By Ellis                                              S.B. No. 1502

         Substitute the following for S.B. No. 1502:

         By Hill                                           C.S.S.B. No. 1502

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to certain fees and bonds issued by the Texas Department

 1-3     of Housing and Community Affairs.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 2306.205, Government Code, is amended by

 1-6     adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:

 1-7           (f)  In addition to other amounts transferred into the

 1-8     housing trust fund under this section, and subject to Subsection

 1-9     (e), the department shall transfer into the fund the amount of any

1-10     issuance fees, asset oversight fees, and servicing fees the

1-11     department receives in relation to the administration of its

1-12     501(c)(3) bond program that exceeds the amount needed by the

1-13     department to pay its operating and overhead costs and fund

1-14     reserves, which may include an insurance reserve or credit

1-15     enhancement reserve, established by the board in administering the

1-16     program. In this subsection, "501(c)(3) bond program" means:

1-17                 (1)  the department's issuance of bonds the proceeds of

1-18     which the department is obligated to lend only to an organization

1-19     described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986

1-20     (26 U.S.C., Section 501(c)(3))  that is exempt from federal income

1-21     taxation under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986

1-22     (26 U.S.C., Section 501(a)(3)); and

1-23                 (2)  the loans made by the department with the proceeds

1-24     of those bonds and the department's administration of those loans.

 2-1           SECTION 2.  Subchapter P, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is

 2-2     amended by adding Section 2306.358 to read as follows:

 2-3           Sec. 2306.358.  ISSUANCE OF QUALIFIED 501(c)(3) BONDS.  (a)

 2-4     Of the total qualified 501(c)(3) bonds issued under Section 145 of

 2-5     the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 145) in each

 2-6     fiscal year,  the department shall allocate qualified 501(c)(3)

 2-7     bonding authority as follows:

 2-8                 (1)  not less than 50 percent of the total annual

 2-9     issuance amount authorized through the memorandum of understanding

2-10     in Subsection (b) is reserved for the purposes of new construction

2-11     or acquisition with substantial rehabilitation;

2-12                 (2)  not more than 25 percent of the total annual

2-13     issuance amount authorized through the memorandum of understanding

2-14     in Subsection (b) may be used for projects in any one metropolitan

2-15     area; and

2-16                 (3)  not less than 15 percent of the annual issuance

2-17     amount authorized through the memorandum of understanding in

2-18     Subsection (b) is reserved for projects in rural areas.

2-19           (a-1)  For the purposes of Subsection (a):

2-20                 (1)  "Rural area" and "metropolitan area" shall be

2-21     defined through the memorandum of understanding in Subsection (b).

2-22                 (2)  "Substantial rehabilitation" means rehabilitation

2-23     of a project with a rehabilitation cost of not less than $5,000 per

2-24     unit.

2-25           (b)  A qualified 501(c)(3) bond may not be issued unless

2-26     approved by the Bond Review Board.  The Bond Review Board shall

2-27     enter into a memorandum of understanding with the department

 3-1     specifying the amount of bonds to be issued for each fiscal year.

 3-2     The Bond Review Board may not approve a proposal to issue qualified

 3-3     501(c)(3) bonds unless the bonds meet the requirements of this

 3-4     section, and any other applicable laws.

 3-5           (c)  In addition to the requirements of Section 145 of the

 3-6     Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 145), a qualified

 3-7     501(c)(3) organization shall:

 3-8                 (1)  demonstrate to the department that the project is

 3-9     underwritten to:

3-10                       (A)  ensure that the project is efficiently

3-11     administered  and financially viable; and

3-12                       (B)  minimize the risk of the organization's

3-13     default;

3-14                 (2)  ensure that at least 60 percent of the housing to

3-15     be provided under the project is affordable housing provided to

3-16     individuals and families of low and very low income and:

3-17                       (A)  at least 40 percent of the units in a

3-18     multifamily development are affordable to individuals and families

3-19     with incomes at or below 60 percent of the median family income,

3-20     adjusted for family size; or

3-21                       (B)  at least 20 percent of the units in a

3-22     multifamily development are affordable to individuals and families

3-23     with incomes at or below 50 percent of the median family income,

3-24     adjusted for family size; and

3-25                 (3)  enter into an agreement with the department in

3-26     which the 501(c)(3) organization:

3-27                       (A)  agrees during the term of the agreement to

 4-1     reserve at least 60 percent of the housing to be provided under the

 4-2     project for individuals and families of low and very low income;

 4-3                       (B)  ensures that the reserved housing will

 4-4     remain affordable to individuals and families of low and very low

 4-5     income during the term of the agreement;

 4-6                       (C)  agrees not to discriminate against a tenant

 4-7     applicant solely because the applicant receives public rental

 4-8     assistance payments, except if at least 15 percent of the housing

 4-9     units provided under the project are occupied by tenants who

4-10     receive public rental assistance payments; and

4-11                       (D)  agrees to restrict the rents charged on

4-12     those units reserved for individuals and families of low and very

4-13     low income at 30 percent of the area median income adjusted for

4-14     family size and utility allowance, unless this requirement is

4-15     waived or modified on a case-by-case basis by the board, and

4-16     approved by the Bond Review Board, if both boards determine that

4-17     the waiver or modification is necessary for an area of the state

4-18     because the area's median income would prevent the construction of

4-19     new affordable projects.

4-20           (d)  Subsection (c)(3)(C) does not prohibit an organization

4-21     from requiring a tenant applicant who receives public assistance to

4-22     meet the organization's standard criteria for occupancy, including

4-23     such criteria as satisfactory creditworthiness and lack of criminal

4-24     history.

4-25           (e)  The agreement provided for in Subsection (c)(3) may

4-26     provide for the lease or sale of the project to a nonprofit

4-27     corporation approved by the department subject to the conditions

 5-1     specified in Subsection (c).

 5-2           (f)  Neither the department nor the Texas State Affordable

 5-3     Housing Corporation may use state or federal money to provide for

 5-4     the credit enhancement of a bond issued under this section unless

 5-5     the credit enhancement would facilitate the issuance of bonds for

 5-6     the purpose of financing the creation or preservation of affordable

 5-7     housing by 501(c)(3) nonprofit entities.

 5-8           (g)  In lieu of complying with the set-aside requirements

 5-9     specified in Subsection (c)(2), a qualified 501(c)(3) organization

5-10     may comply with such other set-asides or restrictions as are

5-11     approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a basis for the

5-12     determination letter addressed to the qualified 501(c)(3)

5-13     organization.

5-14           (h)  For purposes of this section, "rural area" and

5-15     "metropolitan area" shall be defined through the memorandum of

5-16     understanding provided for in Subsection (b) of this section.

5-17           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the

5-18     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

5-19     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

5-20     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

5-21     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

5-22     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

5-23     passage, and it is so enacted.