1-1                                       1

 1-2                              SENATE RESOLUTION

 1-3           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes pride

 1-4     in recognizing one of its most respected members,

 1-5     Senator Frank L. Madla, Jr., on the joyous occasion of his

 1-6     60th birthday, January 23, 1997; and

 1-7           WHEREAS, Born in Helotes, Texas, on January 23, 1937,

 1-8     Frank Madla has received numerous accolades for his 24 years of

 1-9     distinguished public service in the Texas House of Representatives

1-10     and the Texas Senate; and

1-11           WHEREAS, As a member of the House of Representatives from

1-12     1973 to 1992, Frank Madla was known as an outspoken advocate for

1-13     health care and education issues and served on the Public Health

1-14     Committee as chairman of Budget and Oversight; and

1-15           WHEREAS, Since joining the Texas Senate in 1993,

1-16     Senator Madla has served on the Health and Human Services,

1-17     Intergovernmental Relations, and Economic Development committees;

1-18     he is serving as chairman of the Nominations Committee during

1-19     the 75th Legislative Session; and

1-20           WHEREAS, Frequently honored for his exceptional service to

1-21     the state, Senator Madla was named Legislator of the Year by the

1-22     Texas Association for Retarded Citizens, the Texas Public Health

1-23     Association, and the Texas Public Employees Association; and

 2-1           WHEREAS, Senator Madla is widely admired as a resourceful

 2-2     and insightful lawmaker who is committed to the welfare of the

 2-3     citizens of Texas; he was named Crime Fighter of the Year by the

 2-4     Texas State Troopers Association and received the Distinguished

 2-5     Service Award from the Texas Pharmaceutical Association; and

 2-6           WHEREAS, A distinguished gentleman of traditional and

 2-7     exemplary values, Senator Madla has consistently represented his

 2-8     constituency with dedication and integrity, and his accomplishments

 2-9     while serving in public office have been numerous; and

2-10           WHEREAS, In addition to the recognition he has received

2-11     as a legislator, Senator Madla has become renowned for his talent

2-12     and achievements in one other significant field; through his

2-13     unlimited practice of milking cows while growing up on a ranch

2-14     in Helotes, he managed to reduce the dairy cow population in

2-15     the United States from 23,032,000 in 1937 to 7,939,000 in 1996;

2-16     he is also famous for setting the San Antonio Folklife Festival

2-17     Cow Milking Record for milking 32 ounces in two minutes; for

2-18     this remarkable feat, the Senate joins his staff in saying "have

2-19     a cow man"; now, therefore, be it

2-20           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

2-21     75th Legislature, hereby commend Frank L. Madla, Jr., on his

2-22     outstanding service as a legislator and as a cow man and extend

2-23     to him best wishes for a happy 60th birthday; and, be it further

2-24           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for

2-25     him as an expression of esteem and affection from the Texas Senate.

 3-1                                                    Lucio

 3-2                                                    Gallegos

 3-3           Armbrister           Galloway            Ratliff

 3-4           Barrientos           Harris              Shapiro

 3-5           Bivins               Haywood             Shapleigh

 3-6           Brown                Lindsay             Sibley

 3-7           Cain                 Luna                Truan

 3-8           Carona               Moncrief            Wentworth

 3-9           Duncan               Nelson              West

3-10           Ellis                Nixon               Whitmire

3-11           Fraser               Patterson           Zaffirini

3-12                      Bullock, President of the Senate

3-13                                  ______________________________________

3-14                                          President of the Senate

3-15                                       I hereby certify that the above

3-16                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

3-17                                  on January 23, 1997.

3-18                                  ______________________________________

3-19                                          Secretary of the Senate

3-20                                  ______________________________________

3-21                                           Member, Texas Senate

3-22                                  ______________________________________

3-23                                           Member, Texas Senate