By:  Harris                                  S.B. No. 1615


                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

                                       AN ACT

 1-1     relating to the composition of the governing board of certain

 1-2     airport authorities.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Section 7, Chapter 6, Acts of the 60th

 1-5     Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, North Central Texas Airport

 1-6     Authority Act of 1967, is amended to read as follows:

 1-7           Sec. 7.  It is determined and found that the Cities of Dallas

 1-8     and Fort Worth are Airport Cities as defined herein.  The governing

 1-9     bodies of said cities shall, prior to the selection of the initial

1-10     Board, have the option to determine whether the members occupying

1-11     places represented by their respective counties on [of] the initial

1-12     and all subsequent Boards [from their respective counties] shall be

1-13     appointed or elected.  Exercise of such option shall be evidenced

1-14     by an appropriate resolution of the governing body of each of said

1-15     cities, directed to the Commissioners Court of the county in which

1-16     the city is situated.

1-17           A.  In the event that the governing body of either city

1-18     directs that the members of the Board from the county in which such

1-19     city is situated shall be appointed, the Commissioners Court of

1-20     that county shall thereafter appoint such directors, but no

1-21     appointment by the Commissioners Court shall be effective without

1-22     consultation and the express consent of the governing body of such

1-23     city, evidenced by an appropriate resolution.  In the event of the

 2-1     appointment of members of the Board of Directors to represent the

 2-2     county due regard shall be given to the respective populations of

 2-3     the airport city and those residing outside the airport city within

 2-4     the county.

 2-5           B.  In the event that the governing body of either city

 2-6     directs that the members of the Board from the county in which such

 2-7     city is situated shall be elected, the Commissioners Court, upon

 2-8     receipt of the resolution of the airport city exercising its option

 2-9     to elect members of the Board, shall, within sixty (60) days, order

2-10     a special election within the county for the purpose of electing

2-11     the members of the Board from that county.  The procedure set out

2-12     for special elections in Articles 4.09 and 4.10 of the Election

2-13     Code of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas shall apply, provided

2-14     that, any individual desiring his or her name to appear on the

2-15     ballot, shall, in addition to the information required by Article

2-16     4.10, present a petition signed by at least two hundred (200)

2-17     qualified voters endorsing his or her candidacy and requesting his

2-18     or her name to be placed on the ballot.  All other procedures shall

2-19     be followed as provided for county elections under state statute.

2-20           All subsequent elections shall be held on the first Saturday

2-21     in November in the year in which the incumbents' terms expire.

2-22     Those candidates elected for the said positions voted on at that

2-23     election shall enter upon the discharge of their duties on the

2-24     first day of December next following.  Any individual desiring

2-25     election for a position on the Board shall, not less than twenty

 3-1     (20) days prior to the date of said election, file with the Board

 3-2     written notice announcing his or her candidacy, designating in such

 3-3     written notice and request to have his or her name placed on the

 3-4     official ballot, the number of the position on such Board for which

 3-5     he or she, as the  case may be, desires to become a candidate, and

 3-6     all candidates so requesting shall have their names printed on the

 3-7     official ballot beneath the number of the positions so designated.

 3-8     No person, who does not so file said notice and request within the

 3-9     time aforesaid and whose notice is not accompanied by a petition

3-10     signed by at least two hundred (200) qualified voters endorsing his

3-11     or her candidacy and requesting his or her name to be placed on the

3-12     ballot, shall be entitled to have his or her name printed upon said

3-13     official ballot to be used at any such election.  No candidate

3-14     shall be eligible to have his or her name placed on the official

3-15     ballot under more than one position to be filled at any such

3-16     election.

3-17           The Board shall publish at least ninety (90) days prior to a

3-18     regular election date set by this Act, in a newspaper printed in

3-19     the county in which the election is to be held, notice of the

3-20     election and of the terms for which the directors are to be elected

3-21     and the positions to be filled.  The candidate receiving the

3-22     largest number of votes for each position shall be entitled to

3-23     serve as a representative on the Board for that position.

3-24           The Board at the time of ordering such election shall appoint

3-25     four (4) persons to hold the election at each polling place.  No

 4-1     less than three (3) polling places shall be designated for use in

 4-2     the election within the county from which the position is to be

 4-3     filled.  The returns of such election shall be made by the Board in

 4-4     accordance with the general election laws.  The Board shall canvass

 4-5     such returns, declare the result of such election, and issue

 4-6     certificates of election to the persons shown by such returns to be

 4-7     elected.

 4-8           C.  Each member of the Board of Directors, in order to be

 4-9     eligible for appointment or election to or to be or remain a member

4-10     of the Board, must be a freeholder of and have resided within the

4-11     county from which he is selected or, in the case of members

4-12     appointed to Places 12 and 13, must have resided within a

4-13     represented municipality for at least one (1) year and have been a

4-14     qualified taxpaying voter within the State of Texas for a period of

4-15     at least three (3) years, and shall not have a substantial

4-16     financial interest in any organization doing business with the

4-17     Authority or any personal business arrangement with the Authority

4-18     nor be an elected officer of any political organization.  The term

4-19     "substantial financial interest in any organization" includes

4-20     having a financial interest in any organization through serving as

4-21     an officer, director, trustee, partner, or executive of such

4-22     organization, or through negotiating with or having any arrangement

4-23     concerning prospective employment with such organization or through

4-24     holding legal title to or any beneficial interest in or control

4-25     over more than five per cent (5%) of the total of issued and

 5-1     subscribed share capital of such organization.

 5-2           D.  The Board of Directors of the Authority shall consist of

 5-3     thirteen (13) [eleven (11)] members.  Each county shall be

 5-4     represented by a group of eleven (11) members proportionate to its

 5-5     population at the last preceding federal census, the initial Board

 5-6     to be composed of seven (7) members from Dallas County and four (4)

 5-7     members from Tarrant County.  At the election and/or appointment of

 5-8     members of the Board next following the taking and certification of

 5-9     a federal census the number representing any county shall be

5-10     adjusted to maintain the proportionate representation.  Of the two

5-11     (2) remaining members, one (1) member shall represent

5-12     municipalities each of whose territory lies wholly outside of, but

5-13     partly within twenty (20) miles of, the boundaries of the Authority

5-14     and each of whose population is at least twenty thousand (20,000)

5-15     but less than four hundred thousand (400,000), and one (1) member

5-16     shall represent municipalities each of whose territory lies partly

5-17     within the boundaries of the Authority and each of whose population

5-18     is less than four hundred thousand (400,000).  The eleven (11)

5-19     members representing counties as provided by this subsection occupy

5-20     Places 1 through 11, and the two (2) members representing

5-21     municipalities as provided by this subsection occupy Places 12 and

5-22     13.  The members occupying Places 12 and 13 shall be appointed by

5-23     the governing bodies of the municipalities they represent after a

5-24     selection process in which each municipality has one (1) vote.  In

5-25     the case of a tie vote, the municipality with the largest

 6-1     population shall make the deciding vote for Place 12 or 13, as

 6-2     appropriate.

 6-3           E.  Each director shall be appointed or elected to occupy a

 6-4     designated place.  Those occupying Places 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 or

 6-5     any other odd-numbered place, shall be originally selected for a

 6-6     term to expire on November 30th of the second year following their

 6-7     appointment or election, or until their successors are qualified;

 6-8     those holding Places 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or any other even-numbered

 6-9     place, shall be originally selected for a term to expire November

6-10     30th of the fourth year following their appointment or election;

6-11     provided, however, that no person shall serve for more than two (2)

6-12     consecutive four (4) year terms.  Initially, Places 2, 3, 7 and 8

6-13     shall be filled by Directors from Tarrant County, and Places 1, 4,

6-14     5, 6, 9, 10 and 11 shall be filled by Directors from Dallas County.

6-15           SECTION 2.  (a)  The appointments for Places 12 and 13 on the

6-16     board of directors of the North Central Texas Airport Authority

6-17     shall be made not later than 90 days following the effective date

6-18     of this Act.

6-19           (b)  Members occupying Places 12 and 13 shall have the same

6-20     powers, duties, and voting rights and shall meet the same

6-21     qualifications for membership as the other members of the board.

6-22           (c)  The member occupying Place 12 shall represent

6-23     municipalities each of whose territory lies wholly outside of, but

6-24     partly within twenty miles of, the boundaries of the Authority and

6-25     each of whose population is at least 20,000 but less than 400,000.

 7-1     The member occupying Place 13 shall represent municipalities each

 7-2     of whose territory lies partly within the boundaries of the

 7-3     Authority and each of whose population is less than 400,000.

 7-4           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the

 7-5     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

 7-6     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

 7-7     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

 7-8     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

 7-9     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

7-10     passage, and it is so enacted.