument; and

 8-3                 (2)  paying a filing fee in the amount established for

 8-4     the filing of an assignment under Section 16.18.

 8-5           (b)  This section does not apply to the recording of a

 8-6     mortgage or a security interest or other instrument that is

 8-7     recordable under the Uniform Commercial Code.

 8-8           (c)  A license agreement related to a mark registered under

 8-9     this chapter may not be recorded under this section.


8-11     (a)  If ownership of a registered mark is transferred or a

8-12     registrant's name is changed during the unexpired term of a

8-13     registration,  a new certificate of registration may be issued for

8-14     the remainder of the unexpired term of the mark's registration in

8-15     the name of the transferee or in the new name of the registrant  at

8-16     the request of the registrant or transferee.

8-17           (b)  A request for a new certificate must be signed by the

8-18     registrant or transferee and accompanied by a fee in the amount set

8-19     by Section 405.031(a), Government Code, for an official

8-20     certificate.

8-21           Sec. 16.21.  POWERS OF SECRETARY OF STATE.  (a)  The

8-22     secretary of state may adopt rules relating to the filing of

8-23     documents under this subchapter.

8-24           (b)  The secretary of state may prescribe forms for use in

8-25     filing documents under this subchapter.

8-26           SECTION 7.  Subchapter C, Chapter 16,  Business & Commerce

8-27     Code, is amended by adding Section 16.31 to read as follows:

 9-1           Sec. 16.31.  CRIMINAL PENALTY.  (a)  A person commits an

 9-2     offense if the person knowingly or intentionally signs and presents

 9-3     or causes to be presented for filing a document that may be or is

 9-4     required to be filed under this chapter and that:

 9-5                 (1)  indicates that the person signing the document has

 9-6     the authority to act on behalf of an applicant or registrant when

 9-7     the person is not authorized to act on behalf of the applicant or

 9-8     registrant;

 9-9                 (2)  contains a material false statement; or

9-10                 (3)  is forged.

9-11           (b)  An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor

9-12     unless the actor's intent is to defraud or harm another, in which

9-13     event the offense is a state jail felony.

9-14           SECTION 8.  Sections 16.12(b) and 16.14(c), Business &

9-15     Commerce Code, are repealed.

9-16           SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

9-17           SECTION 10.  The importance of this legislation and the

9-18     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

9-19     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

9-20     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

9-21     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.