By:  Barrientos                              S.B. No. 1730


                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

                                       AN ACT

 1-1     relating to due process for certain educational support personnel.


 1-3           SECTION 1.  Chapter 22, Education Code, is amended by adding

 1-4     Subchapter D to read as follows:


 1-6           Sec. 22.101.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:

 1-7                 (1)  "Board" or "board of trustees" means the governing

 1-8     board of a public school district.

 1-9                 (2)  "Educational support employee" or "employee" means

1-10     an employee of a school district who does not fall within the

1-11     definition of "teacher" in Section 21.201.  The terms include but

1-12     are not limited to bus drivers, custodians, food service employees,

1-13     maintenance employees, security personnel, educational aides,

1-14     educational secretaries, and paraprofessionals.

1-15                 (3)  "School district" or "district" means any public

1-16     school district in this state.

1-17                 (4)  "Party" or "parties" means the administration of a

1-18     school district and an educational support employee.

1-19           Sec. 22.102.  EVALUATIONS.  The board of trustees of each

1-20     school district shall provide, by written board policy, for the

1-21     periodic written evaluation of the performance of each educational

1-22     support employee in its employ at annual or more frequent

1-23     intervals.

 2-1           Sec. 22.103.  RECOMMENDATION.  Before the employment of any

 2-2     educational support employee may be terminated, the superintendent

 2-3     shall recommend such action in writing to the board of trustees.

 2-4           Sec. 22.104.  NOTICE.  (a)  In the event the board receives a

 2-5     recommendation from the superintendent for the termination of the

 2-6     employment of an educational support employee, the board, after

 2-7     consideration of the written evaluation required by Section 21.502

 2-8     and the reasons for the recommendation, shall, in its sole

 2-9     discretion, either reject the recommendation or give the employee

2-10     written notice of the proposed termination.

2-11           (b)  The notice of proposed termination shall contain a

2-12     statement of all the reasons for such action, including all

2-13     relevant dates and conduct of the employee.

2-14           Sec. 22.105.  REQUEST FOR HEARING.  If the employee desires

2-15     to protest the proposed termination, the employee must notify the

2-16     superintendent or board of trustees and the commissioner in writing

2-17     not later than the 15th day after the date the employee receives

2-18     the notice under Section 21.504.

2-19           Sec. 22.106.  HEARING.  (a)  If the employee requests a

2-20     hearing under Section 21.505, the board shall hold a hearing and

2-21     render a decision not earlier than 30 days and not later than 75

2-22     days after receiving the employee's request for a hearing, unless

2-23     otherwise agreed by the parties.  At the board's discretion, a

2-24     panel composed of three members of the board, in lieu of the full

2-25     board, may hold the hearing and render the board's decision.  Once

 3-1     the decision to use a three-member panel has been made, the full

 3-2     board may not take the case away from the panel without the

 3-3     employee's permission.  A panel under this section shall be

 3-4     composed of two board members selected by the employee and one

 3-5     board member selected by the board.

 3-6           (b)  At the hearing, the administration has the burden of

 3-7     proof to prove good cause for termination by a preponderance of the

 3-8     evidence and shall present its case first.  The employee may

 3-9     present a rebuttal case.  The administration and the employee may

3-10     examine and cross-examine witnesses and introduce other relevant

3-11     evidence.

3-12           (c)  The hearing shall be moderated by a hearing examiner

3-13     appointed by the commissioner, who shall be assigned from the same

3-14     list of hearing examiners and in the same manner as the

3-15     commissioner assigns hearing examiners under Section 21.254.  The

3-16     role of the hearing examiner is to schedule and recess the hearing,

3-17     with input from the parties and board; issue subpoenas, on a

3-18     showing of good cause by either party, for the attendance of

3-19     witnesses; administer oaths; rule on motions; rule on the

3-20     admissibility of evidence using the Texas Rules of Civil Evidence;

3-21     and maintain decorum.  The hearing examiner may extend the 75-day

3-22     period provided in Subsection (a) for not more than 45 days on a

3-23     showing of good cause by either party.

3-24           (d)  Without request, the administration shall provide the

3-25     employee with copies of every document and every item of physical

 4-1     evidence the administration will use in its case at least 20 days

 4-2     before the hearing.  The employee may reasonably request other

 4-3     relevant documents and the administration shall respond within 10

 4-4     days.  Without request, the administration shall provide the

 4-5     employee with a list of witnesses the administration plans to call

 4-6     in its case, together with a summary of their anticipated

 4-7     testimony, at least 20 days before the hearing.  Unless the parties

 4-8     agree otherwise, neither party may take depositions or use other

 4-9     means of discovery.

4-10           (e)  The hearing shall be conducted in the same manner as a

4-11     trial in a district court of this state.  A certified court

4-12     reporter must record the proceedings.  The school district shall

4-13     bear the expense of the hearing examiner and court reporter.

4-14           (f)  The parties may agree at any time to use a hearing

4-15     examiner of their choice, but the person must be a licensed

4-16     attorney in this state or a law professor at any school of law

4-17     accredited by the State Bar of Texas.

4-18           (g)  The board or panel may not discuss or deliberate the

4-19     case until the evidence is closed.  The employee may allow the

4-20     board to discuss and deliberate the case privately.  The board or

4-21     panel must make a decision on the record within the period set

4-22     forth in this section.

4-23           Sec. 22.107.  APPEALS.  (a)  The employee may appeal the

4-24     decision of the board to the commissioner, who shall render a de

4-25     novo decision based on the record of the proceedings before the

 5-1     board or panel.  The commissioner shall not take any new evidence

 5-2     unless procedural irregularities that are not reflected in the

 5-3     local record occurred at the hearing before the board or panel. The

 5-4     appeal must be filed with the commissioner not later than 45 days

 5-5     after the board or panel announces its decision on the record.  The

 5-6     school district must file its answer and the record of the local

 5-7     proceedings with the commissioner not later than 30 days after the

 5-8     district has been notified in writing of the appeal.

 5-9           (b)  The commissioner must render a written decision within

5-10     90 days after receiving the appeal.

5-11           (c)  The employee may appeal the commissioner's decision in

5-12     the district court in the county in which the school district is

5-13     located or in Travis County by agreement of the parties.  An appeal

5-14     must be filed not later than the 30th day after the employee

5-15     receives the commissioner's decision.  The commissioner shall be

5-16     responsible for filing the record with the district court.

5-17           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1997.

5-18           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the

5-19     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

5-20     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

5-21     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

5-22     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.