By Truan                                        S.B. No. 1510

      75R9277 T                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the establishment of the Texas Literacy Pilot Program

 1-3     to exempt literacy tutors from tuition and fees at public junior

 1-4     colleges and public universities.


 1-6           SECTION 1.  Chapter 56, Education Code, is amended by adding

 1-7     Subchapter L to read as follows:

 1-8           Sec. 56.220.  PROGRAM NAME.  The student financial assistance

 1-9     program authorized by this subchapter shall be known as the Texas

1-10     Literacy Pilot Program.

1-11           Sec. 56.221.  PURPOSE.  The purpose of this subchapter is to

1-12     increase the number of literate citizens in Texas by providing

1-13     exemptions from college tuition and fees to students working as

1-14     volunteer tutors in community-based literacy programs.

1-15           Sec. 56.222.  ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY.  The Texas Higher

1-16     Education Coordinating Board shall administer the Texas Literacy

1-17     Pilot Program.  The board shall work with eligible literacy

1-18     programs and institutions of higher education to provide eligible

1-19     students with tuition and fee exemptions based on their work as

1-20     tutors.

1-21           Sec. 56.223.  ELIGIBLE LITERACY PROGRAM.  An eligible

1-22     literacy program is a program run by a governmental entity or a

1-23     non-profit community organization or agency which offers literacy

1-24     tutoring to teenagers or adults.  To participate in the pilot

 2-1     program, a literacy program must:

 2-2           (a)  apply to the coordinating board for acceptance into the

 2-3     program using an application form developed and distributed by the

 2-4     board;

 2-5           (b)  keep accurate records of hours worked by participating

 2-6     students as tutors;

 2-7           (c)  notify the coordinating board, upon a student's

 2-8     completion of the required number of hours, that the student is

 2-9     eligible to receive a tuition and fee exemption;

2-10           (d)  provide to the student who complete the required number

2-11     of hours of tutoring a certificate of eligibility; and

2-12           (e)  provide annually to the board a report evaluating the

2-13     impact of the pilot program.

2-14           Sec. 56.224.  ELIGIBLE STUDENT.  (a)  To participate in the

2-15     pilot program a student must:

2-16                 (1)  be evaluated by the participating literacy program

2-17     and determined to be qualified to provide tutoring to teenagers or

2-18     adults; and

2-19                 (2)  meet the entrance and academic progress

2-20     requirements of the institution of higher education at which the

2-21     exemption is used.

2-22           (b)  To be eligible to receive a tuition and fee exemption

2-23     under this program, a student must complete no fewer than the

2-24     number of hours of tutoring required under this subchapter.

2-25           (c)  Preference will be given to students currently enrolled

2-26     in college who provide documentation from their institutions that

2-27     they have financial need.

 3-1           Sec. 56.225.  ELIGIBLE INSTITUTION.  An eligible institution

 3-2     is a general academic teaching institution or a public junior

 3-3     college as defined in Section 61.003 of this code.


 3-5     In selecting an eligible literacy program to participate in the

 3-6     pilot program, the board shall consider the following:

 3-7           (a)  statistics provided by the literacy program regarding

 3-8     the literacy challenges facing its community;

 3-9           (b)  the literacy program's current and prior year efforts to

3-10     provide literacy training to its community;

3-11           (c)  the stated plans of the literacy program to advertise

3-12     the exemption program and attract tutors to participate in the

3-13     pilot program; and

3-14           Sec. 56.227.  SIZE OF EXEMPTION AWARDS.  A student enrolled

3-15     in a public junior college may receive a $500 exemption of tuition

3-16     and fees upon completion of 50 hours of tutoring.  A student

3-17     enrolled in a general academic teaching institution may receive a

3-18     $1,000 exemption of tuition and fees upon completion of 100 hours

3-19     of tutoring.  The maximum award any student may receive is a $1,000

3-20     exemption from tuition and fees.

3-21           Sec. 56.228.  GRANTING OF EXEMPTIONS.  (a)  When a student

3-22     has completed the number of hours tutoring required to become

3-23     eligible for a tuition and fee exemption, the literacy program

3-24     shall provide the student with a certificate indicating the number

3-25     of hours of tutoring completed.  The certificate shall be on a form

3-26     designated by the coordinating board.

3-27           (b)  The literacy program shall report to the coordinating

 4-1     board:

 4-2                 (1)  the name of the student; and

 4-3                 (2)  the number of hours of tutoring the student has

 4-4     completed.

 4-5           (c)  An eligible student shall provide the certificate of

 4-6     completion to the institution of higher education in which the

 4-7     student is enrolled and in exchange shall receive an exemption for

 4-8     the amount of tuition and fees for which the student is eligible.

 4-9           (d)  At least once a year, an eligible institution shall

4-10     report to the coordinating board:

4-11                 (1)  the name of each student eligible for a tuition

4-12     and fee exemption; and

4-13                 (2)  the amount of each student's tuition and fee

4-14     exemption.

4-15           (e)  Upon receipt of the report from an eligible institution,

4-16     the coordinating board shall verify that the student has been

4-17     reported by the literacy program as having completed the required

4-18     number of hours tutoring.

4-19           (f)  Once the coordinating board verifies a student's

4-20     eligibility, the board shall pay the institution the amount of the

4-21     tuition and fee exemptions reported as earned by its students.

4-22           Sec. 56.229.  FUNDING.  (a)  The coordinating board may

4-23     accept gifts and grants from a public or private source for the

4-24     program.

4-25           (b)  Gifts, grants, and funds appropriated by the legislature

4-26     for this purpose may be used for the program.

4-27           Sec. 56.230.  RULE MAKING AUTHORITY.  The coordinating board

 5-1     shall adopt rules to implement and administer the literacy pilot

 5-2     program.

 5-3           SECTION 2.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

 5-4           (b)  No student may be granted a tuition and fee exemption

 5-5     prior to the spring semester of 1998.

 5-6           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the

 5-7     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

 5-8     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

 5-9     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

5-10     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.