By:  Nelson                                  S.B. No. 1653


                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

                                       AN ACT

 1-1     relating to campus or campus program charters.


 1-3           SECTION 1.  Section 12.054, Education Code, is amended to

 1-4     read as follows:

 1-5           Sec. 12.054.  AUTHORITY UNDER CHARTER.  A campus or program

 1-6     for which a charter is granted under this subchapter:

 1-7                 (1)  is delegated powers and duties including:

 1-8                       (A)  substantial control over spending within the

 1-9     campus or program;

1-10                       (B)  power to hire, organize, train, and release

1-11     staff;

1-12                       (C)  control over instructional strategies and

1-13     methodologies used by the campus or program;

1-14                       (D)  freedom to organize the campus or program

1-15     schedule and teacher and student assignments;

1-16                       (E)  freedom to extend performance standards

1-17     beyond those required by the local school board or state; and

1-18                       (F)  freedom to devise the specific means to

1-19     demonstrate their accountability to their community beyond those

1-20     means required by the state or local school district;

1-21                 (2)  is exempt from the instructional and academic

1-22     rules and policies of the board of trustees from which the campus

1-23     or program is specifically exempted in the charter; and

 2-1                 (3) [(2)]  retains authority to operate under the

 2-2     charter only if students at the campus or in the program perform

 2-3     satisfactorily as provided by the charter in accordance with

 2-4     Section 12.059 [12.058].

 2-5           SECTION 2.  Subchapter C, Chapter 12, Education Code, is

 2-6     amended by adding a new Section 12.058 and renumbering existing

 2-7     Sections 12.058 through 12.064 to read as follows:

 2-8           Sec. 12.058.  APPLICATION.  (a)  The local school board shall

 2-9     approve or deny an application to establish a charter campus or

2-10     program on campus not later than the 60th day after the date of the

2-11     filing of the application.

2-12           (b)  If the charter is not approved, the applicant may either

2-13     amend the proposal to address the board's objections and resubmit

2-14     the proposal to the board or may appeal the decision of the board

2-15     to the commissioner.  The local school board shall approve or deny

2-16     an amended proposal not later than the 30th day after the date of

2-17     the filing of an amended charter application.  If the local school

2-18     board denies an amended application within the time required, an

2-19     applicant may appeal the decision of the board to the commissioner.

2-20     If the board fails to act on an application or an amended

2-21     application within the time required, an applicant may submit the

2-22     applicant's charter proposal directly to the commissioner.

2-23           (c)  If an application is submitted to the commissioner in

2-24     accordance with this subchapter, the commissioner shall approve or

2-25     deny the charter application not later than the 45th day after the

 3-1     date of the receipt of the charter application.  If the

 3-2     commissioner approves the charter application, the commissioner

 3-3     shall notify the governor of the decision, and the approval shall

 3-4     be effective unless the governor overrules the commissioner's

 3-5     decision not later than the 45th day after the date of the receipt

 3-6     by the governor of the notice from the commissioner.  If a charter

 3-7     is approved by the commissioner and the commissioner's approval is

 3-8     not overruled by the governor, the local school board must grant

 3-9     the charter.

3-10           (d)  The board of trustees of a charter campus or program on

3-11     campus, on receiving a charter from the local school board or the

3-12     commissioner, shall be deemed to be public agents authorized by the

3-13     State of Texas to supervise and control the charter campus or

3-14     program on campus, subject to terms of the charter.

3-15           Sec. 12.059.  CONTENT.  Each charter granted under this

3-16     subchapter must:

3-17                 (1)  describe the educational program to be offered,

3-18     which may be a general or specialized program;

3-19                 (2)  provide that continuation of the charter is

3-20     contingent on satisfactory student performance under Subchapter B,

3-21     Chapter 39, and on compliance with other applicable accountability

3-22     provisions under Chapter 39;

3-23                 (3)  specify any basis, in addition to a basis

3-24     specified by this subchapter, on which the charter may be placed on

3-25     probation or revoked;

 4-1                 (4)  prohibit discrimination in admission on the basis

 4-2     of national origin, ethnicity, race, religion, or disability;

 4-3                 (5)  describe the governing structure of the campus or

 4-4     program;

 4-5                 (6)  specify any procedure or requirement, in addition

 4-6     to those under Chapter 38, that the campus or program will follow

 4-7     to ensure the health and safety of students and employees; and

 4-8                 (7)  describe the manner in which an annual audit of

 4-9     financial and programmatic operations of the campus or program is

4-10     to be conducted, including the manner in which the campus or

4-11     program will provide information necessary for the school district

4-12     in which it is located to participate, as required by this code or

4-13     by State Board of Education rule, in the Public Education

4-14     Information Management System (PEIMS).

4-15           Sec. 12.060 [12.059].  FORM.  A charter shall be in the form

4-16     and substance of a written contract signed by the president of the

4-17     board of trustees granting the charter and the chief operating

4-18     officer of the campus or program for which the charter is granted.

4-19           Sec. 12.061 [12.060].  CHARTER GRANTED.  Each charter a board

4-20     of trustees grants under this subchapter must:

4-21                 (1)  satisfy this subchapter; and

4-22                 (2)  include the information that is required under

4-23     Section 12.058 consistent with the information provided in the

4-24     application and any modification the board requires.

4-25           Sec. 12.062 [12.061].  REVISION.  A charter granted under

 5-1     this subchapter may be revised:

 5-2                 (1)  with the approval of the board of trustees that

 5-3     granted the charter; and

 5-4                 (2)  on a petition signed by a majority of the parents

 5-5     and a majority of the classroom teachers at the campus or in the

 5-6     program, as applicable.

 5-7           Sec. 12.063 [12.062].  BASIS FOR PLACEMENT ON PROBATION OR

 5-8     REVOCATION.  (a)  A board of trustees may place on probation or

 5-9     revoke a charter it grants if the board determines that the campus

5-10     or program:

5-11                 (1)  committed a material violation of the charter;

5-12                 (2)  failed to satisfy generally accepted accounting

5-13     standards of fiscal management; or

5-14                 (3)  failed to comply with this subchapter, another

5-15     law, or a state agency rule.

5-16           (b)  The action the board takes under Subsection (a) shall be

5-17     based on the best interest of campus or program students, the

5-18     severity of the violation, and any previous violation the campus or

5-19     program has committed.

5-20           Sec. 12.064 [12.063].  PROCEDURE FOR PLACEMENT ON PROBATION

5-21     OR REVOCATION.  (a)  Each board of trustees that grants a charter

5-22     under this subchapter shall adopt a procedure to be used for

5-23     placing on probation or revoking a charter it grants.

5-24           (b)  The procedure adopted under Subsection (a) must provide

5-25     an opportunity for a hearing to the campus or program for which a

 6-1     charter is granted under this subchapter and to parents and

 6-2     guardians of students at the campus or in the program.  A hearing

 6-3     under this subsection must be held on the campus or on one of the

 6-4     campuses in the case of a cooperative charter program.

 6-5           Sec. 12.065 [12.064].  ADMISSION.  (a)  Eligibility criteria

 6-6     for admission of students to the campus or program for which a

 6-7     charter is granted under this subchapter must give priority on the

 6-8     basis of geographic and residency considerations.  After priority

 6-9     is given on those bases, secondary consideration may be given to a

6-10     student's age, grade level, or academic credentials in general or

6-11     in a specific area, as necessary for the type of program offered.

6-12           (b)  The campus or program may require an applicant to submit

6-13     an application not later than a reasonable deadline the campus or

6-14     program establishes.

6-15           SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

6-16           SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the

6-17     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

6-18     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

6-19     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

6-20     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.