By:  Ellis, Zaffirini                                   S.R. No. 79

 1-1                              SENATE RESOLUTION

 1-2           WHEREAS, Children's Advocacy Day is a day of commitment to

 1-3     children, a celebration, and a day of community renewal; and

 1-4           WHEREAS, Children's Advocacy Day is sponsored by state and

 1-5     local organizations, which together represent thousands of

 1-6     Texans from every walk of life; and

 1-7           WHEREAS, All Texans are invited to participate in the event

 1-8     to affirm our state's commitment to assuring the future of our

 1-9     children by providing the best possible environment for their

1-10     development; and

1-11           WHEREAS, On Children's Advocacy Day citizens will commit

1-12     themselves to positive personal steps as families and communities

1-13     to do more to improve the quality of children's lives:  their

1-14     health, safety, school readiness, education, and future; and

1-15           WHEREAS, The special day is an opportunity to challenge

1-16     ourselves as well as religious, cultural, business, and government

1-17     leaders to work harder to improve children's lives in communities

1-18     throughout the country; and

1-19           WHEREAS, Every day babies are born into poverty, and children

1-20     die from abuse or neglect; and

1-21           WHEREAS, Every day children are killed by firearms, commit

1-22     suicide, are homicide victims, and are arrested for crimes; and

1-23           WHEREAS, Our children are our state's future and their

 2-1     well-being is of concern to all our citizens; the strength of

 2-2     the state depends on the ability of our future leaders at every

 2-3     level to guide our state and nation on the path that was laid by

 2-4     the founding fathers; and

 2-5           WHEREAS, To recapture the spirit of our nation's democratic

 2-6     principles and to uphold the moral standards that have shaped

 2-7     the greatness of America requires the effort of everyone; now,

 2-8     therefore, be it

 2-9           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

2-10     75th Legislature, hereby recognize Children's Advocacy Day on

2-11     January 29, 1997, as a day for all Texans to work together to

2-12     protect our children and to provide a nurturing and wholesome

2-13     environment for them; and, be it further

2-14           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as an

2-15     expression of the commitment of our state to her children.

2-16                                ______________________________________

2-17                                        President of the Senate

2-18                                     I hereby certify that the above

2-19                                Resolution was adopted by the Senate

2-20                                on January 29, 1997.

2-21                                ______________________________________

2-22                                        Secretary of the Senate

2-23                                ______________________________________

2-24                                         Member, Texas Senate

2-25                                ______________________________________

2-26                                         Member, Texas Senate