By:  Barrientos                                         S.R. No. 56

 1-1     By:  Barrientos                                         S.R. No. 56

 1-2                              SENATE RESOLUTION

 1-3           WHEREAS, The Office of Comptroller of Public Accounts of

 1-4     the State of Texas will sorely miss the wisdom and expertise of

 1-5     Norman Powers, who is retiring after having faithfully served

 1-6     the residents of the State of Texas; and

 1-7           WHEREAS, A state employee for 14 years, Mr. Powers has

 1-8     been a faithful worker at the State Insurance Department, the

 1-9     State Auditor's Office, and the Comptroller's Office; and

1-10           WHEREAS, An exemplary public servant, this distinguished

1-11     gentleman discharged his duties in a most conscientious manner;

1-12     and

1-13           WHEREAS, Noted for his honesty and integrity, Mr. Powers has

1-14     earned the respect and friendship of his colleagues; and

1-15           WHEREAS, Throughout his career, he has been strengthened

1-16     by the love and support of his wife, Marian, and his two children,

1-17     Louanne Frost and Linda Mynatt; and

1-18           WHEREAS, Norman and Marian have four grandchildren, who have

1-19     been the source of great pride and joy; and

1-20           WHEREAS, His future retirement plans include playing golf

1-21     and flying, and he intends to spend more time with his

1-22     grandchildren; and

1-23           WHEREAS, The varied and notable achievements of Mr. Powers

 2-1     have greatly assisted the growth and progress of Austin,

 2-2     Travis County, and the State of Texas; now, therefore, be it

 2-3           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

 2-4     75th Legislature, hereby congratulate Norman Powers on his

 2-5     retirement and on his countless contributions to his community

 2-6     and state; and, be it further

 2-7           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for

 2-8     him as an expression of the highest regard of the Texas Senate

 2-9     with best wishes for a rich and rewarding retirement.

2-10                                  ______________________________________

2-11                                          President of the Senate

2-12                                       I hereby certify that the above

2-13                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate

2-14                                  on January 23, 1997.

2-15                                  ______________________________________

2-16                                          Secretary of the Senate

2-17                                  ______________________________________

2-18                                           Member, Texas Senate