By:  Harris                                           S.B. No. 1843

         Line and page numbers may not match official copy.

         Bill not drafted by TLC or Senate E&E.

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

                                       AN ACT

 1-1     authorizing certain public entities to join together to finance,

 1-2     construct, acquire, operate and maintain public facilities.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Title 10 of the Local Government Code shall be

 1-5     amended by adding a new Chapter 334 to read as follows:


 1-7           Sec. 334.001.  The purpose of this Chapter is to clarify and

 1-8     make definite and secure the right and authority of public entities

 1-9     to join together as co-tenants or co-owners in the planning,

1-10     financing, acquisition, construction, ownership, operating and

1-11     maintenance of public facilities as a means of achieving economies

1-12     of scale and making more efficient use of public resources.

1-13           Sec. 334.002.  As used in this Chapter:

1-14           "Public entities" mean any incorporated city or town, county,

1-15     independent school district, or public corporation acting on behalf

1-16     of said entities.

1-17           "Public facilities" means any administrative facility, public

1-18     safety facility, parks and recreational facility, maintenance and

1-19     service center facility, library facility, communication facility,

1-20     water treatment and storage facility, judicial facility, emergency

1-21     medical service facility, detention facility, or any other similar

 2-1     facility necessary or incident to providing public services or

 2-2     public accommodations.

 2-3           Sec. 334.003.  Two or more public entities are authorized to

 2-4     join together to finance, acquire, construct, operate and maintain

 2-5     public facilities and to enter into agreements for the planning,

 2-6     financing, acquisition, construction, ownership, operation, and

 2-7     maintenance of such public facilities so the same (or an undivided

 2-8     interest therein) will be jointly owned as co-tenants or co-owners

 2-9     with such ownership interests in such public facilities as may be

2-10     approved by their governing bodies and set forth in an agreement

2-11     approved and authorized by such governing bodies.  In connection

2-12     with such jointly owned and operated public facilities, each public

2-13     entity shall owe all of the duties and shall have and be entitled

2-14     to all of the rights, powers, and liabilities and shall be entitled

2-15     to all the privileges and exemptions attributable to its undivided

2-16     interest which it would have with respect to an entire interest in

2-17     such public facilities planned, financed, acquired, constructed,

2-18     owned, operated and maintained by it alone.  Any agreement by and

2-19     between public entities relating to the joint financing,

2-20     acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance of public

2-21     facilities executed pursuant to the provisions hereof may be

2-22     submitted to the Attorney General of Texas in connection with any

2-23     proceedings submitted for approval for the issuance of bonds or

2-24     other obligations issued by said public entities to finance the

2-25     cost of constructing or acquiring such public facilities and when

 3-1     approved as to legality by such officer, such agreement shall be

 3-2     incontestable.  In the agreement relating to the financing,

 3-3     acquisition, construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of

 3-4     public facilities to be jointly owned by public entities, the

 3-5     governing bodies of the public entities may delegate to one or more

 3-6     officials of such public entities such powers and authority with

 3-7     respect to the planning, design, construction, acquisition,

 3-8     operation and maintenance of such public facilities as the

 3-9     governing bodies may deem appropriate.

3-10           Sec. 334.004.  Without limiting the general scope and

3-11     application of Section 334.003:

3-12           (a)  Each public entity shall have the right and power to use

3-13     its means and assets in planning, acquiring, constructing, owning,

3-14     operating and maintaining its undivided interest and share in the

3-15     public facilities, and to issue bonds and other securities to raise

3-16     funds for those purposes in the same way and to the same extent and

3-17     subject to all of the conditions which would apply if the undivided

3-18     interest of the entity were an entire interest in such public

3-19     facility.

3-20           (b)  A public entity shall have the right and power to

3-21     acquire, for the use and benefit of all participating public

3-22     entities, by purchase or through the exercise of the power of

3-23     eminent domain, lands, easements, and properties for the purpose of

3-24     jointly owned public facilities, and shall have the power to

3-25     transfer or convey such lands, easements, and properties, or

 4-1     interests therein, or otherwise to cause such lands, easements, and

 4-2     properties, or interests therein, to become vested in other

 4-3     participating public entities to the extent and in the manner

 4-4     agreed between the participating public entities.  In all cases in

 4-5     which a participating public entity exercises the right and power

 4-6     of eminent domain conferred hereby, it shall be controlled by the

 4-7     law governing the condemnation of property by incorporated cities

 4-8     and towns in this state, and the right and power of eminent domain

 4-9     hereby conferred shall include the right and power to take the fee

4-10     title in land so condemned, except that no participating public

4-11     entity has the right or power to take by the exercise of the power

4-12     of eminent domain any public facilities, or interest therein,

4-13     belonging to any other entity, or the power to take land or any

4-14     interest therein, by the exercise of the power of eminent domain.

4-15           (c)  Each participating public entity shall have the right

4-16     and power to enter into contracts for specialized insurance

4-17     appertaining to property and risks in connection with and incident

4-18     to the ownership, operation, and maintenance of the public

4-19     facilities, in addition to the usual forms of available insurance.

4-20     Each participating public entity shall be authorized to enter into

4-21     contracts for insurance for the use and benefit of each of the

4-22     other participating public entities as though the insurance were of

4-23     its sole benefit and to cause the rights of the other participating

4-24     public entities to be protected under such contracts according to

4-25     their respective undivided interests or entitlement under

 5-1     applicable agreements between the participating public entities.

 5-2           Sec. 334.005.  The powers and authority herein granted to

 5-3     public entities shall be in addition to and in substitution for any

 5-4     powers and authority granted to public entities under the laws of

 5-5     this state, and the exercise by any public entities of the powers

 5-6     and authority granted hereby and the performance or effectuation of

 5-7     any agreements entered into pursuant to the provisions hereof shall

 5-8     be deemed to constitute additional public purposes of such public

 5-9     entities (including the power to issue bonds, notes, or other

5-10     obligations for the accomplishment of such purposes),

5-11     notwithstanding the existence of any express or implied limitations

5-12     of the powers, authority, or purposes under any other general or

5-13     special laws or charter provisions.

5-14           SECTION 2.  If any word, phrase, clause, paragraph, sentence,

5-15     part, portion, or provision of this Act or the application thereof

5-16     to any person or circumstance shall be held to be invalid or

5-17     unconstitutional, the remainder of the Act shall nevertheless be

5-18     valid, and the legislature hereby declares that this Act would have

5-19     been enacted without such invalid or unconstitutional word, phrase,

5-20     clause, paragraph, sentence, part, portion, or provision.

5-21           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the

5-22     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

5-23     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

5-24     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

5-25     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

 6-1     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

 6-2     passage, and it is so enacted.