By Madla                                              S.B. No. 1568

         75R6189 GJH-F                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to a retirement health trust for firefighters and police

 1-3     officers of certain municipalities.


 1-5                       ARTICLE 1.  GENERAL PROVISIONS

 1-6           SECTION 1.01.  PURPOSE.  The purpose of a fund established by

 1-7     this Act is to provide health care benefits for persons who retired

 1-8     on or after October 1, 1989, from a municipal fire or police

 1-9     department to which this Act applies because of the lasting health

1-10     consequences associated with the stressful nature of the

1-11     professions of fire fighting and law enforcement.

1-12           SECTION 1.02.  DEFINITIONS.  In this Act:

1-13                 (1)  "Board" means the board of trustees of a fund

1-14     established by this Act.

1-15                 (2)  "Fund" means the firefighter's and police

1-16     officer's retiree health care fund of a municipality to which this

1-17     Act applies.

1-18           SECTION 1.03.  APPLICABILITY.  This Act applies to a paid

1-19     fire and police department of a municipality with a population of

1-20     750,000 or more that has adopted Chapter 174, Local Government

1-21     Code.

1-22           SECTION 1.04.  STATUTORY TRUST.  (a)  The fund is a statutory

1-23     trust and is not a subdivision of government.

1-24           (b)  The board shall hold in trust the assets of the fund for

 2-1     the benefit of the members and retirees of the fund and their

 2-2     spouses in retirement.

 2-3           (c)  The fund may not be diverted, transferred, or used for

 2-4     any other purpose inconsistent with this Act and with the

 2-5     instruments governing the fund.

 2-6           (d)  A public or private agency or authority may not alter or

 2-7     impair any contract made by the board or under the authority or

 2-8     direction of the board.

 2-9           SECTION 1.05.  EXEMPTIONS.  The benefits of the fund are

2-10     exempt from garnishment, assignment, attachment, judgments, other

2-11     legal processes, and inheritance or other taxes established by this

2-12     state.


2-14           SECTION 2.01.  BOARD OF TRUSTEES.  (a)  The fund of a

2-15     municipality is governed by a board of trustees consisting of the

2-16     following nine members:

2-17                 (1)  the mayor of the municipality;

2-18                 (2)  two members of the municipal governing body,

2-19     appointed by that governing body;

2-20                 (3)  two active firefighters below the rank of fire

2-21     chief, elected by secret ballot by a majority of the votes cast by

2-22     the members of the fire department who are contributing members of

2-23     the fund;

2-24                 (4)  two active police officers below the rank of

2-25     police chief, elected by secret ballot by a majority of the votes

2-26     cast by the members of the police department who are contributing

2-27     members of the fund;

 3-1                 (5)  a retiree or beneficiary representative of the

 3-2     fire department, elected by secret ballot by a majority of the

 3-3     votes cast by the retirees and the spouses of the retirees of the

 3-4     fire department; and

 3-5                 (6)  a retiree or beneficiary representative of the

 3-6     police department, elected by secret ballot by a majority of the

 3-7     votes cast by the retirees and the spouses of the retirees of the

 3-8     police department.

 3-9           (b)  The board, through its secretary, shall administer the

3-10     required elections of the firefighter, police officer, and retiree

3-11     representative members.

3-12           (c)  The fund is independent of the control of the

3-13     municipality.

3-14           SECTION 2.02.  TERMS OF BOARD MEMBERS.  (a)  The mayor of the

3-15     municipality serves on the board for the term of the mayor's

3-16     office.

3-17           (b)  The two members of the municipal governing body serve on

3-18     the board for the term of the office to which they were elected.

3-19           (c)  The two active firefighters below the rank of fire chief

3-20     serve on the board for staggered four-year terms, with one member's

3-21     term expiring every two years.

3-22           (d)  The two active police officers below the rank of police

3-23     chief serve on the board for staggered four-year terms, with one

3-24     member's term expiring every two years.

3-25           (e)  The retiree or beneficiary representatives serve on the

3-26     board for staggered four-year terms, with one member's term

3-27     expiring every two years.

 4-1           SECTION 2.03.  REMOVAL OF BOARD MEMBERS.  (a)  Certain

 4-2     members of the board may be removed in accordance with this

 4-3     section.  An active firefighter board member may be removed by the

 4-4     contributing members of the fire department.  An active police

 4-5     officer board member may be removed by the contributing members of

 4-6     the police department.  A retiree or beneficiary board member may

 4-7     be removed by the fund members eligible to elect the member.

 4-8           (b)  A petition for removal under this section must be filed

 4-9     with the board within 45 days after the date the first signature on

4-10     the petition was obtained.  A signature is not valid if it is not

4-11     dated.

4-12           (c)  A removal election must be held within 30 days after the

4-13     date the board certifies that a proper petition for a removal

4-14     election has been signed by at least 20 percent of the membership

4-15     from which the board member was elected.  A board member's term of

4-16     service ends on the entry of an order by the board declaring that

4-17     the results of a removal election under this section favor removal.

4-18           (d)  On the date the board enters an order under Subsection

4-19     (c) of this section, the board shall call a special election to be

4-20     held not less than 20 and not more than 30 days after that date to

4-21     fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of the board member who was

4-22     removed.  The board member who was removed is not eligible to run

4-23     in the special election but is eligible to run in all subsequent

4-24     board elections for the category in which the person is a member.

4-25           SECTION 2.04.  OFFICERS.  (a)  The board shall elect a chair,

4-26     a vice chair, and a secretary from among the board members.

4-27           (b)  The treasurer of the municipality is the treasurer of

 5-1     the board.

 5-2           SECTION 2.05.  EMPLOYEES.  The board may employ an executive

 5-3     director and staff to administer the fund.

 5-4           SECTION 2.06.  MEETINGS.  The board shall hold regular

 5-5     monthly meetings and special meetings at the call of the chair or

 5-6     on written demand by a majority of the members of the board.

 5-7           SECTION 2.07.  BOARD COMMITTEES.  (a)  The chair of the board

 5-8     may appoint committees that report to the board.

 5-9           (b)  Only members of the board may be appointed to a

5-10     committee under this section.

5-11           (c)  A committee must be composed of not fewer than three and

5-12     not more than five members of the board, except as otherwise

5-13     specifically provided by the board.

5-14           (d)  Only members of a committee may vote as committee

5-15     members.

5-16           (e)  The board may direct staff and advisors to assist the

5-17     committees.

5-18           (f)  All members of the board may attend committee meetings.

5-19           (g)  Members of a committee serve at the pleasure of the

5-20     board.

5-21           (h)  Permanent or standing committees may not be appointed.


5-23           SECTION 3.01.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES.  (a)  The board has

5-24     complete authority and power to:

5-25                 (1)  administer the fund;

5-26                 (2)  order payments from the fund as required by this

5-27     Act; and

 6-1                 (3)  independently control the fund.

 6-2           (b)  The board shall adopt rules relating to:

 6-3                 (1)  the disbursement of the fund's assets;

 6-4                 (2)  the designation of beneficiaries of the fund; and

 6-5                 (3)  the name of the board and the fund.

 6-6           (c)  The board shall report annually to the governing body of

 6-7     the municipality regarding the condition of the fund and the

 6-8     receipts and disbursements of the fund.

 6-9           SECTION 3.02.  HEARINGS.  (a)  Any member of the fund may

6-10     appear before the board in person or through an attorney to contest

6-11     health coverage or benefit decisions.

6-12           (b)  The chair of the board may issue process for witnesses,

6-13     administer oaths to those witnesses, and examine any witness in any

6-14     manner affecting a coverage or benefit under this Act.  Process for

6-15     witnesses may be served on any member of the fund.  On the failure

6-16     of any witness to attend and testify, that person may be compelled

6-17     to attend and testify as in any judicial proceeding, according to

6-18     the practice in a justice court.

6-19           SECTION 3.03.  ORDERS FOR PAYMENTS.  (a)  The board shall

6-20     issue orders for payments from the fund signed by the chair or vice

6-21     chair and the secretary of the board to the appropriate persons.

6-22     The order shall state the purposes for the payments.  The board

6-23     shall keep a record of those orders.

6-24           (b)  At each monthly board meeting, the board shall send to

6-25     the treasurer of the board a written list of the parties entitled

6-26     to a payment from the fund, stating the amount and reason for the

6-27     payment.  The list must be certified and signed by the chair or

 7-1     vice chair of the board and secretary of the board.

 7-2           (c)  Money may not be disbursed from the fund without a

 7-3     record vote of the board.

 7-4           (d)  A quorum of the board is five members.  When a quorum

 7-5     exists, an action of the board requires a majority vote of the

 7-6     members present.

 7-7                           ARTICLE 4.  MEMBERSHIP

 7-8           SECTION 4.01.  MEMBERSHIP.  Membership shall be determined by

 7-9     the exclusive collective bargaining agents of the firefighters and

7-10     police officers recognized under Subchapter D, Chapter 174, Local

7-11     Government Code.

7-12           SECTION 4.02.  CONTRIBUTIONS.  (a)  Contributions shall be

7-13     determined in accordance with collectively bargained agreements

7-14     between the municipality and the exclusive bargaining agents of the

7-15     firefighters and police officers under Chapter 174, Local

7-16     Government Code.

7-17           (b)  Contributions shall be treated as employer's

7-18     contributions in accordance with Section 414(h)(2), Internal

7-19     Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 414(h)(2)), as amended, for

7-20     the purpose of determining tax treatment under the Internal Revenue

7-21     Code of 1986.

7-22           (c)  Any donations made to the fund and all money received

7-23     from any source for the fund shall be deposited in the fund at the

7-24     earliest opportunity.

7-25           (d)  The municipal contribution and benefits from the fund

7-26     are a part of the compensation for services rendered to the

7-27     municipality.  This Act is considered part of the contract of

 8-1     employment and appointment of the firefighters and police officers

 8-2     of a municipality to which this Act applies.


 8-4     of the fund is entitled to all rights otherwise provided to the

 8-5     member under the federal Employee Retirement Income and Security

 8-6     Act (29 U.S.C. Section 1001 et seq.), as amended, or any other

 8-7     state or federal statute.  A voluntary employee's beneficiary

 8-8     association as described by Section 501(c), Internal Revenue Code

 8-9     of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 501(c)), as amended, is entitled to all

8-10     rights otherwise provided to it under any state or federal statute.


8-12           SECTION 5.01.  RETIREMENT HEALTH BENEFITS.  Retirement health

8-13     benefits shall be determined in accordance with the collectively

8-14     bargained agreements between the municipality and the exclusive

8-15     bargaining agents of the firefighters and police officers under

8-16     Chapter 174, Local Government Code.


8-18           SECTION 6.01.  TREASURER'S DUTIES.  (a)  All money of the

8-19     fund is payable to the treasurer of the fund for the use of the

8-20     fund.

8-21           (b)  The duties imposed on the treasurer under this Act are

8-22     considered additional duties for which the treasurer is liable

8-23     under oath and bond as the treasurer of the municipality.

8-24           (c)  The treasurer is not entitled to compensation for

8-25     serving as the treasurer of the fund.

8-26           SECTION 6.02.  ACCOUNTS.  Accounts of the fund shall be kept

8-27     as ordered by the board.

 9-1           SECTION 6.03.  RESERVE FUNDS.  (a)  The board shall determine

 9-2     a reasonably safe amount of surplus assets necessary to defray

 9-3     reasonable expenses of the fund.

 9-4           (b)  All other assets shall be designated as reserve funds.

 9-5           (c)  Only the board may invest and manage the reserve funds.

 9-6     The reserve funds must be invested and managed for the sole benefit

 9-7     of the beneficiaries.

 9-8           SECTION 6.04.  INVESTMENT POWERS OF BOARD.  (a)  The board

 9-9     shall invest the reserve funds in a manner that a prudent investor

9-10     would invest the funds, considering the purposes, terms,

9-11     distribution requirements, and other circumstances of an enterprise

9-12     with a similar character and similar aims.

9-13           (b)  The board shall diversify the investment of the reserve

9-14     funds to minimize the risk of large losses unless under the

9-15     circumstances it is clearly prudent not to do so.  In determining

9-16     whether the board has exercised prudence concerning an investment

9-17     decision, the investment of all assets of the funds, rather than

9-18     the prudence of a single investment of the funds, shall be

9-19     considered.

9-20           (c)  The board may directly manage investments of the reserve

9-21     funds or may choose to contract for professional management

9-22     services.  If the funds own real estate, the board may, at its

9-23     discretion, establish a corporation described by Section

9-24     501(c)(25), Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section

9-25     501(c)(25)), as amended, to hold title to the real estate.

9-26           (d)  The board has final responsibility for the investment of

9-27     the reserve funds.  The board may purchase securities or engage in

 10-1    limited partnerships or make other investments not specifically

 10-2    provided by this Act and has the authority to exercise discretion

 10-3    in determining the nature, type, quality, and size of any

 10-4    investment consistent with the investment policies it establishes.

 10-5          SECTION 6.05.  PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTS.  (a)  The board may

 10-6    contract for professional investment management services, financial

 10-7    consultants, independent auditors, and actuaries.  Only the board

 10-8    may enter into those contracts.  The board may establish a

 10-9    reasonable fee for compensation under those contracts.

10-10          (b)  The board may designate its own custodian or master

10-11    custodian to perform the customary duties involving the safekeeping

10-12    of the assets and the execution of transactions of either domestic

10-13    or foreign securities.  The board may engage in a securities

10-14    lending program consistent with the benefits to plan participants

10-15    and their beneficiaries.


10-17    appointing investment managers, the board shall require that the

10-18    investment manager be:

10-19                (1)  registered under the Investment Advisors Act of

10-20    1940 (15 U.S.C.  Section 80b-1 et seq.), as amended;

10-21                (2)  a bank as defined by that Act; or

10-22                (3)  an insurance company qualified to perform

10-23    investments services under the law of more than one state.


10-25                          DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS

10-26          SECTION 7.01.  ETHICS POLICY.  (a)  A member of the board or

10-27    the executive director may not have a direct or indirect financial

 11-1    or other interest, engage in a business transaction or professional

 11-2    activity, or incur any obligation of any nature that is in

 11-3    substantial conflict with the proper discharge of the member's or

 11-4    the executive director's fiduciary duties.

 11-5          (b)  To implement Subsection (a) of this section and to

 11-6    strengthen the faith and confidence of the members and

 11-7    beneficiaries of the fund, the board shall develop standards of

 11-8    conduct and financial disclosure requirements to be observed by

 11-9    each member of the board and by the executive director in the

11-10    performance of official duties.

11-11          (c)  The standards of conduct and financial disclosure

11-12    requirements must provide for:

11-13                (1)  establishing general definitions;

11-14                (2)  determining when there is substantial conflict;

11-15                (3)  determining who is considered a dependent child of

11-16    a board member or the executive director;

11-17                (4)  requiring each member of the board and the

11-18    executive director to file a financial disclosure statement;

11-19                (5)  appointing a review board;

11-20                (6)  establishing the composition of the review board;

11-21                (7)  designating a custodian of records;

11-22                (8)  establishing the manner in which records must be

11-23    retained;

11-24                (9)  establishing which information, generally, must be

11-25    included in a financial statement;

11-26                (10)  establishing the time for filing a financial

11-27    statement;

 12-1                (11)  establishing the form in which a financial

 12-2    statement must be presented;

 12-3                (12)  determining compliance with this section;

 12-4                (13)  allowing public access to financial statements

 12-5    when required by law or when appropriate;

 12-6                (14)  establishing sanctions for a violation of this

 12-7    section that include removal of a member of the board or the

 12-8    executive director in the case of a serious violation;

 12-9                (15)  establishing standards of conduct for board

12-10    members and the executive director; and

12-11                (16)  identifying other matters relating to conduct of

12-12    board members and the executive director and to financial

12-13    disclosure that the board considers appropriate.


12-15          SECTION 8.01.  APPOINTMENT OF INITIAL BOARD.  (a)

12-16    Notwithstanding Article 2 of this Act, the initial elections of the

12-17    board shall be conducted in accordance with this section.

12-18          (b)  The firefighters association in the municipality shall

12-19    administer the initial election of active firefighter and of

12-20    retiree or beneficiary firefighter members of the board. The police

12-21    association in the municipality shall administer the initial

12-22    election of active police officer and of retiree or beneficiary

12-23    police officer members of the board. The associations shall conduct

12-24    the elections by sending and receiving ballots by mail.

12-25          (c)  Only retirees who retired after October 1, 1989, and

12-26    surviving spouses of retirees who retired after October 1, 1989,

12-27    are eligible to vote or be a candidate in the initial elections for

 13-1    the retiree or beneficiary representatives to the board.

 13-2          (d)  One active firefighter below the rank of fire chief

 13-3    elected in the initial election shall serve a two-year term, and

 13-4    the other active firefighter below the rank of fire chief elected

 13-5    in the initial election shall serve a four-year term. One active

 13-6    police officer below the rank of police chief elected in the

 13-7    initial election shall serve a two-year term, and the other active

 13-8    police officer below the rank of police chief elected in the

 13-9    initial election shall serve a four-year term. One retiree or

13-10    beneficiary representative elected in the initial election shall

13-11    serve a two-year term, and one retiree or beneficiary

13-12    representative elected in the initial election shall serve a

13-13    four-year term.

13-14          (e)  The associations shall determine by lot and indicate on

13-15    the ballots which places on the initial board are designated for

13-16    two-year or four-year terms.

13-17          SECTION 8.02.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  This Act takes effect

13-18    September 1, 1997.

13-19          SECTION 8.03.  EMERGENCY.  The importance of this legislation

13-20    and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

13-21    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

13-22    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

13-23    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.