1-1     By:  Duncan                                           S.B. No. 1635

 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed March 14, 1997; March 24, 1997, read

 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on Intergovernmental

 1-4     Relations; April 18, 1997, reported favorably, as amended, by the

 1-5     following vote:  Yeas 9, Nays 0; April 18, 1997, sent to printer.)

 1-6     COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1                                 By:  Cain

 1-7     Amend S.B. No. 1635 by adding SECTION 9 to read as follows:

 1-8           SECTION 9.  The importance of this legislation and the

 1-9     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

1-10     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

1-11     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

1-12     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

1-13     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

1-14     passage, and it is so enacted.

1-15                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

1-16                                   AN ACT

1-17     relating to increasing the efficiency of the utilization of the

1-18     State ceiling for qualified mortgage bonds.


1-20           SECTION 1.  Subsection (c), Section 3, Chapter 1092, Acts of

1-21     the 70th Legislature, Regular Session, 1987 (Article 5190.9a,

1-22     Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:

1-23           (c)  The board shall not grant a reservation of a portion of

1-24     the state ceiling to any issuer prior to January 10.  If two or

1-25     more issuers apply for a reservation of state ceiling in a category

1-26     described in Subsections (b)(2), (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(5) of

1-27     Section 2 of this Act on or before January 10, reservations within

1-28     that category shall be granted from the state ceiling available in

1-29     that category in an order determined by the board by lot.  If two

1-30     or more housing finance corporations apply for a reservation of

1-31     state ceiling in the category described by Section 2(b)(1) of this

1-32     Act on or before January 10, reservations within that category

1-33     shall be granted from the state ceiling available in that category

1-34     according to the following categories of priority:  (1) the first

1-35     category of priority shall include those applications for a

1-36     reservation filed by housing finance corporations which filed an

1-37     application for a reservation on behalf of the same local

1-38     population prior to September 1 of the previous calendar year, but

1-39     which did not receive a reservation during such year; (2) the

1-40     second category of priority shall include those applications for a

1-41     reservation filed by housing finance corporations to which state

1-42     ceiling could not be made available by August 31 for that calendar

1-43     year because of the application of Section 4(b) of this Act; (3)

1-44     the third category of priority shall include those applications for

1-45     a reservation not included in the first and second categories of

1-46     priority; and (4) within each category or priority, reservations

1-47     shall be granted in reverse calendar year order of the most recent

1-48     closing of qualified mortgage bonds by each housing finance

1-49     corporation, with the most recent closing being the last to receive

1-50     a reservation and with those housing finance corporations that have

1-51     never received a reservation for mortgage revenue bonds being the

1-52     first to receive a reservation, and, in the case of closings

1-53     occurring on the same date, reservations shall be granted in an

1-54     order determined by the board by lot.  All applications for a

1-55     reservation filed after January 10 by any issuer for the issuance

1-56     of bonds shall be accepted by  the board in their order of receipt.

1-57     A priority under (1) of an issuer composed of more than one

1-58     jurisdiction is not affected by the issuer's loss of a sponsoring

1-59     governmental unit and that unit's population base if the dollar

1-60     amount of the application has not increased.  No governmental unit

1-61     shall join or separate from an issuer composed of more than one

1-62     jurisdiction simply for the purpose of obtaining a higher priority.

1-63     If a governmental unit chooses to separate from an issuer composed

1-64     of more than one jurisdiction, the departing sponsoring

 2-1     governmental unit will have the same priority as the issuer from

 2-2     which it separated.  If a governmental unit chooses to separate

 2-3     from an issuer composed of more than one jurisdiction and joins a

 2-4     different issuer composed of more than one jurisdiction, the issuer

 2-5     to which the governmental unit joins will have a priority of the

 2-6     lower of the issuer to which they joined or from which they

 2-7     separated.  If several governmental units choose to separate from

 2-8     one or more issuers composed of more than one jurisdiction and

 2-9     collectively join a different issuer composed of more than one

2-10     jurisdiction, the issuer to which the governmental units join will

2-11     have a priority of the lowest of any of the issuers from which they

2-12     separated or the priority of the issuer to which they joined,

2-13     whichever is lower.

2-14           SECTION 2.  Section 7, Chapter 1092, Acts of the 70th

2-15     Legislature, Regular Session, 1987 (Article 5190.9a, Vernon's Texas

2-16     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:

2-17           Sec. 7.  ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY.  (a)  Except as provided in

2-18     Subsections [Subsection] (b) and (c) of this section, the issuer

2-19     shall close on the bonds for which a reservation has been granted

2-20     not later than the 90th day after the reservation date.

2-21           (b)  Issuers of qualified mortgage revenue bonds who receive

2-22     an allocation prior to June 1 have until July 31 or 90 days after

2-23     the reservation date, whichever is later.

2-24           (c)  Regardless of the deadline provided by Subsection (a) of

2-25     this section, the issuer shall close on the bonds before December

2-26     24.

2-27           (d) [(c)]  If the issuer does not timely close on the bonds,

2-28     the issue's reservation is canceled and during the 120-day period

2-29     beginning on the reservation date of the canceled reservation:

2-30                 (1)  the issuer or any other issuer may not submit an

2-31     application for a reservation for the same project; and

2-32                 (2)  the issuer is eligible for a carryforward

2-33     designation for the project only as provided by Section 9 of this

2-34     Act.

2-35           (e) [(d)]  Not later than the fifth business day after the

2-36     day on which the bonds are closed, the issuer shall submit to the

2-37     board:

2-38                 (1)  a written notice stating the delivery date of the

2-39     bonds and the principal amount of the bonds issued; and

2-40                 (2)  a certified copy of the document authorizing the

2-41     bonds and other documents relating to the issuance of the bonds,

2-42     including a statement of the bonds:

2-43                       (A)  principal amount;

2-44                       (B)  interest rate or formula by which the

2-45     interest rate is calculated;

2-46                       (C)  maturity schedule; and

2-47                       (D)  purchaser or purchasers.

2-48           (f) [(e)]  The board shall adopt rules that require the

2-49     payment of closing fees simultaneously with the closing on the

2-50     bonds.

2-51           SECTION 3.  Subdivision (13), Section 394.003, Local

2-52     Government Code, is amended to read as follows:

2-53                 (13)  "Residential development" means the acquisition,

2-54     construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair, alteration,

2-55     improvement, or extension of any of the following items or any

2-56     combination of the following items for the purpose of providing

2-57     decent, safe, and sanitary housing and nonhousing facilities that

2-58     are an integral part of or are functionally related to any

2-59     affordable housing project whether in one or multiple locations

2-60     [the housing]:

2-61                       (A)  land, an interest in land, a building or

2-62     other structure, facility, system, fixture, improvement, addition,

2-63     appurtenance, or machinery or other equipment;

2-64                       (B)  real or personal property considered

2-65     necessary in connection with an item described by Paragraph (A); or

2-66                       (C)  real or personal property or improvements

2-67     functionally related and subordinate to an item described by

2-68     Paragraph (A).

2-69           SECTION 4.  Subsection (h), Section 394.012, Local Government

 3-1     Code, is amended to read as follows:

 3-2           (h)  For the purposes of determining the applicable

 3-3     population for Section 3b, Chapter 1092, Acts of the 70th

 3-4     Legislature, Regular Session, 1987 (Article 5190.9a, Vernon's Texas

 3-5     Civil Statutes), the [The] joint housing finance corporation may

 3-6     only consider areas in its own [not operate in more than one] state

 3-7     planning region.

 3-8           SECTION 5.  Section 394.032, Local Government Code, is

 3-9     amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:

3-10           (e)  A housing finance corporation may enter into cooperative

3-11     agreements with other housing finance corporations to make home

3-12     mortgages available in jurisdictions of other housing finance

3-13     corporations anywhere within the state.

3-14           SECTION 6.  Subsection (a), Section 394.037, Local Government

3-15     Code, is amended to read as follows:

3-16           (a)  A housing finance corporation may issue bonds to defray,

3-17     in whole or in part:

3-18                 (1)  the development costs of a residential

3-19     development; or

3-20                 (2)  the costs of purchasing or funding the making of

3-21     home mortgages, either on a first come, first served basis or by

3-22     selling lender commitments, including the costs of studies and

3-23     surveys, insurance premiums, financial advisory services, mortgage

3-24     banking services, administrative services, underwriting fees, legal

3-25     services, accounting services, and marketing services incurred in

3-26     connection with the issuance and sale of bonds, including bond and

3-27     interest reserve accounts, capitalized interest accounts, and

3-28     trustee, custodian, and rating agency fees.

3-29           SECTION 7.  Subsection (a), Section 394.040, Local Government

3-30     Code, is amended to read as follows:

3-31           (a)  A housing finance corporation may make, contract to

3-32     make, but is in no way required to make, and enter into advance

3-33     commitments to make home mortgages originated, administered, and

3-34     serviced by lending institutions.  It may pay the reasonable value

3-35     of services rendered under those contracts.  It may acquire,

3-36     contract to acquire, and enter into advance commitments to acquire,

3-37     by assignment or other means, home mortgages owned by lending

3-38     institutions at purchase prices and on other terms determined by

3-39     the corporation or its agent.

3-40           SECTION 8.  Section 394.051, Local Government Code, is

3-41     amended by adding Subsection (h) to read as follows:

3-42           (h)  The housing finance corporation is not required to sell

3-43     commitments to lenders to originate home mortgages.  A housing

3-44     finance corporation may establish a program so that lenders will

3-45     utilize the proceeds of the bonds to originate home mortgages on a

3-46     first come, first served basis.

3-47                                  * * * * *