1-1                                       1

 1-2                              SENATE RESOLUTION

 1-3           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes pleasure in

 1-4     joining the residents of Orange County in declaring January 27, 1997,

 1-5     as Orange County Day; and

 1-6           WHEREAS, Organized in 1852, Orange County was created from

 1-7     Jefferson County and was named after an orange grove that flourished

 1-8     in the early days on the east bank of the Neches River; the county

 1-9     is located in the southeast corner of Texas on the Louisiana border;

1-10     and

1-11           WHEREAS, Orange County is blessed with a wealth of natural

1-12     resources and a bountiful harvest of crops; two-thirds of the county

1-13     is timbered in pine forests and one-third is coastal prairie land;

1-14     the county's black alluvial soil produces rice, vegetables, fruits,

1-15     and honey; and

1-16           WHEREAS, The county is rich with oil, and miles of modern

1-17     plants have been established that produce a myriad of products

1-18     derived from petroleum; lumber processing and shipbuilding are

1-19     also major sources of support to the county's economy; and

1-20           WHEREAS, The City of Orange is Orange County's seat and is

1-21     known for its seaport, its petrochemical plants, its manufacture

1-22     of lumber, its museums, and its branch of Lamar University; the

1-23     Port of Orange is a deepwater terminal 42 miles inland at the

 2-1     junction of the Sabine-Neches and Gulf Intracoastal Waterways; and

 2-2           WHEREAS, Over the years, industrial development and

 2-3     population growth in the county have been managed with care in

 2-4     order to preserve natural habitats; recreational opportunities

 2-5     still abound, and outdoor enthusiasts are able to enjoy fishing,

 2-6     hunting, water sports, and bird-watching in the coastal marshes;

 2-7     and

 2-8           WHEREAS, Numerous metropolitan events are hosted routinely

 2-9     in cities throughout the county, including the gumbo festival held

2-10     in May in Orange and the Mayhaw Mania Festival held in April in

2-11     Bridge City; Bridge City is also the site of a rest stop for the

2-12     famed Monarch butterfly during its migratory flight to Mexico during

2-13     the fall; now, therefore, be it

2-14           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

2-15     75th Legislature, hereby commend the people of Orange County for

2-16     their preservation and support of the county's many assets and

2-17     express best wishes to them for a joyous Orange County Day; and,

2-18     be it further

2-19           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for

2-20     the residents of Orange County as an expression of esteem from the

2-21     Texas Senate.

2-22                                                    Galloway

2-23           Armbrister           Harris              Patterson

2-24           Barrientos           Haywood             Ratliff

2-25           Bivins               Lindsay             Shapiro

2-26           Brown                Lucio               Shapleigh

2-27           Cain                 Luna                Sibley

2-28           Carona               Madla               Truan

2-29           Duncan               Moncrief            Wentworth

 3-1           Ellis                Nelson              West

 3-2           Fraser               Nixon               Whitmire

 3-3           Gallegos                                 Zaffirini

 3-4                      Bullock, President of the Senate

 3-5                                  ______________________________________

 3-6                                          President of the Senate

 3-7                                       I hereby certify that the above

 3-8                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

 3-9                                  on January 27, 1997.

3-10                                  ______________________________________

3-11                                          Secretary of the Senate

3-12                                  ______________________________________

3-13                                           Member, Texas Senate