By: West S.R. No. 7 1-1 By: West S.R. No. 7 1-2 SENATE RESOLUTION 1-3 WHEREAS, The birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will 1-4 be celebrated in Dallas on the weekend of January 17 and 18, 1997, 1-5 with special events and programs designed to honor Dr. King's 1-6 life and contributions as one of the greatest civil rights 1-7 leaders; and 1-8 WHEREAS, The City of Dallas Martin Luther King, Jr. Advisory 1-9 Board, sponsors several events that are free and open to the public; 1-10 the festivities will begin with a candlelighting ceremony on Friday 1-11 at 6:00 p.m., followed by the Community Volunteer Appreciation 1-12 Program with an address by Dr. Beverly Mitchell-Brooks; and 1-13 WHEREAS, Highlighting the two-day commemoration is the parade 1-14 and march through the streets on Saturday beginning at Dallas City 1-15 Hall Plaza and ending at Fair Park; 90 entries will take part in 1-16 the colorful occasion, which will feature marching bands, floats, 1-17 drill teams, elected officials, and dignitaries; and 1-18 WHEREAS, The culmination of what promises to be the biggest 1-19 and best celebration ever for the civil rights leader in the 1-20 City of Dallas is the Annual Awards Banquet at the Adam's Mark 1-21 Hotel; and 1-22 WHEREAS, The president of Texas Woman's University, 1-23 Dr. Carol Surles, will deliver the keynote address, and 2-1 Larry "T-Byrd" Gordon and The Music People Love Band will 2-2 provide the entertainment; proceeds from the $40-a-plate dinner 2-3 will benefit the Emergency Social Services Unit at the 2-4 Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center; and 2-5 WHEREAS, By celebrating the life and legacy of 2-6 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the community comes together 2-7 and shares activities that encourage everyone to uphold Dr. King's 2-8 ideals throughout the year, thereby helping future generations to 2-9 serve this nation and help fulfill his dream; now, therefore, be it 2-10 RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 2-11 75th Legislature, hereby extend best wishes to the City of Dallas 2-12 and all who participate in the 1997 Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday 2-13 Celebration for a most memorable and enjoyable weekend; and, be it 2-14 further 2-15 RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as a 2-16 memento of this notable occasion. 2-17 ______________________________________ 2-18 President of the Senate 2-19 I hereby certify that the above 2-20 Resolution was adopted by the Senate 2-21 on January 15, 1997. 2-22 ______________________________________ 2-23 Secretary of the Senate 2-24 ______________________________________ 2-25 Member, Texas Senate