75R13292 JMC-D                          

         By Armbrister                                         S.B. No. 1865

         Substitute the following for S.B. No. 1865:

         By Walker                                         C.S.S.B. No. 1865

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the administration, management, operation, and

 1-3     authority of water districts.


 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 36.014, Water Code, is amended to read as

 1-6     follows:

 1-7           Sec. 36.014. NOTICE AND HEARING ON DISTRICT CREATION.  (a)

 1-8     If a petition is filed under Section 36.013, the commission shall

 1-9     give notice of an application as required by Section 49.011(a) and

1-10     may conduct a hearing on the application if the commission

1-11     determines that a hearing is necessary under Section 49.011 [The

1-12     notice of hearing on a petition must include a statement of the

1-13     nature and purpose of the proposed district and the date, time, and

1-14     place of hearing].

1-15           (b)  [The notice must be posted on the bulletin board used

1-16     for posting legal notices in each county in which all or part of

1-17     the proposed district is to be located.]

1-18           [(c)  Notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper

1-19     with general circulation in the county or counties in which the

1-20     proposed district is to be located.  Notice must be published not

1-21     later than the 30th day before the date of the hearing.]

1-22           [(d)] If the petition contains a request to create a

1-23     management area in all or part of the proposed district, the notice

1-24     must also be given in accordance with the requirements in Section

 2-1     35.006 for the designation of management areas.

 2-2           SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 49, Water Code, is amended

 2-3     by adding Section 49.011 to read as follows:


 2-5     THE COMMISSION.  (a)  On receipt by the commission of all required

 2-6     documentation associated with an application for creation of a

 2-7     district by the commission under Chapter 36, 50, 51, 54, 55, 58,

 2-8     65, or 66, the commission shall issue a notice indicating that the

 2-9     application is administratively complete.

2-10           (b)  The commission by rule shall establish a procedure for

2-11     public notice and hearing of applications.  The rules must require

2-12     an applicant to publish the notice issued by the commission under

2-13     Subsection (a) once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper

2-14     regularly published or circulated in the county where the district

2-15     is proposed to be located not later than the 30th day before the

2-16     date on which the commission may act on the application.

2-17           (c)  The commission may act on an application without holding

2-18     a public hearing if a public hearing is not requested by the

2-19     commission, the executive director, or an affected person in the

2-20     manner prescribed by commission rule during the 30 days following

2-21     the final publication of notice under Subsection (b).

2-22           (d)  If the commission determines that a public hearing is

2-23     necessary, the commission shall advise all parties of the time and

2-24     place of the hearing.  The commission is not required to provide

2-25     public notice of a hearing under this section.

2-26           SECTION 3.  Section 49.057(e), Water Code, is amended to read

2-27     as follows:

 3-1           (e)  The board shall require an officer, employee, or

 3-2     consultant, including a bookkeeper, financial advisor, or system

 3-3     operator, who routinely collects, pays, or handles any funds of the

 3-4     district to furnish good and sufficient bond, payable to the

 3-5     district, in an amount determined by the board to be sufficient to

 3-6     safeguard the district.  The board may require a consultant who

 3-7     does not routinely collect, pay, or handle funds of the district to

 3-8     furnish a bond.  The bond shall be conditioned on the faithful

 3-9     performance of that person's duties and on accounting for all funds

3-10     and property of the district.  Such bond shall be signed or

3-11     endorsed by a surety company authorized to do business in the

3-12     state.

3-13           SECTION 4.  Section 49.103, Water Code, is amended by

3-14     amending Subsections (e) and (f) and adding Subsection (g) to read

3-15     as follows:

3-16           (e)  Section 49.002 notwithstanding, in all areas of conflict

3-17     the provisions of Subsections (a) and [Subsection] (b) shall take

3-18     precedence over all prior statutory enactments.

3-19           (f)  This section does not apply to:

3-20                 (1)  any special law district or authority that is not

3-21     required by the law creating the district or authority to elect its

3-22     directors by the public; or

3-23                 (2)  a special utility district operating under Chapter

3-24     65.

3-25           (g)  A district may, if required under this section to change

3-26     the terms of office of directors to four-year terms or to change

3-27     the date on which the district holds a director election, extend

 4-1     the terms of office of directors serving the district on the

 4-2     effective date of H.B. No. 2236, Acts of the 75th Legislature,

 4-3     Regular Session, 1997, to continue the terms until the next

 4-4     appropriate election date in an even-numbered year.  A district

 4-5     that is required under this section to change the terms of office

 4-6     of directors to staggered terms may require directors of the

 4-7     district to draw lots to achieve staggered terms.

 4-8           SECTION 5.  Section 49.106, Water Code, is amended by adding

 4-9     Subsection (d) to read as follows:

4-10           (d)  A bond election may be called as a result of an

4-11     agreement to annex additional territory into the district.

4-12           SECTION 6.  Section 49.108, Water Code, is amended by

4-13     amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (e) to read as

4-14     follows:

4-15           (b)  A district may make payments under a contract from taxes

4-16     other than operation and maintenance taxes after the provisions of

4-17     the contract have been approved by a majority of the qualified

4-18     voters [electors] voting at an election held for that purpose.  A

4-19     contract approved by the qualified voters of a district may contain

4-20     a provision stating that the contract may be modified or amended by

4-21     the board without voter approval.

4-22           (e)  A district that is required under Section 49.181 to

4-23     obtain approval by the commission of the district's issuance of

4-24     bonds must obtain approval by the executive director before the

4-25     district enters into an obligation under this section to collect

4-26     tax for debt that exceeds three years.  This subsection does not

4-27     apply to contract taxes that are levied to pay for a district's

 5-1     share of bonds that have been issued by another district and

 5-2     approved by the commission.

 5-3           SECTION 7.  Section 49.153, Water Code, is amended by

 5-4     amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (e) to read as

 5-5     follows:

 5-6           (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (e), a [A] district may

 5-7     not execute a note for a term longer than three years unless the

 5-8     commission issues an order approving the note.

 5-9           (e)  Subsection (c) does not apply to:

5-10                 (1)  a note issued to and approved by the:

5-11                       (A)  Farmers Home Administration;

5-12                       (B)  United States Department of Agriculture; or

5-13                       (C)  Texas Water Development Board; or

5-14                 (2)  a district described by Section 49.181(h).

5-15           SECTION 8.  Section 49.181(h), Water Code, is amended to read

5-16     as follows:

5-17           (h)  This section does not apply to a district if:

5-18                 (1)  the district's boundaries include one entire

5-19     county;

5-20                 (2)  the district was created by a special Act of the

5-21     legislature and:

5-22                       (A)  the district is located entirely within one

5-23     county;

5-24                       (B)  entirely within one or more home-rule

5-25     municipalities;

5-26                       (C)  the total taxable value of the real property

5-27     and improvements to the real property zoned by one or more

 6-1     home-rule municipalities for residential purposes and located

 6-2     within the district does not exceed 25 percent of the total taxable

 6-3     value of all taxable property in the district, as shown by the most

 6-4     recent certified appraisal tax roll prepared by the appraisal

 6-5     district for the county; and

 6-6                       (D)  the district was not required by law to

 6-7     obtain commission approval of its bonds before the effective date

 6-8     of this section;

 6-9                 (3)  the district is a special water authority; or

6-10                 (4)  the district is governed by a board of directors

6-11     appointed in whole or in part by the governor, a state agency, or

6-12     the governing body or chief elected official of a municipality or

6-13     county and does not provide, or propose to provide, water, [and]

6-14     sewer, drainage, reclamation, or flood control services to

6-15     residential retail customers as its principal function.

6-16           SECTION 9.  Subchapter F, Chapter 49, Water Code, is amended

6-17     by adding Section 49.186 to read as follows:


6-19     (a)  All bonds, notes, and other obligations issued by a district

6-20     shall be legal and authorized investments for all banks, trust

6-21     companies, building and loan associations, savings and loan

6-22     associations, insurance companies of all kinds and types,

6-23     fiduciaries, and trustees, and for all interest and sinking funds

6-24     and other public funds of the state, and all agencies,

6-25     subdivisions, and instrumentalities of the state, including all

6-26     counties, cities, towns, villages, school districts, and all other

6-27     kinds and types of districts, public agencies, and bodies politic.

 7-1           (b)  A district's bonds, notes, and other obligations are

 7-2     eligible and lawful security for all deposits of public funds of

 7-3     the state, and all agencies, subdivisions, and instrumentalities of

 7-4     the state, including all counties, cities, towns, villages, school

 7-5     districts, and all other kinds and types of districts, public

 7-6     agencies, and bodies politic, to the extent of the market value of

 7-7     the bonds, notes, and other obligations when accompanied by any

 7-8     unmatured interest coupons attached to them.

 7-9           SECTION 10.  Section 49.198(a), Water Code, is amended to

7-10     read as follows:

7-11           (a)  A district [that is not collecting taxes] may elect to

7-12     file annual financial reports with the executive director in lieu

7-13     of the district's compliance with Section 49.191 provided:

7-14                 (1)  the district had no bonds or other long-term (more

7-15     than one year) liabilities outstanding during the fiscal period;

7-16                 (2)  the district did not have gross receipts from

7-17     operations, loans, taxes, or contributions in excess of $100,000

7-18     during the fiscal period; and

7-19                 (3)  the district's cash and temporary investments were

7-20     not in excess of $100,000 at any time during the fiscal period.

7-21           SECTION 11.  Section 49.211, Water Code, is amended by adding

7-22     Subsections (c) and (d) to read as follows:

7-23           (c)  A district that is authorized by law to engage in

7-24     drainage or flood control activities may adopt:

7-25                 (1)  a master drainage plan, including rules relating

7-26     to the plan and design criteria for drainage channels, facilities,

7-27     and flood control improvements;

 8-1                 (2)  rules for construction activity to be conducted

 8-2     within the district that:

 8-3                       (A)  reasonably relate to providing adequate

 8-4     drainage or flood control; and

 8-5                       (B)  use generally accepted engineering criteria;

 8-6     and

 8-7                 (3)  reasonable procedures to enforce rules adopted by

 8-8     the district under this subsection.

 8-9           (d)  If a district adopts a master drainage plan under

8-10     Subsection (c)(1), the district may adopt rules relating to review

8-11     and approval of proposed drainage plans submitted by property

8-12     developers.  A district that reviews a proposed drainage plan under

8-13     rules adopted under this subsection shall, if the district fails to

8-14     approve the proposed plan, prepare a written report that identifies

8-15     the areas that are not in compliance with the district's master

8-16     drainage plan or rules adopted under Subsection (c).

8-17           SECTION 12.  Section 49.212(d), Water Code, is amended to

8-18     read as follows:

8-19           (d)  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a

8-20     district that charges a fee that is an impact fee as described in

8-21     Section 395.001(4), Local Government Code, must comply with Chapter

8-22     395, Local Government Code.  A charge or fee by a district for

8-23     construction, installation, or inspection of a tap or connection to

8-24     district water, sanitary sewer, or drainage facilities, including

8-25     all necessary service lines and meters, or for wholesale facilities

8-26     that serve such water, sanitary sewer, or drainage facilities that

8-27     (i) does  not exceed three times the actual and reasonable costs to

 9-1     the district for such tap or connection [work] or (ii) if made to a

 9-2     nontaxable entity for retail or wholesale service, does not exceed

 9-3     the actual costs to the district for such work and for all

 9-4     facilities that are necessary to provide district services to such

 9-5     entity and that are financed or are to be financed in whole or in

 9-6     part by tax-supported or revenue bonds of the district, shall not

 9-7     be deemed [or considered] to be an impact fee under Chapter 395,

 9-8     Local Government Code.

 9-9           SECTION 13.  Section 49.218(a), Water Code, is amended to

9-10     read as follows:

9-11           (a)  A district or a water supply corporation may acquire

9-12     land, an interest in land, materials, waste grounds, easements,

9-13     rights-of-way, equipment, contract or permit rights or interests,

9-14     and other property, real or personal, considered necessary for the

9-15     purpose of accomplishing any one or more of the district's or water

9-16     supply corporation's purposes provided in this code or in any other

9-17     law.

9-18           SECTION 14.  Sections 49.226(a) and (b), Water Code, are

9-19     amended to read as follows:

9-20           (a)  Any personal property valued at more than $300 or any

9-21     land or[,] interest in land[, or personal property] owned by the

9-22     district which is found by the board to be surplus and is not

9-23     needed by the district may be sold under order of the board either

9-24     by public or private sale, or the land, interest in land, or

9-25     personal property may be exchanged for other land, interest in

9-26     land, or personal property needed by the district.  Except as

9-27     provided in Subsection (b), land, interest in land, or personal

 10-1    property must be exchanged for like fair market value, which value

 10-2    may be determined by the district.

 10-3          (b)  Any property dedicated to or acquired by the district

 10-4    without expending district funds may be abandoned or released to

 10-5    the original grantor, the grantor's heirs, assigns, executors, or

 10-6    successors upon terms and conditions deemed necessary or

 10-7    advantageous to the district and without receiving compensation for

 10-8    such abandonment or release.  District property may also be

 10-9    abandoned, released, exchanged, or transferred to another district,

10-10    municipality, county, countywide agency, or authority upon terms

10-11    and conditions deemed necessary or advantageous to the district.

10-12    Narrow strips of property resulting from boundary or surveying

10-13    conflicts or similar causes, or from insubstantial encroachments by

10-14    abutting property owners, or property of larger configuration that

10-15    has been subject to encroachments by abutting property owners for

10-16    more than 25 years may be abandoned, released, exchanged, or

10-17    transferred to such abutting owners upon terms and conditions

10-18    deemed necessary or advantageous to the district.  Chapter 272,

10-19    Local Government Code, shall not apply to this subsection.

10-20          SECTION 15.  Subchapter H, Chapter 49, Water Code, is amended

10-21    by adding Section 49.2261 to read as follows:

10-22          Sec. 49.2261.  PURCHASE, SALE, OR OTHER EXCHANGE OF WATER OR

10-23    WATER RIGHTS.  Notwithstanding any other law, the district may:

10-24                (1)  purchase, acquire, sell, transfer, lease, or

10-25    otherwise exchange water or water rights under an agreement between

10-26    the district and a person or entity that contains terms that are

10-27    considered advantageous to the district; and

 11-1                (2)  employ agents, consultants, brokers,

 11-2    professionals, or other persons that the board determines are

 11-3    necessary or appropriate to conduct a transaction described by

 11-4    Subdivision (1).

 11-5          SECTION 16.  Sections 49.231(e) and (g), Water Code, are

 11-6    amended to read as follows:

 11-7          (e)  [The commission shall hold a hearing on an application

 11-8    submitted under Subsection (c).]  Notice of an application

 11-9    submitted under Subsection (c) [the hearing] shall be published by

11-10    the district in a form provided by the commission.  The district

11-11    shall publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the

11-12    county or counties in which the district is located once a week for

11-13    two consecutive weeks.  The district shall also send notice of the

11-14    application [The first publication must occur not later than the

11-15    30th day before the date of the hearing.  The district shall send,

11-16    not later than the 30th day before the date of the hearing, notice

11-17    of the hearing] by certified mail, return receipt requested, to

11-18    each owner of undeveloped property in the district.  On the date

11-19    the application is filed, the district's tax assessor and collector

11-20    shall certify to the district the names of the persons owning

11-21    undeveloped land in the district as reflected by the most recent

11-22    certified tax roll of the district.  Notice of the application

11-23    [hearing] must be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested,

11-24    to each mortgagee of record that has submitted a written request to

11-25    be informed of any application for standby fees [hearings]. [To be

11-26    effective, the written request must be received by the district not

11-27    later than the 60th day before the date of the hearing.]  The

 12-1    written request for notice must include the name and address of the

 12-2    mortgagee, the name of the property owner in the district, and a

 12-3    brief property description.  The commission may act on an

 12-4    application without conducting a hearing if a public hearing is not

 12-5    requested by the commission, the executive director, or an affected

 12-6    person in the manner prescribed by commission rule during the 30

 12-7    days following publication of the notice or receipt of mail

 12-8    containing the notice under this subsection.

 12-9          (g)  The [After a hearing on an application under Subsection

12-10    (e), the]  commission shall issue an order approving or

12-11    disapproving the application.  The commission shall retain a copy

12-12    of the order and send a copy of the order to the district.

12-13          SECTION 17.  Section 49.232, Water Code, is amended to read

12-14    as follows:


12-16    district may contract with any person, within or without the

12-17    boundaries of the district, to provide or receive laboratory or

12-18    environmental services related to environmental, health, or

12-19    drinking water testing.

12-20          SECTION 18.  Subchapter H, Chapter 49, Water Code, is amended

12-21    by adding Section 49.233 to read as follows:

12-22          Sec. 49.233.  NONLIABILITY FOR WATER SAFETY.  A district is

12-23    not liable to a person for an injury arising from the placement,

12-24    failure to place, absence, condition, or malfunction of a buoy,

12-25    beacon, sign, or warning device on or near water and within the

12-26    district.

12-27          SECTION 19.  The heading to Subchapter I, Chapter 49, Water

 13-1    Code, is amended to read as follows:


 13-3                          AND MACHINERY CONTRACTS

 13-4          SECTION 20.  Section 49.273, Water Code, is amended to read

 13-5    as follows:

 13-6          Sec. 49.273.  [Construction] Contract Award.  (a)  The board

 13-7    shall contract for construction and repair and renovation of

 13-8    district facilities and for the purchase of equipment, materials,

 13-9    machinery, and all things that constitute or will constitute the

13-10    plant, works, facilities, or improvements of the district in

13-11    accordance with this section.  The bidding documents, plans,

13-12    specifications, and other data needed to bid on the project must be

13-13    available at the time of the first advertisement and the

13-14    advertisement shall state the location at which these documents may

13-15    be reviewed.

13-16          (b)  A [construction] contract may cover all the work to be

13-17    provided for [by] the district or the various elements of the work

13-18    may be segregated for the purpose of receiving bids and awarding

13-19    contracts.  A contract may provide that the work will be completed

13-20    [constructed] in stages over a period of years.

13-21          (c)  A [construction] contract may provide for the payment of

13-22    a total sum that is the completed cost of the work or may be based

13-23    on bids to cover cost of units of the various elements entering

13-24    into the work as estimated and approximately specified by the

13-25    district's engineers, or a contract may be let and awarded in any

13-26    other form or composite of forms and to any responsible person or

13-27    persons that, in the board's judgment, will be most advantageous to

 14-1    the district and result in the best and most economical completion

 14-2    of the district's proposed plants, improvements, facilities, works,

 14-3    equipment, and appliances.

 14-4          (d)  For [construction] contracts for $25,000 or more, the

 14-5    board shall advertise the letting of the contract, including the

 14-6    general conditions, time, and place of opening of sealed bids.  The

 14-7    notice shall be published in one or more newspapers circulated in

 14-8    each county in which part of the district is located.  If one

 14-9    newspaper meets both of these requirements, publication in such

14-10    newspaper is sufficient.  If there are more than four counties in

14-11    the district, notice may be published in any newspaper with general

14-12    circulation in the district.  The notice shall be published once a

14-13    week for three consecutive weeks before the date that the bids are

14-14    opened, and the first publication shall be not later than the 21st

14-15    day before the date of the opening of the sealed bids.

14-16          (e)  For [construction] contracts for $15,000 or more but

14-17    less than $25,000, the board shall solicit written competitive bids

14-18    on uniform written specifications from at least three bidders.

14-19          (f)  For [construction] contracts of less than $15,000, the

14-20    board is not required to advertise or seek competitive bids.

14-21          (g)  The board may not subdivide work to avoid the

14-22    advertising requirements specified in this section.

14-23          (h)  The board may not accept bids that include substituted

14-24    items unless the substituted items were included in the original

14-25    bid proposal and all bidders had the opportunity to bid on the

14-26    substituted items or unless notice is given to all bidders at a

14-27    mandatory pre-bid conference.

 15-1          (i)  Change orders to contracts may be issued only as a

 15-2    result of unanticipated conditions encountered during construction,

 15-3    repair, or renovation or changes in regulatory criteria or to

 15-4    facilitate project coordination with other political entities.

 15-5          (j)  The board is not required to advertise or seek

 15-6    competitive bids for the repair of district facilities by the

 15-7    district's operator if the cost of the repair is less than or equal

 15-8    to the cost of complying with the advertising requirements of this

 15-9    section [The provisions of this subchapter do not apply to

15-10    contracts for personal or professional services or for a utility

15-11    service operator or to contracts made by a district engaged in the

15-12    distribution and sale of electric energy to the public.]

15-13          [(k)  The provisions of this subchapter do not apply to high

15-14    technology procurements.  The provisions of Sections 252.021(a) and

15-15    252.042, Local Government Code, shall apply to high technology

15-16    procurements].

15-17          SECTION 21.  Subchapter I, Chapter 49, Water Code, is amended

15-18    by adding Section 49.278 to read as follows:

15-19          Sec. 49.278.  NONAPPLICABILITY.  (a)  This subchapter does

15-20    not apply to:

15-21                (1)  equipment, materials, or machinery purchased by

15-22    the district at an auction that is open to the public;

15-23                (2)  contracts for personal or professional services or

15-24    for a utility service operator;

15-25                (3)  contracts made by a district engaged in the

15-26    distribution and sale of electric energy to the public; or

15-27                (4)  high technology procurements.

 16-1          (b)  Sections 252.021(a) and 252.042, Local Government Code,

 16-2    apply to high technology procurements.

 16-3          SECTION 22.  Section 49.301, Water Code, is amended by

 16-4    amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (g) to read as

 16-5    follows:

 16-6          (b)  If the district has bonds, notes, or other obligations

 16-7    outstanding or bonds payable in whole or in part from taxes that

 16-8    have been voted but are unissued, the board shall [may] require the

 16-9    petitioner or petitioners to assume their share of the outstanding

16-10    bonds, notes, or other obligations and the voted but unissued tax

16-11    bonds of the district and authorize the board to levy a tax on

16-12    their property in each year while any of the bonds, notes, or other

16-13    obligations payable in whole or in part from taxation are

16-14    outstanding to pay their share of the indebtedness.

16-15          (g)  An order issued by the board under this section is not

16-16    required to include all of the land described in the petition if

16-17    the board determines that a change in the description is necessary

16-18    or desirable.

16-19          SECTION 23.  Section 49.302(f), Water Code, is amended to

16-20    read as follows:

16-21          (f)  A copy of the order annexing land to the district,

16-22    [signed by a majority of the members of the board and] attested by

16-23    the secretary of the board, shall be filed and recorded in the deed

16-24    records of the county or counties in which the district is located

16-25    if the land is finally annexed to the district.

16-26          SECTION 24.  Section 49.351, Water Code, is amended by adding

16-27    Subsection (k) to read as follows:

 17-1          (k)  In this section, "fire-fighting activities" means all of

 17-2    the customary and usual activities of a fire department, including

 17-3    fire suppression, fire prevention, training, safety education,

 17-4    maintenance, communications, medical emergency services,

 17-5    photography, and administration.

 17-6          SECTION 25.  Section 49.455(b), Water Code, is amended to

 17-7    read as follows:

 17-8          (b)  The information form filed by a district under this

 17-9    section shall include:

17-10                (1)  the name of the district;

17-11                (2)  the complete and accurate legal description of the

17-12    boundaries of the district;

17-13                (3)  the most recent rate of district taxes on property

17-14    located in the district;

17-15                (4)  the total amount of bonds that have been approved

17-16    by the voters and which may be issued by the district (excluding

17-17    refunding bonds and any bonds or portion of bonds payable solely

17-18    from revenues received or expected to be received pursuant to a

17-19    contract with a governmental entity);

17-20                (5)  the aggregate initial principal amount of all

17-21    bonds of the district payable in whole or part from taxes

17-22    (excluding refunding bonds and any bonds or portion of bonds

17-23    payable solely from revenues received or expected to be received

17-24    pursuant to a contract with a governmental entity) that have been

17-25    previously issued [and remain outstanding];

17-26                (6)  whether a standby fee is imposed by the district

17-27    and, if so, the amount of the standby fee;

 18-1                (7)  the date on which the election to confirm the

 18-2    creation of the district was held if such was required;

 18-3                (8)  a statement of the functions performed or to be

 18-4    performed by the district; and

 18-5                (9)  the particular form of Notice to Purchasers

 18-6    required by Section 49.452 to be furnished by a seller to a

 18-7    purchaser of real property in that district completed by the

 18-8    district with all information required to be furnished by the

 18-9    district.

18-10          If a district has not yet levied taxes, a statement to such

18-11    effect together with the district's most recent projected rate of

18-12    debt service tax shall be substituted for Subdivisions (3) and (4).

18-13          SECTION 26.  Section 51.028, Water Code, is amended by

18-14    amending the heading and Subsection (a)  to read as follows:

18-15          Sec. 51.028.  MULTI-COUNTY DISTRICT:  NOTICE AND [OF]

18-16    HEARING.  (a)  When a petition is filed, the commission shall give

18-17    notice of an application [a hearing] in the manner provided in

18-18    Section 49.011 and may conduct a hearing on the application if the

18-19    commission determines that a hearing is necessary under that

18-20    section [51.018 of this code].

18-21          SECTION 27.  Subchapter B, Chapter 53, Water Code, is amended

18-22    by adding Section 53.020 to read as follows:

18-23          Sec. 53.020.  TEMPORARY SUPERVISORS; QUALIFICATIONS.  (a)  If

18-24    the commissioners court grants a petition presented under Section

18-25    53.013, the court shall appoint five temporary supervisors to serve

18-26    on the board of the district until permanent supervisors are

18-27    elected.

 19-1          (b)  A temporary supervisor appointed under Subsection (a)

 19-2    shall execute a bond as required under Section 49.055 and take the

 19-3    oath of office.

 19-4          (c)  After the commissioners court appoints five temporary

 19-5    supervisors under Subsection (a), the temporary supervisors shall

 19-6    meet and organize.

 19-7          SECTION 28.  Section 54.018, Water Code, is amended to read

 19-8    as follows:


19-10    [ESTABLISHING A DATE OF HEARING].  If a petition is filed under

19-11    Section 54.014, the commission shall give notice of an application

19-12    as required by Section 49.011 and may conduct a hearing on the

19-13    application if the commission determines that a hearing is

19-14    necessary under Section 49.011 [On the filing of a petition, the

19-15    commission or someone authorized by the commission, shall fix a

19-16    date, time, and place at which the petition shall be heard and

19-17    shall issue notice of the date, time, and place of hearing.  The

19-18    notice shall inform all persons of their right to appear and

19-19    present evidence and testify for or against the allegations in the

19-20    petition, the form of the petition, the necessity and feasibility

19-21    of the district's project, and the benefits to accrue].

19-22          SECTION 29.  Section 54.020(a), Water Code, is amended to

19-23    read as follows:

19-24          (a)  If the commission determines that a hearing is necessary

19-25    under Section 49.011, the commission shall conduct a hearing and

19-26    accept evidence [At the hearing, the commission shall examine the

19-27    petition to ascertain its sufficiency, and any person interested

 20-1    may appear before the commission in person or by attorney and offer

 20-2    testimony] on the sufficiency of the petition and whether the

 20-3    project is feasible and practicable and is necessary and would be a

 20-4    benefit to all or any part of the land proposed to be included in

 20-5    the district.

 20-6          SECTION 30.  Sections 54.021(a) and (e), Water Code, are

 20-7    amended to read as follows:

 20-8          (a)  If the commission finds [After the hearing of the

 20-9    petition if it is found] that the petition conforms to the

20-10    requirements of Section 54.015 [of this code] and that the project

20-11    is feasible and practicable and is necessary and would be a benefit

20-12    to the land to be included in the district, the commission shall so

20-13    find by its order and grant the petition.

20-14          (e)  A copy of the order of the commission granting or

20-15    denying a petition shall be mailed to each city having

20-16    extraterritorial jurisdiction in the county or counties in which

20-17    the district is located who requested a hearing under Section

20-18    49.011 [notice of hearings as provided in Section 54.019 of this

20-19    code].

20-20          SECTION 31.  Section 54.102, Water Code, is amended to read

20-21    as follows:

20-22          Sec. 54.102.  QUALIFICATIONS FOR DIRECTORS.  To be qualified

20-23    to serve as a director, a person shall be at least 18 [21] years

20-24    old, a resident citizen of the State of Texas, and either own land

20-25    subject to taxation in the district or be a qualified voter within

20-26    the district.

20-27          SECTION 32.  Section 54.774(b), Water Code, is amended to

 21-1    read as follows:

 21-2          (b)  Except as provided in Subsection (a)  [of this section],

 21-3    a district may acquire recreational facilities and obtain funds to

 21-4    develop and maintain them in the same manner as authorized

 21-5    elsewhere in this code for the acquisition, development, and

 21-6    maintenance of other facilities of the district.  Without limiting

 21-7    the foregoing, a district may charge fees directly to the users of

 21-8    recreational facilities and to water and wastewater customers of

 21-9    the district, regardless of whether the customers are located

21-10    within or outside the boundaries of the district, to pay for all or

21-11    part of the cost of their development and maintenance.  For

21-12    purposes of enforcing payment of an unpaid fee charged under this

21-13    subsection, the district may:

21-14                (1)  seek legal restitution of the unpaid fee; and

21-15                (2)  refuse use of a recreational facility to the

21-16    person who owes the unpaid fee, except that the district may not

21-17    discontinue use of other facilities or services.

21-18          SECTION 33.  Section 54.802(b), Water Code, is amended to

21-19    read as follows:

21-20          (b)  The board shall adopt a proposed plan for improvements

21-21    in the defined area or to serve the designated property in the

21-22    manner provided by Section 49.106 [Sections 54.506-54.507 of this

21-23    code].

21-24          SECTION 34.  Section 54.806(a), Water Code, is amended to

21-25    read as follows:

21-26          (a)  Before the adopted plans may become effective, they must

21-27    be approved by the voters in the defined area or within the

 22-1    boundaries of the designated property.  The election shall be

 22-2    conducted as provided by Section 49.106 [this chapter] for an

 22-3    election to authorize the issuance of bonds.

 22-4          SECTION 35.  Section 55.040, Water Code, is amended to read

 22-5    as follows:

 22-6          Sec. 55.040.  MULTI-COUNTY DISTRICT: PETITION.  Creation of a

 22-7    district composed of land in two or more counties may be initiated

 22-8    by presenting a petition to the commission signed by the owners of

 22-9    more than half the land in the proposed district or by 50 qualified

22-10    property taxpaying electors of the territory of the proposed

22-11    district.  The petition shall describe the boundaries of the

22-12    proposed district and[,] request an order on [a hearing to

22-13    determine] the advisability of creating the district[,] and

22-14    [request] an order for an election.

22-15          SECTION 36.  Section 55.042, Water Code, is amended to read

22-16    as follows:

22-17          Sec. 55.042.  MULTI-COUNTY DISTRICT: HEARING.  If the

22-18    commission determines that a hearing is necessary under Section

22-19    49.011, the commission shall conduct a hearing and [At the

22-20    hearing,] any person whose land would be affected by creation of

22-21    the district may appear and support or oppose creation of the

22-22    proposed district, and may offer competent testimony to show that

22-23    the district would or would not serve a beneficial purpose, be

22-24    practicable, or accomplish the purposes intended.

22-25          SECTION 37.  Section 58.027, Water Code, is amended by

22-26    amending the heading and Subsection (a)  to read as follows:


 23-1    BY COMMISSION.  (a)  The commission shall have exclusive

 23-2    jurisdiction and power to consider [hear] and determine all

 23-3    petitions for creation of a district that will include land or

 23-4    property located in two or more counties.

 23-5          SECTION 38.  Section 58.028, Water Code, is amended to read

 23-6    as follows:


 23-8    ON DISTRICT CREATION.  [(a)]  When a petition is filed, the

 23-9    commission shall give notice of an application [a hearing] in the

23-10    manner provided in Section 49.011 and may conduct a hearing on the

23-11    application if the commission determines that a hearing is

23-12    necessary under that section [58.018 of this code].

23-13          [(b)  The notice shall be posted at the courthouse door, on

23-14    the bulletin board used for posting legal notices, in each county

23-15    in which the district may be located.]

23-16          [(c)  The notice shall be published in one or more newspapers

23-17    with general circulation in the area of the proposed district.]

23-18          SECTION 39.  Section 58.030, Water Code, is amended to read

23-19    as follows:


23-21    OF] COMMISSION; PROCEDURE.  (a)  The commission shall [hear,]

23-22    consider[,] and determine on the issues a petition filed under

23-23    Section 58.028 [of this code].

23-24          (b)  The [At the hearing of the petition, the] commission

23-25    shall be governed by the provisions of Section 58.021 [of this

23-26    code].

23-27          SECTION 40.  Section 59.007(a), Water Code, is amended to

 24-1    read as follows:

 24-2          (a)  If [after the hearing of the petition] the commission

 24-3    finds after considering the petition that the petition conforms to

 24-4    the requirements of this chapter and that the creation of the

 24-5    district would be of benefit to the territory to be included in the

 24-6    district, the commission shall issue an order granting the petition

 24-7    for creation.  If the commission finds that part of the territory

 24-8    included in the proposed district will not benefit from the

 24-9    creation of the district, the commission shall exclude that

24-10    territory from the proposed district and redefine the proposed

24-11    district's boundaries accordingly.

24-12          SECTION 41.  Section 65.018, Water Code, is amended to read

24-13    as follows:


24-15    [ESTABLISHING DATE OF HEARING].  If a resolution is filed under

24-16    Section 65.014, the commission shall give notice of an application

24-17    as required by Section 49.011 and may conduct a hearing on the

24-18    application if the commission determines that a hearing is

24-19    necessary under Section 49.011 [(a)  On the filing of a resolution,

24-20    the commission shall set a date, time, and place at which the

24-21    resolution will be heard and shall issue notice of the date, time,

24-22    and place of hearing.]

24-23          [(b)  The notice shall inform all persons of their right to

24-24    appear and present evidence and testify for or against the material

24-25    included in the resolution, the form of the resolution, the

24-26    necessity and feasibility of the water supply corporation's request

24-27    for conversion, and the benefits to accrue from conversion].

 25-1          SECTION 42.  Section 65.020(a), Water Code, is amended to

 25-2    read as follows:

 25-3          (a)  If the commission determines that a hearing is necessary

 25-4    under Section 49.011, the commission shall conduct a hearing and

 25-5    accept evidence [At the hearing, the commission shall examine the

 25-6    resolution to determine if it is sufficient, and any person

 25-7    interested may appear before the commission in person or by

 25-8    attorney and offer testimony] on the sufficiency of the resolution

 25-9    and whether or not the request for conversion is feasible and

25-10    practicable and is necessary and would be a benefit to all or any

25-11    part of the land proposed to be included in the district.

25-12          SECTION 43.  Section 65.021(a), Water Code, is amended to

25-13    read as follows:

25-14          (a)  If [After the hearing on the resolution, if] the

25-15    commission finds that the resolution conforms to the requirements

25-16    of Section 65.015 [of this code] and that the request for

25-17    conversion is feasible and practicable and is necessary and would

25-18    be a benefit to the land proposed to be included in the district,

25-19    the commission shall make these findings in an order and shall

25-20    authorize the creation of the district on approval at the

25-21    confirmation and directors' election called and held under this

25-22    subchapter.

25-23          SECTION 44.  Section 65.103, Water Code, is amended by

25-24    amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (d) to read as

25-25    follows:

25-26          (c)  The method for determining the initial terms for each of

25-27    the directors constituting the initial board shall be determined by

 26-1    the temporary directors, and the terms must be clearly stated on

 26-2    the ballot for the confirmation and directors' election.  [At

 26-3    subsequent elections in each following year in which there is an

 26-4    election, the election must be held on the same uniform election

 26-5    date as the confirmation and directors' election, and the terms of

 26-6    the directors being elected must be stated on the ballot.]

 26-7          (d)  Notwithstanding Sections 41.001 and 41.003, Election

 26-8    Code, the board may hold an election to elect directors on any date

 26-9    determined by the board.  The terms of directors must be stated on

26-10    the ballot.

26-11          SECTION 45.  Section 66.018, Water Code, is amended to read

26-12    as follows:

26-13          Sec. 66.018.  NOTICE AND HEARING ON DISTRICT CREATION.  If a

26-14    petition is filed under Section 66.014, the commission shall give

26-15    notice of an application as required by Section 49.011 and may

26-16    conduct a hearing if the commission determines that a hearing is

26-17    necessary under Section 49.011 [(a)  On receiving a petition to

26-18    create a district,  the commission or a person designated by it

26-19    shall set a date for a hearing on the petition.]

26-20          [(b)  After a date is set for the hearing, the executive

26-21    director shall give notice of the hearing and the commission shall

26-22    hold the hearing and issue an order stating its final decision in

26-23    the manner provided by Chapter 2001, Government Code.  In addition

26-24    to other notice required by law, the executive director shall

26-25    publish notice in a newspaper with general circulation in the area

26-26    of the proposed district once a week for two consecutive weeks, the

26-27    first publication to be made at least 30 days before the date set

 27-1    for the hearing].

 27-2          SECTION 46.  Section 66.019(a), Water Code, is amended to

 27-3    read as follows:

 27-4          (a)  After considering the petition [the hearing], the

 27-5    commission shall grant the petition if it finds that:

 27-6                (1)  the petition conforms to the requirements of

 27-7    Sections 66.014 and 66.015 [of this code]; and

 27-8                (2)  the projects proposed by the district are feasible

 27-9    and practicable, are necessary, and will be a benefit to land

27-10    included in the district.

27-11          SECTION 47.  Section 6.003(b), Civil Practice and Remedies

27-12    Code, is amended to read as follows:

27-13          (b)  The following are exempt from the appeal bond

27-14    requirements:

27-15                (1)  a water improvement district, a water control and

27-16    improvement district, an irrigation district, a conservation and

27-17    reclamation district, or a water control and preservation district

27-18    organized under state law;

27-19                (2)  a levee improvement district organized under state

27-20    law; [and]

27-21                (3)  a drainage district organized under state law; and

27-22                (4)  an entity created under Section 52, Article III,

27-23    or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution.

27-24          SECTION 48.  Section 16.061, Civil Practice and Remedies

27-25    Code, is amended to read as follows:

27-26          Sec. 16.061.  RIGHTS NOT BARRED.  (a)  A right of action of

27-27    this state or a political subdivision of the state, including a

 28-1    county, an incorporated city or town, a navigation district, a

 28-2    municipal utility district, a port authority, an entity acting

 28-3    under Chapter 341, Acts of the 57th Legislature, Regular Session,

 28-4    1961 (Article 1187f, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), [or] a school

 28-5    district, or an entity created under Section 52, Article III, or

 28-6    Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, is not barred by any

 28-7    of the following sections:  16.001-16.004, 16.006, 16.007,

 28-8    16.021-16.028, 16.030-16.032, 16.035-16.037, 16.051, 16.062,

 28-9    16.063, 16.065-16.067, 16.070, 16.071, 31.006, or 71.021.

28-10          (b)  In this section:

28-11                (1)  "Navigation district" means a navigation district

28-12    organized under Section 52, Article III, [Section 52,] or Section

28-13    59, Article XVI, [Section 59, of the] Texas Constitution.

28-14                (2)  "Port authority" has the meaning assigned by

28-15    Section 60.402, Water Code.

28-16                (3)  "Municipal utility district" means a municipal

28-17    utility district created under Section 52, Article III, or Section

28-18    59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution.

28-19          SECTION 49.  Section 41.031(a), Election Code, is amended to

28-20    read as follows:

28-21          (a)  Except as provided by Section 41.033, the [The] polls

28-22    shall be opened at 7 a.m. for voting and shall be closed at 7 p.m.

28-23          SECTION 50.  Subchapter B, Chapter 41, Election Code, is

28-24    amended by adding Section 41.033 to read as follows:

28-25          Sec. 41.033.  EARLY CLOSING OF CERTAIN POLLS.

28-26    Notwithstanding Section 41.031(a), an entity created under Section

28-27    52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution,

 29-1    may close the polls before 7 p.m. in an election held by the entity

 29-2    if:

 29-3                (1)  the entity has fewer than 50 qualified voters; and

 29-4                (2)  the number of ballots cast in the election equals

 29-5    the number of qualified voters.

 29-6          SECTION 51.  Section 140.006, Local Government Code, is

 29-7    amended by amending Subsection (a)  and adding Subsection (e) to

 29-8    read as follows:

 29-9          (a)  Except as provided by Subsections [Subsection] (c) and

29-10    (e), the presiding officer of a governing body shall submit a

29-11    financial statement prepared under Section 140.005 to a newspaper

29-12    in each county in which the district or any part of the district is

29-13    located.

29-14          (e)  This section does not apply to an entity created under

29-15    Section 52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas

29-16    Constitution.

29-17          SECTION 52.  Section 191.0525(d), Natural Resources Code, is

29-18    amended to read as follows:

29-19          (d)  A project for a county, [or] municipality, or an entity

29-20    created under Section 52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI,

29-21    Texas Constitution, requires advance project review only if the

29-22    project affects a cumulative area larger than five acres or

29-23    disturbs a cumulative area of more than 5,000 cubic yards,

29-24    whichever measure is triggered first, or if the project is inside a

29-25    designated historic district or recorded archeological site.

29-26          SECTION 53.  Section 1.04(3), Tax Code, is amended to read as

29-27    follows:

 30-1                (3)  "Improvement" means:

 30-2                      (A)  a building, structure, fixture, or fence

 30-3    erected on or affixed to land; [or]

 30-4                      (B)  a transportable structure that is designed

 30-5    to be occupied for residential or business purposes, whether or not

 30-6    it is affixed to land, if the owner of the structure owns the land

 30-7    on which it is located, unless the structure is unoccupied and held

 30-8    for sale or normally is located at a particular place only

 30-9    temporarily; or

30-10                      (C)  for purposes of an entity created under

30-11    Section 52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas

30-12    Constitution:

30-13                      (i)  subdivision of land by plat;

30-14                      (ii)  installation of water, sewer, or drainage

30-15    lines; or

30-16                      (iii)  paving of undeveloped land.

30-17          SECTION 54.  Section 26.012, Tax Code, is amended by amending

30-18    Subdivisions (8) and (17) to read as follows:

30-19                (8)  "Debt service" means the total amount expended or

30-20    to be expended by a taxing unit from property tax revenues to pay

30-21    principal of and interest on debts or other payments required by

30-22    contract to secure the debts and, if the unit is created under

30-23    Section 52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas

30-24    Constitution, payments on debts that the unit anticipates incurring

30-25    in the next calendar year.

30-26                (17)  "New property value" means:

30-27                      (A)  the total taxable value of property added to

 31-1    the appraisal roll in the current year by annexation and

 31-2    improvements listed on the appraisal roll that were made after

 31-3    January 1 of the preceding tax year, including personal property

 31-4    located in new improvements that was brought into the unit after

 31-5    January 1 of the preceding tax year; [and]

 31-6                      (B)  property value that is included in the

 31-7    current total value for the tax year succeeding a tax year in which

 31-8    any portion of the value of the property was excluded from the

 31-9    total value because of the application of a tax abatement agreement

31-10    to all or a portion of the property, less the value of the property

31-11    that was included in the total value for the preceding tax year;

31-12    and

31-13                      (C)  for purposes of an entity created under

31-14    Section 52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas

31-15    Constitution,  property value that is included in the current total

31-16    value for the tax year succeeding a tax year in which the following

31-17    occurs:

31-18                      (i)  subdivision of land by plat;

31-19                      (ii)  installation of water, sewer, or drainage

31-20    lines; or

31-21                      (iii)  paving of undeveloped land.

31-22          SECTION 55.  Section 26.04(e), Tax Code, is amended to read

31-23    as follows:

31-24          (e)  By August 7 or as soon thereafter as practicable, the

31-25    designated officer or employee shall submit the rates to the

31-26    governing body.  He shall deliver by mail to each property owner in

31-27    the unit or publish in a newspaper in the form prescribed by the

 32-1    comptroller:

 32-2                (1)  the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate, and

 32-3    an explanation of how they were calculated;

 32-4                (2)  the estimated amount of interest and sinking fund

 32-5    balances and the estimated amount of maintenance and operation or

 32-6    general fund balances remaining at the end of the current fiscal

 32-7    year that are not encumbered with or by corresponding existing debt

 32-8    obligation, except that for a school district, estimated funds

 32-9    necessary for the operation of the district prior to the receipt of

32-10    the first state education aid payment in the succeeding school year

32-11    shall be subtracted from the estimated fund balances;

32-12                (3)  a schedule of the unit's debt obligations showing:

32-13                      (A)  the amount of principal and interest that

32-14    will be paid to service the unit's debts in the next year from

32-15    property tax revenue, including payments of lawfully incurred

32-16    contractual obligations providing security for the payment of the

32-17    principal of and interest on bonds and other evidences of

32-18    indebtedness issued on behalf of the unit by another political

32-19    subdivision and, if the unit is created under Section 52, Article

32-20    III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, payments on

32-21    debts that the unit anticipates to incur in the next calendar year;

32-22                      (B)  the amount by which taxes imposed for debt

32-23    are to be increased because of the unit's anticipated collection

32-24    rate; and

32-25                      (C)  the total of the amounts listed in

32-26    Paragraphs (A)-(B), less any amount collected in excess of the

32-27    previous year's anticipated collections certified as provided in

 33-1    Subsection (b) [of this section];

 33-2                (4)  the amount of additional sales and use tax revenue

 33-3    anticipated in calculations under Section 26.041 [of this code];

 33-4                (5)  in the year that a taxing unit calculates an

 33-5    adjustment under Section 26.04(k) or (l) [of this code], the unit

 33-6    shall publish a schedule that includes the following elements:

 33-7                      (A)  the name of the unit discontinuing the

 33-8    department, function, or activity;

 33-9                      (B)  the amount of property tax revenue spent by

33-10    the unit listed under Paragraph (A) of this subsection to operate

33-11    the discontinued department, function, or activity in the 12 months

33-12    preceding the month in which the calculations required by this

33-13    chapter are made; and

33-14                      (C)  the name of the unit that operates a

33-15    distinct department, function, or activity in all or a majority of

33-16    the territory of a taxing unit that has discontinued operating the

33-17    distinct department, function, or activity; and

33-18                (6)  in the year following the year in which a taxing

33-19    unit raised its rollback rate as required by Section 26.04(l) [of

33-20    this code], the taxing unit shall publish a schedule that includes

33-21    the following elements:

33-22                      (A)  the amount of property tax revenue spent by

33-23    the unit to operate the department, function, or activity for which

33-24    the taxing unit raised the rollback rate as required by Section

33-25    26.04(l) [of this code] for the 12 months preceding the month in

33-26    which the calculations required by this chapter are made; and

33-27                      (B)  the amount published by the unit in the

 34-1    preceding tax year under Section 26.04(e)(5)(B) [of this code].

 34-2          SECTION 56.  Sections 50.501, 51.030, 51.409, 53.071, 54.019,

 34-3    54.511, 54.515, 55.041, and 65.019, Water Code, and Section

 34-4    42.042(e), Local Government Code, are repealed.

 34-5          SECTION 57.  The importance of this legislation and the

 34-6    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

 34-7    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

 34-8    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

 34-9    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

34-10    and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

34-11    passage, and it is so enacted.