By Nelson                                             S.B. No. 1924

         75R10714 SAW-F                           

                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED

 1-1                                   AN ACT

 1-2     relating to the creation of municipal courts of record in Coppell.


 1-4           SECTION 1.  Chapter 30, Government Code, is amended by adding

 1-5     Subchapter LL to read as follows:

 1-6                           SUBCHAPTER LL.  COPPELL

 1-7           Sec. 30.01441.  APPLICATION.  This subchapter applies to the

 1-8     City of Coppell.

 1-9           Sec. 30.01442.  CREATION.  (a)  The governing body of the

1-10     city may by ordinance create a municipal court of record if it

1-11     determines that the formation of the court is necessary to provide

1-12     a more efficient disposition of cases arising in the city.  The

1-13     governing body may by ordinance determine the number of municipal

1-14     courts of record that are required to dispose of the cases and may

1-15     establish as many as necessary.  The ordinance establishing the

1-16     courts shall give each court a numerical designation, beginning

1-17     with "Municipal Court No. 1."

1-18           (b)  A municipal court of record may not exist concurrently

1-19     with municipal courts that are not courts of record in the city.

1-20           (c)  A municipal court of record has no terms and may sit at

1-21     any time for the transaction of the business of the court.

1-22           Sec. 30.01443.  JURISDICTION.  (a)  A municipal court of

1-23     record created under this subchapter has jurisdiction within the

1-24     territorial limits of the city in all criminal cases arising under

 2-1     the ordinances of the city.

 2-2           (b)  The court has concurrent jurisdiction with a justice of

 2-3     the peace in any precinct in which the city is located in criminal

 2-4     cases within the justice court jurisdiction that:

 2-5                 (1)  arise within the territorial limits of the city;

 2-6     and

 2-7                 (2)  are punishable by fine only.

 2-8           (c)  The court has jurisdiction over cases arising outside

 2-9     the territorial limits of the city under ordinances authorized by

2-10     Sections 215.072, 217.042, 341.903, and 401.002, Local Government

2-11     Code.

2-12           Sec. 30.01444.  WRIT POWER.  The judge of a municipal court

2-13     of record created under this subchapter may grant writs of

2-14     mandamus, injunction, attachment, and other writs necessary for the

2-15     enforcement of the jurisdiction of the court and may issue writs of

2-16     habeas corpus in cases in which the offense charged is within the

2-17     jurisdiction of the court.

2-18           Sec. 30.01445.  APPLICATION OF OTHER LAWS.  The general law

2-19     regarding municipal courts, the general law regarding justice

2-20     courts on matters not covered by the law regarding municipal

2-21     courts, and any charter provision or ordinance of the city relating

2-22     to the municipal court apply to a municipal court of record unless

2-23     the law, charter provision, or ordinance is in conflict or

2-24     inconsistent with this subchapter.

2-25           Sec. 30.01446.  JUDGE.  (a)  A municipal judge presides over

2-26     a municipal court of record.

2-27           (b)  The governing body of the city appoints a municipal

 3-1     judge for a term of two years.

 3-2           (c)  A municipal judge must be a licensed attorney in good

 3-3     standing in this state, a citizen of the United States, and a

 3-4     resident of this state.  A municipal judge is not required to be a

 3-5     resident of the city.

 3-6           (d)  If there is more than one municipal court of record in

 3-7     the city, the municipal court judges may exchange benches and may

 3-8     sit and act for each other in any proceeding pending in the courts.

 3-9           (e)  A municipal judge is entitled to a salary and other

3-10     benefits set by the governing body of the city.  The governing body

3-11     may not base the salary directly or indirectly on fines, fees, or

3-12     costs collected by the court.

3-13           Sec. 30.01447.  VACANCY; TEMPORARY REPLACEMENT; REMOVAL.

3-14     (a)  The governing body of the city shall appoint a qualified

3-15     person to fill a vacancy in the office of municipal judge for the

3-16     remainder of the unexpired term.

3-17           (b)  The governing body may appoint one or more qualified

3-18     persons as an alternate or associate municipal judge for a term of

3-19     two years.

3-20           (c)  An alternate or associate judge must meet the

3-21     qualifications prescribed for the municipal judge.

3-22           (d)  The governing body shall set the compensation of an

3-23     alternate or associate municipal judge.

3-24           (e)  The municipal judge may assign an alternate or associate

3-25     municipal judge to act for the municipal judge when the municipal

3-26     judge is unable to act for any reason.  An alternate or associate

3-27     judge, while serving, has all the powers and duties of a municipal

 4-1     judge.

 4-2           (f)  A municipal judge or an alternate or associate municipal

 4-3     judge serves at the pleasure of the governing body of the city and

 4-4     may be removed with or without cause.

 4-5           Sec. 30.01448.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a)  The city

 4-6     manager shall appoint a clerk of the municipal court of record.

 4-7           (b)  The clerk may hire, direct, and remove the personnel

 4-8     authorized in the city's annual budget for the clerk's office,

 4-9     including deputies and bailiffs as may be necessary or appropriate.

4-10           (c)  The clerk or the clerk's deputies shall keep the records

4-11     of the municipal courts of record, issue process, and generally

4-12     perform the duties for the courts that a clerk of the county court

4-13     exercising criminal jurisdiction is required by law to perform for

4-14     that court.   The clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with

4-15     statutes, the city charter, and city ordinances.

4-16           Sec. 30.01449.  COURT REPORTER.  (a)  The city shall provide

4-17     a court reporter for the purpose of preserving a record in cases

4-18     tried before the municipal court of record.  The clerk of the court

4-19     shall appoint a court reporter who meets the qualifications

4-20     provided by law for official court reporters.

4-21           (b)  The court reporter may use written notes, transcribing

4-22     equipment, or a combination of those methods to record the

4-23     proceedings of the court.  The court reporter shall keep the record

4-24     for the 20-day period beginning the day after the last day of the

4-25     court proceeding, trial, or denial of motion for new trial,

4-26     whichever occurs last.

4-27           (c)  A court reporter or the recording of proceedings is not

 5-1     required in a case unless the judge or one of the parties requests

 5-2     a record.  A party's request for a record must be in writing and

 5-3     filed with the court before trial.

 5-4           (d)  The court reporter shall certify the official record.

 5-5           Sec. 30.01450.  PROSECUTIONS BY CITY ATTORNEY.  All

 5-6     prosecutions in the municipal court of record must be conducted by

 5-7     the city attorney or the city attorney's designee.

 5-8           Sec. 30.01451.  COMPLAINT; PLEADING.  (a)  A proceeding in a

 5-9     municipal court of record commences with the filing of a complaint.

5-10     A complaint must begin "In the name and by authority of the State

5-11     of Texas" and must conclude "Against the peace and dignity of the

5-12     State."

5-13           (b)  Complaints must comply with Article 45.17, Code of

5-14     Criminal Procedure.

5-15           (c)  Pleadings must be in writing and filed with the

5-16     municipal court clerk.

5-17           Sec. 30.01452.  JURY.  (a)  A person who is brought before a

5-18     municipal court of record and who is charged with an offense is

5-19     entitled to be tried by a jury of six persons unless that right is

5-20     waived according to law.

5-21           (b)  A juror for the municipal court must have the

5-22     qualifications required of jurors by law and must be a resident of

5-23     the city.

5-24           (c)  A juror is entitled to receive compensation for each day

5-25     and each fraction of a day in attendance on a municipal court of

5-26     record jury as provided by Chapter 61.

5-27           (d)  The municipal court clerk shall establish a fair,

 6-1     impartial, and objective juror selection process.

 6-2           Sec. 30.01453.  COURT RULES.  (a)  Except as modified by this

 6-3     subchapter, the Code of Criminal Procedure as applied to county

 6-4     courts at law governs the trial of cases before municipal courts of

 6-5     record.

 6-6           (b)  Bonds must be payable to the state for the use and

 6-7     benefit of the city.  The court may not assess court costs other

 6-8     than warrant fees, capias fees, and other fees authorized for

 6-9     municipal courts.

6-10           (c)  A peace officer may serve a process issued by a

6-11     municipal court of record.

6-12           (d)  On conviction, judgment and sentence are in the name of

6-13     the state, and the state recovers from the defendant the fine and

6-14     fees for the use and benefit of the city.  The court may require

6-15     that the defendant remain in the custody of the chief of police

6-16     until the fines and costs are paid and shall order that execution

6-17     issue to collect the fines and penalties.

6-18           (e)  Fines, fees, costs, and bonds shall be paid to the

6-19     municipal court clerk, who shall deposit them in the city general

6-20     fund.

6-21           Sec. 30.01454.  APPEAL.  (a)  A defendant has the right of

6-22     appeal from a judgment or conviction in a municipal court of record

6-23     as provided by this subchapter.  The state has the right to an

6-24     appeal as provided by Article 44.01, Code of Criminal Procedure.

6-25     The county criminal courts of appeal of Dallas County have

6-26     jurisdiction over appeals from the municipal courts of record.

6-27           (b)  The appellate court shall determine each appeal from a

 7-1     municipal court of record conviction on the basis of the errors

 7-2     that are set forth in the defendant's motion for new trial and that

 7-3     are presented in the transcript and statement of facts prepared

 7-4     from the proceedings leading to the conviction.  An appeal from the

 7-5     municipal court of record may not be a trial de novo.

 7-6           (c)  To perfect an appeal, the defendant must file with the

 7-7     municipal court clerk a written motion for new trial not later than

 7-8     the 10th day after the date on which judgment and sentence are

 7-9     rendered.  The motion must be in writing and must be filed with the

7-10     clerk of the municipal court of record.  The motion constitutes the

7-11     assignment of error on appeal.  A ground or an error not set forth

7-12     in the motion is waived.  If the court does not act on the motion

7-13     before the 30th day after the motion is filed with the clerk, the

7-14     motion is overruled by operation of law.

7-15           (d)  After an order overruling a motion  for new trial, the

7-16     defendant shall give written notice of appeal and pay the

7-17     transcript preparation fee not later than the 10th day after the

7-18     date on which the motion is overruled.  The governing body shall

7-19     set a reasonable transcript preparation fee not to exceed $50.  The

7-20     clerk shall note the payment of the fee on the docket of the court.

7-21     If the case is reversed on appeal, the fee shall be refunded to the

7-22     defendant.

7-23           (e)  The city attorney or the city attorney's designee shall

7-24     represent the city in all appeals from the municipal courts of

7-25     record.

7-26           Sec. 30.01455.  APPEAL BOND.  (a)  If the defendant is not in

7-27     custody, the defendant may not take an appeal until the defendant

 8-1     files an appeal bond with the municipal court of record.  The bond

 8-2     must be approved by the court and must be filed not later than the

 8-3     10th day after the date on which the motion for new trial is

 8-4     overruled.  If the defendant is in custody, the defendant shall be

 8-5     committed to jail unless the defendant posts the appeal bond.

 8-6           (b)  The appeal bond must be in the amount of $50 or double

 8-7     the amount of the fine and costs adjudged against the defendant,

 8-8     whichever is greater.  The bond must be payable to the state for

 8-9     the use and benefit of the city and must be conditioned on the

8-10     defendant's appearance in the court to which the appeal is taken.

8-11           Sec. 30.01456.  RECORD ON APPEAL.  The record on appeal

8-12     consists of a transcript and, if necessary to the appeal, a

8-13     statement of facts.  The court reporter shall prepare the record

8-14     from the reporter's record or mechanical recordings of the

8-15     proceedings.  The defendant shall pay for the cost of the

8-16     transcript.  If the court finds that the defendant is unable to pay

8-17     or give security for the record on appeal after a hearing in

8-18     response to an affidavit by the defendant, the court shall order

8-19     the reporter to prepare the record without charge to the defendant.

8-20     If the case is reversed on appeal, the court shall promptly refund

8-21     the cost to the defendant.

8-22           Sec. 30.01457.  TRANSCRIPT.  (a)  The municipal court clerk

8-23     shall prepare under the clerk's hand and seal a transcript of the

8-24     municipal court of record proceedings after payment of the

8-25     transcript preparation fee under Section 30.01454.  The clerk shall

8-26     prepare the transcript under written instructions from the

8-27     defendant or the defendant's attorney.  Unless otherwise agreed by

 9-1     the parties in writing, the transcript must include a copy of:

 9-2                 (1)  the complaint;

 9-3                 (2)  court orders on any motions or exceptions;

 9-4                 (3)  the judgment;

 9-5                 (4)  the verdict in a jury trial;          

 9-6                 (5)  any findings of fact or conclusions of law made by

 9-7     the court;

 9-8                 (6)  the motion for new trial and the order of the

 9-9     court on the motion;

9-10                 (7)  the notice of appeal;

9-11                 (8)  any statement of the parties regarding material to

9-12     be included in the record;

9-13                 (9)  the appeal bond; and

9-14                 (10)  any signed paper designated as material by either

9-15     party.

9-16           (b)  The defendant or the defendant's attorney shall file a

9-17     copy of the written instructions with the clerk and shall deliver a

9-18     copy to the city attorney.

9-19           (c)  The city attorney shall file written instructions with

9-20     the clerk if additional portions of the trial proceedings in the

9-21     transcript are to be included.

9-22           Sec. 30.01458.  STATEMENTS OF FACTS.  (a)  A statement of

9-23     facts included in the record on appeal must contain:

9-24                 (1)  a transcription of all or part of the municipal

9-25     court of record proceedings recorded by the court reporter before,

9-26     during, or after the trial, if the transcription is requested by a

9-27     party, a party's attorney, or the municipal judge;

 10-1                (2)  a brief statement of the facts of the case proven

 10-2    at trial as agreed to by the defendant and the prosecuting

 10-3    attorney; or

 10-4                (3)  a partial transcription and the agreed statement

 10-5    of the facts of the case.

 10-6          (b)  The court reporter shall transcribe in duplicate any

 10-7    portion of the recorded proceedings or the notes of the court

 10-8    proceedings in the case at the request of either party or the

 10-9    municipal judge.  The defendant shall pay for the transcription

10-10    unless the court finds, after hearing in response to an affidavit

10-11    by the defendant, that the defendant is unable to pay or give

10-12    security for the transcription.  On certification by the court that

10-13    the court reporter has rendered the service without charge to the

10-14    defendant, the court reporter shall be paid for the services by the

10-15    city.

10-16          Sec. 30.01459.  TRANSFER OF RECORD.  Not later than the 60th

10-17    day after the date on which the transcript preparation fee is paid,

10-18    the parties must file with the municipal court clerk the transcript

10-19    and the statement of facts. The clerk shall promptly forward them

10-20    to the appellate court clerk.

10-21          Sec. 30.01460.  BRIEF ON APPEAL.  (a)  The defendant must

10-22    file a brief on appeal with the appellate court clerk not later

10-23    than the 20th day after the date on which the transcript and

10-24    statement of facts are filed with that clerk.

10-25          (b)  The prosecuting attorney must file the appellee's brief

10-26    with the appellate court clerk not later than the 20th day after

10-27    the date on which the defendant's brief is served on the

 11-1    prosecuting attorney.

 11-2          (c)  To avoid unnecessary delay, the record and briefs on

 11-3    appeal shall be limited as far as possible to the questions relied

 11-4    on for reversal.

 11-5          (d)  On filing, each party shall immediately deliver a copy

 11-6    of the brief to the opposing party.

 11-7          Sec. 30.01461.  PROCEDURE; DISPOSITION ON APPEAL.  (a)  The

 11-8    appellate court shall hear appeals from the municipal court of

 11-9    record at the earliest possible time with due regard to the rights

11-10    of the parties and the proper administration of justice.  The court

11-11    may determine the rules for oral argument.  The case may be

11-12    submitted on the record and briefs without oral argument.

11-13          (b)  According to law and the nature of the case, the

11-14    appellate court may:

11-15                (1)  affirm the judgment of the municipal court of

11-16    record;

11-17                (2)  reverse and remand for a new trial;

11-18                (3)  reverse and dismiss the case; or

11-19                (4)  reform and correct the judgment.

11-20          (c)  Unless the matter was made an issue in the trial court

11-21    or it affirmatively appears to the contrary from the transcript or

11-22    the  statement of facts, the appellate court shall presume that:

11-23                (1)  venue was proven in the trial court;

11-24                (2)  the jury, if any, was properly impaneled and

11-25    sworn;

11-26                (3)  the defendant was arraigned and pleaded to the

11-27    complaint;

 12-1                (4)  the municipal judge certified the charge and the

 12-2    clerk filed the charge before it was read to the jury; and

 12-3                (5)  the proceedings were otherwise regular and in

 12-4    accordance with the formalities required by law.

 12-5          (d)  In each case decided by the appellate court, the court

 12-6    shall deliver a written opinion or order either sustaining or

 12-7    overruling each assignment of error presented.  If an assignment of

 12-8    error is sustained, the court shall set forth the reasons  for its

 12-9    decision.  The appellate court clerk shall mail copies of the

12-10    decision to the parties and to the municipal judge promptly after

12-11    the decision is rendered.

12-12          Sec. 30.01462.  CERTIFICATE OF APPELLATE PROCEEDINGS.  When

12-13    the judgment of the appellate court becomes final, the clerk of

12-14    that court shall certify the proceedings and the judgment and shall

12-15    mail the certificate to the clerk of the municipal court of record.

12-16    The clerk shall file the certificate with the papers in the case

12-17    and note the certificate on the case docket.  If the municipal

12-18    court of record judgment is affirmed, further action to enforce the

12-19    judgment is not necessary except to:

12-20                (1)  forfeit the bond of the defendant;

12-21                (2)  issue a writ of capias for the defendant; or

12-22                (3)  issue an execution against the defendant's

12-23    property.

12-24          Sec. 30.01463.  EFFECT OF ORDER OF NEW TRIAL.  If the

12-25    appellate court awards a new trial to the defendant, the case

12-26    stands as if a new trial had been granted by the municipal court of

12-27    record.

 13-1          Sec. 30.01464.  APPEAL TO COURT OF APPEALS.  An appeal of the

 13-2    appellate court decision to the court of appeals is governed by the

 13-3    Code of Criminal Procedure, except that the transcript, briefs, and

 13-4    statement of facts filed in the appellate court constitute the

 13-5    transcript, briefs, and statement of facts on appeal to the court

 13-6    of appeals unless the rules of the court of appeals provide

 13-7    otherwise.

 13-8          SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the

 13-9    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an

13-10    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the

13-11    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several

13-12    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,

13-13    and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its

13-14    passage, and it is so enacted.